Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia

I am not being dramatic when I say our Vice President just unilaterally declared war on Russia.  In diplomatic circles, the phrase “words mean things” is quite literal.  This week, none other than the second most powerful leader in the world flatly announced the US was going to attack Russia.  Make no mistake, this was not understood by the world as a warning.  This was a declaration.  Now that the “Crazy Joe” Biden has by de facto started World War Three what happens next?

First, let me dispel any notion that our Vice President’s statement was off the cuff and not intended to be hostile.  Diplomatic statements are scrutinized, finessed, massaged, and revised countless times so that when the statement is publicly made, it conveys the correct message to the world.  This is a near absolute with the most senior leadership.  In fact, diplomatic statements are so highly choreographed, they are as important for what they say as what they don’t say.  When diplomats go off script, policy goes awry as Secretary of State John Kerry found out when he flippantly stated the only thing that would stop an invasion of Syria was if it gave up its chemical weapons.  Shortly after that statement, Russia called Kerry’s bluff and announced an agreement by the Syrian government to disarm, which completely obliterated the Washington’s justification for another unconstitutional war.  As such, senior leaders don’t go off script and the Vice President meant exactly what he said.

Others will be quick to point out that Biden only threatened a cyber-attack and only as retaliation so it is not really war and justified.  Let’s destroy that argument right now.  First of all, if anyone thinks that a full scale cyber-attack by the United States Government doesn’t amount to an act of war, they are delusional.  To be clear, the US was the first to announce that any cyber-attack against America would be taken as an act of war and we would retaliate in both cyber space and in the physical world with kinetic attacks.  That means we would drop bombs in retaliation because the damage a full scale cyber-attack could do is every bit as damaging as a kinetic attack if not worse.  Both Russia and the US are fully aware of this fact.  To think Putin would view the situation differently is absurd.

Respective of the attack being justified, this is a complete nonsense.  Anyone that has been paying attention knows that the global elites have been trying to pick a fight with Russia for years.  Most recently, the Democrats have been trying to blame Russia as a distraction from the fact they were caught red handed in the midst of a political coup.  The coup plotters within Hillary’s campaign and their political cronies on their payroll seeded throughout the US government and media have been doing everything they can to outright blame Russia for email hacks in what they claim as Russian manipulation of our election.  Of course a grand total of ZERO evidence has been provided to even remotely suggest that reckless conclusion.  Further, no one inside of the government’s propaganda bureau, otherwise known as the American media complex, has seemed to take issue with the fact that the only group proven to be actively trying to hijack and manipulate the US election are the globalists funding Hillary.  This is the same group that not so coincidentally wants to blame Russia so badly.  The coup plotters may be able to use their media stooges to lie to the American people, but to think the Russians and Putin are buying this garbage is flirting with disaster.

Coming full circle, we now have a situation where not only in words, but in actions, the US is directly in conflict with Russia.  As we speak, US military bases and missile defense systems are circling Russia.  NATO is also holding military exercises on the border with Russia.  The US is also staring barrel to barrel with Russian troops in Syria and threatening to attack their positions any day.  Now the Vice President of the United States has public declared the US will attack Russia when Russia is its most vulnerable.  We managed to keep the Cold War cold for decades, but under the tutelage of the traitor Obama, we have managed to engineer World War Three in just a few short years of incompetence guided by elitist corruption.  So will this war really turn hot is the big question.  Will it go nuclear?  Does Russia even have a chance facing so much American military superiority?

War is fickle and once let out of its cage, its masters tend to lose control and horrific things happen that were never planned.  Although I agree that Russia knows it faces a huge strategic mismatch of men and material against the US military, this by no means precludes a hot war.  Further, although I still believe both Russia and the US are keen to keep any war conventional, the potential for the use of nuclear weapons becomes much more likely as one side is pushed to the edge of defeat.  This is the worst case scenario, but one must consider that Russia has far less to lose than the US and is far better prepared to endure a nuclear exchange should it occur.  Russia has constructed bunkers for not only its leadership, but its entire population.  On the other hand, although the US had done immense work over the last decade to build new continuity of government facilities for its leaders and elite, it has done nothing to protect the populace from a nuclear strike.  This is ironic since they would have nothing left to govern even if they did survive the war.  That alone should let you know how American leadership views “their” citizens.

As for scenarios more likely than a full scale nuclear war, I wouldn’t doubt for a second that if the US were to launch a large scale conventional attack on Russia, one of the first things Russia could do to the us is turn the lights out via a massive atmospheric EMP detonation and knock out our satellites.  This is short of a nuclear strike, and far better for the continuity of civilization, but it would be a game ender for any further US military operations abroad.  It would also spell the end of the United States as we know it.  Whether the US would respond with nuclear weapons is unclear, but let’s say we are talking “really bad” at this point no matter how things go beyond that point.  Russia long ago weaponized space during the Soviet Union and those first strike options are still viable.  By that I mean if the Russians can detonate a nuclear weapon in space to unleash an EMP, they can also launch warheads to earth to finish the job should we want to go further down the road to stupid.

Russia also has more than enough firepower and technological capability to fight a conventional war at home and deal the US a brutal beating.  Russia doesn’t need to or want to invade the US.  It only needs to defend its homeland to decisively defeat the US.  I have no doubt in the event of conventional war, this will be the case.  Let’s be real, the US wasn’t even able to beat the Taliban!  I don’t want to hear the B.S. about different types of war either.  The bottom line is Russians can fight every bit as asymmetrically as some retarded Pashtuns and the Russians have far better weapons, technology, and training.  To put a spin on Donald Rumsfeld’s infamous statement, we go to war with the idiot civilian and military leaders we have and that is the crux of the issue.

Russia’s access denial weapons include sophisticated and capable air defense systems that would neutralize US air supremacy making any war a bloody and costly land battle.  Further, their anti-ship missiles would inflict huge and costly damages on America’s giant, obsolete, floating liabilities I like to call our Carrier Battle Groups.  These surface navy armadas became obsolete in the1980’s but congressmen too scared to lose their cushy positions instead decided not to do the right thing and continued to plow money into these obsolete legacy weapons systems.

What I don’t see is Russia launching any large scale expeditionary overseas operations to invade the US with massive numbers of troops unless the Chinese jump on board with Russia and that is a very real possibility.  However, Russia certainly can hit and take out key nodes with stand-off weapons and saboteurs currently residing in the US.  Further, Russia can support a host of guerilla forces that already exist in the US and are not happy with the status quo.

This is admittedly a primer from 30,000 feet, but you should get the point that saber rattling with Russia is a fool’s errand.  If anyone for a second believes that a war with Russia is somehow a preferable or even sane policy option, they honestly should be locked up in an insane asylum for the rest of their life.  This is exactly where maniacs like Hillary Clinton should reside based on their statements urging war with Russia.  You just can’t be a sane person and think this is something desirable.  There simply is nothing…NOTHING…good that the US will achieve by picking a fight with Russia.  The only possible outcome is the complete destruction of the US and its takeover by globalists.  Those of you left to see this will get to enjoy the rest of your days living at the most basic subsistence level of poverty as a slave if Hillary and the globalists get their way.


By Guiles Hendrik

October 16, 2016


  1. […] EXIST BEFORE. Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia Let's use this one issue to 'fact check' the lies spewing from the Mainstream Media, Establishment, […]

  2. […] EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia – Let’s use this one issue to ‘fact check’ the lies spewing from the […]

  3. […] In one sentence, the Establishment is using Russia as a key issue to confuse and manipulate voters on a number of levels.  MOST DISTURBINGLY, THE CURRENT DEMOCRATIC US PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ARE USING GULF OF TONKIN STYLE FALSE FLAG CYBER OPERATIONS TO CREATE A PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST, OR THAT DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia […]

  4. […] In one sentence, the Establishment is using Russia as a key issue to confuse and manipulate voters on a number of levels.  MOST DISTURBINGLY, THE CURRENT DEMOCRATIC US PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ARE USING GULF OF TONKIN STYLE FALSE FLAG CYBER OPERATIONS TO CREATE A PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST, OR THAT DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia […]

  5. […] In one sentence, the Establishment is using Russia as a key issue to confuse and manipulate voters on a number of levels.  MOST DISTURBINGLY, THE CURRENT DEMOCRATIC US PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ARE USING GULF OF TONKIN STYLE FALSE FLAG CYBER OPERATIONS TO CREATE A PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST, OR THAT DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia […]

  6. […] In one sentence, the Establishment is using Russia as a key issue to confuse and manipulate voters on a number of levels.  MOST DISTURBINGLY, THE CURRENT DEMOCRATIC US PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ARE USING GULF OF TONKIN STYLE FALSE FLAG CYBER OPERATIONS TO CREATE A PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST, OR THAT DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia […]

  7. […] In one sentence, the Establishment is using Russia as a key issue to confuse and manipulate voters on a number of levels.  MOST DISTURBINGLY, THE CURRENT DEMOCRATIC US PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ARE USING GULF OF TONKIN STYLE FALSE FLAG CYBER OPERATIONS TO CREATE A PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST, OR THAT DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia […]

  8. […] In one sentence, the Establishment is using Russia as a key issue to confuse and manipulate voters on a number of levels.  MOST DISTURBINGLY, THE CURRENT DEMOCRATIC US PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ARE USING GULF OF TONKIN STYLE FALSE FLAG CYBER OPERATIONS TO CREATE A PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST, OR THAT DIDN’T EXIST BEFORE.  Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?, and Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia […]