Tag Archive for Anonymous should use uber data to expose dirty government officials

Uber Update: Uber Confirmed to be providing your private travel data to the government

Last year I wrote a piece entitled “Why the government elite love Uber: Your travel is now a searchable public record.”  Read it here:  http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2015/08/13/why-the-government-elite-love-uber-your-travel-is-now-a-searchable-public-record/  In it, I warned that with the convenience of Uber comes the inevitable loss of privacy and government surveillance.  It was just too juicy a target for Big Brother’s mass surveillance and data collection and I predicted Uber was here to stay because the government was reaping too much information about you from Uber.  Well, it didn’t take long for my prediction to prove prescient.

Just last month (April 2016), it became very public across the internet that Uber had in fact been providing data from over 12 million users to the US Government.  Read it here:  http://www.infowars.com/uber-admits-it-gave-data-on-12-million-users-to-u-s-government/  Read more