Tag Archive for Ferguson Riots

Success in Ferguson: The Untold Story

Pictures of the criminal Michael Brown Robbing a Convenience Store

Pictures of the criminal Michael Brown violently assaulting a clerk and robbing a convenience store

As news broke last night that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted by a grand jury, events unfolded as I warned.  Legitimate, peaceful protests were hijacked by a host of unsavory groups to included anarchists and domestic terrorist organizations like the New Black Panther Party.  The New Black Panther Party is racist terrorist organization whose members were planning to carry out a Boston Marathon style bombing of the Ferguson protests (see: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/22/us-usa-missouri-shooting-explosives-idUSKCN0J602N20141122), which could have maimed and killed dozens of people.  As predicted, the protests provided cover for this mob of anarchists, domestic terrorists, and criminals to congregate and then begin to riot.  Further, because of political pressure, the police were impotent to stop the violence and the National Guard was held back, which left innocent citizens helpless as their cars were torched and businesses looted.  As the sun rose today over Ferguson, the damage was clear.  Entire blocks were burned to the ground, cars were destroyed, stores were looted, citizens were assaulted, and in general, all hell had broken loose.  So where is the success in Fergusson you ask?  The untold story of Ferguson is that many businesses, homes, and property were left untouched not by the design of the mob or by the “protection” of the state, but by brave actions armed, private citizens.  Read more

Lessons from Ferguson: Policing goes Paramilitary

Paramilitary Police Draw Down on Man in Ferguson, Missouri

Paramilitary Police Draw Down on Man in Ferguson, Missouri

The events leading up to the shooting death of an 18 year old man in Fergusson by a police officer are under investigation and the “facts” appear to be conflicting. What are not in doubt are the events that transpired after the shooting. Citizens genuinely concerned and outraged wanting a full and impartial investigation rose up in peaceful, legitimate protests, but so did the most criminal elements within our society. It appears that not only was the race baiting, rabble rousers such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ready to pounce and exploit this shooting, but so were many hoodlums that exploited the protests to rob, loot, and destroy. The media was right on their heels to cover the ratings generating violence and President Obama wasted no time wading into what can only be considered divisive racial politics his track record suggests he favors stoking. However, as prepared citizens, what really should concern us is at least two-fold and goes far beyond the distractive on-going racial narrative from Missouri. Read more