Tag Archive for how to survive an active shooter

Are you prepared to survive an active shooter style terrorist attack?

Not so ironically, I was in the process of writing an entire piece on how Islamic terrorist cells were already operating inside the United States and then the events in California occurred.  The Islamic terrorist attack pre-empted the article’s publishing and unfortunately proved the point I was making so I have since scrapped the article and instead decided to talk directly about preparing for and surviving an active shooter situation.  The events in Paris, Colorado, and California are all examples of active shooter scenarios and mark a deadly change of tactics that now show a bias for soft targets in gun free zones.  This knowledge alone will help you prepare yourself and your family to survive in the event you find yourself confronted and possibly trapped in the midst of an attack.  To survive, consider these simple points.

Preparation is key to a successful outcome whether it be in war, a sports game, or a job interview.  It is no different when it comes to self-preservation in the face of an active shooter.  One must be mentally prepared to fight to the death.  The first time you think about what you would do while at school or work or shopping when shots start ringing out should not be when it actually happens.  Working through the problem sets in your head beforehand will enable you to act much more quickly and decisively under high stress, which is vital for survival.  You should also constantly maintain a state of mild vigilance and never completely ignore your situational awareness.  Take note of where exits are.  Observe the people around you and their dispositions.  Be aware enough to know if something doesn’t seem right or if it is out of place.  If you get a gut feeling something isn’t right, exit immediately and leave the area.  Read more