Tag Archive for president

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest believes Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from serving as president

It is said that if it wasn’t for double standards, Democrats wouldn’t have standards.  Case and point was demonstrated this week when White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated Donald Trump should be disqualified from serving as president because his comments about preventing Muslim immigration to the US were unconstitutional.  If Josh wasn’t a hypocrite, I would welcome this as great news.  I hate to break the news to Josh, but the Constitution doesn’t bar the government for setting standards on immigration to include racial and ethnic quotas.  However, the Constitution explicitly prohibits the government from engaging in infringements on free speech, the right to bear arms, and privacy specific to one being secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures in the first, second, and fourth amendments respectively.  These three amendments have been so heinously violated and perverted by both parties of our government, they are no longer recognizable.  Nonetheless, I agree with Josh that no one should be serving as president to violate the Constitution so let’s extend his logic to the rest of the candidates.

“The fact is what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president,” said Earnest referencing Trumps statement to ban Muslims from immigrating to the USA.  He then when on to clarify that every president must take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify.  I ask that this be equally applied to all candidates.  In fact, based on Josh’s criteria, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders should be immediately disqualified.  Further, his boss, President Obama, should be disqualified.  This trio sets the bar for unconstitutional actions, statements, and policies.  Specifically, all three should be eliminated for calling for outright gun confiscation, which even the most brainless of the left have to admit is irreconcilable with the Second Amendment.  Further, all have either voted for our ordered unconstitutional domestic surveillance of citizens without any due process, which is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.  I am also pretty sure using the Justice Department to investigate and harass journalists is also prohibited.  At this point we should also throw in assassinating US citizens without due process and invading sovereign nations without cause or authorization.  By Earnest condemning Trump’s comments, he also is treading dangerously close to the government abridging Trump’s right to freely express himself.  Trump has no authority at this point and is speaking as a free man, but Earnest is in a government position.

The Democrat candidates are not alone.  Most of the cast of characters running for the Republican nomination also have a checkered record when it comes to supporting the Constitution.  Read more