Archive for Insurgency

Radical Leftists Stock Up on Guns Preparing for Violent Resistance to Trump

Oh how quickly the roles have changed.  Just a year ago, only crazy “deplorables” were clinging to their bibles and guns.  Now it looks as though the Leftists are suddenly glad they didn’t ban all firearms and are arming themselves by the thousands.  However, I seriously doubt this salient point resonated and I would be curious to know if they are suddenly swelling the ranks of the NRA…Yes, I doubt it too.  Nonetheless, from where we stood just six months ago, the radical elements within the political Left are now suddenly far more, not less, dangerous.  I am writing today to warn fellow patriots that the war is not won.  It has only begun and elements on the Left are actively plotting a violent resistance to President Trump’s Administration.  Read more

Unity of Effort in Patriot Movement

If there is something to be learned from this last election it is you seek or swim politically as a team.  The groups that are able to put differences aside for a common cause repeatedly achieve far greater goals than splinter factions alone.  This has been a problem that has plagued the Patriot Movement where issues like ego, societal rejection, and hard headed “rugged individualism” have become chronic self-defeating diseases.  This isn’t to say that we sacrifice our morals and ethics for the sake of unity, but it is important to understand what is critical and what isn’t when it comes to winning the long war of ideology.  Collectively, if we can move closer to achieving our objectives we are better off rallying together.  This isn’t without consequences and pitfalls though.  As we have seen, our major political parties have been hijacked by elitist interests to the point that rallying to a false idol for “party unity” will do far more damage than good.  We must once again remember what it means to be American and define our core values and principles.  These moral underpinnings must be our guides and what we rally to instead of a hijacked political party or fallible individual.  This is a far more enduring strategy.  Without this solid foundation based in moral and ethical truth we will be continuously misled, divided, and ultimately fail. Read more

The Price You Will Pay for Trump Dumping the Iran Nuclear Deal

Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades Support Fight Against IS in Iraq.  Source:

Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades Support Fight Against IS in Iraq. Source:

The current “deal” with Iran over its nuclear program is better defined as policy capitulation.  To be viable, the deal must have teeth and achieve the endstate desired by the United States.  The current “deal” with Iran is neither and ultimately does not stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.  Therefore, a renegotiation of the treaty is necessary to avoid war.  However, war may still be the inevitable result of either doing nothing or trying to force a renegotiation the Iranians are unwilling to engage in.  If Iran continues to get closer to a nuclear weapon, there will be a major war irrespective of whether or not the US wants it.  Further, if Iran feels cornered, it may simply refuse to renegotiate anything and regionally retaliate against US pressure leading to a military engagement.  Iran isn’t a paper tiger and has the ability cause the US significant problems if we do drive a hard bargain.  Donald Trump will need to understand this in finite detail or the US will pay in blood and treasure abroad and at home. Read more

Is a Violent Anti-Trump Revolution Possible in the US?

Most of you have read a lot of articles and reports lately concerning escalating protests and violence across the country.  Many of you are rightfully asking how far this will go.  I have seen a number of reports that essentially dismiss the possibility of an armed rebellion beginning in America.  They are wrong.  People need to wake up.  The United State has already passed through the proto-revolutionary phase and is now involved in an active low level insurgency that has the potential to quickly spread should the proper conditions present.  The question isn’t whether or not a violent revolution could start in the US.  The question is how bad will it get.  Make no mistake; we are at war with a violent, leftist insurgency right now.

Let’s begin with a quick history lesson.  President Obama began his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.  Read more

UPDATE: How the Election is being Legally Rigged

Before the first votes were cast, I penned a unique piece on how the election could be “legally rigged” by manipulating the votes of state electors.  LMS was the only alternative news…or any source warning about this possibility.  In particular, I singled out Michigan and Pennsylvania as key states to watch and they turned out to be key swing states for Trump, just as predicted.  See: (  Today, news is breaking, just as I had warned in the above linked to article, the Left is trying to lobby the Electoral College to ignore their pledges and vote for Hillary.  This is feasible and actually legal, but would clearly cause a crisis within the US.  See: (  Make no mistake, Donald Trump was legitimately elected as the next president and will be president, but that doesn’t mean the Left will not try to disrupt this in every way possible.  You can expect this push to sway the Electoral College to gain significant momentum in the coming days once the government propaganda outlets catch on that this is a viable.  The implications of this action, should it gain traction, are serious.  Read more

Trump Wins in Historic Anti-Establishment Victory, but Temper Your Jubilation: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of What’s to Come

Last night, Donald Trump won a historic victory by all accounts.  America’s silent, dispossessed majority has spoken and it should serve as a warning to anyone discounting the anger of the CITIZENS the government has failed to serve.  His victory was more about defeating Hillary and the overwhelming corruption and arrogance of the elites she represents than a referendum on his policies.  With their support, Trump took on what amounts to the entire establishment and stunned the elites.  The magnitude of this victory can’t be understated and we should have immense respect for what he has accomplished.  The “Donald” went head-to-head with the media complex, fended off judicial attacks, and even successfully overcame his own party sabotaging him all while essentially saying exactly what the pundits said he couldn’t say…the truth.  Donald Trump lived up to “his” own hype and proved he does have what it takes to outsmart even the dirtiest of career political elites.  However, once the celebrations are over, the real work begins.  Trump will have one of the most challenging jobs as President of anyone in our time and it is far from certain he will turn out to be what the people that voted for him believe he will be.  Trump won by capturing populist anger, but when it comes to the nuts and bolts of healthy policies, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows if you now analyze what the American voter just elected.  Here is a list of what we can look forward to, be worried about, and outright fear from President Trump.

The good: Read more

Media Ignoring How the Election is Legally Rigged and Violence May Erupt When Truth Exposed

Sometimes when searching for truth in the maze of media spin, your best technique is to focus on what is not being talked about.  In the case of election rigging, it is clear there is already ample evidence to prove election fraud at the ballot boxes and by the two major political parties during the primaries.  However, what is not being talked about is far more important than double voting, identification laws, or illegals voting and it is not just legal, it is constitutional.  This election may come down to the electors that cast the state votes that are actually counted toward the Electoral College.  The fact the media has all but ignored the most obvious “check and balance” to our election system is curious to say the least.  These electors are handpicked by the elites and often owe loyalties to parties much like super delegates during the primaries.  If they do not vote the will of the people, and they are by no means bound to do that, violence in the streets can be expected. Read more

ISIS Threat against Election likely US Government False Flag

Last week, news broke that the Islamic State (IS) had issued threats against New York, Virginia, and Texas.  The report claimed that intelligence sources indicated that IS may be planning an attack to disrupt US elections.  After the announcement, I had a few questions.  Is it real and if so, then what is being done?  If not, why would the threat information be publicized and who made the announcement?  The answers are disturbing.  Read more

ISIL’s Next Move after Mosul

The political timing of the assault on Mosul was no coincidence.  It was timed to correspond with the election and to be used as a diversion if necessary.  Ready to support their political masters, the complicit government propaganda outlets, otherwise known as the American Media Establishment, were right there to announce how everything was going well and success against ISIL was right around the corner.  Of course the media failed to investigate the valid claims that the US actually let ISIL evacuate the city before the assault.  This action allowed murderous terrorists to escape to kill more innocent people so that the US can claim it effectively “liberated” Mosul.  If the media was being honest, it would have long ago made it blatantly clear the US has no intention of defeating ISIL anytime soon and the Mosul operation is a sideshow.  Further, in spite of many fighters being allowed to escape, the Mosul operation still has not been going as planned.  The battle began to bog down almost as soon as it began, which was easily predictable.  Cutting through all of the cross talk and false information is tough and has left most people at a complete loss for what is going on.  To help, here is a quick summary of what happens next with respect to ISIL.

For starters, the bulk of ISIL fighters have escaped to fight another day.  This means many thousands more people will unnecessarily die in the Middle East, Europe, and the US.  The US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and even Israel made sure this was the case because they still are desperately trying to salvage their diabolical scheme to overthrow Syrian President Assad.  They are not in the smallest way moved by the fact their actions have led to the death and displacement of millions.  Their hope is the bulk of these fighters will race to Aleppo to relieve their jihadist allies.  Some fighters undoubtedly will move quickly to try and reinforce Aleppo.  However, ISIL is out of the box and may have other plans. Read more

Prepper Update of World Events for Week of October 10, 2016

The following summary of recent world events is decidedly negative.  This is not due to overt pessimism as much as the facts are just plain bad.  In fact, I didn’t even include events like the effects of Hurricane Mathew, the attack on our warship off the coast of Yemen, and the assassination of more police around the US.  The world is not getting any safer and indicators are all pointing to things worsening as we move into late fall and winter.  The following are major events you should be taking note of with short comments.

  • Situation in Syria: Syrian government forces backed by Iran and Russia continue to pound Aleppo and are nearing a strategic breakthrough.  All actors in Syria recognize that if Assad is able to recapture Aleppo from the Islamic extremists it will be the beginning of the end for Washington’s terrorist proxies in Syria.  As such, there is panic from Doha to Washington.  The terrorist coalition knows that it is now or never for major intervention, which may force the White House to order direct strikes against the Syrian regime, which undoubtedly will be countered by Russian retaliation.  This creates the potential for a rapid outbreak of a major regional war that could go global.  We have effectively arrived at the point I have repeatedly forecasted would occur in Syria where either Moscow or Washington accepts a massive strategic policy defeat or there is a major war…perhaps both.  This is inescapable at this point.  The best case scenario is if the US backs out by aligning with Russia to defeat ISIL and negotiate a peace deal that leaves the regime in place for now.  This is highly unlikely and if Hillary Clinton is elected, all but impossible.
    • I am forecasting that the US will continue to spread false anti-Assad and anti-Russian propaganda to drum up war sentiment in the US to prepare the public for the announcement airstrikes against Syrian military positions.  If the neo-cons within the establishment get their way the air strikes will happen, but there will be an immediate cost to US forces.  Russia will defend its positions on the ground and engage any US forces that directly threaten Russian lives and interests.  In this event, it is possible we will witness the first combat losses of US Fifth Generation Fighters, which Washington is rightfully terrified will occur.  The loss of these jets will show everyone how much superiority the US has lost against countries like China under Obama.  This will jeopardize the multi-billion dollar acquisition program that has been riddled with corruption, failures, and delays.  As such, it is far more likely Washington will lead with cruise missile and drone strikes that are easier to deny and hide if they fail to achieve their objectives, but are also much less likely to achieve decisive results.

Read more

Prepper Relocation Part V: The True Best Places to Relocate

Over the past two weeks, I have released a series on prepper relocation that completely changes the old conventional theories that drove prepper relocation strategies (See:  The key takeaway you learned from the research is that you do not need to relocate to a remote region to survive.  In fact, it is actually counterproductive to be too isolated.  Now that you know relocation to a place like Idaho is no longer necessary and even counterproductive, where are the best places to relocate?  The good news is that you have far greater options depending on what you are prepping for in light of the results of my research.  In today’s conclusion to the five part series, I will introduce you to both domestic and international options that are readily available to anyone looking for a thorough, full spectrum relocation strategy that will work even under the most extreme situations.  Read more