Tag Archive for travel bans

Massive Blizzard to Strike New England: What you should really fear.

If you live in New England, you are bracing for a significant snow storm.  With the snow totals and high winds forecasted the most significant effect of the weather will likely be wide spread power outages.  Respective of the power outages, the effect will not be long lasting, but you could be at risk of frozen pipes if you don’t have backup heating.  If you don’t and lose power, make sure you drain your pipes, bundle up, and add on the blankets.  No problem.  Certainly the panic buying over a couple feet of snow is not warranted and in fact, the storm looks like more of a great skiing opportunity than any end of the world event as the media has over dramatized.  However, what are worrisome are the draconian edicts being issued by states ranging from curfews and travel bans to forcing people off of the sidewalks.  The precedent being set is extremely dangerous and will be abused in the future if not challenged.


http://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/062-15/transcript-mayor-de-blasio-holds-press-conference-update-new-yorkers-winter-weather Read more

The Real Threat from Ebola is Economic Vapor Lock and Collapse

Liberian Military Seal Slums to Prevent Spread of Ebola_ Source: NBC News

Liberian Military Seal Slums to Prevent Spread of Ebola_ Source: NBC News

Outside of three West African nations, which are being ravaged by Ebola, the health threat from Ebola still remains small.  Am I dismissing the risk of further spread? No.  Am I dismissing the fact the numbers infected are still exponentially increasing? No.  Am I even claiming that Ebola won’t return to the US and spread globally?  No.  What I am saying is that for those of us in the US, the biggest danger Ebola poses to the masses in the near term is economic.  In fact, if you want to best prepare for an Ebola pandemic, you should prepare for an economic collapse, which will affect you long before you run a real risk of infection. Read more