Archive for August 2015

Russian transfer of S-300 Air Defense System may force Israeli to initiate war with Iran before winter

Over two decades ago, I began warning that United States’ policies in the Middle East could set the US and world on a trajectory for a major war. Unfortunately, every major policy decision the US has made has exclusively served the interests of the global elite to the detriment of humanity. The trajectory set by these policy decisions has moved the world closer and closer to a full blown world war. More recently, I have warned that the Obama Administration was walking a dangerous foreign policy line in the Middle East that if mismanaged, could lead to horrific consequences. Today, it is become blatantly clear to all but the most ideologically blinded that Obama and his amateur staff have chosen incorrectly and created a perfect storm in the Middle East that will likely lead to a full scale regional war. The culmination of these decisions, no matter their motivation, has set the stage for a showdown between Israel and Iran that is now most likely irreversible. This showdown is what I have previously described as the worst case scenario that must be avoided at all costs. The consequences of which will be catastrophic for not just the Middle East, but the US and the rest of the world. As recently as August, news broke that could finally force Israel into unilateral action against Iran, which will pull the entire region and the US into war, collapse the already sick global economy, and usher in the New World Order.

The event I am speaking of is the Russian announcement that it will move forward with the transfer of S-300 Air Defense Systems to Iran. These sophisticated air defense systems are capable of detecting and successfully interdicting aircraft flown by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) as well as ballistic missiles, drones, and cruise missiles. The potency of this air defense system will alternate the current military balance of the region and has Israel on edge. Read more

Planned Parenthood Now Using Elementary School Students in DC as Human Shields

The latest in an ongoing stream of atrocious behavior by Planned Parenthood was exposed this week in Washington, DC. Just as new videos surfaced of Planned Parenthood executives flippantly discussing how they kill babies and sell their body parts for maximum profit, Planned Parenthood had the audacity to open its newest facility directly across the street from Two Rivers Elementary School in Washington, DC. The placement of this new facility puts children as young as three years old within meters of this murderous facility and in grave danger. The location is not an accident. Planned Parenthood knows that by being next to a school it not only has fertile hunting grounds for its next generation of victims, but that any protesters will face far more difficulty because they must operate in the vicinity of a school. Beyond the obvious moral and ethical issues posed by killing babies beside an elementary school, there are very real safety and security concerns. Not only are massive protests being rightfully held outside of the facility, but in the event of another abortion clinic bombing or shooting, the students of Two Rivers would certainly be wounded and killed.

From the beginning, this facility was done in an underhanded, reckless manner. For starters, the facility was approved quietly by the extremely leftwing DC council, which ignored the heinous revelations about their operations and the moral indignation it has justifiably ignited across the nation. In fact, there was neither prior consultation with the parents of Two Rivers Elementary and the adjacent middle school, nor was there any real debate on the location of this facility. Further, there was no discussion about security and safety of the hundreds of children that must pass by and attend classes within the immediate vicinity of this clinic and protestors. Neither the city nor Planned Parenthood has done anything to mitigate the clear dangers to these children and are legally negligent and culpable should anything happen. Read more

Danger Alerts: Risk of war with China and North Korea dramatically increasing

Historically, North Korean threats were nothing more than sabre rattling akin to a young child acting out for attention. However, North Korea today is more unstable than ever. Its people are starving, its economy is virtually non-existent, and it now has nuclear weapons (thanks to the last 3 US Presidents). Worse yet, Kim Jong Un, the nutcase boy “leader” that makes Caligula look like a decent guy, has his finger on the trigger ready to initiate a major war. So what makes this escalation by North Korea something we should take more serious than the countless previous flare-ups on the peninsula? In short, North Korea isn’t the issue, but its puppet master China is the game changer. China is in trouble and could use this latest escalation to turn the skirmish into a hot war. The probability of this is higher than it has been in since the end of the Cold War and it is making analysts take the threats far more seriously. Read more

MERS Update Warning: Potential for global outbreak high ahead of Hajj Pilgrimage

In previous updates, I have warned that there was a high potential for MERS to spread rapidly during the Hajj Pilgrimage.  Based on recent confirmed cases of MERS in Saudi Arabia, it appears that MERS may indeed get an excellent opportunity to breakout globally.  If even a very small percentage of the millions that have embarked on the Hajj Pilgrimage return home infected with MERS, we will be dealing with a  potentially global pandemic.

Case and point.  South Korea just spent months aggressively trying to contain a small outbreak. If even a dozen more infected individuals had mingled through Seoul while contagious, South Korea could still be dealing with a major healthcare crisis that overwhelmed their system.  Further, MERS in the opinion of many experts is far worse than even Ebola because it is more contagious and just as deadly even though it hasn’t received the same attention.

LMS is upgrading its safety precautions for the time period beginning this week and extending until 30 days after the Hajj is complete.  For you safety during this period, we recommend that travelers avoid Saudi Arabia.  Further, avoid anyone that has recently traveled to Saudi Arabia or has been in contact with others traveling to Saudi Arabia.  If you know someone that has and they are exhibiting flulike symptoms, recommend they get evaluated at a hospital for MERS immediately and self-quarantine until you know that the person is clear of MERS.  If you begin to suffer flulike symptoms after potential exposure, get medical help immediately.  Remember, once the pilgrimage is complete it will take some people weeks to return home.  As such, medical monitoring during the virus incubation period must be conducted for a prolonged period of time post pilgrimage before one can conclude the virus did not break out of the Middle East.

Respective of hygiene and preventative measures, continue to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, face, inner nostrils, and mouth.  Further, use an HOCL compound such as “Briotech” to decontaminate and kill the virus on contact.


By Guiles Hendrik

August 20, 2015




Last Minute Survival Analysis Confirmed: Former head of Defense Intelligence Agency confirms US leaders committed the treason of the century when US secretly created terrorist organization known as ISIS/ISIL/IS

Well, once again, I told you so (see and search term “ISIL”). It baffles me how so often people are either willfully ignorant or naively trusting of government even in face of a nearly uninterrupted history of abuses. In just one more case of government deceit and treachery, the truth has finally emerged about how the worst Islamic terrorist organization to emerge in our lifetime rose to power. The truth is the United States armed, trained, equipped, and advised ISIS/ISIL/IS terrorists to carry out the policy plans of the global elite, just as I have explicitly stated for years. This illegal action, more than any other recent revelation, should confirm once and for all that the entire “war on terrorism” has been a manufactured lie from the very beginning. The terrorism “big lie” was fabricated to serve the interests of the global elite. The terrorism boogeyman was created, nursed, and used to convince you through fear, propaganda, and false patriotism to surrender your rights and freedoms in the name of “security.” Now that the truth is out, it is time to use our legal system to root out these enemies of the state by indicting, prosecuting, and punishing every single military and political leader involved in the treason of the century against the US.

Nobody less than the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Flynn, just confirmed that the US knowingly supported Islamic terrorists to form the organization known as ISIS/ISIL/IS. Let me state this again in simple terms so there is zero misconception. The United States secretly and willfully, with full knowledge of the disastrous consequences, set up bases, provided weapons, training, and funding, and then provided intelligence and advisor support to the worst known Islamic terrorists in the world to overthrow a nation that had done nothing to the United States. These terrorists were known at the time to be actively seeking to kill all Christians, crush the West, and specifically destroy the United States. These terrorists were dedicated to killing Americans and many had already taken part in operations against US personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nonetheless, the secret program was ordered so that the ultra-wealthy oil cartels could build a gas pipeline and get richer, undermine Russia, and placate the Israeli lobby in the lead up to a war with Iran. Read more

If You Like Living in a Police State, Vote for Jeb Bush

For those not already nauseated by the constant spin surrounding the bought candidates vying to seize power as President of the United States, you may have caught Jeb Bush’s comments he made at the National Security Forum in South Carolina. Jeb Bush clarified for the world a number of key facts about who he is, what he believes, and where he stands on issues. In short, he is not compatible as the leader of a free republic and certainly should be disqualified as anything more than a traitor to freedom and liberty.

To summarize Jeb Bush’s positions, it is worth beginning with the fact he has nothing but contempt for the Fourth Amendment and the Constitution. In fact, it appears he disregards the rule of law completely and believes, like President Obama, that the presidency affords him unlimited power. He utterly dismisses civil liberties arguments respective of governmental overreach and clearly wants a bigger, more powerful police state. Specifically, he stated that NSA’s domestic spying program needs to be expanded and made more powerful. I guess intercepting and storing every single electronic transaction, statement, text, email, and phone call to name just a few areas of focus isn’t Orwellian enough for Jeb. He also stated that he couldn’t find a single example of how NSA’s spying violated the law. Clearly Jeb must be constitutionally illiterate or more likely thinks a president is not subject to the rule of law and checks and balances of our constitutional republic. Read more

Why the government elite love Uber: Your travel is now a searchable public record.

For those unfamiliar, Uber ( is an app driven rideshare program similar to a taxi, but far more efficient and user friendly. In fact, I actually love Uber’s service. Even when traveling abroad in unfamiliar cities, I can quickly and safely have a clean car pick me up wherever I am located and transport me comfortably to my destination at rates often far less than comparable taxi services. I know who is picking me up, don’t have to haggle over prices, and can even rate my driver (and he/she can rate me), which keeps most people honest and polite. However, hidden away in all of this convenience is a poison pill the police state loves.

Uber, unlike taxis, is by design cashless for safety and convenience. Once a system becomes cashless, the citizen loses privacy and can no longer travel with anonymity. Few things scare a despotic government more than the ability for people to freely move with anonymity. As such, Uber’s electronic files on your travels will soon become a critical piece of the intelligence community’s Read more

Wake Up America: A “State of Emergency” in Ferguson is a nice way to say “Martial Law” and the police chief wants to disarm you!

The news this week again highlighted Ferguson, Missouri as new riots and protests broke loose. In response, a “state of emergency” was declared. People need to wake up and realize what is really going on is martial law is now being routinely declared. Disturbingly, people are being conditioned to accept imposition of martial law as a legitimate response to everything from a snowstorm to a lawful protest. Just like martial law, these states of emergency are being used to unlawfully justify a suspension of the Bill of Rights and to disarm the public.
If anyone had any doubts about the government’s intent to suspend civil rights during martial law/state of emergency, look no further than Ferguson. The government is using the presence of armed private security, requested by business owners left helpless by the government, as an excuse to ban firearms during these states of emergency. This situation echoes the unconstitutional abuses that occurred at the hands of government forces after Hurricane Katrina. As many media outlets reported (See: it is clear that the police and government view anyone trying to protect their own lives, families, homes, and businesses via the lawful open carry of weapons as the bad guys. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar went so far as to say “Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory” and that they were working with the “prosecuting attorney’s office” to see if they could bring charges against these brave citizens. In fact, the government’s angle is that during a state of emergency (read martial law) people are not allowed to be armed and therefore must be disarmed. Read more