Tag Archive for how can we bring down the system

Thank You Russia: My Open Letter to President Putin

If no one else will say it, I will.  Thank you Russia for exposing the rampant corruption in our government and their crony relationships with those in the media and corporate world.  The truth is the truth no matter who it comes from.  America is better for it.  Exposing the rampant corruption was long overdue.  The leaking of the emails didn’t “manipulate” our political system as claimed by the guilty any more than the presentation of evidence “manipulates” the jury during a criminal trial.  However, at this point, no actual evidence has been produced that proves Russia was behind the email hacks despite the unfounded accusations by those exposed.  In truth, it matters little who is behind the hacks and I will not let that become a distracting issue.  The party responsible is a hero and friend of freedom.  We cannot let the biased and corrupt media continue to create the narratives.  This is not about how to retaliate against Russia.  Let’s make this one thing clear.  It is about how to retaliate and permanently remove every single one of those corrupt traitors of our Republic within the establishment exposed by the leaks.

All Americans should be not just alarmed, but furious about these revelations.  It is time the middle class demand their day and take to the streets in a focused manner or prepare to accept living in a dictatorial banana republic with all the pain, poverty, and suffering that goes along with it.  It is a sad day for America when those trusted to be the watchdogs of the government such as the press have not only abdicated in their mission, but completely sold out.  We must financially bankrupt the media by boycotts and lawsuits until they are all bankrupt and exiled from this nation.  Today the news media operates as the direct propaganda arm of the government and covers for its criminal actions.  It is directly involved in the cronyism and corruption that must be defined as a major criminal enterprise. Read more