Archive for Prepper Organization

Absurdities of the Coronavirus Lockdown

Today is simply venting about the absurdities I have witnessed over the course of the last few months.  Feel free to comment and add to what amounts to a lengthy and admittedly far from comprehensive list.  I could care less if you agree or disagree.  This is simply an exercise in mental health. 

To start my list, I am tired of the idiotic retort of “the coronavirus is not really bad because (fill in the blank) kills (fill in the blank) people each year.”  This comparison logic is void of any understanding of the logarithmic spread of a contagious disease.  A fair analogy of this logic would be an officer on the first day of World War I and telling his soldiers that it’s absurd to worry about this new device called a machine gun because only a few people have been killed by them.  How about this instead?  In a matter of just a few months, the COVID-19 has wiped out more Americans than all of America’s senseless wars in the last forty years?  These are thousands of people that would be upright and walking and talking had a very nasty virus not hopped from China to the United States.  All deadly diseases start by killing a single person.  The point isn’t that only a single person has died; it’s how many people could die if it isn’t prevented. 

I am tired of talking about “peak” infections.  Does it really matter if 977 people die instead of 983?  Can we agree that its horrible either way?  As long as we have the virus in our communities it will rapidly spread.  Remember we started with zero infections and within weeks, absent social distancing, we had thousands of infections.  As such, I am curious how it is okay to start with, say 1,300 infections, and think that the result will be any different.

I am tired of people who can’t “deal” with reality.  Get over it snowflakes and toughen up.  Newsflash, you don’t have a right to the world being perfect.  You wanted to socialize everything else, so why not risk and hardship?  After all, that is the result of socialist policies so take good notes.  No matter how much you deny reality, you are not immune from the consequences of your denial.  In fact, it’s healthy your normalcy bias was shattered.  Look at it as being cured of a state of chronic mental illness for free.  Oh, and yes, it is possible you are faced with nothing but bad options.  A statement comes to mind that many grunts can appreciate, “welcome to the suck.” 

I am tired of the Left race baiting and trying to politicize the suffering during this pandemic.  The disease is not racist contrary to the absurd proclamations from these divisive subversives openly operating in the United States.  The disease kills irrespective of race, gender, or class much to the chagrin of these radicals.  Further, whether they like it or not, it kills unhealthy people at much higher rates.  I hope this wasn’t a big surprise.  In particular, if you are obese, chances are you have a pre-existing condition that will be exasperated by this disease whether you are a fat white person that smokes in Appalachia or a fat black person that smokes in the inner-city.  If you don’t like it, I would recommend accepting some responsibility and living a healthier lifestyle. 

I am tired of over-zealous police acting as if they are Gestapo agents demanding “your papers.”  “Voluntary” recommendations should be the operative term.  Going about your life…as in traveling, recreating, eating, working, visiting, etc. is not a crime.  Only in the worst of authoritarian regimes would a human be stripped of what amounts to one of the most basic human rights…the right to pursue the means of subsistence.  How exactly is jailing a person for walking down the street helping to prevent disease spread?   Our bureaucrats do not understand the most basic relationships between cause and effect.  These newly imprisoned people not only present a serious risk of bringing the disease into to the isolated prison population, but also acquiring it and then being released soon thereafter and spreading it back to the public.  Ironically, the unnecessary contact exposes our police and judicial officials to a far greater risk of infection, which may be a form of poetic justice.  The mounting number of government abuses from fines to outright imprisonment of citizens is intolerable. 

I am tired of neighbors ratting out each other as if they are informants for the East German Stasi.  I am all for outing these loyalists to the Crown.  What kind of self-respecting American calls the police on their neighbor for cooking out or playing catch in their own backyard?  Further, how stupid are these people?  Do they not know even the most basic facts about viral spread?  This is chilling.  Please do everything you can to shame these “Karens” into a bit more old fashion anti-establishment American rebellion for the good of everyone.

I am tired of releasing prison populations into unprepared communities.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe many thousands of people are unjustly imprisoned every year and many never should have been jailed.  I am not debating that point.  What is of concern is that thousands of convicted criminals are suddenly being released from jail with no money, no job, no place to stay and no hope of finding any of the aforementioned necessities under the current circumstances.  A thinking person would recognize this is rather destabilizing and could quickly lead to a spike in crime for any community victimized by a sudden dumping of inmates in their backyard. 

I am tired of people that have spent their entire lives supporting anti-gun measures suddenly racing out to buy a gun.  If you don’t own a gun yet, you should be prevented from purchasing a firearm until this crisis has passed.  The only background check should be to see if you have previously purchased a gun and are in good standing with the Second Amendment.  For once, the anti-gun advocates should have to suffer the consequences for blindly stating their entire lives that there is no reason for a person to own a gun.  Further, these people truly don’t know what in the hell they are doing with a firearm and epitomize everything they feared about reckless gun owners.  Now that these hypocrites are forced to admit that security could quickly deteriorate and the government cannot protect them, we shouldn’t let them off the hook before their lesson is learned. 

I am tired of the term “worker” as if we are some type of Bolshevik slaves.  Terms like citizens, employees, managers, business owners, or even a generic statement like people recently unemployed would be fitting, but President Trump unthinkingly taking his talking points from Bernie Sanders is a bridge too far.  Workers of the world unite!

I am tired of how people reflexively turn to the government for an immediate “fix” even though the government’s failures are to blame for the spread of the virus within the United States.  Why would anyone expect the organization most responsible for this colossal failure to have the solution?  Do people not realize hundreds of billions of dollars and entire organizations within  the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security (FEMA) as well as our intelligence agencies and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are specifically tasked with preparedness, early warning, defense, resilience, and recovery in the event of a biological threat?  Further, where are all the open borders activists and globalists demanding we produce everything cheaply overseas?  At what point will these organizations and their leadership be held to account?  At minimum, considering the time and money spent over the decades, the government should have stockpiled personal protective equipment for healthcare providers and the population.  It is simply inexcusable that our nation was caught unprepared and by surprise considering the massive amount of money dedicated to intelligence.  This failure is on par with Pearl Harbor.

I am tired of global corporations and financial institutions that made reckless risk decisions getting trillion dollar bailouts.  These corporate executives are making millions running unprofitable failing companies, but the taxpayers get what?  A bill?  Hell, we don’t even get stock options in these lousy companies.  Let them fail.  Instead of stock buybacks, perhaps they should have built some savings.  How is it that Joe the Plumber is responsible for bailing out a company like Boeing, which was failing long before any pandemic?  Boeing has horrible management made up of former career bureaucrats, quality control levels so poor they are producing aircraft with debris in fuel tanks, and have been producing aircraft more unsafe than jets designed decades ago while charging astronomical prices.  The company should fail or have to radically clean up its act.  Nonetheless, somehow their gross mismanagement is the problem of the taxpayer through a system of cronyism and socialist government policies.  This cannot end well. 

I am tired of hearing how we have the “best economy in history” even though that statement is based on incredibly manipulated numbers and what amounts to complete revisionist history.  We have known for years that we have been living in one of the biggest bubbles ever created.  The financial markets have soared to record highs as a result of manipulation by the Federal Reserve, but are underpinned by nothing.  Anyone with sense knew this bubble would burst sooner or later.  The only question was what would pop the bubble.  Admittedly, this is the subject of an entire dissertation so I will leave it at this.  If it truly was the best economy in history, why did it collapse in a week and if it didn’t, why did it need (as of this week) six trillion in tax dollars to bail it out?    

I am tired of how our government conspires with the Federal Reserve to conjure trillions of dollars out of thin air and then pretends that there are no negative consequences.  Are Americans really so naïve as to believe the middle class isn’t going to get stuck with the bill?  The poor can’t pay and the rich don’t pay.  Put another way, I will be happy to give a two thousand dollar check to any sucker willing to give me ten thousand dollars in “taxes” to pay for me giving them the two thousand dollars.  This is literally what the government is doing to “help” and it appears Americans are truly dumb enough to think this is beneficial. 

Finally, I am tired of people’s apathy and immediate acquiescence to even the most draconian government dictates.  Do we honestly think Google has our best interests in mind volunteering to help track us for the government? This sounds an awful lot like what China does to control its population. For once, many of the “workers” don’t have to be at work.  There is no excuse why we all shouldn’t be marching on our state capitals demanding our Rights instead of sheepishly ignoring the draconian precedents being set daily.  It’s true; no good crisis should go to waste.  However, rather than allowing us to be manipulated by fear into giving up more Rights, let’s use this chance to take back the ones we have lost. 

By Guiles Hendrik

April 11, 2020

Distributed Operations: Keys to Countering the Modern Police State

I am often asked how an insurgent (a.k.a. guerilla) force could successfully function against a modern police state. The answer to this complex challenge has taken on a mystique akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Many have come to believe that any resistance against these authoritative regimes leveraging the latest in surveillance technology is futile. This conclusion is false. Any modern police state can be successfully confronted and if necessary, overthrown. This is even more likely when a true critical mass of the populace is unified in their demand for the change. However, for those suffering under brutal regimes that were hoping for a simple panacea, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is a highly complicated and daunting operation that involves plans custom tailored to each unique regime. Even then, at the outset of resistance, the odds of success are not good making the endeavor highly risky. Most insurgencies are crushed in their infancies, but like newborns, those insurgencies that can survive for at least a year rapidly turn the tables and with each passing month statistically become more and more likely to succeed. Of those successful struggles against tyranny, one finds commonalities that will be applicable to any guerilla war. One of the most important of these is the use of Distributed Operations (DO). Read more

It’s Time for a Constitutional Amendment to Ban Secret Courts in United States of America

One of the biggest issues coming to light from the on-going Russian collusion witch-hunt, which has been a thinly veiled operation designed to knee cap the Trump Administration, was the revelation that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) or “FISA Court” had authorized the surveillance of now President Trump.  Released declassified documents prove the process to obtain surveillance warrants was heavily abused for political gain by what amounts to a cabal inside of the FBI and Justice Department seeking to pull off a soft coup.  This is high treason, which would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to pull off if the FISC were not a secret court.  Let me be clear.  Secret courts have no place in a free republic.  They have always been and always will be used as a political weapon that ultimately leads to the subjugation and oppression of a nation.  We now have incontrovertible proof that the FISC was indeed weaponized to seize political control of this nation’s highest office.  This is the real election meddling that actually did have huge impact on our nation.  Read more

Beyond Charlottesville: The choice between civil war and national salvation



I have pondered the staged, revolutionary events in Charlottesville all week.  How to properly address the depth of dangers facing America has literally kept me up at night.  I could analyze the events and various belligerents.  I could point fingers and place blame on the various factions.  I could talk about how it was an orchestrated setup designed to burn Charlottesville to the ground as a sacrifice to create racial division.  I could even discuss a strategy to resist the war being waged against America.  However, I won’t.  Not yet at least.  Problems are best settled with a cool head.  Taking a week to assimilate the situation is critical to avoid costly strategic mistakes.  Right now, our nation needs to collectively take a step back and focus on what is really at stake; the United States of America.  Please stay with me and read on.

With respect to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, the most important issue right now is to not allow yourself and others to be sucked into the trap our enemies have set for America.  We must not be distracted and remain laser focused on the real enemies of our nation.  The enemies of “all” Americans are desperate to polarize and divide our nation through class warfare.  They are few, but powerful.  Just like the leaders of earlier revolutions, they are the strategists and the financiers.  However, alone, they are incapable of implementing their plan to destroy and subjugate US.  To overcome their weaknesses, they leverage engineered issues to manipulate the masses to action.  They control minds and opinions through their monopoly of mass media and governments.  They control world events through finance and wars.  They internally divide.  They polarize.  They deceive.  Our enemies are not the idiots wearing black masks in the street throwing feces at each other like zoo monkeys.  These zombie stooges of the Left are simply expendable pawns that serve to distract America from what is killing it.  Through violence and intimidation, these mobs for hire are sent from city to city to create the illusion of an enemy far more pervasive than their true numbers remotely approach.  Nonetheless, by their very nature, these dupes are a terrorist arm of the Left, but they do not represent the critical head of this hydra.  Our enemy is the poisonous, nationcidal Leftist ideology and the globalists financing its implementation.

Make no mistake; the events in Charlottesville were engineered with the sole purpose of igniting racial tensions that they have been dutifully stoked year after year by Leftist elites.  These fault lines were created through a steady diet of identity politics that have nursed a victim mentality amongst the growing list of “aggrieved” classes.  Through control of the public schools and universities, the Left has indoctrinated an entire generation in their evil ideology to bolster their numbers to staff their zombie army.  These indoctrinated minions actually believe that by tearing down the US, they can create a utopian world where the perceived societal ills such as sexism, racism, and homophobia cannot exist.  To these mentally ill fools that have been taught to feel and not think, the “ists” of the world are the single greatest problem facing humanity.  Remarkably, exactly 100 years after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia through a bloody revolution, the seeds they planted have finally born their poisonous fruit.  Just like in Czarist Russia a century ago, the Leftists are now ready to blow the fault lines they have diligently chiseled into the fabric of America into gaping chasms that cannot be bridged.

Let me be clear, the civil war the Left so overtly desires will be devastating for everyone.  Only a mad man or sociopath could desire such an outcome.  There will be no utopia.  There will be no great liberation of the aggrieved classes.  Life will not improve.  The world will not be better.  The aggrieved classes will learn what true aggression, fear, and oppression feel like and will suffer greatly.  Blacks in particular will shoulder the worst of any race war, which they cannot win.  America will not be returned to some mythical communist paradise of equality, but a totalitarian cesspool of poverty, oppression, and darkness.  The torches of freedom, liberty, opportunity, prosperity, and equal rights under the law will be extinguished.

This dark future is our destiny should we as a nation collectively choose to remain ignorant of the evils attacking our nation.  We must study and understand the mortal enemies of freedom on the Left such as Marx and Alinsky.  If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted by petty differences, baited into class warfare and identity politics, and deceived by the Left, our nation cannot stand.  Our enemies know this and are determined to place maximum pressure on the societal fault lines they have engineered.  This will continue to get worse.  Our enemies not only desire, but require us to hate and fight each other to achieve their desired goal of toppling the US.  The worst fear of the Left is that Americans wake up, see their evil ideology, and take down the thought leaders and financiers of the Left, which have engineered this war.  I have no illusions about the nature of man.  It is far easier to give into primal emotions of hate, jealousy, greed, anger, and vengeance than it is to forgive, love, and take personal responsibility.  As individuals, to surmount these emotions, it will require resolute discipline and an incredible moral and ethical constitution that I believe is predicated in religion.  As a nation, it will require true leaders of the first order, not seen since our nation’s darkest hours, to rise up and offer a better vision, dismantle the intellectual dishonesty of the Left, and guide our nation back to health.

In closing, I ask each and every one of you to take time out of your day to stop and deeply reflect on the juncture we have come to as a nation.  Refocus on what is important.  Remove yourself from biases and preconceived notions.  Reevaluate the narratives of those claiming to be your leaders.  Reeducate those around you.  Remind yourself what you want your future to look like.  Then, and only then, reengage.  Come forward ready to meet the threats we face by uniting not dividing our nation.  It can be done.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 17, 2017

Radical Leftists Stock Up on Guns Preparing for Violent Resistance to Trump

Oh how quickly the roles have changed.  Just a year ago, only crazy “deplorables” were clinging to their bibles and guns.  Now it looks as though the Leftists are suddenly glad they didn’t ban all firearms and are arming themselves by the thousands.  However, I seriously doubt this salient point resonated and I would be curious to know if they are suddenly swelling the ranks of the NRA…Yes, I doubt it too.  Nonetheless, from where we stood just six months ago, the radical elements within the political Left are now suddenly far more, not less, dangerous.  I am writing today to warn fellow patriots that the war is not won.  It has only begun and elements on the Left are actively plotting a violent resistance to President Trump’s Administration.  Read more

State Governments Passing Laws to Abolish Private Property Rights

The level of encroachment of government into our lives correlates very closely to the amount of freedom a person enjoys.  It should come as no surprise that the more the government dictates every aspect of a person’s life, the less freedom that person has.  Dating as far back as early English Common Law, it has been recognized and well established that without respect for property rights there can be no freedom.  Alarmingly, over the last year, state and federal governments have massively expanded the scope of intrusion into our lives and all but abolished the last vestiges of property “rights.”  As a result, the number of examples of egregious violations of rights has been piling up.  Three cases in particular highlight the utter destruction of property rights.  Read more

Unity of Effort in Patriot Movement

If there is something to be learned from this last election it is you seek or swim politically as a team.  The groups that are able to put differences aside for a common cause repeatedly achieve far greater goals than splinter factions alone.  This has been a problem that has plagued the Patriot Movement where issues like ego, societal rejection, and hard headed “rugged individualism” have become chronic self-defeating diseases.  This isn’t to say that we sacrifice our morals and ethics for the sake of unity, but it is important to understand what is critical and what isn’t when it comes to winning the long war of ideology.  Collectively, if we can move closer to achieving our objectives we are better off rallying together.  This isn’t without consequences and pitfalls though.  As we have seen, our major political parties have been hijacked by elitist interests to the point that rallying to a false idol for “party unity” will do far more damage than good.  We must once again remember what it means to be American and define our core values and principles.  These moral underpinnings must be our guides and what we rally to instead of a hijacked political party or fallible individual.  This is a far more enduring strategy.  Without this solid foundation based in moral and ethical truth we will be continuously misled, divided, and ultimately fail. Read more

Is a Violent Anti-Trump Revolution Possible in the US?

Most of you have read a lot of articles and reports lately concerning escalating protests and violence across the country.  Many of you are rightfully asking how far this will go.  I have seen a number of reports that essentially dismiss the possibility of an armed rebellion beginning in America.  They are wrong.  People need to wake up.  The United State has already passed through the proto-revolutionary phase and is now involved in an active low level insurgency that has the potential to quickly spread should the proper conditions present.  The question isn’t whether or not a violent revolution could start in the US.  The question is how bad will it get.  Make no mistake; we are at war with a violent, leftist insurgency right now.

Let’s begin with a quick history lesson.  President Obama began his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part V: The True Best Places to Relocate

Over the past two weeks, I have released a series on prepper relocation that completely changes the old conventional theories that drove prepper relocation strategies (See:  The key takeaway you learned from the research is that you do not need to relocate to a remote region to survive.  In fact, it is actually counterproductive to be too isolated.  Now that you know relocation to a place like Idaho is no longer necessary and even counterproductive, where are the best places to relocate?  The good news is that you have far greater options depending on what you are prepping for in light of the results of my research.  In today’s conclusion to the five part series, I will introduce you to both domestic and international options that are readily available to anyone looking for a thorough, full spectrum relocation strategy that will work even under the most extreme situations.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part IV: The Fatal Error of Relocating to an Isolated Region

One of the single biggest mistakes preppers make is that they buy into the myth that relocating to a small region in the North West corner of the United States is their “best” chance of survival.  As you now know from my previous three articles in this series, this theory is inaccurate and is not based on any sound research.  Further, it causes people to unnecessarily incur significant additional costs and difficulties when developing their preparedness plans. However, what you still may not know is that there is a large body of empirical evidence that repeatedly demonstrates people living in isolated, remote areas are often at the greatest risk during wide spread social chaos and collapse.  Not coincidentally, these people also suffer some of the most hardships.  Therefore, with respect to our contemporary situation in the United States, preppers relocating to Idaho with the explicit intent to escape an oppressive government and or are planning to escape widespread instability during a systemic collapse of the system might very well be signing their death warrants.  Instead, contrary to contemporary prepping strategies, it would be better to be closer if not in the midst of a more densely populated area.

I understand what I just wrote probably sent many readers into anger and shock.  Nonetheless, it is far better to get the right information now then to continue along a misguided path to destruction.  No doubt, some readers will immediately discount what I am about to say because they are blinded by their own preconceived biases.  I cannot help those people.  Thankfully, the majority of my readers are intelligent thinking people that will quickly grasp the conclusions to be drawn from the evidence and modify their preparedness strategies accordingly.  In fact, don’t take my word alone, I invite everyone to conduct their own independent research into our prepping assumptions and disseminate their findings.

My theories seem counterintuitive to the premise that the farther from people you are, the farther from harm you are.  This is because the basic assumptions of this safety distance premise are flawed.  As the theory goes, in the event of a collapse or major catastrophe, being located away from people in a remote, self-sufficient redoubt is your best chance.  I have already discussed why the 300 mile rule is a useless metric and that the notion of a “Golden Horde” of refugees fleeing a city and destroying all in their wake is equally unfounded and completely untrue.  The last pillar of this theory is that being isolated conveys additional survival benefits.  To test it accurately, one must evaluate case studies from around the world and then correctly apply them to a realistic scenario domestically.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part III: A Letter to the Prepper Community

Before I post Part IV, I want to pause and recap the huge amount of ground already covered in parts one and two of this series (See links below to read and catch up).  Previously, I showed that the most common assumptions preppers base their relocation decisions on are completely false and actually counterproductive to outright dangerous.  The research I presented is groundbreaking within our community because it completely overturned the very foundation of what many have spent a lifetime basing their preps around.  Understandably, some people within the prepper community have received the new information as radical heresy and immediately took to the defense.  When new information is presented to any community, this visceral reaction is to be expected.  After all, it challenged their entire basis for their preps and in this case, proved that much of their foundational assumptions were based on bad information. Read more

Prepper Relocation Part II: The Myth of a 300 Mile Radius and the Golden Horde

In part one of our series on “Prepper Relocation,” I directly addressed a common false logic amongst preppers that led to bad conclusions regarding why one should relocate to Idaho.  Specifically, I challenged the idea that a bunker was a viable long term survival strategy for a major catastrophe many prep for such as nuclear war.  Simply establishing a second residence in a modern first world location like Santiago, Singapore, or New Zealand offer far better options for survival, both physically and economically, than hiding in a hole while a nuclear war is carried out above you.  Today, I continue the slaughter of the sacred cows and challenge the merits of relocating to a site far from other people.  As I previously discussed, relocation isn’t a subject to take lightly.  It may be the single most important decision a prepper makes and therefore any plan should be heavily vetted before time and money is invested in executing it.  Therefore, one must consider counter arguments to contemporary “expert” recommendations.  By leveraging the information in this series, you will be far better prepared to develop a personalized answer to what truly is you “best prepper place to relocate.”

Contemporary prepper logic states that the farther your relocation site is from dense centers of population, the better.  In fact, the magic number often touted is that you must be at least 300 miles from any major population center.  However, is this really the case?  This is very important because if 300 miles is accurate, it severely constrains your relocation options.  If it is not a valid constraint, then suddenly you have many good options for relocation depending on the specific scenario you are prepping for.  As such, let’s examine what that conclusion is premised upon.  Breaking the theory down, you have two main hypotheses to vet.  The first is that 300 miles provides a necessary and adequate buffer from an urban center.  The second is that from said urban area a horde of starving refugees will emerge and overrun your redoubt.

Let me be the first to tell you neither hypothesis constituting this prepper theory, which to date has been held up as prepper law, is valid.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part I: Questioning the Common Logic

I routinely read articles online where individuals pontificate about where the best places for preppers to live or relocate too are.  What I don’t usually see is any real cognitive effort to do a realistic analysis and assessment. This should be a red flag.  Selecting your relocation site is one of the most important decisions a prepper must make.  It is too important to be made on hearsay and opinions.  Therefore, I am going to question that contemporary prepper relocation logic.  I am going to debunk common myths and offer better alternatives that will help you develop a personalized answer to what truly is you “best prepper place to relocate.”  When this series is complete, you will be armed with critical information necessary for identifying your ideal relocation spot.  Don’t be surprised if after this eye opening series your philosophy on how you previously evaluated and envisioned your relocation site looks completely different.

Most preparedness “experts” would define the common prepper relocation logic is to find a place as far as possible from other people in an area still suitable for an off-grid, self-sustaining lifestyle.  This implies the location has ample water, good soil, and a good growing season.  Add a couple wild card factors like being outside the blast radius and fallout pattern of a nuclear detonation and avoiding known earthquake prone areas and most preppers conclude that Idaho is the choice destination.  James Wesley Rawles, a man well known and respected throughout the prepper community and a recognized expert on the field is a big advocate of this relocation option.  In Rawles’ defense, Idaho may indeed be a good location for some preppers for some reasons.  However, Rawles and many others are basing many of their primary assumptions on outdated information, obsolete tactics and techniques, and generally old school logic that when tested in real world scenarios, fails.  I don’t take this indictment lightly.  If we get this wrong, we die and that is why it is so important we first question some of the fundamental assumptions the conventional prepper relocation plan is based upon.  Read more

Are you prepared for the “Day of Rage?”

Tomorrow, Friday July 15th has been announced as a “day of rage” to protest perceived social injustices across the nation.  Most major metropolitan areas have been identified as areas targeted by possible protests.  Now, just because a day of rage is called for online, it doesn’t mean anyone will turn out.  However, based on past Black Lives Matter (BLM) events that turned violent, it would be wise to take precautions out of an abundance of caution.  So what should you do if you happen to live, work, or pass through these named areas?

I have written many pieces over the years explaining how to prepare for the mobs rioting and burning our cities during times of social unrest.  Per my piece in June, I detailed how to defend against fire, which may be your most pressing threat during a riot.  (See: )  I also have discussed in detail how to organize your community into a common defense since private citizens, NOT law enforcement have proven time and again to be your best defense for life and property against the mob.  (See stories listed at:  For extremely bad situations, we have also put together the Civilian Response Force composed of volunteer citizens from across to the nation willing to help those located in high threat or disaster areas.  (See:  All of these articles present a coherent comprehensive strategy for the defense of you and your community and should be reviewed in detail.

Specific to those needing to make “last minute” preparations for tomorrow’s planned “day of rage” touted as a “peaceful” event, I would recommend the following.

Family:  Get any non-essential family members out of the danger area.  If you can, have them stay with family or friends until you know it is safe to return.  Before parting ways, make sure everyone knows your plan in the event you need to bug out and ensure that includes a “no-comms” plan.

Fire:  Go to Costco or similar store and make a bulk purchase of fire extinguishers.  Chemical extinguishers that work on gasoline/petroleum and electrical fires are optimum.  Place these extinguishers in easy to access locations close to any windows and doors of your home and on all levels of your home.  If you have any combustible material around your house, remove it.  Be especially vigilant to get rid of gas cans and such in easily accessible locations like sheds and outbuildings that a rioting mob could easily access.

Preparations for Defense:  Prep your kit for either bugging out or the defense.  Weapons, ammunition, and any other associated items like body armor should be staged and ready if the situation deteriorates and dictates the need to defend your home and family.  If the situation becomes hopeless (block is engulfed in fire, overrun, etc.) be prepared to bug out.  Have a go bag staged and multiple evacuation routes and options ready for execution.  Make sure you let at least one other trusted person know your whereabouts and plans should you need to execute a bug out.

Medical:  Inventory, update, prep, and stage any medical equipment you have or intend to use in a casualty collection point.  This should be somewhere safe in your home and could be a safe room, basement, or internal room with no windows and doors.  The most critical items such as tourniquets should be staged and at the ready.

Vehicles:  Any vehicles that you cannot store inside a locked garage should be driven and stored outside of the area of disorder.  Vehicles left along streets are likely to be vandalized, stolen, or torched during riots.  If you chose to keep a vehicle at your residence, make sure it is prepared to be used to bug out on short order.  That means any tools, extraction equipment, and hardening should be complete.  Any maintenance should be done.  Make sure the vehicle is fully gassed.  Also make sure your spare tire(s) are easily accessible and your tire change equipment is staged if you don’t use run flat tires.

Community:  Now is a good time to coordinate your plans with likeminded individuals in your neighborhood.  Optimally, there are at least a few other people on your block that will be prepared and ready to react if your area is targeted by the mob.  Have a plan to communicate, react, and provide mutual support.  If you are short on manpower, access your prepper network for friends from out of town willing to come into town and establish security at and around your home.  Respective of the rest of the neighborhood, assume they are sympathetic to other causes and even possibly hostile to anyone bearing arms in defense of their homes and family so keep a low profile unless the situation dictates.

Travel/Business:  If you do not live in said high threat area, but must travel through it or work in the immediate area, you must also take precautions.  Make sure you have your bug out bag with you and your primary, alternative, and emergency evacuation plans are made and ready to execute.  Monitor the radio for signs of trouble and have your cell phone with a backup battery ready.  Make sure you dress appropriately and assume you may have to move miles on foot.

Be safe by being prepared.


By Guiles Hendrik

July 14, 2016


More reading:

Preppers are waking up to the survival myth of the “solo prepper”

This week I read a piece by “Mac” MacWelch of Advanced Survival Training (  In it he argues that the lone wolf survivor is a myth.  Unless preppers set aside small differences and organize your chances of surviving a true chaos event is small.  I am glad to see his article and completely agree.  I have been working for years to educate people on this exact subject and I am very happy to see attitudes and minds within the greater prepper community have finally begun to embrace this very basic, but very critical aspect of survival.  I don’t want to understate the importance of this survival attitude gaining traction.  Once “preppers” start to see themselves as a part of a greater community instead of independent and fearful of the community, we will make significant progress toward free, safe, and independent lives.

I want to reference my article from 2013 on the “Greatest Prepper Weakness.”  (See: The article garnered quite a bit of response from individuals across the US, but it was clear that it woke people up.  I ask all of you to read it and ponder what is being proposed.  Like Mac, I argue that preppers must erase the walk away and hide till it’s over mentality because it isn’t a viable survival strategy. This isn’t just my opinion.  It is based on learned real life experience and what I practice.  (See:  I have witnessed nations in all stages of chaos and in every single place the people that were doing the best were the ones that stuck together in big groups.  Those of you that still feel that you can run to the mountains and lock yourself in your bunker I applaud your preparations, but ask you to reconsider your actual survival odds versus uniting with other like-minded people with diverse and useful skillsets.  If you really feel your preps are sufficient, please write me and we can discuss hundreds of real world examples that prove beyond any doubt the strategy does not work beyond a very short term.  The articles provide a plan of action and not just arguments about how best to prep.  Only by uniting, putting aside petty differences, and working toward the greater good will we come out of this in good order.  Feel free to contact me with questions, but for now, I wish you all the best of luck and hope to see you in my community someday.


By Guiles Hendrik

July 12, 2016

To serve in the military today is to swear an oath to destroy America and serve the global elite

Today, I watched as Secretary of Defense Carter gave “a major announcement” that transgender people will now be allowed to openly serve in the military.  As absurd as this should appear to a rational human, this was their “big” announcement.  I admit that I thought for a second this was going to actually be something legitimate the Department of Defense (DoD) was going to unveil like how to win the wars we have been fighting for over a decade and a half.  Rather than waste your time like Secretary Carter, I am going to get right to the important point.  The military is more concerned with pushing radical political agendas and creating special socially divisive rights for the Democrat’s electoral base than fighting and winning wars.  The only way to fix this problem is to utterly abandon the institution.  Whether or not you took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, this is the time to start drawing lines.  Fortunately, this doesn’t require anything beyond quite literally doing nothing.  The “most powerful military in the world” can literally be destroyed without firing a shot.  To reign in and stop the DoD we must starve it of human and financial capital until such time that it begs for our return on our terms.  My thesis argument is that only by utterly rejecting the military establishment by not serving or funding it can we fix it.  Read more

Why you need to buy a “registered” gun in the calibers you shoot.

Most of us immediately recognize and value the benefits of the freedom to individually engage in a personal firearms transfer without government intervention or oversight.  In fact, the general rule in buying firearms is the less information that has to be recorded and on the books and still remain legal, the better.  My short article today is not to debate or detail this fact beyond saying it is a good thing that should be protected.  Instead, I am going to pose a counterintuitive point.  Consider having a gun “registered” in the calibers you shoot the most.  If everyone gets on board with this and spreads the word now, we may be able to defang one of the most insidious anti-gun strategies currently being developed before it ever comes to maturity.

Many people right now probably think I have lost my mind or have sold out.  I assure you that is not the case.  I am trying to keep you off the radar and out of trouble.  After reviewing anti-gun laws in Connecticut and California, it is clear that the government is targeting ammunition for regulation and is moving to institute a policy to conduct background checks and register anyone that buys ammunition.  This will spread to other states.  What you need to know is that the record keeping on ammunition sales isn’t being solely done to make owning and using firearms more difficult and expensive.  In fact, after a more detailed review of anti-gun lobbyist strategy, this is being done as a backdoor source of information for analysts to target anyone that didn’t “self-report” or turn in a “banned” firearm.  The gun confiscation lobby’s plan is to cross reference databases of firearms owners with purchases of ammunition.  Any discrepancy between ammunition purchased and the type of firearms you own will be flagged for further investigation.  In short, if you are buying ammunition for a firearm you don’t own according to the books, expect that to be used as probable cause for a knock on your door in the middle of the night. Read more

How to protect your home from rioting mobs using fire as a weapon

Fire at the US Consulate, Benghazi, Libya. Source:

Fire at the US Consulate, Benghazi, Libya. Source:

As the presidential political landscape takes shape, even a passive observer can tell it is looking like a violent year.  I have been taking careful notes on these developments and it should have you worried if you live in an urban area.  In particular, it has caused me to review preparations to counter fire dangers.  I have seen firsthand how fire can be used as a weapon either intentionally or inadvertently and it has awesome destructive force.  More specifically, in an urban setting, out of control fires can quickly spread and consume entire blocks in firestorms.  Now, think about your home.  How well is it protected and how prepared are you if fire is used directly or indirectly against your home?  More specifically, if the fire department can’t or won’t respond to your home because of riots and anarchy, will you be able to prevent fire from destroying it?

If you are like most people, you never put much thought into the question I pose.  If not, now is the time.  It is especially important if you live in an urban area and your home is connected or a part of other buildings.  Beginning this summer, the radical extremist foot soldiers of the Left are being marshaled for wide spread violence against civilian targets.  Read more

It is time to use antitrust acts to break up the most powerful monopoly in the United States…the two-party political system

Today’s post is perhaps one of the most important pieces I have ever written.  In it I write to how we as a nation can peacefully use the elements of our tattered legal system to reclaim our government from the establishment for the people it was designed to serve.  Right now, we are at a critical crossroads politically in our nation.  One road promises to be the fast and easy route to the good life where everything is free and no one is responsible, but this road only leads to our nation’s destruction.  The other road is small, difficult to navigate, and is very rough, but ultimately leads us back to a better place and salvation as a nation.  The question is will America make the hard choices necessary for long term prosperity and freedom or will it like so many other nations collapse into tyranny, corruption, poverty, and bloodshed.  Ominously, if historical precedent is any indicator, the future of our nation is a bleak.

I want everyone to think about how detrimental the consolidation of power by the establishment into two overtly separate, but covertly unified political parties in the US has been to our freedoms and liberties.  For over two hundred years we have been witness to a perpetual erosion of rights and freedoms while the government has exponentially grown, stolen incalculable amounts of wealth from its citizens, and created an insulated political class of elites.  All this time, as the power of the US Government was being consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, the government has perpetually attacked giant corporate monopolies and broke them into smaller companies.  This was done allegedly to promote fair competition, which has been generally viewed as acceptable government regulation of business for the good of the people.  Whether oil, telecommunications, or transportation the government has for over a hundred years waded into disputes using antitrust laws to regulate the conduct and organization of corporations to promote fair competition for the benefit of the people.  Ironically, nowhere is there a greater monopoly acting deliberately to limit fair competition at the expense of the people than in our two-party political system.  If you want a peaceful solution to fix our broken, corrupt, and rigged political system, it is absolutely critical, we the people, open antitrust lawsuits against these modern day political robber barons of our most precious liberties.

Why no one has suggested using the antitrust legal route to break up the political control of the party elites is up for debate.  However, I for one am going to lobby strongly for it and ask each of you to do your part to demand suit is brought against both parties.  Not once has this bar against monopolies been equally applied to our political system where it is needed most.  By suing both the Republican and Democrat National Committees as a business monopoly operating at the expense of the people, we actually could use the force of law to break the gridlock in our political system.  Imagine if a court broke the parties into a dozen pieces like Standard Oil, struck down their gerrymandering of districts, instituted term limits, removed the ability to receive huge amounts of cash from anonymous political action committees, and abolished the parties’ self-serving election regulations.  For the first time in generations a real election, with real candidates, could be put forward by the actual citizens of the US to run for office.  There could actually be a chance to see genuine quality candidates compete for the duty to serve their fellow citizens.

For those that are skeptical this is an applicable approach and can work, let’s look at the purpose of the antitrust acts.  First, antitrust acts are specifically designed to restrict the formation of cartels and prohibit other collusive practices regarded as being in restraint of trade.  Second, they restrict the mergers and acquisitions of organizations which could substantially lessen competition. Third, they prohibit the creation of a monopoly and the abuse of monopoly power.  Considering the purpose of antitrust acts, do they relate to our current political system?  Does the political monopoly in the US not represent a cartel that uses its influence to destroy any competition and rig the system like a cartel?  Does the political monopoly not put in place rules and regulations that prevent other parties and independent candidates from challenging their status quo control of power?  Does the political monopoly not abuse its power to favor the elites?  Does the political monopoly not openly reject the will of the people in popular elections and claim the ability to appoint whomever they choose to office?  Does the political monopoly not obliterate the ability to have free and open democratic elections?  Does the political monopoly not abuse the intent of a representative government to run only establishment favorites as elected “representatives?”  Does the political monopoly not enrich its senior members just like a corporation?  Does the political monopoly not restrain free trade?  Does the political monopoly not use its control of government to establish favorable trade agreements and deals for its establishment cronies at the expense of true free trade?  Does the political monopoly not accept tons of favors and donations from lobbyists to unfairly restrict or support mergers and acquisitions designed specifically to substantially lessen competition?  Ultimately, does the political monopoly not harm the citizens of this nation?

Both the Democrat and Republican political parties are every bit of a political monopoly and are a direct detriment to not just free trade, but a free republic.  If we can wake enough people up to the fact these corrupt parties of the establishment are no different than a giant cartel and should be broken apart using antitrust acts, we may have a legal avenue to directly attack the entrenched establishment at its core.  I see no quicker way to break up the political stranglehold these two parties have over our nation than to have a court rule against them in favor of the people using the legal precedents established in our antitrust acts.  I certainly don’t see a more peaceful way.  I can promise you this; we aren’t going to fix these parties by voting and playing by their rules.  The parties have had over two hundred years to make the rules of the game work in their favor.  This election year has demonstrated the parties’ grip on power quite well to all but the most blind and ignorant amongst us.  However, the establishment missed this legal vulnerability.  Please become active and take concrete steps to create this debate and push for antitrust action against both political parties.  At this point, we must exhaust all peaceful options at our disposal to try and avert the collapse of our country into a cesspool of leftist tyranny.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 14, 2016

Who is to blame for gun control?

All across the nation literally millions of Americans are “fed up” with the government ramming unconstitutional gun control laws into effect. However, who is really at fault for the encroaching gun control measures?  I would propound that the real culprit is apathy.  We are all quick to complain and to give our opinions, but when it comes down to actually taking the extra minute to do something constructive very few of you actually make the effort.  As such, you are at fault if you have not acted. Read more