Archive for Big Brother

In West Virginia man working out charged with terrorism by Keystone Cops!

Clearly this looks like a terrorist meeting to WV police.

In what can only be described as a massive overreaction, a West Virginia man, William Everett Alemar, was arrested and charged with terrorism.  His crime?  Working out while wearing his military kit (kit being the gear one would typically have to carry on a mission).  Apparently,  West Virginia’s law enforcement is completely ignorant of the fact that literally thousands of Americans every day work out and train in the military kit.  Even NROTC students from universities in Washington, D.C. can be seen early in the mornings running in their camouflage field uniforms with packs, vests, and yes…even rubber rifles past the White House.  This is not confined to D.C., but Arlington and many other suburban Virginia localities also can witness this physical training ritual our troops and contractors, especially our Reserve and National Guard forces, perform daily to stay ready to defend our nation.

Risking a Keystone Cops stereotype based on some background knowledge of the area, it is safe to say that Martinsburg’s finest are not your crack law enforcement outfit. [Disclaimer, the people of WV are awesome and it is truly a wonderful state.  Further, there is a vast professional difference between the highly trained and respected WV State Troopers and Martinsburg PD.  We expect the people of WV are as outraged as we are about this case.]  This much should be obvious.  Supporting this assessment is the fact that Mr. Alemar was training with a fake plastic rifle with a bright red plastic tip, empty magazines with no live ammo, and doing nothing but running in public.  The cops then trumped-up the charges saying he was “close to a school” and added an obscure charge for wearing a bullet proof vest with plates.  This is the whole point of training with your kit on!  You need to train with the extra weight so you can physically adjust to the stresses of the weight, primarily added by the ballistic plates.

Most importantly, Mr. Alemar didn’t commit a crime, but is sitting in a jail cell.  His “egregious” offense was startling some people.  Unless the government has included toy guns in a secret version of the Brady Bill or prohibited wearing camouflage, we are at a loss for how this equates to terrorism.  West Virginia allows open carry and concealed carry of real firearms and has no law about prohibiting the purchase, ownership, or wear of body armor most likely issued by the U.S. government.  Perhaps he would have not raised alarms if he had run in RealTree camouflage vice his military issued desert pattern uniform.  God help the next soldier that goes to pick up his child from school in his camouflage uniform after work.  Martinsburg PD probably would have shot him.  Still though, even after questioning, common sense refused to prevail.  The cops then charged him with the nebulous catch-all charge of “terrorism.”  Considering his actions were limited to running with camouflage, it is mind-boggling to try and put this young man in the category of someone that straps a bomb to their chest or flies an airplane full of innocent people into a building!

In a normal world where common sense of the totality of the obvious prevails, a simple, “hey, what are you doing” by the responding officer would have sufficed to deal with the situation.  After all, what threat is a guy weighed down by 40 pounds of gear carrying a toy gun and no ammo to anyone?  Well, that isn’t what happened.  The cops took him down at gunpoint.  Even that might be excusable, but then they actually arrested him and swore out and executed search warrants on his residence finding nothing but a handgun, which in the United States is still completely legal to own.  The only part of this we can give some credit to WV…and we are stretching…is the fact that they at least got warrants and that the are clearly not okay with military in the streets.  However, the grounds were so bogus, the magistrate should have never granted them so we are still dealing with a sum negative.  We can only imagine the officers sworn statement to the magistrate…”yepper, we got ourselves one of dem real live Osamas right down yonder.”

The charging of Mr. Alemar as a terrorist is further proof how far this nation has gone past sensible security measures and demonstrates the level of incompetency of at least some law enforcement.  More disturbing is the manner in which “terrorism” is being applied.  Now, a man that has violated no laws aside from shocking the senses can be arrested, detained, and have his house turned upside down.  The only act of terrorism apparent here is state sponsored.  Please pass this article on to everyone you know and ask that they do the same so that Mr. Alemar’s unconstitutional detention is exposed.  He will certainly need good legal counsel.

Raub Denied Rights: Justice Department Sends Chilling Message Regarding 1st Amendment

We are the government. We are here to help.

The case of Brandom Raub has all of the trappings of the FBI overstepping its authorities and acting impulsively.  Raub’s detainment may be the first publicized detention under the un-constitutional National Defense Authorization Act.  The NDAA allowed for the scrapping of your constitutional rights and was quickly passed by your elected officials in Congress and signed by President Obama.

On August 16th, Raub was “arrested” after government agents swarmed his residence as if he was a terrorist mastermind with blood on his hands.  His crime?  Well apparently, since he has been detained without charge, there is none.  However, government statements make it clear that Raub’s exercise of his First Amendment rights led to him being labeled with the now all encompassing term “terrorist.”  Apparently, Raub’s “crime” was posting statements on Facebook that criticized the government and its actions.  Raub is currently being held without charge and against his will for psychological evaluation.

Examining the situation admittedly from what media releases are available, there are numerous disturbing issues at hand.  First, the government conducting unwarranted domestic surveillance of the internet is not new, but still just as abrasive to American ideas of liberty and at the least challenges the present validity of Fourth Amendment protections in today’s America.

Second, Raub appears to have not engaged in any illegal “acts” and instead was swept up in an on-going federal pogrom of intimidation to eliminate all government dissent.  This sends a chilling message about the current status of Americans’ First Amendment rights and is something you would expect to see in Soviet Russia vice the U.S.

Third Raub was taken and detained against his will without charge.  Although, government agents are stating he wasn’t “arrested,” one must wonder what then was the purpose.  Is the government now allowed to send armed SWAT teams into the homes of anyone that doesn’t openly bow to government edicts and declare them insane and psychologically unfit?  This scary pattern follows previous LMS reporting on how the government is now using mental health professionals of its choosing to condemn, disarm, and lock away lawful dissidents.  LMS specifically highlighted this action against veterans suffering from PTSD and how the Veteran’s Administration secretly directed care providers to use the police to disarm them.  This is an extremely slippery slope and should be challenged immediately and broadly in court.  What we are dealing with is a subversion of due process and establishing a parallel prosecution by highly subjective opinions of government hired social workers.  Using someone’s “protected” speech and views to condemn them as a terrorist and then detaining them indefinitely without charge is truly chilling.

The idea that a government psychologist can condemn one for their views without due process is abhorrent to American liberties.  As bad, is how loosely the still undefined definition of terrorism is being secretly interpreted and used by the government.  According to the Senate Intelligence Committee, the American public would be outraged if they knew how it was actually being employed and goes far beyond anything a healthy nation should consider constitutional.  LMS has warned for over a decade how the government would use the overly broad definition of terrorism to eventually encompass anyone that challenged the legitimacy of even the most illegal of government activities.  Post 9/11, “terrorist” seemed fine to throw around because it was taken to mean Al Qaeda Islamic extremists.  Since then, this term has been perverted by the Department of Homeland Security and political leaders to the point it is being applied to gun owning veterans returning from combat or anyone that doesn’t support tax increases.

If the above doesn’t evoke nausea, you need to sit down and really consider what is going on in our great nation.  How long will it be before something you believe in, cherish, hold dear, or seek to change is deemed hostile to the government?  You may indeed be law-abiding or not speak without prior government approval, but that isn’t enough.  Whether a Republican, Democrat, Independent, it doesn’t matter.  Soon enough, if this trend is not arrested and held to legal account, you too may be rounded up in the night by the Gestapo and indefinitely detained as a terrorist.  For you Republicans, imagine how your views will be interpreted by another four years of Obama? Yes, your conservative, less taxation, anti-abortion, pro-gun beliefs will brand you a terrorist.  For you Democrats, now imagine if Romney is elected and what your world will be like.  Try to “occupy” anything, protest a new nuclear plant, or rally against another needless war in the Middle East and you too will find yourself being indefinitely detained.  Everyone must understand this is not about you “doing anything wrong.”  It is about total state control.  Americans, this is not a partisan issue.  This is an American crisis that we must muster all of our combined efforts to reject.

Finally, the local, state, and federal law enforcement that took part in this raid need to police your own ranks, uphold the rights you are sworn to protect, and speak out.  Shame on you for “just doing your job.”  You have a sworn duty and trust to protect freedoms, liberties, and uphold the Constitution not destroy them.  Sometimes that means people we may not like or agree with walk free, but the alternative is utterly repulsive.  Your allegiance is not to the department or to this government, it is to the people.  Refuse to handle these bogus investigations and illegal detainments.  You too are not immune to this trend.  You, your family, your neighbors, your friends, and your nation will all suffer from your failure to resist the continuously expanding powers of the state.  Please respect the legal framework that made this country free.

Everyone needs to do everything they can, whether as a cop, a judge, a lawyer, a voter, a news reporter, or even a student.  If you are wealthy, pay for his legal defense.  If you are a lawyer, pitch in pro bono for the legal defense.  If you are in news, make it the front page headline.  We must loudly protest this and demand Raub’s immediate freedom.  That is not enough though, Americans must bring legal suit against those that allowed this and file motions to ensure the rule of Constitutional law is upheld.  Lawmakers that don’t push to hold government agencies accountable and protect our rights must be removed from office at the ballot box and if the Democrats and Republicans don’t get on board, voters need to leave them en mass and vote for an Independent party candidate like Gary Johnson.  Virginians should also be writing Ken Cuccinelli, their state attorney general and demanding that this never be allowed to happen on the Commonwealth’s soil again.  We can not survive long as a free nation if we silently accept these acts. You must accept individual responsibility and take action now, while you still can.


Zero Hedge nails it and breaks down the bogus use of psych screening for government agendas.

A statement from Raub’s apparent legal representation: