Archive for Libya

War Update: Will the Covert War Against Iran Go Overt?

While we have been distracted by sideshows and clowns domestically, the world has become much more dangerous in the last few weeks.  Topping my list is the mobilization of the Egyptian military to support General Haftar in Libya against the Turkish backed Libyan government.  Also heavily involved are Russia and the United Arab Emirates on behalf of General Haftar.  In addition, there is a growing showdown in Syria involving Israel, Russia, Iran, Kurds, Islamic terrorist groups, and Turkey.  On most Wednesdays, this is sufficiently bad.  However, these are special times.  Armenia backed by Russia and Azerbaijan backed by Turkey are again approaching a breakout into all-out war.  Further east in Asia, India and China are squaring off over disputed territory while the United States is facing down China at sea.  I cannot tell you exactly how this will all play out, but my money is on at least one of these issues breaking out into a full-blown conflict by fall.  My bets are on the conflict in Libya significantly escalating and then spilling back into the Middle East as well as a war with Iran.  However, I want to focus on how Mossad is trying to instigate the war with Iran because it will directly involve the United States.  Mind you, these conflicts all have links, and all have disastrous consequences.  It is just a matter of what issue proves dominant when trying to order how the dominoes will fall.  Let us take a quick look at how this could develop and why it matters to you.  

Since my previous post, another string of explosions has besieged Iran hitting a power plant in particular.  No one…no one, believes these are accidental events.  Barring another state acting covertly, which would likely cause both the United States and Israel to disavow the acts, Israel’s Mossad is the prime suspect.  The Israeli government is keenly aware their alliance with the Trump Administration is as good as they have ever enjoyed and will significantly degrade if Joe Biden is elected President in November.  Netanyahu knows with President Trump; they can face down Iran and be backed up.  They also know that any plans of expansion, annexation, or war with Iran will be supported by President Trump.  However, under a President Biden, everyone of these core issues for Israel will be quashed.  Further, Israel has not forgotten how then Secretary of State Kerry and President Obama sold them out with the “Iran Nuclear Deal” and the unfreezing of billions of dollars for Iran.  Israel believes it cannot afford to take the risk of Biden and his radical socialist agenda taking over.  As such they must act.

To avert the risk of a Biden presidency and an ascendant Iranian threat, Israel has one major hurdle to overcome.  The hurdle is President Trump.  Although President Trump blindly backs Israel, has made it abundantly clear to his policy advisors that he does not want a war with Iran.  Therefore, “by way of deception,” Mossad must initiate a war that President Trump cannot back out of.  Perhaps, better said, a war Iran cannot back out of.  Remember, Iran is not suicidal and does not want a war with the United States.  It is Israel that will bring these two nations to blows in what one may point to biblically as foreseen in the book of Daniel.  For those that are not biblical scholars, writing over two thousand years ago, Daniel knew this would be bad and usher in far worse.  Knowing they must instigate the war, Mossad must covertly create the conditions that force Iran to respond in a way President Trump cannot not respond.   

So, for Israel, it is now or never.  Expect the tempo of attacks against Iran to continue until Iran retaliates, but here is the twist.  This is a no win for Iran.  If Iran does overtly retaliate, Israel will feign innocence and immediately overtly respond in “self-defense.”  Iran will then have to escalate, and the United States will be sucked into the war.  Helping Israel is the Deep State, which has salivated for a war against Iran for years and will rally the United States to join the war.  However, I believe Iran will wait to retaliate covertly to avoid this escalation and Mossad also knows this.  To mitigate an Iranian non-response, Mossad must carry out a spectacular attack on American interests that will be designed to immediately look like Iran conducted the attack.  This will be a false flag, “by way of deception,” and force President Trump to retaliate in a manner that triggers a major war.  In addition, voting for the November election begins in six short weeks.  President Trump is looking extremely vulnerable and will need to take every opportunity he has to control the headlines, look powerful, and rally support beyond his base.  Sadly, he will “need” the Deep State if he has any chance of re-election.  Trump knows this and Israel knows this.  Trump will not be able to look weak when something like one of our destroyers is taken out by a torpedo that conveniently has “made in Iran” stamped on it…even though it was launched from an Israeli submarine.  Make no mistake, Mossad is far more concerned about Israel than the disastrous costs to the United States and will not hesitate to put a plan like this into action.

What does this mean for us?  If you are into hedging your bets that the chaos this year will only increase, you are in luck.  I am warning everyone that we will enter a period of extreme danger in September.  This is about as late as Israel can afford to postpone triggering a war with Iran with any hope of sucking the United States into it deep enough that regardless of who is elected in November, they will have to continue the war against Iran.  This also gives enough lead time for President Trump to leverage it to support his re-election, which is important timing because Netanyahu wants President Trump to win a second term.  If September comes and goes, the next and last window will be the month after the election if Biden wins.  If Israel thinks President Trump could win re-election, they just may hold off, but would have to immediately act if he lost.  This is a dangerous gamble because they would have to trigger a full-scale war before Biden was sworn in and even then, President Biden may opt to not support Israel.  No matter what Israel believes is good for Israel, a war with Iran will be disastrous for the United States.  This will benefit no one and I pray our leaders step back from the brink.  The United States will prevail in a war, but at a cost that leads to a massive geo-political diminishment of American status and a re-ordering of the world’s balance of power.  The costs of this war will be game-over for America as we know it once the dust settles.  I hope I am wrong. After all, there is certainly the possibility that Israel through back channels gets the assurances it needs from the Biden campaign so that it holds its fire.  However, if you were Israel, would you trust Biden (whose healthy is poor) and his radically anti-Semitic allies?  I would not and that is why I assess the danger rising to an “extreme” level by September.  As we move forward through this year of great world turmoil, I will continue to update you, but please do not hesitate to take what I am telling you seriously.  You really need to prepare yourselves for hard times for they are upon us.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 22, 2020

Whose Clearance Will Trump Revoke Next?

Let me be very direct regarding the stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.  It was long overdue and no one has any “right” to a clearance.  None of the folks spending a lifetime of honest work in the intelligence world retains a clearance after leaving and neither should the director, which knows far less than career operatives.  In fact, Brennan never should have had a clearance and the only contact he should have had with our intelligence community is if he was a subject of collection for anti-American activities.  This is not debatable.  The only question to settle now is who is next.

Brennan is and always has been a hostile anti-American activist.  The fact that Brennan is a proud, self-admitted communist that supported Soviet activities during the height of the Cold War should have landed him in jail.  Instead, because of the remarkable corruption and penetration of communists to the most senior echelons of our society, he was appointed to be the head of the CIA.  This coup should have been an alarm sounding defeat for liberty and our Republic, yet not a word of dissent or outrage was publicly raised.  The CIA’s entire existence could be summed up by a mission to battle the communist ideology, but instead, communist “s” (Yes, Leon Panetta also had close Soviet/Russian ties and many links to the Marxist ideology…like being named Leon after Trotsky.) were put in charge and the ranks purged and stocked with radical left-wing ideologues.  Not only was Brennan put in charge of the agency allegedly created to defeat his exact ideology, but the political elites, media, and rank and file CIA officers applauded his appointment leaving no doubt about how thoroughly penetrated our society had become by Communists in a true McCarthyist sense.  Now, they vociferously chastise President Trump for what has proved to be phony Russian collusion.  How rich?  The organization that was run by Soviet loving communists and was instrumental in the creation of the fake Russian Dossier through actual collusion with Russians is pointing fingers at President Trump.

Let’s not also forget that Brennan is a perjurer and one of the most disastrous directors in memory.  In particular, he repeatedly lied about his knowledge and involvement in the CIA’s computer hacking and spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee.  This was one of the most egregious violations of our separations of powers in recent memory, but he was allowed to walk away with his clearance and job by then President Obama.  The man also managed to preside over numerous massive intelligence failures to include misreading and actually supporting the emergence of ISIS, losing all of our CIA agents in China, failing to prevent the claimed Russian meddling in our elections, losing Crimea, allowing North Korea to go nuclear, and just about 100 other noteworthy disasters.  As mentioned before, he also lied about his knowledge and involvement in the creation of the fake Russian Dossier.  If not bad enough, he also tried to destroy the careers of the members of the CIA’s Global Response Staff or GRS for not covering up the Libya disaster and had their clearances stripped.  In fact, one of the heroes of “13 Hours” in Benghazi was Chris Paronto who recently gave an outstanding interview to Fox blasting Brennan and his circle of elitist thugs.  I urge everyone to view it here:

Brennan without question deserved to have his clearance stripped.  He also deserves to be in jail, but what about the others?  Who is next?  I would argue it should be all of them.  No one, irrespective of party, should be retaining a clearance after they have left the billet requiring their need to know.   This is the definition of the “Swamp.”  Keeping a clearance as a senior appointee is a perk or benefit for elites not afforded to the actual people doing the hard work, developing the expertise, and briefing them so that they can make a decision.  These elites ingratiate themselves to this highly sensitive intelligence for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to retain power.  This information is monetized in many ways that has nothing to do with national security and in fact directly undermines national security.  Often, I would argue it is then funneled back to their political friends to solidify their power.  Further, this intelligence is often used for insider trading.  Did you ever wonder why many of these former directors end up at hedge funds knowing nothing about investment or portfolio management?  Let’s put it this way, wouldn’t it be nice to know the exact date of a planned attack in the Middle East so you could buy oil futures.  I think so and apparently Wall Street and many others do to.  This is criminal and needs to stop.

President Trump is right to revoke Brennan’s clearance, but he would be wrong to stop there.  The Swamp does need to be drained and one of the easiest things he can do right now is to revoke every clearance being held by someone not actually serving in a need to know billet.  The benefits of cutting the flow of money and intelligence to these enemies of the Republic can’t be understated.  If President Trump is wise, he will push for this and to make it law so that the second a new administration comes in this isn’t all overturned.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 17, 2018

What Media Failed to Tell You about the Special Forces Killed in Niger

When I first heard of the deaths of US military personnel in Niger, I was saddened, but not surprised.  Having no shame, the MSM took less than 48 hours to spin the events into a political debacle of legendary indecency.  It began with the media providing a platform for a mentally deranged, utterly contemptible, and rather freakish Congress(woman?) from Florida to exploit a family’s grief.  As that began to backfire on the Democrats, the propagandists within the MSM got their new talking points and began trying to equate the attack to some type of Benghazi cover-up.  What they failed to mention in all of this spin was that there was an element of truth in that the soldiers’ deaths were actually directly related to the events that claimed the American lives in Benghazi.  However, it wasn’t Trump’s fault; it was Obama’s. Read more

Trump Declares Holy War during Speech in Saudi Arabia

I must admit, Trump’s trip to the Middle East and his planned speech were not on my list of highly recommended things for Trump to undertake.  The trip was high risk with a low potential for any pay off.  Nonetheless, even the mainstream media networks were grudgingly admitting that he appears to have pulled it off.  This may indeed be true, but this is not reason to celebrate.  Just because the propagandists and the poorly informed think President Trump’s unapologetic speech was a success, you may want to ask the other half of the Muslim world.  In fact, every Shia Muslim listening to Trump’s speech heard his message loud and clear.  The United States has joined forces with Sunni Arabs in a holy war against Shia Islam.  Congratulations President Trump, you just signed the US up for an Islamic holy war and it will cost our country dearly. Read more

US Moves Closer to Full Scale War in Syria with Russia and Iran

To say there have been a few distractions in the news cycle lately is an understatement.  The establishment (aka: Deep State) will continue to create scandals to mire the Trump Administration in a never ending cycle of chasing his tell to prevent his agenda moving forward.  In all of this chaos, it is often difficult to separate fact from fiction and recognize true news of consequence.  One such important event occurred today when the US directly attacked Syrian government forces in southern Syria.  This event, even more than the previous missile strike, signals the true motives of US intervention in Syria.  These motives can only spell disaster for the US and are laying the ground work to create the context for the US to enter the next stage of the conflict.  As I have correctly forecasted the evolution of this conflict from its very beginnings in Iraq, I can tell you with authority that this doesn’t end with ISIS.  It begins.  Read more

The Syrian Civil War and the Downfall of the Trump Administration

Here is a free piece of political advice.  When your enemies begin condoning your actions, you should be very worried.  President Trump has for the first time enjoyed what he believes to be the “support” and approval of the Establishment after launching a cruise missile attack against a Syrian air base.  However, he would be a fool to think they are cheering on his actions because they support his policy.  In fact, the Establishment is really laughing as they lead him by his ego down the path to destruction in Syria.  As I have repeatedly warned, the Syrian Civil War is a trap and will not just take down the Trump Administration, but will bring down the United States if it becomes entangled in the conflict. Read more

Swamp Dupes President Trump into Expanding US War into Syria

Let me get right to the point.  President Trump is a complete moron if he honestly believes his military advisors are setting him up for success.  I want President Trump to succeed, but until he gets better advisors, he will self-destruct.  By ordering a surge of US military forces into Syria without any long term strategy or plan, he is effectively forcing America into the middle of an ugly civil war that will cost our nation dearly.  Further, by directly entering the Syrian Civil War, President Trump has committed our nation to yet another unnecessary and unconstitutional war without making the case to the American people or obtaining congressional approval.  This won’t just be a massive military mistake; it will be a political disaster.  President Trump has no idea that as the US gets sucked further and further into this war, the failure of “his” war will arm his political enemies with everything they need to ultimately cripple his administration.  By listening to the generals, President Trump has, within a month of taking office, committed the US to an even more disastrous war than his predecessors, which he will lose, and quite possibly destroy his administration.  Brilliant! Read more

White House Planning to Send Weapons to Libya: What could go wrong?

Our leadership at the White House, CIA, Pentagon, and State Department are unbelievably incompetent, reckless, and corrupt.  I just can’t make this up.  In another example of the absolute rampant stupidity emanating from the White House and Department of Defense, it appears US policy is now to conduct another unsanctioned military invasion of Libya ostensibly to fight ISIS.  Apparently, the US is preparing to provide weapons and training to support select Libyan forces to help them repel the radical Islamic forces Washington previously backed in Libya in 2011.  You read that correctly.  Just like in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, the US is now arming factions to fight the very same radical Islamic jihadist factions it armed and supported just five years prior.  Watching this train wreck of policy unfold, I can only sarcastically ask, “what could go wrong?”  Read more