Archive for Big Government

State Governments Passing Laws to Abolish Private Property Rights

The level of encroachment of government into our lives correlates very closely to the amount of freedom a person enjoys.  It should come as no surprise that the more the government dictates every aspect of a person’s life, the less freedom that person has.  Dating as far back as early English Common Law, it has been recognized and well established that without respect for property rights there can be no freedom.  Alarmingly, over the last year, state and federal governments have massively expanded the scope of intrusion into our lives and all but abolished the last vestiges of property “rights.”  As a result, the number of examples of egregious violations of rights has been piling up.  Three cases in particular highlight the utter destruction of property rights.  Read more

No, protestors, you are not entitled to free education

I occasionally run across an outstanding article that I am in such agreement with, I feel as if I ghost wrote it.  Simon Black from Sovereign Man doesn’t usually let me down.  Perhaps, Mr. Black and I attended the same school of independent thought somewhere along our lives.  I don’t know, but we are definitely sounding awfully similar lately from relocation abroad and running farms to denouncing the political group think and what real patriotism is for those serving in the military.  Either way, his latest article rebutting the whining argument millennials make regarding their “entitlement” to a “free education” is a brilliant must read.

Good work Simon,

Guiles Hendrik


No, protestors, you are not entitled to free education


UPDATE: How the Election is being Legally Rigged

Before the first votes were cast, I penned a unique piece on how the election could be “legally rigged” by manipulating the votes of state electors.  LMS was the only alternative news…or any source warning about this possibility.  In particular, I singled out Michigan and Pennsylvania as key states to watch and they turned out to be key swing states for Trump, just as predicted.  See: (  Today, news is breaking, just as I had warned in the above linked to article, the Left is trying to lobby the Electoral College to ignore their pledges and vote for Hillary.  This is feasible and actually legal, but would clearly cause a crisis within the US.  See: (  Make no mistake, Donald Trump was legitimately elected as the next president and will be president, but that doesn’t mean the Left will not try to disrupt this in every way possible.  You can expect this push to sway the Electoral College to gain significant momentum in the coming days once the government propaganda outlets catch on that this is a viable.  The implications of this action, should it gain traction, are serious.  Read more

Media Ignoring How the Election is Legally Rigged and Violence May Erupt When Truth Exposed

Sometimes when searching for truth in the maze of media spin, your best technique is to focus on what is not being talked about.  In the case of election rigging, it is clear there is already ample evidence to prove election fraud at the ballot boxes and by the two major political parties during the primaries.  However, what is not being talked about is far more important than double voting, identification laws, or illegals voting and it is not just legal, it is constitutional.  This election may come down to the electors that cast the state votes that are actually counted toward the Electoral College.  The fact the media has all but ignored the most obvious “check and balance” to our election system is curious to say the least.  These electors are handpicked by the elites and often owe loyalties to parties much like super delegates during the primaries.  If they do not vote the will of the people, and they are by no means bound to do that, violence in the streets can be expected. Read more

ISIS Threat against Election likely US Government False Flag

Last week, news broke that the Islamic State (IS) had issued threats against New York, Virginia, and Texas.  The report claimed that intelligence sources indicated that IS may be planning an attack to disrupt US elections.  After the announcement, I had a few questions.  Is it real and if so, then what is being done?  If not, why would the threat information be publicized and who made the announcement?  The answers are disturbing.  Read more

Thank You Russia: My Open Letter to President Putin

If no one else will say it, I will.  Thank you Russia for exposing the rampant corruption in our government and their crony relationships with those in the media and corporate world.  The truth is the truth no matter who it comes from.  America is better for it.  Exposing the rampant corruption was long overdue.  The leaking of the emails didn’t “manipulate” our political system as claimed by the guilty any more than the presentation of evidence “manipulates” the jury during a criminal trial.  However, at this point, no actual evidence has been produced that proves Russia was behind the email hacks despite the unfounded accusations by those exposed.  In truth, it matters little who is behind the hacks and I will not let that become a distracting issue.  The party responsible is a hero and friend of freedom.  We cannot let the biased and corrupt media continue to create the narratives.  This is not about how to retaliate against Russia.  Let’s make this one thing clear.  It is about how to retaliate and permanently remove every single one of those corrupt traitors of our Republic within the establishment exposed by the leaks.

All Americans should be not just alarmed, but furious about these revelations.  It is time the middle class demand their day and take to the streets in a focused manner or prepare to accept living in a dictatorial banana republic with all the pain, poverty, and suffering that goes along with it.  It is a sad day for America when those trusted to be the watchdogs of the government such as the press have not only abdicated in their mission, but completely sold out.  We must financially bankrupt the media by boycotts and lawsuits until they are all bankrupt and exiled from this nation.  Today the news media operates as the direct propaganda arm of the government and covers for its criminal actions.  It is directly involved in the cronyism and corruption that must be defined as a major criminal enterprise. Read more

Prepper Update of World Events for Week of October 10, 2016

The following summary of recent world events is decidedly negative.  This is not due to overt pessimism as much as the facts are just plain bad.  In fact, I didn’t even include events like the effects of Hurricane Mathew, the attack on our warship off the coast of Yemen, and the assassination of more police around the US.  The world is not getting any safer and indicators are all pointing to things worsening as we move into late fall and winter.  The following are major events you should be taking note of with short comments.

  • Situation in Syria: Syrian government forces backed by Iran and Russia continue to pound Aleppo and are nearing a strategic breakthrough.  All actors in Syria recognize that if Assad is able to recapture Aleppo from the Islamic extremists it will be the beginning of the end for Washington’s terrorist proxies in Syria.  As such, there is panic from Doha to Washington.  The terrorist coalition knows that it is now or never for major intervention, which may force the White House to order direct strikes against the Syrian regime, which undoubtedly will be countered by Russian retaliation.  This creates the potential for a rapid outbreak of a major regional war that could go global.  We have effectively arrived at the point I have repeatedly forecasted would occur in Syria where either Moscow or Washington accepts a massive strategic policy defeat or there is a major war…perhaps both.  This is inescapable at this point.  The best case scenario is if the US backs out by aligning with Russia to defeat ISIL and negotiate a peace deal that leaves the regime in place for now.  This is highly unlikely and if Hillary Clinton is elected, all but impossible.
    • I am forecasting that the US will continue to spread false anti-Assad and anti-Russian propaganda to drum up war sentiment in the US to prepare the public for the announcement airstrikes against Syrian military positions.  If the neo-cons within the establishment get their way the air strikes will happen, but there will be an immediate cost to US forces.  Russia will defend its positions on the ground and engage any US forces that directly threaten Russian lives and interests.  In this event, it is possible we will witness the first combat losses of US Fifth Generation Fighters, which Washington is rightfully terrified will occur.  The loss of these jets will show everyone how much superiority the US has lost against countries like China under Obama.  This will jeopardize the multi-billion dollar acquisition program that has been riddled with corruption, failures, and delays.  As such, it is far more likely Washington will lead with cruise missile and drone strikes that are easier to deny and hide if they fail to achieve their objectives, but are also much less likely to achieve decisive results.

Read more

Prepper Relocation Part IV: The Fatal Error of Relocating to an Isolated Region

One of the single biggest mistakes preppers make is that they buy into the myth that relocating to a small region in the North West corner of the United States is their “best” chance of survival.  As you now know from my previous three articles in this series, this theory is inaccurate and is not based on any sound research.  Further, it causes people to unnecessarily incur significant additional costs and difficulties when developing their preparedness plans. However, what you still may not know is that there is a large body of empirical evidence that repeatedly demonstrates people living in isolated, remote areas are often at the greatest risk during wide spread social chaos and collapse.  Not coincidentally, these people also suffer some of the most hardships.  Therefore, with respect to our contemporary situation in the United States, preppers relocating to Idaho with the explicit intent to escape an oppressive government and or are planning to escape widespread instability during a systemic collapse of the system might very well be signing their death warrants.  Instead, contrary to contemporary prepping strategies, it would be better to be closer if not in the midst of a more densely populated area.

I understand what I just wrote probably sent many readers into anger and shock.  Nonetheless, it is far better to get the right information now then to continue along a misguided path to destruction.  No doubt, some readers will immediately discount what I am about to say because they are blinded by their own preconceived biases.  I cannot help those people.  Thankfully, the majority of my readers are intelligent thinking people that will quickly grasp the conclusions to be drawn from the evidence and modify their preparedness strategies accordingly.  In fact, don’t take my word alone, I invite everyone to conduct their own independent research into our prepping assumptions and disseminate their findings.

My theories seem counterintuitive to the premise that the farther from people you are, the farther from harm you are.  This is because the basic assumptions of this safety distance premise are flawed.  As the theory goes, in the event of a collapse or major catastrophe, being located away from people in a remote, self-sufficient redoubt is your best chance.  I have already discussed why the 300 mile rule is a useless metric and that the notion of a “Golden Horde” of refugees fleeing a city and destroying all in their wake is equally unfounded and completely untrue.  The last pillar of this theory is that being isolated conveys additional survival benefits.  To test it accurately, one must evaluate case studies from around the world and then correctly apply them to a realistic scenario domestically.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part I: Questioning the Common Logic

I routinely read articles online where individuals pontificate about where the best places for preppers to live or relocate too are.  What I don’t usually see is any real cognitive effort to do a realistic analysis and assessment. This should be a red flag.  Selecting your relocation site is one of the most important decisions a prepper must make.  It is too important to be made on hearsay and opinions.  Therefore, I am going to question that contemporary prepper relocation logic.  I am going to debunk common myths and offer better alternatives that will help you develop a personalized answer to what truly is you “best prepper place to relocate.”  When this series is complete, you will be armed with critical information necessary for identifying your ideal relocation spot.  Don’t be surprised if after this eye opening series your philosophy on how you previously evaluated and envisioned your relocation site looks completely different.

Most preparedness “experts” would define the common prepper relocation logic is to find a place as far as possible from other people in an area still suitable for an off-grid, self-sustaining lifestyle.  This implies the location has ample water, good soil, and a good growing season.  Add a couple wild card factors like being outside the blast radius and fallout pattern of a nuclear detonation and avoiding known earthquake prone areas and most preppers conclude that Idaho is the choice destination.  James Wesley Rawles, a man well known and respected throughout the prepper community and a recognized expert on the field is a big advocate of this relocation option.  In Rawles’ defense, Idaho may indeed be a good location for some preppers for some reasons.  However, Rawles and many others are basing many of their primary assumptions on outdated information, obsolete tactics and techniques, and generally old school logic that when tested in real world scenarios, fails.  I don’t take this indictment lightly.  If we get this wrong, we die and that is why it is so important we first question some of the fundamental assumptions the conventional prepper relocation plan is based upon.  Read more

White House Answers Petition to Label Black Lives Matter a Terrorist Organization: Careful What You Wish For

Tanks in the street in Turkey. Image Source:

Tanks in the street in Turkey. Image Source:×506

A White House petition was generated that gathered over 100,000 signatures to label the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement a terrorist organization.  In response, the White House stated it didn’t have the power to label anyone a terrorist organization.  Although, the White House clearly was ignoring the petition, be glad they did ignore it.  Irrespective of whether or not you support BLM or not, declaring it a terrorist organization would have been a huge mistake and disaster for freedom and liberty.  Whoever started the petition was probably good intentioned, but if you considered for a moment the true implications of what you were asking for, you would realize you are a complete idiot.  Read more

Orwellian Thought Crime to Become a Reality…Attempt to Extend Hate Crime Laws to Police

Ever wonder how your tyrannical government is going to impose European style laws against free speech?  Read on.  “Hate Crimes” have always been a slippery slope legally as they punish thought unconstitutionally and for that reason alone, I have always opposed.  Further, as seen repeatedly, “hate crimes” are not equitably charged and used to promote political agendas.  When, for example, a member of a racist terrorist organization like the New Black Panther Party assassinates cops because the shooter “wanted to kill white people,” it doesn’t meet the bar for a hate crime.  In fact, it isn’t even mentioned.  Now, exploiting recent violence, the government is attempting in Louisiana to extend “hate crime” protections to first responders.  This includes law enforcement, medics, and firefighters.  In short, it has the effect of establishing a precedent that hate crimes can pertain to occupations and positions.  Further, it would mean that anyone the criticized “government” workers would be guilty.  This is chilling.  If allowed to stand legally, it will quickly be extended to “all government” employees and be so broad that it can be used to arrest and prosecute anyone for raising any objection or protest to any government action, policy, or person.  Any doubt on how this ends should be erased by reviewing the draconian European laws that impose just this type of oppressive tyranny.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 19, 2016

Global Updates July 12, 2016: World Chaos is Accelerating

It has been some time since I posted.  I apologize as a lot has transpired over the last two weeks.  To make up for lost time, I am going to give you the briefing points you need to know.

  1. South China Sea dispute heats up.  For those of you worried about the potential for WWIII, we just got one step closer today when the UN committee set up to arbitrate the territorial dispute between China and the Philippines ruled in favor of the Philippines.  Right or wrong, China utterly rejected the ruling and reaffirmed its self-perceived right to continue to economically and militarily develop the region as it sees fit.  This sets the stage for China to walk away from the international community to protect its interests while many smaller Pacific nations like Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan will feel emboldened to challenge China.  My prediction is this ruling will only fuel hostilities in the region and set the region on a collision course for war.
  2. The spread of superbugs in the US that are resistant to all known antibiotic treatments continues. For a second time in less than a month, colistin resistant E. Coli has been identified in the US.  The strain in question tested positive for the gene mcr-1, which makes it resistant to colistin, a last resort antibiotic.  Per my previous articles (search antibiotic resistant on the LMS homepage), the spread of resistant bacteria is increasing in frequency and could easily hit a breakout stage in the near future.  Once the mcr-1 resistant gene jumps to other resistant infections such as highly resistant Tuberculosis now being brought into the US by the thousands via illegal immigrants and refugees, it is only a matter of time before a true pandemic sweeps across the globe again.
  3. Obama is preparing to use wartime (Global War on Terror) martial law powers to ban and seize firearms for “national security.” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has been in secret talks with President Obama and other top officials to engineer “gun control” as a national security issue.  The intent, like with nearly every other “Right” under the US Constitution is to suspend the Second Amendment or make it virtually meaningless by using unconstitutional wartime interpretations and rulings of executive powers.  Their plan, like I have detailed repeatedly over the last decade (see:, is progressing on schedule.  Obama and his Leftist goons are intentionally inciting division and violence and fully plan to use the predictable violent outcome to justify “federal government” action and emergency powers that restrict firearms for “national security.”  After the events of Dallas and President Obama’s utterly despicable statements, it is clear that this administration is prepared to act as soon as this summer if more violence can be incited across the nation.
  4. Turkey continues to use “terrorist” attacks within its border as cover for supporting terrorists in Syria that vow to kill Americans. It is critical to understand Turkey has been proven to openly conduct false flag attacks against its own citizens to support President Erdogan’s radical agenda.  Most recently, Turkey has suffered a number of major attacks blamed on both ISIL and Kurdish rebel groups, but that is questionable to say the least.  True or not, Ankara wasted no time using the attacks to justify a Turkish military invasion of Syria.  However, the Turkish military has done nothing to destroy radical Islamic groups operating in Syria.  In fact, a closer analysis clearly shows that the Turkish military has instead been used to resupply radical Islamic groups to include the Al Nusra Front and ISIL/ISIS while smashing US backed Kurdish positions.  Ankara is determined to undermine Syrian President Assad and specifically has used its military to push back Kurdish positions in key blocking positions so that it could resupply radical Islamic fighters on the verge of being routed from Aleppo by Syrian forces.  If Syrian forces retake the lost ground and are again about to liberate Aleppo, expect to see another “terrorist” attack inside Turkey that will be immediately used to justify even greater military incursions into Syria to back radical Islamic extremist groups.  As Syria and Russia continue to mop up ISIL positions and approach Raqqa, I fear this could lead to another direct engagement with Russian forces, which could quickly plunge the region into a major war.
  5. US continues to lose ground in Afghanistan. President Obama signed off on increased troop levels in Afghanistan to help combat the Taliban.  In reality, the US completely ceded most of Afghanistan to the Taliban when Obama pulled the bulk of our forces out and our footprint in Afghanistan is getting more and more untenable.  It has gotten so bad, military logisticians plan up front to lose over 20% of any supplies shipped into Afghanistan because of the Taliban.  Further, Special Forces A-Teams are thinly spread across Afghanistan in a vain attempt to train and advise Afghan forces.  This WILL FAIL because the entire concept of training and advising is at best of limited value and at worst, counterproductive, but our brilliant military strategists are too stupid and indoctrinated to recognize the facts.  If a large contingent of forces are not recommitted under competent leadership to Afghanistan, the Taliban will likely begin to capture and hold major cities by years end and begin to directly threaten Kabul on a sustained basis as early as next summer.
  6. Number of US forces continues to quietly increase in Iraq as undeclared war continues. President Obama signed off on additional troop deployments to Iraq to support on-going efforts to recapture Ramadi, Fallujah, and Mosul from ISIL.  Like I predicted (see articles:, none of Obama’s faux “strategy” would prove effective and he would again prove to be a hypocrite and put boots on the ground, which he promised not to do.  To date, none of those cities have been completely liberated.  The long overdue offensive on Mosul is again delayed and most likely also going to fail.  At best, Iraqi forces will blast their way through the city, but will find it impossible to root out ISIL elements because the inhabitants of the city “ARE” ISIL.  The Sunni population in Mosul is hostile to the government in Baghdad and isn’t going to change anytime soon unless everyone in the city is killed.  It is important to note that even at the height of the Iraq War, the US military never fully pacified Mosul and was literally fighting in the city as President Obama unilaterally declared our surrender in Iraq.  The bottom line is this deployment of troops is another vain endeavor that will fail because it is led by incompetents.  No further understanding is necessary to KNOW this ends badly for the US and Iraqis.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 12, 2016

To serve in the military today is to swear an oath to destroy America and serve the global elite

Today, I watched as Secretary of Defense Carter gave “a major announcement” that transgender people will now be allowed to openly serve in the military.  As absurd as this should appear to a rational human, this was their “big” announcement.  I admit that I thought for a second this was going to actually be something legitimate the Department of Defense (DoD) was going to unveil like how to win the wars we have been fighting for over a decade and a half.  Rather than waste your time like Secretary Carter, I am going to get right to the important point.  The military is more concerned with pushing radical political agendas and creating special socially divisive rights for the Democrat’s electoral base than fighting and winning wars.  The only way to fix this problem is to utterly abandon the institution.  Whether or not you took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, this is the time to start drawing lines.  Fortunately, this doesn’t require anything beyond quite literally doing nothing.  The “most powerful military in the world” can literally be destroyed without firing a shot.  To reign in and stop the DoD we must starve it of human and financial capital until such time that it begs for our return on our terms.  My thesis argument is that only by utterly rejecting the military establishment by not serving or funding it can we fix it.  Read more

Memorial Day Weekend Message: How to truly help veterans according to veterans

I hit my saturation point with the Memorial Day weekend lip service and memorials to those who died “fighting for our freedoms.”  We can argue about previous generations, but the US has not fought a war for “our freedoms” in my lifetime.  The nebulous “War on Terror” has certainly not been about expanding or protecting freedoms and would have been better described as a “War on American Freedoms and Liberties.”  Not a single freedom has been expanded or “protected” by this war.  However, nearly every “right” provided by the Constitution of the United States has been in one form or another attacked, eroded, or outright ignored and flagrantly violated.  As such, today I am going to briefly discuss how you can honor your veterans and how to really help them if you are so inclined.

I am a multi-tour combat veteran and I have had friends wounded and killed in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  Telling the truth, identifying the real enemies, and not parroting patriotic feel good nonsense does not diminish their personal sacrifices or honor.  In fact, I speak for many veterans when I say that we are sick of the rhetoric and would much rather hear substantive discussions about issues that matter.  For example, why after a decade and a half can’t we get decent care at a veterans’ hospital and why can’t all of NATO to include the US, not win a war against some Pashtun villagers.  The military service members I served with are appalled by the political lies and deceit and want justice for those killed and wounded, not lip service.  Stop talking about the ridiculous notion we somehow “liberated” Iraq and brought democracy to the people.  Everyone with even the most basic knowledge of foreign affairs now knows the invasion of Iraq was completely illegal.  The true culprits behind 9/11 and the Iraq War were hiding in the Saudi and US governments and in every lobbying firm and think tank in between.  We want to know why not one of these enemies and traitors respectively were held accountable.  Further, we want to know why general officers were not resigning in mass protest of an obviously flawed and unsalvageable war strategy.  If the “strategy” was so good, why hasn’t it worked?  If it is a viable strategy, then why haven’t we fired the generals that have completely failed to achieve a decisive victory?  If you want to help veterans, demand the truth and accountability while dispensing with the patriotic rhetoric.    Read more

Cellphones Now Linked to Cancer

As I have repeatedly warned, radiation from cellphones will eventually be clearly linked to cancers and especially brain tumors contrary to the initial claims by the government and cell phone manufacturers.  The data will soon become overwhelming that there is a direct link between cancers and cell phone use and it will have massive implications for wireless technologies.  Today, a massive federal study conducted over two and a half years by the National Toxicology Program linked radio-frequency (RF) radiation emitted by cellphones can cause cancer.

According to Mother Jones, “the findings from a $25 million study, conducted over two and a half years by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), showed that male rats exposed to two types of RF radiation were significantly more likely than unexposed rats to develop a type of brain cancer called a glioma, and also had a higher chance of developing the rare, malignant form of tumor known as a schwannoma of the heart.”  This is the first study to provide truly damning evidence that links malignant tumors with cell phones.  If this study holds up and the findings are valid, it means that we are likely on the verge of experiencing a global epidemic respective of these types of cancers.  Cell phone linked cancers will be like smoking linked lung cancers of the 20th Century.  The lawsuits will be massive and dwarf anything the penalties ordered against the tobacco companies.

Beyond cell phones, this could eventually call into question the safety of the entire wireless technology market. Read more

Constitutional Win for Gun Rights in the District of Columbia

In a rare win, residents of the District of Columbia won a court ruling against the District’s draconian gun laws.  In short, U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon ruled that a key provision of the current law was likely unconstitutional.  Specifically, the Judge found that requiring a citizen to show “good reason” to exercise a constitutional right violates the essence of a “right.”  In respect to the Second Amendment, like all others, there is no burden upon the citizen to show the “need” to exercise and enjoy such rights.  As such, the District’s requirement for citizens to show grounds to obtain a carry permit based on the government’s criteria is unconstitutional.

This ruling is sure to be appealed; however, it has strong implications across the nation where other such laws have been upheld.  Judge Leon was absolutely correct in striking down this provision and re-establishing what a “right” is supposed to be.  Hopefully, this ruling will be used to bring suit against other currently standing laws and overturn them in communist states such as Maryland and New York.  The Bill of Rights exists to specifically limit the government’s powers.  Neither the Second Amendment nor any other “right” requires the “permission” of the government to exercise.  Can you imagine having to first get the government’s permission based on very limited criteria, to openly discuss your opinion on a political subject or to attend church?  Any legal deviation toward government gatekeeping of the free exercise of rights is exceedingly dangerous and opens a direct precedent for undermining the very essence of the rule of law derived from the Constitution and the powers and authorities it explicitly gives and limits to the federal government.  Today, Judge Leon is celebrated as a hero for defying his political masters and standing up for the rights of citizens.

By Guiles Hendrik

May 17, 2016


More reading:

Uber Update: Uber Confirmed to be providing your private travel data to the government

Last year I wrote a piece entitled “Why the government elite love Uber: Your travel is now a searchable public record.”  Read it here:  In it, I warned that with the convenience of Uber comes the inevitable loss of privacy and government surveillance.  It was just too juicy a target for Big Brother’s mass surveillance and data collection and I predicted Uber was here to stay because the government was reaping too much information about you from Uber.  Well, it didn’t take long for my prediction to prove prescient.

Just last month (April 2016), it became very public across the internet that Uber had in fact been providing data from over 12 million users to the US Government.  Read it here:  Read more

It is time to use antitrust acts to break up the most powerful monopoly in the United States…the two-party political system

Today’s post is perhaps one of the most important pieces I have ever written.  In it I write to how we as a nation can peacefully use the elements of our tattered legal system to reclaim our government from the establishment for the people it was designed to serve.  Right now, we are at a critical crossroads politically in our nation.  One road promises to be the fast and easy route to the good life where everything is free and no one is responsible, but this road only leads to our nation’s destruction.  The other road is small, difficult to navigate, and is very rough, but ultimately leads us back to a better place and salvation as a nation.  The question is will America make the hard choices necessary for long term prosperity and freedom or will it like so many other nations collapse into tyranny, corruption, poverty, and bloodshed.  Ominously, if historical precedent is any indicator, the future of our nation is a bleak.

I want everyone to think about how detrimental the consolidation of power by the establishment into two overtly separate, but covertly unified political parties in the US has been to our freedoms and liberties.  For over two hundred years we have been witness to a perpetual erosion of rights and freedoms while the government has exponentially grown, stolen incalculable amounts of wealth from its citizens, and created an insulated political class of elites.  All this time, as the power of the US Government was being consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, the government has perpetually attacked giant corporate monopolies and broke them into smaller companies.  This was done allegedly to promote fair competition, which has been generally viewed as acceptable government regulation of business for the good of the people.  Whether oil, telecommunications, or transportation the government has for over a hundred years waded into disputes using antitrust laws to regulate the conduct and organization of corporations to promote fair competition for the benefit of the people.  Ironically, nowhere is there a greater monopoly acting deliberately to limit fair competition at the expense of the people than in our two-party political system.  If you want a peaceful solution to fix our broken, corrupt, and rigged political system, it is absolutely critical, we the people, open antitrust lawsuits against these modern day political robber barons of our most precious liberties.

Why no one has suggested using the antitrust legal route to break up the political control of the party elites is up for debate.  However, I for one am going to lobby strongly for it and ask each of you to do your part to demand suit is brought against both parties.  Not once has this bar against monopolies been equally applied to our political system where it is needed most.  By suing both the Republican and Democrat National Committees as a business monopoly operating at the expense of the people, we actually could use the force of law to break the gridlock in our political system.  Imagine if a court broke the parties into a dozen pieces like Standard Oil, struck down their gerrymandering of districts, instituted term limits, removed the ability to receive huge amounts of cash from anonymous political action committees, and abolished the parties’ self-serving election regulations.  For the first time in generations a real election, with real candidates, could be put forward by the actual citizens of the US to run for office.  There could actually be a chance to see genuine quality candidates compete for the duty to serve their fellow citizens.

For those that are skeptical this is an applicable approach and can work, let’s look at the purpose of the antitrust acts.  First, antitrust acts are specifically designed to restrict the formation of cartels and prohibit other collusive practices regarded as being in restraint of trade.  Second, they restrict the mergers and acquisitions of organizations which could substantially lessen competition. Third, they prohibit the creation of a monopoly and the abuse of monopoly power.  Considering the purpose of antitrust acts, do they relate to our current political system?  Does the political monopoly in the US not represent a cartel that uses its influence to destroy any competition and rig the system like a cartel?  Does the political monopoly not put in place rules and regulations that prevent other parties and independent candidates from challenging their status quo control of power?  Does the political monopoly not abuse its power to favor the elites?  Does the political monopoly not openly reject the will of the people in popular elections and claim the ability to appoint whomever they choose to office?  Does the political monopoly not obliterate the ability to have free and open democratic elections?  Does the political monopoly not abuse the intent of a representative government to run only establishment favorites as elected “representatives?”  Does the political monopoly not enrich its senior members just like a corporation?  Does the political monopoly not restrain free trade?  Does the political monopoly not use its control of government to establish favorable trade agreements and deals for its establishment cronies at the expense of true free trade?  Does the political monopoly not accept tons of favors and donations from lobbyists to unfairly restrict or support mergers and acquisitions designed specifically to substantially lessen competition?  Ultimately, does the political monopoly not harm the citizens of this nation?

Both the Democrat and Republican political parties are every bit of a political monopoly and are a direct detriment to not just free trade, but a free republic.  If we can wake enough people up to the fact these corrupt parties of the establishment are no different than a giant cartel and should be broken apart using antitrust acts, we may have a legal avenue to directly attack the entrenched establishment at its core.  I see no quicker way to break up the political stranglehold these two parties have over our nation than to have a court rule against them in favor of the people using the legal precedents established in our antitrust acts.  I certainly don’t see a more peaceful way.  I can promise you this; we aren’t going to fix these parties by voting and playing by their rules.  The parties have had over two hundred years to make the rules of the game work in their favor.  This election year has demonstrated the parties’ grip on power quite well to all but the most blind and ignorant amongst us.  However, the establishment missed this legal vulnerability.  Please become active and take concrete steps to create this debate and push for antitrust action against both political parties.  At this point, we must exhaust all peaceful options at our disposal to try and avert the collapse of our country into a cesspool of leftist tyranny.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 14, 2016

An Open Letter to the US 10th District Congresswoman Barbara Comstock

Today’s post directly addresses an email sent out by Congresswoman Barbara Comstock of the US Tenth District to her constituents (pasted at the bottom of this post).  Specifically, it poses an intellectual challenge to her sponsored legislation promoting institutionalized discrimination against males.  I for one am tired of the double standards that these false “social justice” activists are promoting.  They claim they want equality for all, but in fact, only want to establish preferential double standards.  These standards of social justice have nothing to do with the betterment of society and certainly do not represent justice in any way for the people.  In fact, the imposed double standards of the social justice movement are divisive and wholly self-serving for the political Left.  The goal is not to see true justice or equality, but to institutionalize the power of the Left Wing Establishment over “the masses.”  In practice, that means a miserable life under totalitarian rule for everyone to include “liberal Democrats.” 

Point by point, issue by issue, using reason I will destroy their every argument.  This won’t be my last article.  I will call out every one of these traitors on Capitol Hill.  Congresswoman Comstock is just the first.  I level the challenge to our mainstream media outlets to include papers like the Washington Post and New York Times to unbiasedly address these issues.  These liberal media organizations control the message that is received by the people supporting these insane initiatives and have for years been the major proponents of these policies.  However, these policies are destroying our country and we all will pay the price liberal and conservative alike.  We need to drop the partisanship and realize that a truly radical extremist element has hijacked this nation and we must all ban together to destroy it.  Our differences will remain, but we must challenge the divisive and destructive false narratives or risk losing our country. Read more

Now is the time to split the Democratic Party and defeat the Leftists, but prepare for violence and chaos

Forget for the moment the broken Republican Party and focus on the civil war brewing within the Democratic Party.  Pending the outcome of the primaries in Wisconsin and New York where Bernie Sanders may not just do well, but beat Hillary Clinton; the Democratic Party may be headed for a major showdown.  In particular, if Bernie wins New York, it will be interesting to see if the delegates still vote for Hillary as many have publicly declared.  What is for sure is that Hillary must soundly win New York to prevent a disastrous split for the Democrats within the party.  In the event of a popular vote win for Bernie and a delegate win for Hillary, the party may fracture into violence or even split with Bernie launching an independent bid if Hillary remains the anointed nominee.  This would be a best case scenario for Republicans.  When Sanders’ anti-establishment success is considered holistically with Donald Trump’s popularity, it should give everyone hope that the people are finally waking up and rejecting the malignant establishment destroying our nation regardless of each voter’s specific motives.  In short, the opportunity presented by Sanders’ recent victories to split the Democratic ticket cannot be wasted.  However, as you will read, the awakening of the masses also is a harbinger of the evils an establishment unwilling to cede power will bring upon our nation so be aware and prepare. Read more