Tag Archive for obamacare failure

Critical Drug Shortages Begin: Obamacare’s damage is just beginning

What have been the outcomes in every single country where health care has been nationalized?  Higher costs, lower quality care, drug and doctor shortages, long waits, and no privacy have all been the natural outcomes.  Predictably, these problems have now begun to appear in the US.  You already know that the costs of your premiums have skyrocketed, but what you may not have realized is that hospitals all across the nation are experiencing critical drug shortages.  What may shock you more is that the drugs in short supply are some of the most widely used and critically needed to treat patients.

At any given time there is always going to be some drug out of the millions produced that is experiencing some time of shortage issue, but when the shortages begin affecting critical drugs used every day by millions we need to take note.  Most recently, saline has been in extremely short supply.  In fact the shortage is now so bad the US has to import saline from Russia.  For those that don’t know what saline it, it is sodium chloride (salt water) PH balanced to provide hydration for the body.  You will probably recognize it as they typical “IV” bag.  Further, it is critical for the intravenous administration of a huge variety of drugs to include anesthesia.  Without saline patients will die.  As one of the most commonly used items in hospitals, its shortage should be sounding alarm bells.  http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm382255.htm Read more