Archive for November 2014

Success in Ferguson: The Untold Story

Pictures of the criminal Michael Brown Robbing a Convenience Store

Pictures of the criminal Michael Brown violently assaulting a clerk and robbing a convenience store

As news broke last night that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted by a grand jury, events unfolded as I warned.  Legitimate, peaceful protests were hijacked by a host of unsavory groups to included anarchists and domestic terrorist organizations like the New Black Panther Party.  The New Black Panther Party is racist terrorist organization whose members were planning to carry out a Boston Marathon style bombing of the Ferguson protests (see:, which could have maimed and killed dozens of people.  As predicted, the protests provided cover for this mob of anarchists, domestic terrorists, and criminals to congregate and then begin to riot.  Further, because of political pressure, the police were impotent to stop the violence and the National Guard was held back, which left innocent citizens helpless as their cars were torched and businesses looted.  As the sun rose today over Ferguson, the damage was clear.  Entire blocks were burned to the ground, cars were destroyed, stores were looted, citizens were assaulted, and in general, all hell had broken loose.  So where is the success in Fergusson you ask?  The untold story of Ferguson is that many businesses, homes, and property were left untouched not by the design of the mob or by the “protection” of the state, but by brave actions armed, private citizens.  Read more

DC Criminalizes Constitutional Rights: City Issuing $1,000 Rewards for Neighbors to Rat on Neighbors with Guns


DC Continues Harassment of Legal Gun Owners...Rewards Tipsters that Report Legally Owned Firearms.

DC Continues Harassment of Legal Gun Owners…Rewards Tipsters that Report Legally Owned Firearms.

Thanks to our aware readers, Last Minute Survival is the first to bring you another breaking scandal.

In what we have come to expect from our growing Orwellian police state, the District of Columbia has now taken your tax dollars to pay neighbors to rat out and harass fellow neighbors with firearms.  Disturbingly, DC is soliciting, via ads on metro buses (see photo), information on anyone with a gun.  Even though the ads ask people to provide tips on anyone with an “illegal” gun, the implicit message is that ANY gun inside of DC “must” be illegal.  This politically targeted campaign of harassment sets the stage for gross violations of both the 2nd and 4th Amendments of the US Constitution, destroys the notion of probable cause, criminalizes lawful behavior, and justifies potentially deadly police raids.

This “crime fighting” initiative is the latest form of harassment in the long history of the DC government refusing to recognize the Second Amendment right of its citizens.  Even after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution applies to federal enclaves and protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, DC still continues to flagrantly violate the right of citizens to own and possess a firearm within DC.  According to DC’s new initiative, if you see someone exercising what is not only lawful, but a constitutionally protected right, you must immediately call the police.  Even better, you get a reward of up to $1,000.  This initiative is analogous to telling the public to call the police if you see a reporter doing a story, a citizen speaking against a corrupt government policy, or someone worshipping in the religion of their choice.  Of course we should recoil against the thought of these gross violations of our rights, but in the case of firearms, it now appears you are guilty until proven innocent of lawfully exercising a right.  Just imagine having to buy ammunition covertly or as soon as you leave the gun store a “good citizen” is following you and providing your information to the cops to receive political bounties.  If you can criminalize one right, how long do you really think before all of your other rights are meaningless?  If you are thinking this is just a DC thing and doesn’t concern you, then allow this action to stand.  Within months you will see this same initiative pop up across the nation and soon it will be your neighbors being paid to rat you out every time you target practice in your back yard or head to the range.

The DC initiative sets a very dangerous legal precedent by completely obliterating a citizen’s Fourth Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure.  Specifically, someone can anonymously phone in a tip on an innocent person and that person will be taken down violently by the police.  Also, there are no safe guards for someone abusing the tip system.  How great would this be for a spiteful neighbor or anti-gun zealot to exact revenge and harass you?  There is a huge difference between someone witnessing what they genuinely believe to be a crime in progress, providing their identity, and the police acting on the tip and the police detaining and or raiding someone’s home for exercising what is a totally legal and protected right.  The Supreme Court is clear that anonymous tips in particular do not meet the 4th Amendment’s bar for probable cause, which is necessary for obtaining a warrant and executing a detention, search, and seizure.  Further, the fact someone has a gun or something that looks like a gun in and of itself is not probably cause of a crime.  Delving deeper, it would be nearly impossible for a citizen to know whether or not a firearm was owned “legally” in DC under the current laws that now DO permit firearms in the city.  This sets the stage for perpetual harassment of citizens that legally possess a firearm to include many law enforcement officers that reside within the city.

Beyond the outright disturbing nature of DC paying people to rat out their neighbors and harassing citizens for exercising their rights, it sets the stage for far deadlier situation and a massive waste of limited law enforcement resources.  Once these “tips” are made, DC police will act to “arrest” the offender.  Arguing “officer safety,” police will most likely opt for a SWAT style raid of the home of the person alleged to have a firearm.  These SWAT raids are extremely dangerous for all parties and have led to numerous deaths and injuries of innocent civilians to include children and babies to speak nothing of the terror it causes the person whose home was just raided.  These raids also often mistakenly raid the wrong home.  In the event of these “no knock” warrants, a law abiding citizen with a firearm may genuinely think their house is being robbed and go for their gun as their doors are kicked in.  In example after example, the police then proceed to execute the surprised homeowner as they storm the home and use the justification that the officers were acting in good faith when they murdered the innocent homeowner to indemnify themselves from legal action.

Make no mistake; the DC initiative to have neighbors tip off police is no accident.  It is a thinly veiled agenda by anti-gun elites such as former New York City Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg to circumvent the Constitution and criminalize not just the right to have firearms, but mentally condition the public that all firearms are bad.  Together, we can expose this and stop it cold or we will all be facing this same “crime fighting initiative” in our home towns soon.  You heard it here first at Last Minute Survival.  Take action now.

By Guiles Hendrik

November 19, 2014

Update on the Third Iraq War against ISIL/ISIS/IS/AQ/Syria/etc.

US Advisors in Iraq begin training. Source

US Advisors in Iraq begin training. Source









It should come as no shock to our readers that the Third Iraq War President Obama initiated has already faltered.  As predicted, the strategy (or lack thereof see: did not achieve the desired results so now the Department of Defense (DoD), no doubt testing the waters for the White House, is requesting boots on the ground.  As we warned, mission creep is a dangerous thing and would plague this operation.  What started with just a handful of “advisors,” grew into airstrikes in Iraq and then Syria, then over a thousand troops “on the ground,” and now US troop levels in Iraq will soon reach 3,000.  When this new batch of advisors fails to stop the growth of ISIL, expect Obama to retract another “promise” and have “no choice,” but to commit US combat personnel to the fight in Iraq.  Soon, just like in Vietnam, Obama will be steadily sucked into another full blown war in Iraq that the US will neither win nor be able to afford. Read more

Sign Up to Protect Homes and Businesses in Ferguson

Citizens in Ferguson Unite to Defend Their Business

Citizens in Ferguson Unite to Defend Their Business

What really happened and who is right in the on-going social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri that began after an unarmed black man was shot by a police officer?  That is the question we all are asking, but in truth can’t know unless we were there.  Without the ability to have witnessed the events firsthand, one must let the justice system work.  However, it is clear that no matter whether or not the grand jury returns an indictment against the officer involved in the shooting, many will feel an injustice has been committed.  In fact, many have left little doubt that if an indictment, irrespective of the evidence, is not returned, there will be violence  Our job as citizens should be to protect the innocent, our families, and our neighborhoods from this violence whether it is at the hands of the mob or the police.  With your support, LMS is prepared to help those in need.  To help, please read on and contact us at, subject line “Help Ferguson.”   

Ferguson has already endured more than its share of mob violence.  If protestors want to vent their anger, they should properly focus their aggression against the police, judges, and politicians, but not local residents and businesses.  Further, when protestors target innocent bystanders for simply being “white,” they completely undermine their stated grounds for grievance (see links at bottom).  If race was truly at the root of the Brown shooting, attacking whites, or any innocent person, demonstrates a complete hypocrisy of logic and turns legitimate protestors into a mob.  Acting like a mob gives the police a legitimate justification to harshly crack down on any protests and only spurs more violence.  A well-organized protest should be smart about this and not give the police any justification for the use of harsh crowd control tactics and be cognizant of optics created by the protestors.  Wanton violence does not win the support of the public and only bolsters the state’s argument for heavy handed actions none of us want.  However, in light of the very public calls for violence if the grand jury doesn’t indict the officer as demanded by the mob, we can safely predict in that event protests will quickly descend into mob violence and rioting.

The police are preparing for this contingency and no doubt will respond in force.  Nonetheless, as we have previously reported,, the best way to protect yourself, your family, your residence, and your business was not to rely on the police.  The police have found that they can do little to protect the businesses and residents from rioting mobs and at best try to arrest the most egregious of actors.  This has left business and residents of all races in Ferguson paralyzed by the continuing violence.  In Ferguson, the only places spared by the mob were people who took up arms and organized to defend their lives and property and the wealthy able to pay for contract security.  Clearly we all can’t afford private security, so we are organizing to provide volunteer security services for citizens in need.  In anticipation of the grand jury announcement and possible violence, LMS is establishing a special response team made up of citizens unwilling to allow innocent people to become victims and our cities to burn.  We will be dedicating a page where anyone in need of help can request help or volunteer their protective services.  We are in need of able bodied citizens and organizations of good character to contact us immediately.  Those trained and legally able to carry a firearm in Missouri to include current and former law enforcement and military personnel as well as medical first responders are in great demand.

If you or a loved one has family and friends or a business in or around Ferguson and need protection, email us at, subject line “Help Ferguson” and we will attempt to match you with volunteers willing to travel to that location and stand guard.  Please post this information to social media such as chat rooms, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc. to get the word out and help the citizens of Ferguson.  For professional support, LMS also provides contract private security consultation and protective services that can be requested at, subject line “Security and Protective Services.”   


By Guiles Hendrik

November 7, 2014

George W. Bush was Still Wrong on Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

I have warned for years that the Syrian Rebels and now ISIL have chemical weapons.  However, that notion was dismissed repeatedly by the mainstream media until the State Department inadvertently admitted that ISIL used chemical weapons on the Kurds.  Of course that major revelation caused at least a few people to raise the question of the origin of these said chemical weapons.  Realizing a major scandal was about to erupt, the White House went into full damage control mode and immediately set about working with the New York Times to put out a story to redirect and mislead the public.  The Times story claims ISIL’s chemical weapons came from undestroyed Iraqi stockpiles, which as I will show, is a patently false claim of historical revisionism. Read more