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Massachusetts Creates Draconian Template to Massively Expand Gun Bans in States

Banned in Massachusetts: "Compliant Rifles" Image Source:

Banned in Massachusetts: “Compliant Rifles” Image Source:

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey announced Wednesday that she will enforce a ban on the sale of what she called “copycat” assault-style weapons, effective immediately.  This new interpretation of gun law obliterates a decades old precedent on “compliant guns.”   Not only did it make tens if not hundreds of thousands of weapons in Massachusetts illegal, but it will soon be copied in other anti-gun states and cities across the nation.  Make no mistake, the anti-gun movement is alive and well and ready to seize every last firearm in our nation if given the change. Read more

Anti-Gun Activists Conscripting Child Soldiers into Service

Here we go again.  Another absolute tragedy plays out in a school and it is immediately politicized by Leftist vultures willing to use their indoctrinated child soldiers for propaganda.  This touches on so many issues that are wrong, it is hard to know where to start.  There really is no low too low for these subversives.  As such, today, I am going to discuss the indecency of kids being shoved in front of a camera to dictate our national security policy and why this needs to be stopped.

For starters, any parent knows that their kids think they know it all, but they don’t.  Kids don’t run the household and tell their parents what to do.  This is disrespectful and upends the natural balance and order in society.  However, now according to CNN, our children are experts on what is best for our nation.  This is ridiculous.  These kids have never held a full time job, paid taxes on those wages, fought in a war, or even voted.  They have never lived under oppressive regimes that brutalize their people and clearly do not know the value of retaining the ability to resist tyranny so brilliantly enshrined in the Second Amendment.  These little dictators know nothing of the world and simply do not possess the wisdom gained only through years of experience, which has been understood and respected since pre-Biblical times.  However, I will say that I am impressed with the quality of the scripted rehearsals in front of the cameras.  These kids clearly get an A+ in their communist indoctrination courses, but fail basic logic, history, and Constitutional Law.  Pushing kids in front of the camera for political agendas is not only offensive and disingenuous, but exploitative and needs to be stopped.

As our nation races to ban everything to “fix” the “epidemic” of “gun violence,” has anyone actually identified what really is at the root of the problem?  I placed a number of words in quotations, because I hear them used daily as if factual, but these words and phrases are very misleading at best.  Yes, guns do facilitate the crime of murder, but they don’t commit the murder or even inspire one to kill.  What motivated the crime is the real source of the problem and where, if there is an answer the problem, we will find the true “fix.”  The term “epidemic” is grossly overused and implies a disproportionately large percentage of the population is affected by mass murder in schools, which is incorrect.  Referring to the number of obese people with serious health problems, drug abuse, or the number of traffic fatalities would be a more accurate and realistic use of the term.  Finally, “gun violence?”  There is no such thing and the term is nonsensical.  Violence and the resulting related crimes such as assault and murder are self-defining.  Guns are no more violent than pianos, rocks, or cucumbers.  If you kill someone, it is a violent act irrespective of whether a club, knife, or teddy bear is used.  Further, even though no single person has been able to definitively prove exactly why teenagers are committing mass murder we are told to believe these kids are now the sole holders of how to “fix” an unknown problem.  Even more enlightening is their absurd logic that banning guns would be remotely feasible, lead to less violence, or even work.  A classic case and point of this is probably every single one of those kids “demanding” guns are banned to “keep guns out of the hands of killers” have tried/use pot, alcohol, and/or cigarettes.  All of those substances are banned and illegal for “kids” to use, but that didn’t stop them from getting it.  Banning guns would be no more effective and no less violent than the government’s attempt to ban alcohol during prohibition.  Perhaps their contemporary American history classes were too focused on social justice movements to mention that pertinent case study on banning things that occurred from 1920 to 1933.

This all brings me back to my point of why using kids to promote ideological agendas needs to be stopped.  The kids are innocent and really don’t know any better.  They are being brainwashed from birth by a system that has become completely saturated with operatives promoting Leftist ideology.  They have been taught to replace thinking, logic, and facts with feeling, emotion, and perception.  With weakened minds, they are impressionable and incapable of independent thought because their baseline for good and bad, moral and immoral, normal and deviant was not just erased by the school systems, it was never established.  Not so coincidentally, this may be closer to the root cause of why we have kids killing kids than the sacrificial lamb of guns.  Not only is this exploitation of our children very sad, it is also a very disturbing precedent.  It requires very little imagination to see where the Left is going with this.  They have become so comfortable with their indoctrination of kids in school that they are now able to use them as child soldiers.  Make no mistake; these teens are being groomed to be the next wave of activists to hit our campuses for their final training before being unleashed on our streets as domestic terrorists with the power to vote.  The Left fully intends to empower them to sow social unrest, destabilize this nation, and ultimately take over.  We have a responsibility to our children to teach them well.  Allowing them to be exploited to push the subversive ideological agenda of the Left without calling them to task and presenting strong counter arguments is criminal.  Going forward, instead of indulging their rants and dictates, we will be better served educating our children about our Rights, the dangers of the Left, and the truths about gun control.


By Guiles Hendrik

February 23, 2018


For another great article see:

Prohibition Never Works: Banning Alcohol Didn’t Work, And Banning Guns Won’t Either

It’s Time for a Constitutional Amendment to Ban Secret Courts in United States of America

One of the biggest issues coming to light from the on-going Russian collusion witch-hunt, which has been a thinly veiled operation designed to knee cap the Trump Administration, was the revelation that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) or “FISA Court” had authorized the surveillance of now President Trump.  Released declassified documents prove the process to obtain surveillance warrants was heavily abused for political gain by what amounts to a cabal inside of the FBI and Justice Department seeking to pull off a soft coup.  This is high treason, which would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to pull off if the FISC were not a secret court.  Let me be clear.  Secret courts have no place in a free republic.  They have always been and always will be used as a political weapon that ultimately leads to the subjugation and oppression of a nation.  We now have incontrovertible proof that the FISC was indeed weaponized to seize political control of this nation’s highest office.  This is the real election meddling that actually did have huge impact on our nation.  Read more

Radical Leftists Stock Up on Guns Preparing for Violent Resistance to Trump

Oh how quickly the roles have changed.  Just a year ago, only crazy “deplorables” were clinging to their bibles and guns.  Now it looks as though the Leftists are suddenly glad they didn’t ban all firearms and are arming themselves by the thousands.  However, I seriously doubt this salient point resonated and I would be curious to know if they are suddenly swelling the ranks of the NRA…Yes, I doubt it too.  Nonetheless, from where we stood just six months ago, the radical elements within the political Left are now suddenly far more, not less, dangerous.  I am writing today to warn fellow patriots that the war is not won.  It has only begun and elements on the Left are actively plotting a violent resistance to President Trump’s Administration.  Read more

Why you need to buy a “registered” gun in the calibers you shoot.

Most of us immediately recognize and value the benefits of the freedom to individually engage in a personal firearms transfer without government intervention or oversight.  In fact, the general rule in buying firearms is the less information that has to be recorded and on the books and still remain legal, the better.  My short article today is not to debate or detail this fact beyond saying it is a good thing that should be protected.  Instead, I am going to pose a counterintuitive point.  Consider having a gun “registered” in the calibers you shoot the most.  If everyone gets on board with this and spreads the word now, we may be able to defang one of the most insidious anti-gun strategies currently being developed before it ever comes to maturity.

Many people right now probably think I have lost my mind or have sold out.  I assure you that is not the case.  I am trying to keep you off the radar and out of trouble.  After reviewing anti-gun laws in Connecticut and California, it is clear that the government is targeting ammunition for regulation and is moving to institute a policy to conduct background checks and register anyone that buys ammunition.  This will spread to other states.  What you need to know is that the record keeping on ammunition sales isn’t being solely done to make owning and using firearms more difficult and expensive.  In fact, after a more detailed review of anti-gun lobbyist strategy, this is being done as a backdoor source of information for analysts to target anyone that didn’t “self-report” or turn in a “banned” firearm.  The gun confiscation lobby’s plan is to cross reference databases of firearms owners with purchases of ammunition.  Any discrepancy between ammunition purchased and the type of firearms you own will be flagged for further investigation.  In short, if you are buying ammunition for a firearm you don’t own according to the books, expect that to be used as probable cause for a knock on your door in the middle of the night. Read more

Gun Laws Are Common Sense According to Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Obama

Per my previous volumes on the subject of gun control, Obama and his Leftist ideologues are following the script. They continue to push an agenda for a total gun ban via incremental power grabs.  In spite of all of the evidence that shows far greater problems are facing America, Obama and his band of idiots remain steadfast in their pursuit of disarming of the American people while ignoring real security problems like skyrocketing debt, unchecked immigration, and a world war about to break loose.  Obama remains deaf and blind to the rule of law, Constitutional constraints, and the will of the people in his pursuit of tyrannical power.  As I am sure you are aware, he is just getting started and has no plans to abate his attacks on your God given rights.

I won’t waste your time reviewing each individual lie and distortion Obama stated today in his “town hall” discussion on his upcoming executive orders. However, I would like to point out a few whoppers.  First and foremost, Obama and Congress do not have the power to constrain or limit gun laws short of an amendment to the Constitution through a very specific process.  The Second Amendment of the Constitution explicitly withheld this power from the government.  In fact, it was intentionally included specifically so that Congress and the President could not “infringe” upon the right to keep and bear arms.  Second, Obama has no legal standing to make laws respective of anything.  As the head of the executive branch, he can enforce the laws enacted by Congress and no more.  His “executive actions” go far beyond enforcing current law and are clearly in the realm of creating new law.  Obama simply does not have the authority to create law via executive action and thus his dictates are unconstitutional.  Respective of the already unconstitutional no fly list, which I have been critical of since its inception, Obama again has no authority to deny someone their rights without due process.  This is very basic legal precedent that our Constitutional scholar, now President, apparently missed…no, ignored.  If someone is suspected of being a terrorist or supporting terrorism, then show the probable cause, get a warrant, and arrest them.  The notion a citizen can be secretly blacklisted and denied rights without due process for being a terrorist, but still is left on the street is far more dangerous than any mythical gunshow loophole.

Finally, I want to take an entire paragraph to address the constantly repeated propaganda line of “common sense gun laws.” The arrogance of this dictator knows no bounds.  By declaring his dictates “common sense,” the thug sitting in the White House is in effect calling the vast majority of Americans that overwhelmingly support the Second Amendment and are against further gun control idiots.  I have news for you Barry, the only people that thought gun control was “common sense” were dictators hell bent on subjugating and murdering millions of unarmed and defenseless people like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.  Based on your policy exploits in the Middle East and North Africa, many would argue you are not far behind your previous peers, yet I fear your worst is yet to come.  You may indeed sit in the White House as a puppet of the establishment, but you will not be able to escape the inevitable brand by historians as the worst president to ever hold the office.  Without any doubt, your “common sense” is wanting.

By Guiles Hendrik

January 4, 2016

Treason in our day: H.R.4269 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2015

When does an act reach the bar for high treason? If not when powerful men conspire to abolish the Constitution and your basic God given rights, then when?  I ask this question of all citizens because it is relevant in our time.  No longer do the Washington elite even try to conceal their hatred of your rights and the lust for absolute power.

While America was enjoying Christmas with family and friends, one of the most egregious pieces of legislative tyranny was introduced to Congress. This was deliberately timed to pass without attention because the framers of this conspiracy know exactly the level of treason they are trying to commit.  If we as Americans quietly accept this as mere politics, we are truly doomed to tyranny.  The legislation proposed is absolutely nothing short of the government giving itself the power to abolish the Constitution along with your rights without regard for the amendment process and rule of law.  Every sponsor of this bill should not only be recalled immediately from office, but placed in jail to await a trial on the charges of conspiracy and treason.

For reference, compare the language of the bill with the Second Amendment. Anyone with even basic intellect should immediately realize they are legally incompatible and the former is a direct attack and violation of the latter.

“To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.” H.R.4269 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2015

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Second Amendment of the United States Constitution

For those of you that read LMS on a regular basis, you know that I have clearly laid out time and again the agenda to ban and confiscate your firearms. You can read many of these articles to include my three part series (Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”) at  What you will see is that I the government is following the script I forecasted would play out almost to the letter.  This is very ominous.  Based on the language and number of sponsors of the bill, it is conclusive evidence of a Washington conspiracy to not just limit, but outright ban and confiscate firearms in the United States. Read more

Part III: Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Post Confiscation Orders and the Resistance

When the government decrees you must turn in your weapons, the question is whether you will comply or resist. Consider this question carefully because the implications and consequences will not just affect you, but generations.  Make no mistake, firearms, once confiscated, will never be returned.  They will be destroyed.  The companies that make them will be put out of business, their machinery sold, and their employees put out of work.  Guns and gun related activities form a multibillion dollar American industry and our economy will immediately suffer.  Far worse though will be the right to bear arms as we currently enjoy it will not be reinstated until after our nation suffers incredible pain and hardship if we ever get it back.  Once America disarms, there will be no going back no matter whether the government turns benevolent or brutal because the ultimate means of popular resistance will have been foolishly discarded.  Fortunately, contrary to what the government propaganda would like you to believe; we actually have an enormous amount of power to successfully resist any confiscation attempt and can, if we collectively act, non-violently stop this draconian movement.  Read more

Part II of The Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Part II: The Gun Ban is Announced

Last night I spoke of how to resist encroaching gun control laws and regulation. However, I admitted that we are fighting a rigged game and that I fully expect to see a gun ban in the near future.  As this ban goes into effect, you can expect to see it follow a set pattern.  However, unlike other countries around the world to include Australia, Canada, and the U.K., the US will not follow the script, which I will discuss in “Part III: Resistance.”  In short, gun confiscation means major chaos is in the future for the US.  Unfortunately, I don’t think this is avoidable at this point so it is best to spend your time preparing.  Here is how you can expect it to play out.

The march toward total gun confiscation in the US has been a gradual one. It hasn’t been an easy fight and has been resisted the entire way by sensible Americans.  In fact, recently, the pro-gun lobby has won numerous major successes in court.  Nonetheless, today we are still standing on the edge of the gun ban cliff and looking into the abyss as a free nation.  Taking stock of the situation, we must recognize some hard facts working in favor of the elitist cabal dedicated to your total disarmament.  The ballot boxes have been stacked by illegitimate voters, the system to include judges and educators is now filled with Leftist operatives, the latest generation to come of age has been brainwashed to view all guns as evil, our population has lost its morality, and we no longer collectively view an armed populace as a necessary element of a free state.  As bad, the majority of our population is constantly is some state of drug induced mental paralysis whether by illegal drugs such as heroin and marijuana or legal drugs such as alcohol and anti-depressants.  This mass sedation makes the population far easier to manipulate, control, and ultimately convince to willingly enter oppression and slavery.  We are so close to a gun ban that if only a handful of seats change hands in the House and Senate an avalanche of new gun control legislation to include the UN’s Gun Ban Treaty will move forward.  Further, it is probable that even with a Republican controlled Congress they will still sell out their constituents and side with elitist interests by embracing gun control.  To illustrate this point, remember Mitt Romney had a far worse record of gun control than even Bill Clinton.  As such, don’t be surprised when another major “mass shooting” event is staged and used to justify the final push to ban firearms in the US irrespective of who “controls” Congress and sits in the White House.

When the order is given for Americans to disarm and turn in their weapons, it will come in phases just like it has occurred repeatedly in other countries. Read more

Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Part I:  Before the Ban

When a leading presidential contender can come out and openly suggest we should begin gun confiscation in the United States and her statements are treated as legitimate we have major problems. Instead of being run off stage as a treasonous traitor, Hillary Clinton was lauded as wonderful “progressive” for her insistence that it is time for guns to be banned in the US like in Australia.  Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton has your best interests in mind when she politicizes tragedy to push not just a gun “control” agenda, but an outright gun “ban” is insane.  Let’s be honest, her policy is all about total power and control.  Life under Hillary Clinton’s rule is a world of tyranny.  So what can we expect, how will a gun ban happen, and is there anything I can do about it?  I discuss these topics in this two part series.

It should come as no surprise to my readers that the Left has long sought to achieve a total gun ban. The communist insurrectionist forces in the US knew they couldn’t do this all at once or they would risk being exposed and run out of the country.  Instead, they camouflaged their intentions as a humanitarian movement to protect you and incrementally began banning and regulating out of existence every weapon, bullet, and means of producing, selling, or buying the former items.  Further, in a closely coordinated propaganda campaign for your mind, the Left cleverly has been bombarding American minds daily with disinformation designed to convince Americans that by disarming they would achieve a better life.  Of course you are awake and know this to be patently false.  However, it is now clear the time has come when the Left feels comfortable that you have been brainwashed enough that they can lift the veil and begin to openly discuss their true intentions.  Read more

Has the Great Economic Collapse Begun?

Over the last two weeks, major movements have been taking place economically across the globe.  These events are moving international markets into “correction” territory, but cumulatively, could quickly spiral into a global meltdown of markets.  Although, the US hasn’t reached critical mass and may actually experience a short term strengthening of markets as international markets flee to the US for safety; the signs of a major crash are now flashing red.  What should you look for and what can you do?

Four major places to watch right now are Greece/European Union (EU), China, oil, and bonds.  Greece has the potential to start a ripple effect against austerity across the EU triggering a banking run, panic, and global losses.  This could unhinge the massive derivatives market and alone cause a global economic collapse.  China is so big now that the recent losses in their market will spread globally this week if the losses are not stabilized.  Any major downturn in China’s economy will further increase the already saturated oil market driving the price per barrel even lower.  If oil continues to drop and stay low, US oil producing states will feel this the hardest, which will sharply increase US unemployment numbers.  The loss of high paying jobs will throw even the totally fudged US financial numbers clearly back into recession territory and drag the world back down with it.  Finally, the bond market has seen a liquidity crunch that likely will only get worse.  If governments can’t manage to keep their bond yields low, the already massive debt loads (and payments on interest) these nations are carrying will explode and force them into financial crises far worse than anything Greece is facing.

Presently, the situation in Greece is very serious.  Read more

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and Senator Chris Murphy Targeting US Citizens as “Dangerous Insurrectionists”

Senator Chris Murphy thinks you are a dangerous terrorist.

Senator Chris Murphy thinks you are a dangerous terrorist.

The “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence” (CSGV) is a radical leftist front organization funded by donations from globalists and sponsored by some of the most crackpot organizations, such as “Code Pink.”  Their clearly stated intent is to aggressively force gun control upon the United States are willing to use “social justice,” which is code for social terrorist campaigns designed to ruin anyone that resists their agenda.  Recently, they have started a campaign designed to force WTTG General Manager Patrick Paolini to fire a pro-Second Amendment reporter Emily Miller  Emily’s high crime was exercising her First Amendment right to support the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL).  The VCDL has been an effective and vocal advocate of gun rights for Virginians and thus, Emily has been targeted by CSGV and has become a victim of social terrorism.  I want to take the time today to expose these treasonous enemies of a free and sovereign nation and shine the light on their leadership, which to date has enjoyed immunity from their harassment and terrorist tactics.  I also want everyone to stand up for Emily and make sure her Manager Patrick Paolini stands by her.

I coined the term “social terrorism” because anyone that has been victimized by one of these well-funded smear campaigns labeled “social justice” can literally have their lives ruined.  Social justice is social terrorism so correct anyone when you hear it improperly used.  If you think the term is too severe then consider the implications.  Victims of social terrorism generally are condemned for supporting Christian virtue, the rule of law, and republican values.  These victims have been targeted by the IRS and Justice Department with frivolous investigations, arrests, audits, delays, and fines; have had their businesses destroyed and lost their jobs; have been blacklisted at public events, been unable to get business loans or new jobs; had their children abducted by social services; had their reputations smeared; and have been harassed, physically assaulted, and targeted for killing.  If this doesn’t constitute systematic terrorism of an individual, nothing does.  Now Emily Miller, a lady that has worked hard in her career is under attack for advocating for our Bill of Rights and everyone needs to know she must be defended.

To fight the CSGV, you first need to know a little about them and how they view “us.”  According to their website, part of their stated strategy is “to use the term ‘insurrectionism’ to describe the NRA’s treasonous interpretation of the Second Amendment.” Apparently, they have found some success because Senator Chris Murphy is on record supporting their organization and making the statement, “The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has led the way in exposing the dangerous insurrectionist ideology promoted by the NRA and others in the pro-gun movement”  Think about the term “insurrectionist” for a moment.  Insurrectionist is defined as an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.  Read more

Gun Owners: Critical knowledge to protect yourself from gun confiscation

We Will Not Be Disarmed

We Will Not Be Disarmed

If you own a short-barreled rifle (SBR) or other controlled device such as a suppressor or have any registered firearm, this article has critical information for you.  As you should be well aware, more and more states are beginning to confiscate firearms for the smallest of infractions.  In fact, one may only need to say the wrong thing during a doctor’s visit or have you child play with a water pistol in public to trigger the police visiting your house with a warrant to confiscate your firearms.  Furthermore, if you own an SBR or Class III firearm/component, you can be inspected at any time.  To protect yourself and your firearms, every gun owner should follow the practices listed below.  Read more

Change the Debate: How to Win the Battle for Gun Rights Part II: Take Action

Patriots, you must act now while you still have the ability to resist.  Apathy will lead to tyranny in our lifetime.  You must make the facts known, you must make your numbers known, you must make your determination known, and you must check the opposition at every corner.  Call out those that mock you and seek to enslave you.  Do not by shy.  Be fanatical in your perseverance to protect your few remaining rights and freedoms and then to win those lost back.  Do not rest at simply protecting the shreds that are left, but push till you have fully regained your rightful freedoms and deposed those that threaten them.  When fighting those willing to enslave you, it is proper, justifiable, and responsible to radically oppose their actions.  Organize, protest, and march on your state houses and Washington.  Out the traitors attempting to take your rights and enslave you!

On the electoral front, for starters, you must vote out anyone that supports gun control.  Further, you must abandon both the Republican and the Democrat parties that have long since abandoned their constituents for special interests and lobbyist dollars.  Neither party serves your interests but simply uses you for their gain.  Don’t allow the parties to divide and distract you on ridiculous issues while they pass laws to indefinitely detain you during midnight sessions of Congress over Christmas when they think no one is paying attention.  Remember, at nearly every instance of the erosion of your freedom and liberty, it was by a bipartisanconsensus.  You must hold all of our elected officials accountable at the voting box and destroy the current party establishment by voting for neither and insisting on running and voting for independent candidates.

Not voting is as ruinous as it is stupid.  It is true that many are disillusioned when it comes to elections, but you actually have significant power to change the course of elections by taking some simple, but effective actions.  These grassroots tactics are real, effective electoral strategies used successfully by the parties themselves, but are closely kept from the public’s eyes.  To change the electoral game on the parties, begin by collecting the names and contact information of all likeminded people in your voting district.  This is one of the most basic and important aspects of grassroots mobilization.  There are many ways to do this including asking for lists already generated by gun rights groups.  However, if you must start from scratch, begin with your friends and family.  Then have them each reach out to those in their networks and those people reach out to those people in their networks.  Ask that every person just reach out to at least one other person to do the same.  Have them all send their contact information to one consolidated email address where the master list can be developed.  Use this list to rally and motivate your local base to go out and canvas for even more supporters.  An effectively run networking operation like this can quickly net thousands of supporters.  At the local level, this mobilization is enough to sway and win an election.

Next, organize throughout your state by district.  As the names add up, combine these district lists to form a picture of support across the entire state.  Use these lists to write your representatives demanding they vote to protect and expand gun rights.  Further, make it very clear to the representative that the constituents you represent will vote in the primaries and pool their money to run a viable opposition candidate.  Few people realize that many elections are won and lost in those very early pre-election district and state contests, which next to no one pays any attention to.  The fact that so few people turn out for primary elections means that an incumbent representative is very, very vulnerable during this early stage of a campaign.  If the electorate is mobilized and turns out for an opposing candidate, just a few dozen or even a couple hundred votes WILL often end the incumbent’s campaign.  This is especially true if it is done secretly and the turnout is a surprise to an apathetic and over confident incumbent.   Even worse for the incumbent is the fact that they will have to spend precious money early on in the campaign when no one cares or is really paying attention, which puts them at an extreme disadvantage to their opponent.  This money isn’t spent defeating the opposing party’s candidate, but rather, just to secure their own party’s nomination.  This depletes the party’s coffers and effectively is a means to force a party to self-destruct through financial starvation.  Further, the primaries are also when the candidates often have the least amount of campaign resources and can’t afford a big financial fight.  Use this knowledge and leverage to gain control over your local representatives.  Done effectively, you will not only be able to influence your representatives, but replace them with your candidates.

To win at the state level, you must build on this strategy and grow the network.  State level wins are the big key to success because states have the Constitutional authority to counter, block, and ignore federal dictates.  Wins at the state level also shape the state party and will be the NECESSARY foundation for changing the federal makeup of elected representatives.  Just as important is the fact that winning and influencing local and state elections is feasible and can be done within a relatively short time span.  For example, when targeting anti-gun candidates in the primaries across a state in large numbers, a well-organized front can inflict electoral disaster on the targeted party.  A real threat of this gains you real access and influence over not only the candidates, but the parties themselves.  Further, well organized movements can pool their resources to greater effect.  In the districts with well-grounded and supportive representatives, skip targeting them as you already have a viable candidate that is supportive of expanding gun rights.  Instead, focus on the candidates and districts that are opposed to gun rights.   For example, this may mean that supporters in rural districts of a state like New York or Maryland pool their resources to run a candidate against an anti-gun candidate in an urban area of the state notorious for pushing gun control, which is out of their district.  Done effectively and early in the primaries, it is possible to completely remove the candidate and replace that candidate with your own pro-gun candidate.  Then the party must make a choice to either support a pro-gun candidate (even if that isn’t the party’s platform) or risk losing a seat and influence during the actual election.  The party will have no choice but to bend to your will.  Depending on the situation, sometimes it is best not to try to get your candidate on the ballot, but to get the worst one off.  This would be a great strategy to employ against a progressive anti-gun Democratic that has historically has won by large margins.  At the worst, you would force the candidate and the anti-gun party to spend precious cash leaving it vulnerable to the opposition party.  The fringe benefit is that you are also now in a position to leverage this influence over the weaker party that typically would have forced a pro-gun agenda.

Ladies and gentlemen, apathy at this late stage of the game is not acceptable.  History shows that once guns are registered they are taken.  Once they are taken you don’t get them back.  Disarmed against tyranny, the forces of evil will attack using the full force of modern weapons and violence.  The result is always the government inflicted deaths of millions of innocent people in the pursuit of absolute power and control; a number of deaths, which is far greater than any crime spree in history or terrorist act could inflict.  Ultimately, what one will have won for apathy and the hope that you will be left alone will be slavery for generations.

Change the Debate: How to Win the Battle for Gun Rights Part I: Understanding the Fight

Ladies and gentlemen, dark days are upon us.  Not since the Civil War has the liberty and freedom of this Republic been under so great a threat.  What makes this threat so dire is that it is both internal and external.  Unlike past foreign, external threats that were overt and allowed the American people to rally around a common cause, these threats are covert and come from within.  These threats are quietly supported externally by powerful financiers and are designed to lead to America tearing herself apart from within.  These forces could be summarized as geopolitical enemies like China and ideological enemies such as globalists, the heads of big banks, and the European Union.  What they all have in common is a universal disdain for American values, freedom, and liberty, and the threat America poses to their consolidation of world power and control.  The proof is all around.  What was sacred, moral, ethical, and right only 50 years ago is now derided by the government, media, and pop culture.  Our nation is not a melting pot, but a patchwork of government fabricated special interest groups all fighting against the others resulting in gain only for the elite.  The fundamental rights of free speech, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, free press, the ability to keep and enjoy what one earns, and the ability to defend all of the above against those wanting to take it have been abolished or constrained and limited to the point of irrelevance.  Those unwilling to submit to these new pillars of correctness and  to surrender their freedom and liberty are chastised, black balled, insulted, penalized, fired from jobs,  and now even put on terrorist watch lists and arrested.  Only by going on the offensive and recalibrating the arguments can this be turned around.  We have been pushed too far and must reclaim ground.  Ladies and gentlemen, to use a football analogy, we are on the one yard line and the enemy is about to score.  There is no further room to give and we must push them back.

It’s time to change the debate just as the enemies of a free America have attempted with the “gun debate.”  If ,as they claim, we need to revisit the “meaning” of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, then we need to codify the fact that an individual has an unalienable right to self-defense of their person, property, and innocent civilians.  Further, it must be clear that this includes the right to own and carry weapons sufficient in power to offer a reasonable check against government tyranny as the central hallmark of the right.  This means that the weapons and armament possessed by the citizenry must be allowed to adapt to the technology of the day.  In 1786, a flintlock musket was the assault rifle of the day and was sufficient to counter tyranny.  Using the same bar, the population today is under armed.  We the people demand better access to true military grade assault rifles, suppressors, and anti-armor weapons and ammunition.  Further, the populace requires access to other high tech electronic warfare and communication devices to protect against spying, surveillance, and stand-off attack in order to balance against the police state that has rapidly risen over the last decade.  Remember, it is the government that should fear the people and not the reverse.  This is not extreme, but reasonable.  What IS extreme and unreasonable is the massive growth of “law enforcement” and paramilitary police organizations to the point cops are indistinguishable from front line combat soldiers and are sitting on every block.  What IS extreme and unreasonable is the Orwellian police state we have funded and built with tax dollars to place a camera on every square inch of land in America, to record every single electronic activity of every person in America without cause or warrant, and to create secret blacklists of people barred from travel and slated for detainment and or execution without due process.  What IS extreme and unreasonable is the police use of military armored vehicles that are now comparable in capability to tanks and drone aircraft used to spy and kill with impunity around the world against our civilian population.

We now face a situation where it is no longer a government of the people and for the people, but one of a government for the government and of the government, which will stop at nothing to protect the government even at the cost of those it is entrusted to protect and serve.  Those enemies of the free people, those elitist usurpers, those friends of tyrants, we know you and will call you out.  We will hound you at every step and turn your game upon your heads till all see you for your true colors.  Piers Morgan, Alan Dershowitz, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Arianna Huffington, Andrew Cuomo, Rachel Maddow, and the like behind the scenes are on notice.  We will not allow you to casually denounce us, mock our freedoms, and undermine our sovereignty.  We will see you fired from your jobs, defeated at the ballot box, discredited in academia, scorned in public.  You are the threat and the living proof why we not only need the Second Amendment in our Bill of “Rights,” but need to expand it to compensate for today’s challenges.  This is our constitutionally protected and defined right and responsibility.

Democrats continue to use Department of Veterans Affairs to deny veterans gun rights

Just as Last Minute Survival previously warned in an exclusive report, (, on how the Department of Veterans Affairs was being quietly pushed politically to deny veterans the ability to exercise their Second Amendment “RIGHT” that they so valiantly fought for, more evidence has come to light.  This week, Republican lawmakers justifiably held up “another” defense spending bill when they challenged the VA’s authority to unilaterally declare a veteran unfit to own a firearm without any due process.  Based on the information that came forth during the floor debate, it now appears that as the VA enticed combat veterans to come forward for treatment of common symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder otherwise known as PTSD as well as during routine screenings, the VA simultaneously was using any related diagnosis to unilaterally deem veterans mentally unfit to possess a firearm.

The new evidence demonstrates that the VA has continued to move forward with unconstitutional disarmament of veterans in line with Obama Administration appointee directives.  The Department of Homeland Security has been one of the biggest violators in this regard and has repeatedly released reports that deem veterans as likely terrorists.  Initially, the clinician guide LMS obtained from the VA directly instructed care providers to pass veteran’s information to the police to confiscate any weapons from veterans in the event a veteran came for help related to suicidal tendencies or even mere thoughts.  Of course PTSD and even mild depression, which is treatable and often temporary, can be more than enough for the VA to issue a finding of mentally unfit.  This is then used to disarm the veteran without any due process.  Even if the VA doesn’t take action, the stigma of mental treatment will follow the veteran and disqualify him or her for the purchase of a firearm due to non-legislatively (read: unconstitutional) enacted BATFE background check policies.  Even worse, it appears to be used against veterans during background investigations, court proceedings, and even when negotiating insurance premiums.  Further, once an opinion is rendered by a VA employee, it becomes nearly impossible for a veteran to appeal and remove this stigma even if the condition was mild and temporary, or even wrong!

This is not an accident, but a deliberate clandestine effort to disarm veterans by the government that sent them to war.  This is symptomatic of a paranoid government that fears for its own survival and no longer cares or considers the best interests of the population it is supposed to serve.  Further, the debate over even having a “judge” adjudicate disarmament is a distractor.  The real issue is why are we rubber stamping vets with combat stress and other actually very minor mental issues as incompetent in the first place!  Was it literally not just months prior that many of these veterans had actual assault weapons, grenades, tanks, jets, and artillery and were trusted with security clearances and told to go fight and protect Americans?  Why is it that as soon as veterans want to return to normal society and seek out needed treatment for mental wounds inflicted on them by our own government’s decisions they have to fear a loss of the very Constitutional Rights they fought for?   Why would a veteran have to pay out-of-pocket now to prove they are innocent to maintain a Constitutional Right?   Why is it okay that some political appointee’s “opinion” is now enough to strip our combat veterans of “rights” without any due process or protection?  Everyone knows our vets don’t have the time or money to fight these opinions in court and NOR SHOULD THEY HAVE TOO!

Shame on all of us if we allow this disgrace.  Guilty until you can afford to prove yourself innocent?  Is this the way our Constitutional “RIGHTS” were meant to be exercised?  I think not.  Please write your Congressman and Senators and demand accountability.

The war with Iran has begun: Israel’s Battle Plan for Iran


Media and intelligence reports suggest war between Israel and Iran appears imminent within the coming months, but in fact, has already begun.  Perhaps, this reality has been completely missed because the media convinced itself and the public the opening salvos for an Israeli attack on Iran would look like an air force bombing raid of Iranian nuclear installations.  We have pointed out for years this air force centric battle plan has been a deception operation as a true bombing raid would be too likely to fail and not achieve decisive long term effects.  Further, a limited Osirak type raid would leave the Israeli homeland completely vulnerable to organized and sustained retaliatory strikes.  Contrary to how the ill-informed pundits thought this war would play out, Israel has a much better war plan to support “its interests” that is unfolding as you read this piece. Whether or not the United States willing joins the war will affect this battle plan and impact “how bad” it will be for the U.S.  The best case would be an immediate move by Washington to decisively prevent war between Israel and Iran, but that seems highly unlikely now.  As such, one must assume the U.S. maintains its current policy towards Iran and will attempt to stay on the sidelines “hoping” Israel won’t attack.  Under those conditions, the following Israeli battle plan will likely be executed within the next 4-8 weeks.

The basic plan is as follows:

  • Phase I:  Prepare the populace and the military for war.  Obtain needed intelligence of the battlefield and attempt to build war sentiment inside Israel and the U.S.  Finalize acquisition of weapons systems and ordnance.  Place the military on a war footing.
  • Phase II:  Reduce the near border threat and open a safe flight path to Iran.  Using asymmetric means, degrade Hezbollah and Syria to a minimal threat incapable of sustained, coordinated, state level military operations.  Attempt to leverage the presence of chemical and biological weapons as well as friction with Turkey, a NATO member, to draw the U.S. into the war early.
  • Phase III:  Launch a surprise false flag attack on Iran that appears to emanate from the Americans.  The strike will include initially non-attributable electronic attacks, cyber warfare, and submarine launched missiles.  Limited commando raids may also take place.
  • Phase IV:   Using the plausible deniability of who conducted the initial attack, leverage the Iranian confusion to bait them into attacking the U.S. and forcing America into the war if it hasn’t already joined.

*Note:  If Iran responds discriminately only against Israel and the U.S. is not pulled into the conflict, this will be the signal for immediate, large scale follow-on attacks.  This is necessary to mitigate the potential damage inside Israel from retaliatory strikes.

  • Phase V:  Bring war to rapid closure and hand-off the conflict to the U.S military within 30 days.  If Iran continues to retaliate against Israel, Israel will respond with further massive missile strikes with follow-on strikes by the air force using manned and unmanned platforms.  The Israeli military will relentlessly attack Iran to inflict maximum damage and casualties so as to force U.S. intervention and or the U.N. to broker a cease fire. 

*Should Iran, Hezbollah, or Syria attempt to or actually retaliate using chemical or biological weapons, if Iran is able to heavily attack Israel successfully, or if Israel is unable to achieve its goals in the reduction of Iranian nuclear facilities, Israel plans to use nuclear weapons to achieve victory and protect its homeland.

To understand Israel’s actual battle plan formulation, one must first turn the chessboard around and understand Israel’s goals, perceptions, and capabilities in the manner Israeli decision makers see the pieces.  Foremost in their minds has to be the preservation of the Jewish State.  Any limited attack that achieved indecisive goals, but risked the homeland would not be suitable.  Second, Israeli leadership, specifically, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, perceives Iran as an existential threat that must be destroyed at all costs.  However, Netanyahu is clever and cunning enough to know better than getting into a fair fight with Iran.

Israel’s national capabilities, which relative to other Middle Eastern countries are immense, include a first rate military and renowned air force.  Their navy has also made great strides and has spent a massive amount of money acquiring latest generation retrofitted German-diesel submarines capable of launching long range missiles.  Respective of strategic weapons, Israel has what is believed to be a significant stockpile of nuclear weapons that could provide deterrent, first, and second strike options during a war.  These nuclear weapons could be delivered by aircraft, drones, or missiles launched from the land, sea, or air.  Further, Israel has demonstrated an advanced technological arsenal that includes electronic and cyber warfare capabilities, missile defense systems, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, and is a world leader in the design and production of drones and other autonomous systems.  Nonetheless, Israel still has a very limited power projection capability beyond its shores.  It also has limited natural resources, finances, and industrial capabilities.  Perhaps most worrisome when assessing a war of attrition with Iran, Israel is acutely aware it has relatively limited land area and a small population.  This means any successful deployment of Iranian weapons such as missiles and rockets are more likely to cause significant casualties and damage and quickly reduce the public will and support for a sustained.  In short, Israel can’t domestically endure significant military damage and neither can its elected leaders.  Netanyahu is keenly aware of the fate of former Prime Minister Olmert after the failed 2006 Lebanon War.  Finally, Israel has a powerful international support base of wealthy elites and routinely demonstrates the significant power of its lobbying infrastructure to maneuver political will inside the United States.

Next, one must understand Iran’s capabilities in a similar manner.  Iran’s regime is most afraid of losing power and inversely, is most concerned with maintaining power.  Maintaining power, much like in other countries is predicated on polarizing the masses and using religion as a patriotic call to national defense.  In Iran’s case, painting Israel and the U.S. as the enemy is a relatively easy case in light of the repeated wars on Muslim lands and peoples, three decades of crippling sanctions, assassination of its scientists, and repeatedly addressing Iran as an existential evil threat that must be destroyed.  This demonization of Israel and the U.S. is woven intricately into the fiber of Iran and has no doubt radicalized much of its population.  Iran has used this fervor to build up a substantial military that has grown more and more independent of foreign assistance and military hardware sales.  This has been the result of adapting to decades of sanctions and has to some degree inoculated Iran from further effects of sanctions.  Iran’s large population and land area make it more able to endure and absorb repeated attacks.   Iran also has significant reserves of both oil and gas and enjoys the disproportionate political sway it gains by influencing the global economy.  Regarding Iran’s military, it has a large pool of conscripts, a substandard air force, and inferior weapons technology.  However, Iran has learned from the U.S. and Israeli wars over the last decade and has made itself a much more capable enemy.  It has developed a dispersed, decentralized, civilian militia capable or harassing any occupying military endlessly.  It has also developed robust anti-access technologies to include many anti-ship missiles, naval mines, small fast attack missile boats, significantly improved air defense systems, and surface to surface missiles with significantly improved targeting and range.  Iran also maintains stockpiles of both chemical and biological weapons that could be used in retaliation for an attack.  Most worrisome to Israel though is Iran’s development of a 5th column in Lebanon consisting of Hezbollah, which is reportedly to now be rearmed with hundreds of thousands of shorter range rockets and anti-tank weapons and a client state in Syria with a fully capable conventional military sitting on Israel’s border.

Using the above as a general framework to begin piecing together assumptions about an Israeli war plan, it should be clear that a prolonged war is not in Israel’s interests, an invasion or occupation of Iran would be impossible, and Israel can’t afford to endure prolonged attacks domestically.  Defensively, although Israel’s missile defense systems could likely shield it from most long range Iranian missiles, it would likely be overwhelmed by a massive launch of rockets and missiles from Hezbollah.  A Syrian supported front on Israel’s border would also open a fight bigger than Israel is willing to undertake and allow Iran to continuously resupply Hezbollah.  Iran’s anti-access technologies are not much of a threat to Israel since Israel is located far beyond the range of these weapons, but Iran’s air defense system must be contended with if a manned strike is to be successful.  Israel also can’t afford risking the possibility of an Iranian chemical or biological retaliation.  As such, Hezbollah and Syria must be neutralized before any attack could take place to remove the immediate threat to Israel’s homeland and Iran’s retaliatory capabilities in respect to Israel must be eliminated.  Israel must also seek out a plan that enables its piloted aircraft to successfully make round trip sorties to and from Iran.  Note that how Iran’s response affects “Israel” in this calculus is not the same as how Iran’s response affects the “U.S.”  This is an ominous observation for the U.S.

Moving forward and building out the attack plan, a basic order of operations can be established.  First, the homeland must be prepared to endure retaliatory strikes and the military assets must be in place.  This includes generating the propaganda and domestic support for a war as well as developing and procuring the proper military technology, equipment, and weapons.  Jointly, diplomatic avenues must be exhausted and low-level covert war options must have had a chance to work.  Finally, a thorough intelligence preparation of the battlefield must have been completed.  Second, Hezbollah and Syria’s ability to jointly wage war on Iran’s behalf must be at least neutralized in a way to not spark an outright kinetic war with Iran.  Israel cannot prosecute a war with Iran successfully without first eliminating this close border threat.  Third, Iran must then be attacked violently by surprise in a total fashion that prevents any possibility of it being able to respond with missiles capable of striking Israel.  Fourth, Israel must leverage this initial surprise attack to pull the U.S. into the war.  This will be necessary to achieve more decisive long term effects on Iran’s nuclear development and minimal expense to Israel in manpower and money.  Finally, Israel must bring the hostilities to a rapid closure.  This means either handing off the sustained large scale campaign to the United States or prosecuting further attacks against Iran to increase the amount of damage done and forcing a peace treaty or ceasefire.  This final phase could go as far as delivering a final decisive blow using nuclear weapons (or the threat of it to make sure the U.S. finishes their fight) if Iran has somehow managed to inflict severe damage on Israel proper.

Now that a clear order of operations has been established, it is a relatively simple process of plugging in Israel’s capabilities to their proper place and adding a dash of strategy and deception to achieve surprise.  To be specific, this war plan has already been implemented and is under way.  In fact, we are nearing the end of Phase II.  The destabilization of Syria is the Phase II answer for how to take down Iran’s capabilities to threaten Israel at its border without immediately provoking a war.  Rest assured, under no other lesser circumstances would Israel allow Sunni backed jihadists to overthrow Assad, a ruler that Israel has maintained an awkward détente with for years.  This would be trading a tolerable for horrible.  Phase II will now continue until Syria is assessed to have been rendered incapable of organized, state level, sustained military operations against Israel.  The residual jihadists fighting amongst themselves like in Libya for power will be used as an excuse later to deal with Syria in totality after Iran is attacked and the U.S. is suckered into the war (assuming the U.S. can’t be suckered into the war sooner using Syria as a pretext).  Still though, Israel doesn’t believe Hezbollah will be completely neutralized by this.  Instead, they project that Hezbollah’s ability to sustain combat operations will be extremely degraded without Syria to funnel supplies and support from Iran to them, but still will have the ability to launch attacks for 3-4 weeks.  To mitigate the residual threat from Hezbollah, Israel has implemented Iron Dome, an air defense system capable of shooting down rockets and missiles launched from Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon and Syria.  Israel has also developed in-depth civilian preparedness programs to include alert systems, bunkers, drills, and rapid response capabilities to mitigate any damage from any attacks that are successful.

Phase III of the war is yet to begin, but will likely correlate with the neutralization of Syria before the fall elections in the U.S. This window is critical because Netanyahu knows that any strike before the election essentially forces President Obama to support it or risk losing the election.  Obama has to pull votes of Southern Baptists and conservative Christians from Romney, and most importantly, must have Jewish support in the form of money and votes; especially, in a swing state like Florida, to win.  Should Obama leave Israel hanging, it will open him up to massive attacks from the neo-conservative Zionist Romney as weak and not supportive.  As such, Obama could be cornered into either actively taking part in a war or unwillingly being forced into Israel’s war.  Both situations are catastrophic for the U.S., but good for Israel.  If Netanyahu waits, he risks losing his opportunity to pull the U.S. into the war; especially, if Obama is reelected, which looks to be the case based on current polling numbers.

Phase III will begin the actual kinetic phase of operations against Iran.  It will start with an unprecedented electronic attack that includes wide spread cyber-attacks, disinformation and deception operations, jamming, and potentially the used of targeted electronic pulse weapons to blind and destroy the situational awareness of Iran’s command and control elements.  Nearly simultaneously, Israel will launch its largest missile attack in the nation’s history.  It will include the full range of missiles launched from the air, ground, and sea.  Jericho ballistic missiles with modified heavy payloads and submarine launched missiles will be some of the primary weapons used.  Submarines will likely launch first.  Israel has secretly poured billions of U.S. tax dollars into the development of its submarines and their launch capabilities.  This has not been by accident.  In fact, tracking the location of Israel’s submarines will be one of the best indicators for when Israel is about to strike.  The U.S. should put a premium on shadowing these subs over any other submarine missions currently on-going.  In fact, there is a reasonable argument that the U.S. should use whatever force is necessary to prevent Israeli subs from launching an attack due to the dire consequences it will have for America.  Israel will also likely use a mix of attack drones to carry out some of the initial wave of attacks.  Israel may also use an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon to destroy Iranian electronics and black out their grid.  This could come in the form of a high altitude nuclear detonation.

Phase IV will be executed in parallel with Phase III and leverage the ambiguity and the violence of the initial phase of electronic warfare and submarine strikes to hopefully bait Iran into incorrectly assessing the attack as coming from the U.S.  This is likely as it will be a very advanced attack, primarily submarine launched, and have no humans initially involved.  This looks like a classic sterile American type attack and gives Israel plausible deniability while confusing the Iranian decision cycle.  This false flag, deception operation is classic Israeli military doctrine and emblematic of Israel’s past military operations.  If Iran perceives the attack to be from the U.S., its response is much more likely to be extreme in that it either does nothing and capitulates or retaliates broadly at American and Arab interests in the region instead of Israeli targets.  Military bases, American warships, and oil infrastructure are the most likely targets for Iran and would bring both the U.S. and Iran’s neighbors such as Saudi Arabia into the war against it.  This would allow Israel to bow out of the fight it started successfully.  Further, the operational pause in the Iranian decision cycle allows Israel to assess how it completes Phase III and moves to Phase V.  If Iran does nothing, mission accomplished.  If Iran retaliates against the U.S. and it is clear the Americans will enter the war, mission accomplished.  However, if Iran retaliates against Israel selectively and or the U.S. doesn’t get immediately into the war, Israel must immediately move to mitigate any possible retaliatory damage Iran can inflict.  This means that Israel will complete Phase III with clearly attributable Jericho missile strikes and strikes from drones against a much broader range of targets to include Iranian missile sites, command and control centers, and oil infrastructure in addition to nuclear facilities.

Moving into Phase V, Israel will again attempt to pull the U.S. into the war if it did not succeed in Phases III and IV.  They will most likely threaten to have to use nuclear weapons to finish it or start a bigger war with Syria that risks entire regional destabilization.  In exchange for Israel restraining its attacks, America will enter.  If not, Israel will move into their least desirable portion of the entire operation and begin manned airstrikes against Iranian targets by transiting Syrian airspace.  Israel must plan on losing some of its aircraft and crew during this phase, but ultimately, they will be able to successfully hit targets in in the north and west of Iran.  Jericho missiles will have to attack the more distant targets if the U.S. failed to enter the war.  Once Israel has exhausted its target list and U.S. supplied heavy ordnance penetrators, Israel will enter into United Nations peace negotiations, which undoubtedly will be in full swing to try and stop the “humanitarian suffering.”

The ominous caveat to this five phase war plan comes if from the outset, Israel knows that the U.S. will not get involved, is unable to achieve mission goals, or if Iran, Syria, or Hezbollah appears to be about to retaliate with chemical or biological weapons.  In any of the three scenarios listed, Israel may very well use nuclear weapons to achieve its goals.  The saying no plan survives first contact is absolutely gospel and for Israel, that means they must have a worst case scenario plan at the ready.  Dangerously, their worst case also equals our worst case from an American perspective.  Any war in the Middle East is going to be awful, but a nuclear war will be catastrophic.  Nonetheless, the Israelis see it as acceptable for their nation’s survival even though it probably also means the end of life as we know it in the U.S. as the global economy collapses and we are forced to try and contain the literal fallout of “their” war.

The above war plan is the baseline for Israel’s planning against Iran that they have desperately tried to keep secret.  What Americans must realize, including both the President and his challenger Mitt Romney, is that Israel’s plan for war is fundamentally designed for Israeli interests.  The battle plan does not take into account any equities that the U.S. or other Arab countries may have when it comes to getting caught in the crossfire.  Should the U.S. voluntarily involve itself from the beginning, the battle plan will decidedly shift to take into account American interests and capabilities, but will still be horrible for the U.S. and not achieve decisive long term results.  Still though, the hope that we could control the chaos better may be enough to sucker America into the fight unilaterally on Israel’s behalf.  President Obama, if seriously threatened by Romney, may also opt to create a convenient crisis before the election to distract the voters and spin it to his benefit.  However, should the U.S. be forced into a surprise war with Iran through Israeli deception and a potential false flag attack, the U.S. would suffer much worse and achieve even less decisive results.  Either way, the cost of a war is much too great for Americans to accept.  This is not America’s war.  American policy MUST look out for American interests first.  This means Israel must be stopped from starting a war that will cause global disaster for the U.S.

Israeli submarines will launch the initial strike against Iran.

The plan to suspend open carry at the RNC is a dangerous setup

After the assassination of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Fox News began broadcasting comments from various “conservative” commentators demanding that Ohio’s open carry law be suspended in Cleveland for the duration of the Republic Convention.  This was a very scary precedent that Fox News seemed all too happy to endorse.  Thankfully, Ohio Governor John Kasich denied the request on quite legitimate grounds.  However, I fear something more insidious is afoot.

The mere consideration that laws protecting basic Constitutional Rights should be suspended is terrifying.  Let’s consider the precedent dictatorial police union leaders are setting by calling for the suspension of open carry in Ohio.  First of all, those calling for the ban base their demand for emergency powers on the fact three police officers over a thousand miles away were killed in a nation of over 320 million people.  If the bar in our nation for the institution of martial law is the death of three officers, we will be living under military rule by August.  What happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge is horrific.  However, if anyone thinks that draconian actions and suspension of our rights will make things better, they are not just stupid, but treasonous.  Our “rights” are not granted so they can be denied when we need them the most.  That is precisely when things are dangerous and difficult.

Second, Governor Kasich does not have the power to pick and choose which laws he would like to see enforced or not.  Can you imagine an executive such as President Obama with the ability to declare a state of emergency because of three deaths?  I am sure Obama could have it arranged and would certainly love for the public to give him the authority to immediately and arbitrarily suspend whatever laws he doesn’t like.  However, I am curious why anyone would think the man that has in a large part engineered and instigated this violence will do anything to stop it if he is awarded with more power? Read more

Torture is coming to a police precinct near you

The reality is that where torture is condoned, depraved sociopaths run wild.

The reality is that where torture is condoned, depraved sociopaths run wild.

It is should be no question that I am a staunch supporter and advocate for liberty, freedom, and civil rights.  Why anyone would not desire a society where these fundamental pillars of a civilized existence are protected is baffling.  However, after the Senate released its report on the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques, it started a short lived firestorm of controversy over torture.  Disturbingly many of you thought the use of torture was justified.  Irrespective of your personal views, the fact is that torture, including the full spectrum of enhance interrogation techniques, is entirely illegal under both US and international law.  Both Presidents Bush and Obama have violated this law and those party to the decision to authorize the use of torture must be brought to justice.  What I am here to tell you is irrespective of whether or not you believe it was necessary, useful, or just, the condoning of this activity establishes a legal precedent for torture to be used against you right here at home.  If torture is allowed to become acceptable, you will soon find yourself on the wrong side of the religion of political correctness getting tortured until you amend your beliefs and sell out your friends and family. Read more

Will Negative Oil Prices Finally End the Petrodollar… and America as We Know It?

Image Source:

Yesterday, the “impossible” happened.  Oil traded below $0.  In fact, not by a little, but by up to $40 dollars.  Not only is oil now cheaper than water, but it is so cheap, producers are having to pay people to take it.  The energy markets are imploding.  Obviously, this isn’t a sustainable situation and horrific for anyone invested in the energy market.  However, while all the talking heads are focused on the immediate problems this creates, a far bigger financial storm is brewing that no one in the mainstream media (MSM) dares to discuss. This financial storm has a very real potential of spiraling out of control and destroying the reserve status of the U.S. Dollar by disrupting, if not destroying, the Petrodollar.  The impact would not be some distant crisis in the Middle East, but would be the destruction of the standard of living every America has come to know and expect.

Many have heard the term “Petrodollar,” but few understand what it represents and how critical it is to America’s global dominance.  Here are two links to help:; The very simplified explanation is that almost all commodities (wheat, hogs, gold, oil, etc.) are traded and settled globally in U.S. Dollars.  This represents the broader application of the term Petrodollar, which was originally used to denote just the purchase of oil.  This means countries must purchase dollars to trade.  This arrangement is critical for the United States and came out of the post-World War II Bretton Woods financial agreement that established the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  At the time, the U.S. controlled most of the gold in the world and the dollar was backed by gold and redeemable for gold.  During the Nixon era, the U.S. announced it no longer would back its dollars with gold, which significantly decreased demand for dollars. To protect the dollar’s reserve status post-Gold Standard, the Petrodollar system was established. The system created a reliable buyer of our debt by Middle Eastern oil producers.  Since then, the U.S. has allowed the dollar’s value to float in order to finance trillions of dollars in subsequent debt spending.  This has led to a steady devaluation of the dollar.  In spite of this, the dollar is still the best bet in town and countries continue to use it as the primary means of settling trade and storing wealth. The Petrodollar arrangement, in effect, has allowed the U.S. to create and spend enormous sums of money without massive inflation since there has been a large and reliable source of buyers for our debt in the form of U.S. Treasury Bonds and users of the U.S. Dollar for trade.  Note that treasury bonds are the biggest category of U.S. debt and are backed by the U.S. government’s ability to tax in order to pay back the debt issued through the bonds.  Up until now, this has generally worked since the demand for dollars has counterbalanced the supply of dollars, which has maintained a reasonable stasis in currency value.  However, we have just experienced the most destabilizing impact in modern history on this relationship.

Specific to the Petrodollar, the U.S. has had a longstanding deal with the major Middle Eastern oil producers to buy their oil in dollars in exchange for them to use our dollars to buy massive amounts of our treasury bonds (our debt).  To maintain this relationship, we have “looked the other way” and provided significant political and military protection to these countries; despite the fact they are brutal totalitarian monarchies and about as un-American as it gets.  Now, as oil demand continues to plummet and global commerce vapor locks, much as predicted in previous articles, this is creating a situation where no one has the ability to buy our treasury bonds (our debt). Simultaneously, the use of U.S. Dollars drops off a cliff.  Compounding that situation is the need for nations holding our treasury bonds (our debt) to cash out their holdings to finance covering the cost of their economic losses incurred as the pandemic spreads across the globe.  This is occurring just as the U.S. is creating massive amounts of additional dollars (more debt), which it needs to sell in the form of treasury bonds to finance its domestic bailouts.  This is creating a perfect storm.

Remember, the purchase of our debt by Middle Eastern oil producers has been a critical cornerstone of the dollar’s survival since the currency was removed from the Gold Standard.  Ultimately, there are only two ways this debt is paid for.  It is either paid back by higher taxes or by creating more money and additional debt, which causes inflation and then hyperinflation if no one is able or willing to buy the debt.  The latter appears to be what is developing as the big buying oil producers go broke and no politician in Washington is ready to roll out a huge tax hike on Americans.  Historically, when presented with this situation, governments have opted for printing cash and obliterating the value of their currency.  This has always led to a currency crisis. Once the stability of a currency is in question, people abandon its use. For the U.S. Dollar, this would mean its use as a reserve currency would end or be heavily diminished. This is why the crisis could be catastrophic and no one from the MSM is willing to touch the subject. 

Make no mistake, we are still early in this crisis.  The global impacts are only just beginning to be felt and much is still unknown.  The crisis this pandemic has initiated (I say initiated since the U.S. economy was already in a massive bubble and primed to collapse) will persist for months and years, not weeks.  The economic consequences may well last decades and lead to a total reset.  In addition, few have attempted to recognize the grim reality for what it is and think through the catastrophic consequences of how the collapse of the Petrodollar could play out.  The dominoes have begun to fall and where they lead is truly scary.

So, what could this domino effect look like?  At minimum, the major oil producing countries in the Middle East are facing a legitimate crisis that is likely to topple some, if not most, of their monarchies if the depressed oil prices persist another six to twelve months.  Remember, these dictatorships have used their oil revenue to maintain power through brutal oppression and paying off their populations by generous welfare systems.  Without oil money, these hated regimes will fall and fall fast, which is one of the few silver linings of this unholy alliance with dictatorships.  With them will fall the Petrodollar.  Without the Petrodollar system, the U.S. will be facing staggering levels of inflation and the dollar’s status as the reserve currency will not only be jeopardized, but most likely lost.  This leads to even higher levels of inflation and a rapid collapse in the standard of living.  At this point, the U.S. government will be incapable of funding social welfare programs and sustaining the massive bureaucracy it created.  This leads to an endgame reset with social unrest and political upheaval.  Let’s hope this chain of events can be stopped, but the reality is at best, with close to $30 trillion in rapidly growing debt, the crisis can be only temporarily interrupted and delayed.  The endgame is now set.

Note: I am far from the first to point out the issues with the Petrodollar or suggest the system is or will collapse. However, I believe that unlike previously, we are in a situation where the reality is more likely than ever before. See:;;;

By Guiles Hendrick

April 19, 2020