Archive for Globalists

Europe must ‘wake up’ to ‘clash of civilizations’ – Polish minister after Catalonia attacks




Previously, I have written that it won’t be the first time Western Europe has allowed itself to be overrun my Islam and just as before, it will be Central and Eastern Europe that will rise to the challenge and save Europe.  As such, I want to reiterate that it wasn’t France or Spain or Italy or even the UK that saved Western Civilization from the Islamic invasion of the Ottomans.  It was the Poles allied with fellow Central and Eastern Europeans that stopped the Turks at the Gates of Vienna.  Remember too that the army of King Sobieski was heavily outnumbered against what many considered a far superior military force.  Nonetheless, Christendom triumphed and the West was saved from its darkest hour.

For this incredible feat, the West should be eternally grateful.  Furthermore, it is incredibly hypocritical that the other European Nations dare question the position countries like Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia have taken toward the invasion of Islam into Europe.  Not only have these countries had to shoulder the burden of protecting Europe’s borders from the Turks, but they literally are responsible for the fact that Western Civilization as we know it was not extinguished.  As such, the next time France or Germany or any one else in the EU makes a comment to Poland, it should be “thank you.”

By Guiles Hendrik

August 20, 2017



A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Paul Craig Roberts gets it.  He sees the real threat from the distractions.  He understands that our nation’s enemies are trying to divide us to destroy our nation and are using their socialist foot soldiers to spread their evil, vitriolic message of identity politics.  If for nothing else, I applaud him for standing up to the hypocrites on the Left that in reality are the epicenter of hate, violence, and intolerance.  His article is worth the read.

LMS Staff

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Beyond Charlottesville: The choice between civil war and national salvation



I have pondered the staged, revolutionary events in Charlottesville all week.  How to properly address the depth of dangers facing America has literally kept me up at night.  I could analyze the events and various belligerents.  I could point fingers and place blame on the various factions.  I could talk about how it was an orchestrated setup designed to burn Charlottesville to the ground as a sacrifice to create racial division.  I could even discuss a strategy to resist the war being waged against America.  However, I won’t.  Not yet at least.  Problems are best settled with a cool head.  Taking a week to assimilate the situation is critical to avoid costly strategic mistakes.  Right now, our nation needs to collectively take a step back and focus on what is really at stake; the United States of America.  Please stay with me and read on.

With respect to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, the most important issue right now is to not allow yourself and others to be sucked into the trap our enemies have set for America.  We must not be distracted and remain laser focused on the real enemies of our nation.  The enemies of “all” Americans are desperate to polarize and divide our nation through class warfare.  They are few, but powerful.  Just like the leaders of earlier revolutions, they are the strategists and the financiers.  However, alone, they are incapable of implementing their plan to destroy and subjugate US.  To overcome their weaknesses, they leverage engineered issues to manipulate the masses to action.  They control minds and opinions through their monopoly of mass media and governments.  They control world events through finance and wars.  They internally divide.  They polarize.  They deceive.  Our enemies are not the idiots wearing black masks in the street throwing feces at each other like zoo monkeys.  These zombie stooges of the Left are simply expendable pawns that serve to distract America from what is killing it.  Through violence and intimidation, these mobs for hire are sent from city to city to create the illusion of an enemy far more pervasive than their true numbers remotely approach.  Nonetheless, by their very nature, these dupes are a terrorist arm of the Left, but they do not represent the critical head of this hydra.  Our enemy is the poisonous, nationcidal Leftist ideology and the globalists financing its implementation.

Make no mistake; the events in Charlottesville were engineered with the sole purpose of igniting racial tensions that they have been dutifully stoked year after year by Leftist elites.  These fault lines were created through a steady diet of identity politics that have nursed a victim mentality amongst the growing list of “aggrieved” classes.  Through control of the public schools and universities, the Left has indoctrinated an entire generation in their evil ideology to bolster their numbers to staff their zombie army.  These indoctrinated minions actually believe that by tearing down the US, they can create a utopian world where the perceived societal ills such as sexism, racism, and homophobia cannot exist.  To these mentally ill fools that have been taught to feel and not think, the “ists” of the world are the single greatest problem facing humanity.  Remarkably, exactly 100 years after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia through a bloody revolution, the seeds they planted have finally born their poisonous fruit.  Just like in Czarist Russia a century ago, the Leftists are now ready to blow the fault lines they have diligently chiseled into the fabric of America into gaping chasms that cannot be bridged.

Let me be clear, the civil war the Left so overtly desires will be devastating for everyone.  Only a mad man or sociopath could desire such an outcome.  There will be no utopia.  There will be no great liberation of the aggrieved classes.  Life will not improve.  The world will not be better.  The aggrieved classes will learn what true aggression, fear, and oppression feel like and will suffer greatly.  Blacks in particular will shoulder the worst of any race war, which they cannot win.  America will not be returned to some mythical communist paradise of equality, but a totalitarian cesspool of poverty, oppression, and darkness.  The torches of freedom, liberty, opportunity, prosperity, and equal rights under the law will be extinguished.

This dark future is our destiny should we as a nation collectively choose to remain ignorant of the evils attacking our nation.  We must study and understand the mortal enemies of freedom on the Left such as Marx and Alinsky.  If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted by petty differences, baited into class warfare and identity politics, and deceived by the Left, our nation cannot stand.  Our enemies know this and are determined to place maximum pressure on the societal fault lines they have engineered.  This will continue to get worse.  Our enemies not only desire, but require us to hate and fight each other to achieve their desired goal of toppling the US.  The worst fear of the Left is that Americans wake up, see their evil ideology, and take down the thought leaders and financiers of the Left, which have engineered this war.  I have no illusions about the nature of man.  It is far easier to give into primal emotions of hate, jealousy, greed, anger, and vengeance than it is to forgive, love, and take personal responsibility.  As individuals, to surmount these emotions, it will require resolute discipline and an incredible moral and ethical constitution that I believe is predicated in religion.  As a nation, it will require true leaders of the first order, not seen since our nation’s darkest hours, to rise up and offer a better vision, dismantle the intellectual dishonesty of the Left, and guide our nation back to health.

In closing, I ask each and every one of you to take time out of your day to stop and deeply reflect on the juncture we have come to as a nation.  Refocus on what is important.  Remove yourself from biases and preconceived notions.  Reevaluate the narratives of those claiming to be your leaders.  Reeducate those around you.  Remind yourself what you want your future to look like.  Then, and only then, reengage.  Come forward ready to meet the threats we face by uniting not dividing our nation.  It can be done.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 17, 2017

China Threatens to Attack United States if US Strikes North Korea

Spoiler:  This is the wild card worst case scenario I warned could materialize. 

Before today’s announcement in China’s state run press, we could only speculate what China’s response would be to a war with North Korea.  Today, China signaled as directly as China will ever signal that it is prepared to go to war with the United States in the event the US preemptively strikes North Korea or attempts to change the strategic balance in the region.  This is a catastrophic game changer that could ultimately lead to a massive nuclear exchange and the deaths of over one billion people.  Read more

Trump says US ‘losing’ war in Afghanistan, wants top brass reshuffle – reports

President Donald Trump may have gotten a few things very right regarding the on-going war in Afghanistan if reports are accurate.  President Trump has apparently called the military to task in Afghanistan and threatened to clean house.  President Trump suggested he would fire the top general in charge of US troops in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson and accused the military of giving up ground to the Taliban. “We aren’t winning,” the president reportedly said. “We are losing.”  Further, the President demanded better strategies after rejecting that status quo the Pentagon tried to sell him.

Coming out of this meeting, the message should be clear to the military’s top brass.  President Trump is not happy with the military’s lack of progress and won’t accept defeat.  He is demanding a new strategy and has correctly recognized high-priced consultants and insiders are charlatans that don’t have the right answers.  He needs to look beyond the “Swamp” for a new strategy.  Fortunately, if President Trump and his NSC are receptive, there are a number of very good strategies that could still win the war that don’t require massive troop surges or total annihilation of the country.

President Trump need not look further than one of the single best research documents compiled to date on defeating insurgencies.  The research, conducted by Jonathan Owen, a former military officer, is available in book form under the title #Fail: Why the US Lost the War in Afghanistan.  Owen’s research analyzes 100 years of named insurgencies in a way no single think tank or intelligence agency has remotely approached.  Owen’s book destroys the commonly held myths related to counterinsurgency and proves why the senior military establishment has been derelict in their duties.  It demonstrates through overwhelming evidence that the “strategy” of training and advising never achieves decisive wins and only correlates with the defeat of the counterinsurgent.  Contrary to a failed training and advising strategy, the study provides irrefutable evidence that identifies the single greatest factor in defeating an insurgency is denial of sanctuary, which in Afghanistan, translates to border security.  Not satisfied with simply identifying the problems with the current US military strategy, Owen’s research lays out an actual clear cut plan for decisive victory that could be implemented today.  In short, if President Trump wants a real plan to win in Afghanistan, he should make the study mandatory reading for the military just after firing his top generals.  The point would be made and the war would be won.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 9, 2017


Russian Retaliation Begins: Covert Russian Attack Wipes Out Massive Munitions Depot in the Ukraine

The Russians have exhibited great restraint and diplomatic poise in recent years against the growing anti-Russian hysteria in the United States.  Not only has Russia endured sanctions, but also having its aircraft shot down in Syria and a massive NATO build-up on its border.  Russian security and sovereignty are being directly threatened for the high crimes of defending its historical geopolitical sphere, attempting to wipe out brutal Islamic terrorists, and rejecting globalism.  However, this week has marked a turning point in US-Russian relations.  The sanctions the US Congress approved against Russia based not on fact, but on hysteria and massive political propaganda pushed Russia to finally begin to retaliate.  The most visible overt action was the expulsion of 755 US diplomats from Russia.  However, Russian covert actions have by their nature been less visible, but nonetheless potent and we can expect more to come. Read more

Warning: Healthcare is the new call to arms for domestic terrorists

As the farce of Russian meddling in the United States’ election has turned to focus on the very real collusion amongst senior Democrats, the story is quickly being killed by the mainstream media.  In its place, a new hysteria is being created to distract and divide the nation.  This hysteria is extremely dangerous and focuses on the lie that President Trump’s healthcare plan is “killing” Americans.  This extremist narrative needs little translation.  It is a thinly veiled message to radical leftwing extremists that they are now fully justified in killing people to promote their agenda.  I do not say this lightly.  By making the claim that President Trump and the Republicans are killing people, they have provided a moral justification and call to arms that can’t be ignored by the insurgents organized under the banners of the Left.  The media propagandists are knowingly yelling “fire” in a theater.  They are creating an insurgency in this nation that will lead to many more deaths, injuries, and huge amounts of property damage.  The leadership of these domestic terrorist organizations must be legally taken down now or our nation will continue to spiral closer to an all-out civil war, which the Left desires, but no intelligent person wants. Read more

Left-wing Terrorism Starts Second American Revolution

This week, the escalating communist revolution in the United States, graduated to full scale political assassination.  This was left-wing domestic terrorism.  For Americans, this was a watershed moment and a wake-up call.  Now many are asking; “Where does this lead?”  Your answer, whether you are ready to open your eyes or not, is the Second American Revolution.  This revolution will be far bloodier, far costlier, and more globally detrimental than any previous revolution if not stopped now. Read more

Trump Declares Holy War during Speech in Saudi Arabia

I must admit, Trump’s trip to the Middle East and his planned speech were not on my list of highly recommended things for Trump to undertake.  The trip was high risk with a low potential for any pay off.  Nonetheless, even the mainstream media networks were grudgingly admitting that he appears to have pulled it off.  This may indeed be true, but this is not reason to celebrate.  Just because the propagandists and the poorly informed think President Trump’s unapologetic speech was a success, you may want to ask the other half of the Muslim world.  In fact, every Shia Muslim listening to Trump’s speech heard his message loud and clear.  The United States has joined forces with Sunni Arabs in a holy war against Shia Islam.  Congratulations President Trump, you just signed the US up for an Islamic holy war and it will cost our country dearly. Read more

US Moves Closer to Full Scale War in Syria with Russia and Iran

To say there have been a few distractions in the news cycle lately is an understatement.  The establishment (aka: Deep State) will continue to create scandals to mire the Trump Administration in a never ending cycle of chasing his tell to prevent his agenda moving forward.  In all of this chaos, it is often difficult to separate fact from fiction and recognize true news of consequence.  One such important event occurred today when the US directly attacked Syrian government forces in southern Syria.  This event, even more than the previous missile strike, signals the true motives of US intervention in Syria.  These motives can only spell disaster for the US and are laying the ground work to create the context for the US to enter the next stage of the conflict.  As I have correctly forecasted the evolution of this conflict from its very beginnings in Iraq, I can tell you with authority that this doesn’t end with ISIS.  It begins.  Read more

The Syrian Civil War and the Downfall of the Trump Administration

Here is a free piece of political advice.  When your enemies begin condoning your actions, you should be very worried.  President Trump has for the first time enjoyed what he believes to be the “support” and approval of the Establishment after launching a cruise missile attack against a Syrian air base.  However, he would be a fool to think they are cheering on his actions because they support his policy.  In fact, the Establishment is really laughing as they lead him by his ego down the path to destruction in Syria.  As I have repeatedly warned, the Syrian Civil War is a trap and will not just take down the Trump Administration, but will bring down the United States if it becomes entangled in the conflict. Read more

Swamp Dupes President Trump into Expanding US War into Syria

Let me get right to the point.  President Trump is a complete moron if he honestly believes his military advisors are setting him up for success.  I want President Trump to succeed, but until he gets better advisors, he will self-destruct.  By ordering a surge of US military forces into Syria without any long term strategy or plan, he is effectively forcing America into the middle of an ugly civil war that will cost our nation dearly.  Further, by directly entering the Syrian Civil War, President Trump has committed our nation to yet another unnecessary and unconstitutional war without making the case to the American people or obtaining congressional approval.  This won’t just be a massive military mistake; it will be a political disaster.  President Trump has no idea that as the US gets sucked further and further into this war, the failure of “his” war will arm his political enemies with everything they need to ultimately cripple his administration.  By listening to the generals, President Trump has, within a month of taking office, committed the US to an even more disastrous war than his predecessors, which he will lose, and quite possibly destroy his administration.  Brilliant! Read more

The Rise of Central and Eastern Europe

Last week I posed this this question, “Would Europe be destroyed by the wave of Muslim immigrant?”  No was the answer.  More specifically, Western Europe may indeed commit voluntary national suicide if it doesn’t have a nationalist awakening.  However, even if they don’t wake up in time, Central and Eastern Europe will not only reject the lunacy of Western Europe’s Leftists, it will once again be the savior of Western Civilization.  The more I see this assessment begin to materialize, the more Central and Eastern Europe will be attacked and demonized by the Left.  Eastern Europe will soon be enemy number one of the Globalist’s plan to flood Europe and literally destroy its people and culture.  This will be proof my analysis is accurate and indeed coming to pass.

Supporting this assessment, just this week, we witnessed another step toward the solidification of the old Central European states.  See:  Not so ironically, the traditional Western European powers condemned Poland and Hungary for their sanity.  Specifically, countries like Hungary are being condemned by countries such as France and Germany for refusing to accept the flood of non-European migrants.  This is the equivalent of a sick man drinking poison while pointing at the healthy man and telling him he is wrong for not also partaking of the same poison.

This trend only needs to continue unabated for a few more years before one can write the epitaph of Western European Nation States.  However, equally true will be the coming clash and ascendance of Central and Eastern European states over the rubble of what were once countries like France and Germany.  Let me be clear, if Western Europe does not turn back the tide of non-European immigration, their countries will collapse.  Further, as long as Central and Eastern Europe do not fall victim to the same insane self-destructive policies, they will very quickly eclipse the other rapidly declining nations.

The shift to a more Continental power base in Europe will have profound consequences for the United States and world.  It will fundamentally alter the power structures of the world.  I will continue to track this geopolitical shift and discuss the greater implications as events occur going forward.  In the interim, you should start paying more attention to countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.  I would add Russia and the Ukraine, but you are already hearing about them daily and hopefully can see how from their actions why that region of the world remains relevant and will be a growing focus of attention.

By Guiles Hendrik

February 27, 2017

President Trump’s Misplaced Faith in the Generals

Approximately, one month ago, President Trump tasked the Pentagon with delivering him a plan to defeat the Islamic State or IS.  What Trump failed to understand was the same people he tasked to solve the IS problem, were the same people that in a very large way created it.  His trusted circle of advisors not only are all products of an institution with a heavily flawed system of promotion, but collectively failed to deliver a winning strategy when they were in combatant command roles.  What kind of “solution” to IS does President Trump honestly think he will get from a group of institutionalized generals?  Does anyone want to bet it will be a “solution” that requires more war?  President Trump is literally asking “the swamp” to create his war policy and this is a fool’s errand.  Based on a 100% failure rate of our Generals this century, this is unfortunately another juncture where it is very easy to assess with high certainty that the “solutions” President Trump will be presented will turn into another policy disaster.  Both Presidents Bush and Obama suffered this hard lesson.  President Trump needs to trash these recommendations and look at completely different ways of soliciting policy if he is to defeat IS and make America great again.  This article is my attempt to speak truth to power and warn President Trump of the mistake he is making before it destroys his presidency. Read more

Will the Islamic Invasion Destroy Europe?

Nearly daily there are articles reporting new attacks in Europe perpetrated by immigrants.  These attacks range in severity from petty crime and assaults to mass sexual assaults, riots, and terrorism.  Recent terrorist attacks have almost exclusively been perpetrated by Islamic extremists.  The situation has become so bad in countries like Germany, France, Belgium, and Sweden that entire neighborhoods are essentially off limits to the native peoples of these countries and the police.  This has prompted many to question the future of Europe and if these nations can survive with their European identities intact.  The answer is that Europe is headed toward conflict and greater bloodshed, but I assess Europeans will ultimately prevail at the cost of a major geopolitical shift in the the European order.

It has been said that you cannot bring there here without here becoming there.  Europe is learning this hard lesson.  One cannot safely walk the streets of Mogadishu or Raqqa or even Baghdad safely as a Westerner.  Your half-life is approximately 1 hour in any of these cities as a white or Christian.  You will be attacked and murdered.  However, the delusional sickness of the liberal mind believes these very same people that condone these actions against Westerners in their countries can be imported in large numbers to Europe without causing massive problems.  Read more

America Under Siege: Civil War 2017

MOVIE NOW LIVE: “America Under Siege: Civil War 2017”


Update: Middle East on Brink of Major War after Saudi Warship Attacked

Again, the news cycle is moving so quickly, no one is able to completely keep up.  However, with all of the focus on executive orders on immigration some major events are slipping by unnoticed.  The take away is that the Middle East is again moving rapidly toward all-out war.  The immigration issue is serious and important, but the war that could potential break out in the Middle East could be staggering.  Here are the most recent highlights with comment:

Yemen in particular has become a flashpoint.  Starting from the top, a unit from SEAL Team Six got mauled badly and lost an operator while conducting a direct action raid on a suspected al-Qaeda facility.  Further, their MV-22 Osprey crashed and was destroyed on the ground.  The base model of a single Osprey costs over $73,000,000 dollars and this was a special operations variant, which comes in closer to one hundred million dollars.  This was in exchange for killing 14 alleged terrorists of at best, medium value, and collecting some information to better identify their network.  This shows that President Trump is less risk averse when it comes to launching our soldiers into combat.  If this becomes a trend, it means much more kinetic warfare and far greater US casualties.  Previous to this raid, attacks in Yemen were almost exclusively being carried out by airstrikes.

If not bad enough, a Saudi Arabian Frigate, which is a warship, was attacked according to the US government, by a small boat laden with explosives.  However, video evidence supports the assessment that believes the ship was hit by a missile supplied by Iran.  Anti-ship missiles have been fired at US Warships in the same area over the last six months.  Further, one man can be heard speaking in an Iranian accent chanting death to America.  If it was indeed a missile that hit the boat, the fact is being downplayed and covered up to prevent outrage in Saudi Arabia that would demand revenge and initiate a war with Iran.  This is not unprecedented in the region.  An advanced ship from the UAE was also recently hit by an Iranian supplied anti-ship missile launched from Yemen and damaged so badly it had to be decommissioned.  However, the UAE never officially acknowledge the attack.

Irrespective of how the attack occurred, the blast appears to have struck the upper portion of the stern of the Saudi ship inflicting serious damage and killing at least two Saudi sailors.  This is a major act of war and is believed to have been launched by the Houthi rebels in Yemen.  One may say this is the cost of starting an unnecessary war and invading Yemen.  I would agree that it was stupid for Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily in Yemen.  However, the Saudis tonight are not discussing whether or not their war was smart.  What they are discussing his how to retaliate.  If it in fact was an attack launched by the Houthis, the missile was undoubtedly supplied by Iran.  Everyone knows this, but the question is if the Kingdom will hold the Houthis and/or the Iranians responsible.  I assess the possibility of Saudi Arabia expanding their war in Yemen as high.  I also see a medium likelihood of Saudi Arabia expanding it to Iran to include indicting any Iranian flagged ship near Yemen.  This will undoubtedly provoke another cycle of violence.  Worst case is Saudi Arabia decides to retaliate directly against Iran, but I assess this as unlikely.  The fact that Saudi Arabia has not said anything about the ban in immigration from seven predominately Muslim countries factors into this situation.  It is highly likely the Saudis will try to lean heavily on the US to take out Iran for them, which brings me to my next point.

Iran test launched a ballistic missile this week in violation of pretty much everything the international community has told Iran it could not do.  Iran became a serial violator of any international dictates since the Obama Administration was in office.  Their transgressions included seizing US Navy vessels and their crews in international waters, providing weapons to attack and kill Americans, holding Americans hostage, developing long range missile technology, and feigning attacks on our warships.  Following precedent, Iran conducted a launch of another ballistic missile and has yet to be “reprimanded” by the new Administration.  Perhaps, Iran thinks it has gotten away with it and President Trump will be a push over.  If so, I believe they have badly miscalculated the new American President.  President Trump in a short amount of time will respond.  How, is the only question.  Trumps retaliatory options range from lodging a diplomatic protest and re-invoking sanctions to launching a nuclear strike.

Yes, I do think President Trump is serious enough he may indeed use nuclear weapons during his time in office to prevent a bloody and costly deployment of ground troops against a country like North Korea or Iran.  Nonetheless, I assess the Administration will come out with a clear warning to Iran, but will stop short of a military strike.  Iran will get one warning, but no more.  However, there is a perfect coalescing of Saudi and US interests with regards to annihilating Iran.  Iran should take this seriously because Saudi Arabia may be on the phone right now with Washington discussing military options for the attack on their ship.  If Trump greenlights retaliation, we could have a major outbreak of war in days.  However, I reiterate, I think right now we will have some clear red lines drawn and preparations made, but the war won’t begin just yet.

In summary, things are getting hotter in the Middle East.  All that is needed is a slight nudge and the entire region could erupt.  I do not see anything getting calmer anytime soon.  In fact, I think we are about to see a major escalation of war in the Middle East.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 30, 2017

White House Releases Summary of Trump’s First Week of Action

I have to say, from a business perspective, we are getting a lot for our money.  Trump, to date, has proved to be the hardest working president in a generation…like him or not.  Further, the man has so far done exactly what he promised to do.  Even more amazing is that he is getting it done in hours and days not months and years.  For a man of his age, you have to respect his level of energy and dedication.  It also appears he doesn’t take weekends off.  Sorry bureaucrats…you have to work like the rest of us…and should.  The question is whether he can keep this schedule up.  The news agencies are literally physically breaking down trying to keep up with covering him.  It truly is unprecedented.  Here is the release in its raw form:

Office of the Press Secretary

January 27, 2017


·         15: Presidential Actions to begin fulfilling his promises to Make America Great Again.

·         11: Diplomatic conversations with foreign leaders to promote an America First foreign policy.

·         4: Members of President Trump’s cabinet sworn into office.

·         3: Stakeholder meetings to get input from both workers and business leaders on jumpstarting job creation.

·         3: Engagements with members of Congress to discuss his agenda.

·         3: Visits to federal agencies committed to protecting our homeland and ensuring our national security.

·         1: Official White House visit by a foreign head of state.

·         1: Reception to honor law enforcement and first responders.

·         1: Proclamation supporting National School Choice week.

·         The President’s team followed through on his commitment to action, by:

o   collaborating with 28 federal agencies and departments on a near daily basis.

o   discussing legislative items with at least 75 House members or their staffs and 35 Senators or their staffs.

o   making initial contact with governors in each state and territory, and having in-depth discussions with 32 governors or their staff.

o   discussing issues with 22 state attorneys general.

o   beginning outreach to our nation’s largest municipalities and tribes.

President Trump Used The Power Of His Office To Follow Through On His Promises To The American People

WITHIN HOURS OF HIS INAUGURATION: President Trump moved to protect Americans from ObamaCare, government regulations, and future bailouts.

·         On the evening of his Inauguration, President Trump sought relief for Americans from the cost burdens of ObamaCare.

·         Through a memorandum issued by the Chief of Staff, all new regulations were frozen to protect job creators from the crush of new government rules on their businesses.

·         President Trump put a stop to a reckless action that would have reduced funding for the Federal Housing Authority after it was bailed out by the taxpayers as recently as 2013.

MONDAY: President Trump fulfilled his promise to immediately address trade and jobs by withdrawing from the harmful Trans-Pacific Partnership, put in place a hiring freeze, and protected taxpayer money from funding abortions overseas.

·         President Trump protected American workers by withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

·         To stem the tide of an ever growing government, President Trump put in place a hiring freeze on federal civilian employees.

·         After years of taxpayer money being spent to promote abortions abroad, President Trump reinstated the “Mexico City Policy” to ban such usage.

TUESDAY: President Trump promoted job creation by jumpstarting the construction of two new energy pipelines, requiring the use of American-made materials and equipment in building those pipelines, and reduced the regulatory burden on America’s manufacturing and construction industry.

·         President Trump began the process to finish construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline after a series of delays.

·         After years of delays, President Trump signed a presidential memorandum to revive the Keystone XL pipeline.

·         To make sure Americans benefit from infrastructure projects, the President signed an executive memorandum requiring all new construction and repair of pipelines to use American materials and equipment.

·         President Trump ordered the Commerce Department to streamline and reduce regulations affecting U.S. manufacturing to help bring factories back to America.

·         To jumpstart much needed infrastructure projects, President Trump signed an executive order to speed up the environmental impact review of projects.

WEDNESDAY: President Trump followed through on his pledge to protect America’s borders and end the lack of compliance with immigration laws.

·         Following through on his commitment to protecting the American people, President Trump signed an executive order to improve border security, particularly through the construction of a physical barrier on the southern border.

·         President Trump signed an executive order to ensure that immigration laws are enforced throughout the United States, including halting federal funding for sanctuary cities.

FRIDAY: President Trump followed through on his top priority to keep America safe.

·         President Trump signed an executive order protecting the United States from foreign nationals entering from countries compromised by terrorism, and ensuring a more rigorous vetting process.

·         President Trump issued a presidential memorandum to direct the Secretary of Defense to review our readiness and create plans to rebuild the U.S. military.

President Trump Has Held or Scheduled 11 Conversations With Foreign Leaders To Promote American Interests Around The Globe

·         On Saturday, President Trump spoke with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico and discussed respect for the sovereignty of both nations.

·         On Saturday, President Trump also spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the importance of strong U.S.-Canada ties.

·         On Sunday, President Trump spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to discuss opportunities to strengthen relations.

·         On Monday, President Trump spoke with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi of Egypt, expressing his commitment for a new push in bilateral relations.

·         On Tuesday, President Trump spoke with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India to strengthen relations and cooperation.

·         Today, President Trump spoke again with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico to discuss bilateral relations, border security and trade.

·         Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of with Japan

·         Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany.

·         Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

·         Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with President François Hollande of France.

·         Tomorrow, President Trump is scheduled to speak with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia.

Four Of President Trump’s Nominees Were Confirmed By The Senate And Sworn Into Office

·         Last Friday, retired General John Kelly was sworn in as Secretary of Homeland Security.

·         Also last Friday, retired General James Mattis was sworn in as Secretary of Defense.

·         On Monday, former Congressman Mike Pompeo was sworn in as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

·         On Wednesday, former Governor Nikki Haley was sworn in as Ambassador to the United Nations.

Following Through On His Commitment To Job Creation, President Trump Held Stakeholder Meetings With Business And Labor Leaders

·         On Monday, President Trump met with labor leaders to discuss his plans to renegotiate trade deals and put Americans back to work.

·         Later on Monday, President Trump met with manufacturing leaders to discuss how to bring factories and manufacturing jobs back to America.

·         On Tuesday, President Trump met with key industry leaders to discuss how the auto industry can bring back American jobs.

President Trump Held Meetings Or Spoke With Congressional Leaders To Discuss His Agenda

·         On Monday, President Trump hosted Republican and Democrat congressional leaders and chiefs of staff at the White House to discuss the upcoming legislative agenda.

·         On Tuesday, President Trump met with key Senate leaders to discuss his upcoming choice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.

·         On Thursday, President Trump spoke at the Republican congressional retreat in Philadelphia.

President Trump Spoke At The Headquarters Of The CIA, The Department Of Homeland Security, And The Department Of Defense

·         On Saturday, President Trump spoke at CIA headquarters and told a raucous crowd that he’d have their back as he thanked them for their service to the country.

·         On Wednesday, President Trump visited the Department of Homeland Security to reinforce his strong belief in protecting America’s borders.

·         On Wednesday, President Trump visited the Department of Defense to highlight his commitment to rebuild our military.

President Trump Hosted U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May

·         In hosting his first foreign head of state at the White House, President Trump welcomed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May.

As One Of His First Actions After Inauguration Day, President Trump Thanked American Law Enforcement And First Responders

·         On Sunday, President Trump held a White House Reception to honor and thank law enforcement and first responders who helped make his Inauguration safe and successful.

President Trump Proclaimed National School Choice Week

·         On Thursday, President Trump renewed his commitment to expand school choice for Americans by proclaiming January 22 through January 28, 2017, as National School Choice Week.

The President’s Team Is Following Through On His Commitment To Action

President Trump’s team has worked to ensure his team is in place at various departments and agencies and working to implement his agenda:

·         The White House Office of Cabinet Affairs made 140 calls to 28 separate federal departments and agencies to collaborate on various issues.

·         Cabinet Affairs personally met with 10 Cabinet nominees.

·         Cabinet Affairs coordinated the swearing in of four cabinet members this week by the Vice President.

President Trump’s team has worked to ensure his legislative agenda is well-received in Congress:

·         The White House Office of Legislative Affairs met or spoke with 110 congressional offices or elected representatives in 75 House and 35 Senate offices.

·         Vice President Pence had several in-person meetings this week on Capitol Hill.

President Trump’s team began outreach to our nation’s states, municipalities, and tribes:

·         The White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs made initial contact with the governor’s offices in all of the states and territories.

·         Intergovernmental Affairs held detailed discussions with the governors or their staff in 32 separate states.

·         Intergovernmental Affairs made initial contact with 22 of the 50 state attorneys general.

·         Intergovernmental Affairs has begun outreach to America’s largest municipalities, such as Los Angeles County and met with the president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

·         Intergovernmental Affairs made contact with the largest tribes in the country and has begun outreach with many leaders.



Lessons Learned from J20 Protests at Trump Inauguration

Before the Inauguration of President Trump fades into memory, I wanted to capture some the important lessons learned.  Please feel free to post on chat boards and begin discussions because this list is by no means all encompassing.  Instead, it is short run down of salient lessons learned to date that were under reported or appreciated.  I would love to see a fully consolidated after action list and would be happy to post it should someone want to submit one.

  • The key takeaway from the Trump Inauguration is that the Left failed. The inauguration was the single best chance Trump’s opposition had to unite and take decisive action against the new president.  The propaganda, anger, and vitriol in the run up to President Trump’s inauguration were unprecedented in our lifetimes.  Nonetheless, the Left utterly failed to stop anything.  The protestors looked like nothing more than a motley band of moronic, spoiled brats with a penchant for destructive behavior.  It was a truly embarrassing show of “force.”
  • The Left is far weaker than they try to present. Their numbers they mustered on the streets amounted to small bands of Soros hired anarchists and was far below even the lowest estimates presented by the media.  Any large scale national resistance movement by the Left is currently impossible with their current numbers and capabilities irrespective of Soros funding.
  • Anarchists are still targeting downtown business districts close to mass transportation hubs. This is important for future planning and preparation purposes.  In the case of DC, the majority of protests materialized in the vicinity of the main train station (Union Station) and Metro Station, which is the second largest metro hub in DC outside of Union Station.
  • Violent protestors are cowards and fear strong opposition. When confronted by individuals prepared and capable of self-defense, the Leftists resigned themselves to shouting obscenities, but avoided further escalation.  In the few examples where they miscalculated and tried to attack a competent solo individual, they uniformly had their butts kicked.  The pro-Trump biker groups were a strong testament to this effect.  It is clear the Left is in fear of groups willing and capable of proportionally responding with like violence should they try to attack anyone.
  • Violent protestors prey on the weak. A review of the attacks and destruction that occurred during the DC protests/riots shows that victims were not chosen at random.  Solo individuals and unguarded/unprotected property were the primary targets of the mob.  In many cases, women attempting to simply go to work were attacked.  One of the most egregious cases involved a violent mob attack and beating of a lady walking with a cane, which left her hospitalized.
  • Attendees wearing Trump attire were targeted if they appeared weak or in small numbers.
  • A screening of dozens of videos of attacks committed by rioters and protestors overwhelming demonstrated none had professional martial arts training. The individuals uniformly attacked people they thought they could bully and easily overpower, but never displayed any degree of competence in hand-to-hand combat.
  • The mob was easiest to penetrate by simply donning black attire. Our operatives wore black hoodies with black cargo pants and were able to easily infiltrate the mobs of anarchists.
  • By dressing like the anarchists (all black, face obscured, adorned with communist symbols), it was easy to target, approach, and “remove” anyone that appeared to be a major agitator in any said group. This tactic proved very effective at dispersing mobs and disrupting the protestors/rioters.  Critical to this tactic were speed and surprise.  Once action was necessary, infiltrators needed to neutralize the threat rapidly and then make an escape through the crowd to a secure area before anyone realized what was going on.
  • Preparing for a confrontation in high-pro kit was suitable for group shows of force for property defense, but was of limited utility in disrupting the mobs. Anyone wearing kit was too high profile to penetrate the mob of rioters and immediately drew the focus of hostilities.
  • Do not park any vehicles along streets. Roving mobs of anarchists blocks from the center of hostilities were seen randomly vandalizing property.
  • Keep plenty of fire extinguishers available. Fire is still the most dangerous threat widely faced.  Extinguishers also make a great (and perfectly legal) area dispersal or screening agent.  In fact, we found that simply discharging an extinguisher provided far better obscuration than typical smoke generating devices.
  • The police didn’t intervene except in the most egregious cases. They must maintain their lines for safety and security and have to preserve their limited manpower.  Riot trained police know that they must maintain a tight cohort.  Getting separated is extremely dangerous for an officer.  In DC, when they did make an arrest, they did it in a big group.
  • The police in DC used good discretion. If anything, most people wanted them to act more aggressively against the rioters.  In every case we witnessed, which included fights between pro and anti-Trump attendees, the true agitator(s) were arrested.
  • Don’t expect the police to be able to help you during major protests and riots. Their manpower is dedicated to protecting key infrastructure and persons…not you and your property.
  • Don’t expect the police to leave their lines immediately and come to your aid to break up a confrontation with violent anarchists. Police stood by and did not intervene in most of the minor assaults we witnessed.  That said, we witnessed a woman assaulted by a weaselly, male (barely) protestor trying to block her access to a venue and she decked the protestor.  The protestors screamed for her arrest, but the police took no action.  The lady then proceeded unmolested on to her destination.

This is a short list of some of the highlights of our observation teams last week.  Again, we ask that you post this to discussion boards.  We want to capture all of the lessons learned.  Each of these bullets provides plenty of fodder for further discussion and value to planning and preparation for future events involving mass civil unrest.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 27, 2017

Exposing the Fake News Spin: Fox News misses “small fact” and fails to mention group trying to influence Trump’s Iran policy is a long time radical Islamic-Marxist terrorist organization

Today, I read a Fox News article entitled, “Iranian dissidents seeking meeting with Trump.”  See: (  According to the article, Iranian dissidents have penned a letter to Trump urging him to consider renegotiating the so-called, Iran Nuclear Deal.  This alone was not a problem.  The problem was when the article brings up the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as one of the dissident groups.  Allegedly, the NCRI was not involved with the letter, which I find to be a dubious claim, but according to Fox News, the NCRI is being pushed as a legitimate dissident group and stated, “The NCRI is widely seen as the most organized Iranian opposition group – and also is welcoming engagement with Trump.”   Of course, there is just one small problem with this false narrative.  The NCRI is not just some innocent dissident group oppressed by Iran.  The NCRI is the polished up and renamed political organization of the same terrorist group formerly known as the PMOI and MEK.  As mentioned in my previous article, Trump does not know the behind the scenes intelligence driving many foreign policy decisions and how it has been manipulated by special interests.  As a result, he is dangerously at risk of falling victim to lies of “false news,” being misled, and making a disastrous decision with regards to Iran and the Middle East.  Read more