Tag Archive for should Hungary accept Muslims

Europe must ‘wake up’ to ‘clash of civilizations’ – Polish minister after Catalonia attacks

See:  https://www.rt.com/news/400207-europe-clash-civilizations-poland/

Source:  http://img09.deviantart.net/d303/i/2013/336/2/e/the_battle_of_vienna_1683_by_devjohnson-d6wjdse.jpg

Source: http://img09.deviantart.net/d303/i/2013/336/2/e/the_battle_of_vienna_1683_by_devjohnson-d6wjdse.jpg

Previously, I have written that it won’t be the first time Western Europe has allowed itself to be overrun my Islam and just as before, it will be Central and Eastern Europe that will rise to the challenge and save Europe.  As such, I want to reiterate that it wasn’t France or Spain or Italy or even the UK that saved Western Civilization from the Islamic invasion of the Ottomans.  It was the Poles allied with fellow Central and Eastern Europeans that stopped the Turks at the Gates of Vienna.  Remember too that the army of King Sobieski was heavily outnumbered against what many considered a far superior military force.  Nonetheless, Christendom triumphed and the West was saved from its darkest hour.

For this incredible feat, the West should be eternally grateful.  Furthermore, it is incredibly hypocritical that the other European Nations dare question the position countries like Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia have taken toward the invasion of Islam into Europe.  Not only have these countries had to shoulder the burden of protecting Europe’s borders from the Turks, but they literally are responsible for the fact that Western Civilization as we know it was not extinguished.  As such, the next time France or Germany or any one else in the EU makes a comment to Poland, it should be “thank you.”

By Guiles Hendrik

August 20, 2017