Archive for Big Government

The Next Manufactured War: China and the Pacific Theater Take Center Stage

As we have exhaustively written and warned in previous articles, a new war will need to be manufactured to continue to justify the continued redistribution of billions of taxpayer dollars to the military-industrial complex financed by the big banks.  The titans of the defense industry and the loan sharks of the banking world cannot afford peace and will stop at nothing to create fear and war to ensure their wealth is secure.  The United States economy has not made a true comeback as has been touted by the media and falsified government reports and soon the bubble the Federal Reserve created will have to be deflated.  To keep the public distracted and the money flowing, a new plan to create fear, instability, and possibly war in the Pacific has now begun.

It is becoming increasingly clear that no matter what deal is or is not struck in Afghanistan respective of continued troop deployments, NATO and the US forces are going to be forced to retreat within the next 12 to 18 months.  The Taliban’s (Pakistan’s) strategic victory is all but assured now, which will make future occupation by U.S. personnel impossible.  Further, the movement toward war with Iran by way of Syria has been temporarily checked by Russia until Israel can build enough clandestine support behind the scenes to sabotage any future peace deal or unilaterally attack Iran.  As such, the military-industrial complex has turned back to its fear mongering and war propaganda to begin conditioning the public that North Korea and China are again dire threats that must be stopped at all costs and that war could break out at any moment.  Of course this hyperbole is used to justify the “need” for new advanced weapons, continued funding of obsolete, redundant, or unnecessary defense systems, and to generally control the masses.  As a nation we have witnessed this ploy over and over resulting in unnecessary wars from Vietnam to Iraq that have cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars worldwide.  The wanton destruction wrought by these industry power plays can’t be understated.  For example, as we reported in the spring of 2013, North Korea was rebranded as a strategic missile threat overnight and then only weeks later forgotten after the defense-aerospace industry scared Congress and the public into refunding their missile defense programs that have been wasting billions of tax dollars and were rightfully on the sequester chopping block.  The fact that the bankers and defense propagandists nearly started World War III didn’t matter a bit because no matter whether or not war broke out, it was you and I that would have to bleed, pay, and die for their fortunes.  This process of fear mongering and dangerous brinkmanship is a trademark defense industry ploy used to make sure you continue to write them checks for billions of dollars without question.  Without question, it is one of the most diabolical, destructive, despicable, and immoral of all lies repeatedly pushed on the citizens of nations.

Fortunately, the American people have to some degree grown war weary and have been sensitized to the lies of war propaganda.  This is good and bad.  It is good in that the simplest of lies will no longer suffice to convince the American people to once again go to war and bleed and pay for the elites to become wealthier.  However, the elites recognize this and will conduct even more aggressive and despicable acts to create the conditions for war.  For illustration, just this year in Syria, a false flag chemical weapons attack was launched against innocent civilians in an attempt to frame the Syrian regime and justify the US becoming involved in yet another war in the Middle East.  It is important to note that this attack using weapons of mass destruction was resorted to after numerous lesser attempts to “convict” the Syrian regime in the minds of the public and precipitate a war had failed.  This included launching mortar rounds into Israel and Turkey, launching air attacks into Syria directly from Israel, directly providing training and weapons to known terrorists operating in Syria, repeatedly violating Syrian airspace so that they would shoot down a NATO jet, and persistently trying to brand the radical Islamic jihadists of the revolutionary forces as a peaceful, unified, pro-US, Free Syrian Army.  All of these acts were designed to either directly or indirectly illicit a defensive response from Syria, which Washington could then spin into an act of “aggression” to justify retaliation and war.  The Syrian example is just one of many illustrating to what deranged extremes our hijacked government will go to to force the US into another unnecessary war and is a cautionary tale of things to come.

Relative to the recent wars in the Middle East, a war in the Pacific promises to be far more devastating and has the real possibility of involving nuclear weapons and electromagnetic pulses designed to wipe out all unshielded electronics.  However, “devastating” translates to windfall profits for the defense industry and their financiers on a scale not seen since World War II.  A war or even the threat of war with China would mandate trillions of new defense spending financed through loans to the US government (ironically, this new debt would probably be bought by China).  New high tech weapon systems would have to be fast tracked into service and even more draconian surveillance and cyber warfare systems would also be justified to “protect” the homeland.  The Defense Department would once again get a blank check unlike any before from Congress to pursue an entirely new portfolio of overpriced defense programs, many of which, would target the American people as much as foreign entities as the current “War on Terror” has demonstrated.

The march toward war in the Pacific will be far more costly and devastating than even the worst case scenarios for the Middle East if allowed to move forward.  Not only will the US suffer a total economic collapse, but unprecedented death and destruction if the game of brinkmanship is overplayed and China and or North Korea call our bluff.  China is not an ally of the US, but is also not any more of a threat than we decide to create.  If you want to check China, it will be best done through effective economic competition and by strengthening our freedoms and liberties at home.  Runaway defense spending will only weaken the US.  Stop giving China preferential trade status, stop creating massive debt at home, stop educating China’s military scientists, stop allowing China to steal our most sensitive secrets, stop providing China and North Korea aid, and hold the line on our sphere of influence.  At home we have to cut taxes on citizens as well as reduce the overwhelming bureaucratic weight of endless regulations and taxes on businesses.  We need to protect our workers, our products, our technology, and our industry by not undermining them with imbalanced trade deals favoring offshoring and overseas manufacturing.  We also need to secure our borders, dismantle the surveillance state, cut the size of government, wean the population from state dependencies, and become as individuals and a nation much more self-sufficient.  Cutting the Defense Budget will go a long way to neutralizing the financial influence the military-industrial complex has over US policy and would strengthen, not weaken the security of the US.  All of these actions will go far toward reigning in massive and unnecessary spending and debt.  The media must also be returned to its watchdog status of the government and be purged of its recently assumed role as the public relations arm of the political parties.  No American interest is served by a biased media.  Failure to provide honest, unbiased, and factual news to the American people will lead to further deceit, loss of liberties, degradation of our quality of life, and potentially devastating wars.

Once again we are here warning the public of what is transpiring behind the scenes and are the first to bring it to you.  The best way to battle this latest escalation toward war is to become informed, know the facts, and make sure others are educated as well.  Neither the media nor the government can lie to you if you independently have sought out and found the truth.  Take this truth to the internet, the airwaves, the cable news programs, your local clubs…anywhere you can find an audience.  By exposing the lies and replacing them with knowledge and facts you can collectively disrupt and stop the plans of the defense and banking industries and their puppets within the government.  Those of you who serve the government; especially in the military, have an obligation to the American people and the Constitution to also speak out, to refuse to become an active participant, and to stop these unconstitutional and thus illegal and immoral actions.  Only through action can we overcome these true threats to the US, the gravest of which, have originated internally.

By Guiles Hendrik 

December 11, 2013

All rights reserved.

The Disenfranchisement of America and the Plan to Reverse It

The Constitution says that the number of representatives shall not exceed one representative for every 30,000 constituents.  This ratio was roughly equal to the actual ratio of representatives to the population at the time the Constitution was ratified.  However, today, most states have less than one representative per 700,000 people.  The result of this massive dilution of federal representation in Congress has been a near total disenfranchisement of the population and consolidation of power within two establishment political parties.  In order to begin restoring the balance of power to the people, breaking the party gridlock within Congress, and restoring liberty we must build popular support to overturn the arbitrary limit of 435 representatives set in 1929.  The sooner we build awareness and draw media attention to this issue, the greater the pressure will be on Congress to increase its size and begin to return the power to their constituents.

To begin, for a republic such as the United States to have a functioning representative government, there must be adequate and real representation of the citizen body.  The representatives must be answerable to their constituents and not political parties.  The notion today that a single representative can adequately represent the interests of over 700,000 people is lunacy normalized through decades of slowly eroding the individual’s political value to the point of nonexistence.  Further, the faux representation perpetrated upon the American people today has only been possible because politicians realize that their power is proportional to the number of people they represent.  The exact opposite is true for citizens.  The fewer citizens that are represented by a single representative, the more direct representation and influence the citizen possesses.

The Founding Fathers of the United States had much to say on the topic of what fair representation at the federal level would look like.  James Madison understood the danger of too few dictating to the many and adequately summarized his thoughts as the smaller the House, relative to the total population, the greater is the risk of unethical collusion or myopic groupthink.  In contrast, “Numerous bodies … are less subject to venality and corruption.”  [James Madison, 14-August-1789]   Federalist Paper Number 56 (February 19, 1788) describes this ratio stating, “…it seems to give the fullest assurance, that a representative for every THIRTY THOUSAND INHABITANTS will render the [House of Representatives] both a safe and competent guardian of the interests which will be confided to it.”  Note that the number “THIRTY THOUSAND” was capitalized in the papers for emphasis.

Melancton Smith’s observations deserve special attention as he, perhaps more than any of the other delegates to the Federal Convention, understood the gravity of the situation.  He knew that the power to determine the number of representatives could not be left to the ruling elite, which all too often become addicted to power.  This would be “a power inconsistent with every principle of a free government, to leave it to the discretion of the rulers to determine the number of representatives of the people.  There was no kind of security except in the integrity of the men who were entrusted; and if you have no other security, it is idle to contend about constitutions.” [Melancton Smith]  Smith elaborates on his valid and time proven point that we cannot expect the House to unilaterally increase the number of representatives.  “To me it appears clear, that the relative weight of influence of the different states will be the same, with the number of representatives at sixty-five as at six hundred, and that of the individual members greater; for each member’s share of power will decrease as the number of the House of Representatives increases.  If, therefore, this maxim be true, that men are unwilling to relinquish powers which they once possess, we are not to expect the House of Representatives will be inclined to enlarge the numbers.  The same motive will operate to influence the President and Senate to oppose the increase of the number of representatives; for, in proportion as the House of Representatives is augmented, they will feel their own power diminished.  It is, therefore, of the highest importance that a suitable number of representatives should be established by the Constitution.” [Melancton Smith]

Alexander Hamilton, an opponent of writing limits on representation into the Constitution, provides interesting insights into his logic.  For starters, it appears he neither conceived nor intended the federal government to have the sweeping powers that it possesses today.  “The subject on which this argument of a small representation has been most plausibly used, is taxation.  As to internal taxation, in which the difficulty principally rests, it is not probable that any general regulation will originate in the national legislature.” [Alexander Hamilton]  How Hamilton would have reacted to the reality of the Federal Income Tax, Obama Care, and the litany of other internal taxes levied since the ratification of the Constitution is anyone’s guess, but based on his above statement, one could surmise he would have altered his position on the need to include specific representational limits in the Constitution.  This conclusion is further supported by Hamilton’s statements respective of his belief that the federal government’s powers were limited and would never extend into one’s private life.   “The powers of the new government are general, and calculated to embrace the aggregate interests of the Union, and the general interest of each state, so far as it stands in relation to the whole. … Were the laws of the Union to new-model the internal police of any state; were they to alter, or abrogate at a blow, the whole of its civil and criminal institutions; were they to penetrate the recesses of domestic life, and control, in all respects, the private conduct of individuals,—there might be more force in the objection; and the same Constitution, which was happily calculated for one state, might sacrifice the welfare of another.” [Alexander Hamilton]  Of course we know now that the federal government has grown so oppressive and omnipresent as to invade every aspect of one’s private life.  As such, Hamilton’s grounds for objection, however implausible he may have believed them to be at the time, turned out to be the very grounds that time has proven most required the Constitution to dictate an equitable ratio of representatives to constituents.

Based on the rather clear intent of the individuals ratifying the Constitution, one may wonder how did the number of Representatives become fixed at 435?  The answer is rather simple; because Congress passed a bill in 1929.  The bill sought to prescribe a national policy under which the membership of the House shall never exceed 435 unless Congress, by affirmative action, overturns the formula and abandons the policy enunciated by this bill.  Respective of the number 435, there is no real reason other than that was the number of representatives at the time and the House found it advantageous to their political power to limit the growth further.  Of course the population of the United States has massively grown since 1929, which in effect increased the representation ratio to such an astronomically large number that the mere notion of representation was utterly destroyed.  However, this has only bolstered the power of the representatives and political parties, which have gerrymandered districts to the point of making the election of independent, grassroots connected representatives nearly impossible.  Except for those who are independently wealthy, election and reelection campaigns in super-sized districts require that the representatives raise huge sums of money on a nearly continuous basis.  This makes representatives beholden to the parties and big donors that funded their campaign instead of the constituents they purportedly are there to represent.  In short, this allows special interests, lobbyists, and other corrupting elements to highjack the representative.

To put the state of disenfranchisement in perspective, it is worth noting that Russia as compared to the United States has over 50% better representation of its people.  In fact, the United States has the second worst ratio of population to House representative in the world.  Surely as the “leader of the free world” the United States could muster better representation.



Challenging this notion one may surmise that a larger House would result in even more gridlock in Congress.  However, with an approval rating consistently below 10% and the inability to so much as even pass a budget, it would be hard to imagine a more dysfunctional Congress.  Further, if the above maxim that a smaller legislative body would be much more productive held true, then the Senate would certainly be very efficient.  However, the Senate is as dysfunctional as the House when it comes to operation.  In fact, there are rarely more than a handful of Congressmen from any chamber present during session and even fewer actually engaged in meaningful debate.  In part, this is because the work of the Congress is broke down into committees, which would be no different if the House increased its numbers.  As for anyone that doubts a large body could pass legislation, California is often used as proof this is untrue.  In fact, California has for decades effectively voted on hundreds of propositions.  If the millions of people in California can effectively vote on legislative initiatives, it should be simple for even ten thousand representatives to vote on similar legislation.  Naysayers may also point out that the government is too big already and adding more Congressmen will just make it worse.  This is also untrue and in fact just the opposite would most likely be the outcome.  As the number of representatives increase, Congress will have to become more representative of the people.   The House will be more, not less motivated to reduce the size of the government.  This is because the representative will be far more accountable to their constituents, which will be much better able to monitor their actions.  It is also worth noting that an increase in actual representatives may be closer to an overall neutral growth in government employees because fewer staff members are required to support smaller districts, which would balance against larger staffs to support larger districts.

Each state is guaranteed at least one representative, no matter what its population.  States with a single member in the U.S. House of Representatives are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.  The District of Columbia has a non-voting delegate in Congress who has all the powers and rights of a representative, but is not permitted to vote.  Currently, the approximate number of constituents to a representative is around 705,000.  If the ratio was closer to 1:50,000 we would have a House with about 6,100 representatives.  This increase could be dealt with by regionalization of Congress much like the Federal Court Districts, which could have interactive debate via the web and electronic voting.  It would also mean your vote once again counted and you would have real influence at what approximated to what most experience at the state level of politics.  It would once again be difficult for any one party to control Congress.  It would be even more difficult for special interests, big businesses, and lobbyists to buy off Congress simply due to the sheer number or representatives, which would require immensely large sums of money and unavailable financial and manpower resources to gain a majority of support for pork legislation.  The result would be a more accountable, more effective, and more representative Congress.

The notion that we could once again have realistic representation in Congress is not a pipe dream.  It is an obtainable goal that is well within the feasible realm of effective change initiatives liberty minded citizens can unite around.  We must build the awareness of the population that the status quo is unacceptable and that the 1929 law that disenfranchised us today must be overturned.  We need to all write our Congressmen, get on talk shows and radio, use social media, and empower the grassroots movements around this nation to take this goal on as a part of the platform.


By Guiles Hendrik

December 9, 2013

All rights reserved




The Debates in the Federal Convention

August 6, 1787

As the proportions of numbers in different States will alter from time to time; as some of the States may hereafter be divided; as others may be enlarged by addition of territory; as two or more States may be united; as new States will be erected within the limits of the United States, the Legislature shall, in each of these cases, regulate the number of representatives by the number of inhabitants, according to the provisions herein after made, at the rate of one for every forty thousand.

— Reported by James Madison

Overcoming the Greatest Prepper Weakness: The Individual versus the Community and a Plan for the Future

One of the greatest assets to preppers is that they are self-reliant and able to independently operate.  However, it is also their greatest vulnerability.  No matter how tough, how well-trained, how well armed, or how well prepared an individual is, there is only so much one person can do.  Numbers matter.  As an individual, you must eventually sleep and can’t stand guard indefinitely.  You can only be at one place at one time.  A second set of hands on nearly any labor intensive task is better than one.  If sick or injured it is very difficult or impossible to provide prolonged self-aid or surgery.  If directly confronted by an organized and numerically superior force, the odds are decidedly against the individual.  You can only accurately fire one weapon, at one target, at one time.  Further, your best odds of survival if attacked by superior numbers would be to try and escape, but even then it is pretty easy for a larger number of pursuers to head you off and corner even the craftiest of evaders.  As such, for any realistic, long term survival plan, one must build a prepared community.  A community is the foundational bedrock of a society and a nation.  The community is where the individual can truly make a difference and build a better life.  Today’s article is my appeal to you to take action to improve your life, to create new and better communities, and to take back our nation.  I will provide each of you with the template to not just resist, but triumph.  Each one of us has the ability to change the status quo in the present day and no longer be at the mercy of the state, which at one time, represented us as citizens.  Make no mistake, survival is a long term struggle against both nature and tyranny that comes with sacrifice, but we can overcome the odds best through collective action.

Man is neither designed nor equipped to be a solitary animal.  Individually we are weak and vulnerable and would have long ago become easy prey and gone extinct if it wasn’t for banning together.  Since the earliest prehistoric times, man has grouped together in bands and tribes to survive.  Modern man is no exception as we live today more interconnected than ever.  This interdependency has allowed us to specialize, to survive, and to even have leisure.  Man was designed with neither the long claws and fangs of apex predators nor the acute hearing and swift speed of prey.  We don’t come with fur to protect us from temperature extremes and have long since lost our immunities to many parasites commonly found in food and water.  Man’s greatest asset, his mind, combined with strength in numbers has demonstrated that he can overcome nearly any extreme and challenge.  This maxim is as crucial for survival today as it was ten thousand years ago when small bands of Ice Age hunters and gathers grouped together to fend off ferocious predators and take down massive game.

Communities and villages sprang to existence out of the mutual need for security and distribution of labor.  Someone always needed to tend to the fire and be on the watch for predators so that others could safely sleep.  While some hunted the others cooked and farmed.  In modern times, these families became bands, then tribes, and then nations.  As nations grew, man’s greatest threat ceased to be lions and tigers, but his fellow man.  Nation state violence led to the need to collectively organize in even greater numbers or risk being numerically overwhelmed by a neighboring nation.  Internally, the rise of nations led to the rise of brutal tyrants and the further need organize the masses in resistance in order to escape slavery and death at the hands of the king’s mercenaries.

Today, the modern prepper faces all of these challenges.  At the most local level, the prepper must find a way to accomplish the daily tasks of a subsistence existence.  The chores of simply acquiring and preparing food and water, staying warm or cool, maintaining shelter, and creating or fixing the means to accomplish the former are enough to rapidly overwhelm anyone.  However, the prepper must also provide for his common security against potentially large bands of hostile people and what appears to be an increasingly hostile government.  Individually, or at least as a family, it is certainly possible to scratch out a subsistence level of existence as long as you are never confronted by a hostile group.  However, it is simply not realistic to believe that one could independently sustain for the long term when faced with hungry bands of violent, armed, thugs or a hostile, state sponsored tyranny.

As previously stated, I don’t care how prepared you “think” you are; if you are trying to subsist with just a handful of people, an organized group of basically trained thugs with a proclivity for violence will quickly overwhelm you and certainly seize whatever preps you have stored.  This is not a situation of maybe, but an absolute.  The preppers that fail to learn and internalize this are living in a fantasy world.  Preppers that ardently stick to their small groups in remote and isolated areas only delay the inevitable.  This paradigm may be best illustrated by how law enforcement represents a small percentage of the population, but effectively controls the masses by being able to quickly mass and achieve local (tactical) numerical superiority against any resistance.  Individually, there have been literally millions of people arrested that were tough, prepared, and well-armed, but I can’t think of any in recent memory that have successfully fought off a determined attempt at seizure by the police.  Sadly, government has never proven capable of leaving individuals alone and hungry mobs have never shown the proclivity to take the moral high road and starve when the option to loot for food existed.  Eventually, preppers that failed to organize BEFORE a collapse or crisis and build communities will each be independently identified, targeted, and wiped out by thugs or hostile government forces.

The solution to this is not a new one.  It is as old as mankind.  Like minded individuals will once again need to band together to collectively survive.  This is and will be an essential, critical, FACT that preppers must accept.  Preppers need not build communes or cede their independence, but do need to build communities.  These communities need to be aware, prepared, and organized in a manner that they are effectively self-sustaining and self-governing.  It is equally essential to also build the population numbers in a concentrated manner that will change the voting demographic so that elected representatives will not only properly represent, but be of the same mindset of their constituents.  We have seen some of these successes in Montana and Idaho, but are failing to coalesce in an organized manner nationwide.  Only by achieving, at minimum, at first, tactical numerical superiority in targeted regions will free, independent, liberty minded individuals be able to live a life of freedom with liberty in something more than their imagination.

Communities built around self-sustainment are by their very nature resilient to natural disasters, grid failures, and crime.  By locally producing food, water, and power a community can almost completely eliminate the major vulnerabilities of today’s societies.  The society is healthier, happier, and more connected.  By once again localizing industry, the community can build, fabricate, or repair nearly anything and have a vibrant localized economy.  Further, by having a large pool of like-minded citizens, the community can fend off both political and physical attacks.  One threat can be defeated through the ballot box and the other through tactical numerical “superiority.”  To illustrate this point, 100 groups of eight preppers could disperse across the 50 states (two groups to a state).  These small groups have zero political influence or protection and could be rounded up and wiped out in a single night by either hostile thugs or government forces operating in groups so small local law enforcement could field them.  However, if you combined these groups in one area, you would have the local tactical strength of upwards of 800 people.  This is a sufficient number to not just swing, but control elections in smaller districts, install a like-minded sheriff and deputies, and present a unified defense requiring at least a battalion of military regulars to engage with any chance of success.  Imagine getting back to a time and place where instead of fearing police, the local police actually acted to “defend” the locals and keep the peace with the full weight of the people and the law behind it.  Imagine a place where you could walk down the street and not be filmed, photographed, tracked, and fined for violating one of a seemingly infinite number of overbearing regulations.  Now consider the literally millions of like-minded “preppers” that exist in the cities, towns, and the rural expanses of America.  If the media is to be believed, tens of millions of these people are already organized under the nebulous title “Tea Party.”  By concentrating these numbers we not only make being prepared and living free mainstream, but the lifestyle sells itself.  Don’t waste your strength and try to fight the numbers in states like California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York.  Let those states wallow in their own filth, debt, and ever increasing taxes.  Instead, take charge and opt out of them.  Stop paying into those defunct systems and move away.  Concentrate in places where we can control the elections, the schools, the local law enforcement, and ultimately empower our way of life.  To use the cliché, “if we build it, people will come” is justified.  As we set ourselves apart and demonstrate a workable better life, more and more people will turn away from their current unsustainable, rat race existences and seek something better for themselves and their families.  People want this and are thirsty for leadership, but to date, few have stepped up.  If we lead, the masses will follow.

The model outlined above is feasible, suitable, and something that could be quickly accomplished in the near term.  Much debate surrounds the “optimum” prepper retreat location, but it is unnecessary because few states truly fit the bill.  Further, most of the debate is academic because true survival will not come from hiding and hoping tyranny will overlook you.  Instead, we must recognize “prepping” is not just an action but a way of life that must be protected and nurtured.  To truly survive, we must come to terms with reality and engage in an effective course of action with a chance of long term success.  We must change the debate and public perception of preppers.  We need to show the public we are absolutely no threat, peaceful, and reframe ourselves as a persecuted minority requiring protection, much like the Amish or Mennonites.  To effect this we must concentrate our numbers in specific localities.  The best prepper locations to concentrate at first will be areas of low population density, but ample natural resources.  Further, it is only reasonable to first target locations within states that predominately tend to support freedom, liberty, and independence or in short, support a prepared lifestyle and are not burdensome with respect to taxes and regulation.  This means that an ideal state probably will not have a large, leftwing, urban center like New York City, Philadelphia, or San Francisco that disproportionately biases the elections.  That immediately rules out states such as California, Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York.  You would also want to avoid locations with staggering debt or other lingering problems that would be materially detrimental to building new communities.  Out west, states such as Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming offer the best options to concentrate.  Idaho has long been recognized as an ideal redoubt and is already demonstrating that this model works.  Not only have local and state leaders been elected, but representatives at the federal level have been elected and are now insulating Idaho from many of the problems facing the rest of the nation.  In fact, businesses are also moving to Idaho.  Gun and ammunition manufacturers in particular have found Idaho a great place to set up business.

In the east, West Virginia may well be on its way to becoming the prepper redoubt of choice.  West Virginia’s topography is well suited to the defense and has a very low population density.  There are entire areas of West Virginia that have zero electronic emissions.  The federal government has also recognized West Virginia’s suitability for surviving an apocalypse and has built various “hollow mountains” throughout the state.  Unlike many other potential redoubts, West Virginia is a realistic location to bug out to from most areas along the East Coast and is not prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or large earthquakes.  It is also well protected from potential nuclear blasts and is not seen as a high value target for terrorists.  Further, West Virginia really doesn’t have any major metropolitan areas that will spill millions of refugees into the surrounding hinterlands.  The climate is very suitable for growing a variety of crops and the state is rich in natural resources that range from salt and coal to timber and natural gas.  West Virginia tends to not be heavy on regulation and the people are generally conservative minded and live already as semi-preppers.  West Virginia also has the potential to be a leader in alternate energy.  It has endless ridgelines for wind and solar power as well as many streams and rivers suitable for various scale hydroelectric systems.  West Virginia is an outdoorsman’s paradise, yet is still located close enough to eastern population centers that it will have increasing influence.  Given the low population density and the affordability of homes and property in West Virginia, it would be relatively easy for preppers in the mid-Atlantic to relocate and take up residence in a few targeted counties such as Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral, and Grant counties in the eastern panhandle.  By concentrating in these counties and gaining a strong percentage of the voting block, like minded preppers could essentially establish a food hold in the heart of the mid-Atlantic and establish their own model community.  Note that it is not necessary to even gain a voting “majority” in these counties because the influence of a well-organized and active electorate will be more than sufficient to sway, skew, and control any local election.  Further, voter turnout; especially at the local level and during primaries, tends to be extremely low so it would be possible to not only oust incumbents on tickets, but stack the local and state governments with our candidates.  From those initial gains, we could fundamentally change how local and then state governments operate in the near term and demonstrate a better way of living to the nation.  Ultimately, we will fundamentally change the thinking nationwide and to this end, achieve our goals of independence, liberty, and sustainable living.

I challenge each of you today to disseminate this message as widely as possible, to as many people as possible.  Sow the seeds of liberty and freedom again in people’s minds.  Let them know that they don’t have to accept the status quo and can change their situation now.  There are no longer empty frontiers to escape to and waiting till the SHTF will be too late.  We must pick our ground wisely now so that we can stand our ground later.  By doing something as simple as moving your state of residence (even if that doesn’t mean you physically move) so that you can (and must) vote in Idaho or West Virginia, we absolutely can improve our lives and the lives of others.  Follow my lead and begin the process of stacking the deck in these two states where as little as a hundred votes can control the officials elected at the local and state level.  Idaho and West Virginia are not the end, but the beginning.  From these two localities we can expand our communities to the surrounding regions and states, but we have to begin somewhere and we have to begin now.


By Guiles Hendrik

November 3, 2013

All rights reserved.

Domestic Spying and the Descent to Tyranny

New government scandals have come rapidly in the last couple months.  The scandals are very serious and a direct danger to any nation of free people with liberty.  George Orwell’s “Big Brother” police state has arrived.  The only difference today is that our government possesses even more ambitious powers than Orwell ever imagined.  Every citizen, irrespective of political affiliation must demand justice and accountability from those in power.  Every citizen must demand the permanent end to secret courts, domestic spying, financially terrorizing citizens, targeting of political opponents, partisan politics, bottomless corporate campaign donations, faux money, financial manipulation, and endless imperial wars overseas to name just a few of the more egregious problems facing the US.  Failure to hold those responsible for their actions criminally liable will mark a dark day for America where historians will note the rule of law died and tyranny breathed life.

Thanks to brave patriots that have been demonized, seized, tortured, fired, harassed, and imprisoned by the government, American citizens are now aware of some of the egregious illegal government operations ranging from “Fast and Furious” to the latest revelations about the National Security Agency (NSA) unconstitutionally spying on all Americans.  The data NSA is storing are broad and range from phone records, text messages, and conversations to emails and financial data.  The revealing of this highly classified domestic spy program contradicted the Obama Administration’s previous claims that there was no such program.  It also proved that General Clapper committed perjury when he emphatically denied under oath to Congress such a program existed when directly asked if NSA was conducting “any” type of domestic surveillance program.  The NSA domestic surveillance program is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against conducting unlawful searches and seizures.  The Bill of Rights and the Fourth Amendment are unique in that they specifically direct what the government “cannot” do and were without doubt, intended to be a legal check against just this type of power grab by the federal government.  They are the supreme guiding legal framework under which the US government must operate.  However, as all governments inevitably do, the US government began creating bodies with false powers to provide the false illusion of justification for its actions.  The creation of artificial secret “government” bodies to rubber stamp illegal government actions make these acts no more “legal” or “just” than the Nazis justifying wanton extermination of people because the “government” ordered it.  In spite of this prohibition, the government still broke the law, ignored our Constitution, lied about the programs, and continues to operate the illegal programs.

Perhaps even scarier, the same gang of government thugs in power has been openly conducting state terrorism against its own citizens via its political officers at the Internal Revenue Service, Justice Department, and Environmental Protection Agency.  What caused the government to target and terrorize its own citizens one may ask?  The answer is clear; peaceful and law abiding citizens were targeted for nothing more than having a differing political ideology than the leftist thugs now in power.  No longer will the naïve position of “I don’t have anything to hide so I am not worried” suffice to keep one safe from this growing government threat to a free people.  In spite of the government’s growing list of transgressions and crimes against its own citizens, no one has been held accountable even after months of scandals.  In fact, it appears the culprits have been rewarded.  The day has arrived in the United States when the government has effectively become a separate entity acting for the interests of a small number of elites and beyond the rule of law.

We no longer have a government of the people and for the people, but a government for the elites and of the elites acting to enslave and use its subjects for its benefit at their expense.  In short, the government has lost its legitimacy to govern.  This government is no longer made up of the citizens that granted it (not vice-versa) the power to govern and is certainly not answering to the demands of the public.  Rather, the government is now, an alien group of political radicals and their zombie appointees effectively executing an internal overthrow of this once free republic.  There are only two ways to obtain wealth.  One is to create it and the other is to steal it by force.  Government is decidedly party to the latter category making it the US Government the largest, most powerful organized crime cartel in the history of man.  As such, an illegitimate government is nothing more than an organized crime racket used to extort wealth by force from its victims…also known as citizens.  These corrupt leaders, elected and appointed, must be completely removed from office, tried, and held responsible for what amounts to treason and violations of our Constitution and civil rights.  Until these tyrants and their political henchmen are run out and the rule of law is equally applied and re-instituted from the highest office down to the most common citizen, tyranny will rule.

At the most basic level, government can be defined as an organization that has a monopoly of force over a specific area and its respective population.  In the best of cases, this organization theoretically would represent the will of the people and operate to protect their freedom, liberty, and collective security.  The idea of a “good” government may only exist in theory, but the United States initially set out to achieve just this unprecedented balance between the governed and the governors through a system of checks and balances designed to weaken and restrain the government while vesting the real power in responsible citizens.  However, over the last two hundred plus years, this system has evolved through court rulings, legislation, and policies.  This evolution was heavily influenced by nefarious designs, subterfuge, and lobbying interests, which perverted the original Republic’s architecture.  The result has been the establishment of what amounts to a police state that is no longer accountable to the citizens it was designed to serve.  Further, this parallel government arose when the interests of political parties, banks, and corporations began merging and superseding the interests of the nation.  This faux representative body then began to create, staff, and empower organizations with no actual legal authority to provide legitimacy to the government’s self-serving actions.  The now nullified system of checks and balances has been so perverted that any notion that the government is somehow restrained in its power and still serves the will of the people has been utterly destroyed.

As such, when the government no longer is comprised of the governed people, no longer operates for the good of the citizens, no longer is answerable to the rule of law, and no longer provides effective governance, it is a burden and illegitimate.  The government of the US is now almost indistinguishable from the decadent last years of Rome before it fell under the overt rule of dictators.  Today, just as it was in Rome, our government is run by elites that maintain power though dynastic succession.  The handpicked successors pretend to provide a “choice” to the voters while maintaining power within a handful of families.  To illustrate this, just last week, the Hillary for President Campaign began kicking into high gear as talk of another Bush run for president also began to circulate.  Family names like Clinton, Bush, Rockefeller, and Kennedy are repetitively recycled in the political circles just as surely as kings and emperors retained familial control of power.  Although billion dollar faux elections are held, the winners and losers are hand-picked by the elite establishment and in practice offer no difference in policies.  Parties only serve to distract the uniformed voter, which falsely believes that by voting “D” or “R” really makes a difference when in practice the policies of both parties are nearly indistinguishable.

Again, just as in Rome, our government allows an impotent senate to exist only to maintain the illusion of representation and to provide legitimacy to its illegal acts.  Congress has record low approval ratings and is totally impotent to solve any of the major problems facing the US.  This too echoes of the last years of the Roman Republic when their Senate was also totally inept, corrupt, and serving the interests of elites behind the scenes instead of the people.  Congress as the representative arm of government (the legislative branch) has totally failed to check the power of the Executive as it was designed in the Constitution.  Congress not only fails to counterbalance the actions of the Executive, but has sold out to party interests and acts blindly in their interests jointly with the Executive.  For example, Democrats, including then Senator Obama, which once rightly criticized then President George Bush for using the “Patriot Act” to garner greater surveillance powers have been completely mute when it comes to denouncing the far greater abuses committed in this regard by President Obama.  This illustrates how party loyalties have obliterated the system of checks and balances.  Today, laws are enacted by Congress not to protect, help, and promote the freedoms and liberty of the people, but to control them, tax them, and restrict their liberty and freedom while enriching the elite.

Finally, in Rome, perpetual wars were fought for elite interests while the games were held to distract the people from the broken system exacting an ever greater toll to pay for their mismanagement and excesses.  Today wars are not fought for national defense, but are imperial expeditions designed to handsomely profit the captains of the military-industrial complex.  What national interests were served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria?  The US lied to the public to enter these wars, failed to win any of these wars, and spread death, destruction, and further instability throughout the world, but Lockheed Martin, Boeing, KBR, Halliburton, Booz Allen Hamilton, and other similar firms handsomely profited from the blank checks written by Congress.  Perhaps the failing petro-dollar was propped up for a short time longer, but Americans on Main Street realized no long term benefit as the price of gasoline skyrocketed nearly fourfold.  In the end, America’s wars only created more Islamic extremists, “terrorists,” and other assorted enemies that have been used to justify even more war.  What Americans got through these wars were tens of thousands of dead and wounded, un-repayable debt, higher taxes, a devalued dollar, destruction of civil liberties and privacy, and the animosity of the world. Not to worry though because ESPN, MTV, and the rest of the media (including the falsely labeled “news” networks) are doing a great job of pumping round the clock mindless entertainment to effectively distract, deceive, manipulate, and lie to the masses.

The enemies of this illegitimate power have always been the educated free thinkers that dare to speak out and call the emperor naked.  These righteous patriots are vilified as the most heinous of criminals by the state even though their high treason was merely telling the truth and exposing the government for the criminal enterprise it is.  The government hates nothing more than being exposed because it undermines their power.  The banks, media monopolies, mega corporations, and politicians are now connected as one entity and using their power to collectively serve their like interests at the expense of the citizens and are determined to maintain their grip on power.  However a tipping point is approaching.  Although possessing seemingly endless power and resources the government has reached a high water mark where it can no longer continue the lies.  Its policies have failed and it can no longer maintain the illusion of good governance.  Literally the foundations of this country are cracked and the system is collapsing.  People are waking up to this fact and recognizing who is responsible.  This growing patriotic movement has been inoculated against the old tricks of control such as race baiting, games, propaganda, fear mongering, and intimidation.  The elites know this and are afraid.  They know that it is not necessary for more than 10% of the population to become aware to sway the masses and this key threshold is about to be reached.  Historically, at this point, in a desperate bid to hold on to power, governments have nearly always turned to more draconian and brutal tactics.  This has always polarized the population and led to even greater and more rapid disintegration and even civil war and revolution.  As such, heed this article as a warning of things to come.

As our nation moves forward do not expect to see reform, accountability, and justice.  Expect to see more brutality, intimidation, chaos, violence, and thinly veiled attempts to divide the public along lines of race, religion, class, and gender in order to maintain control.  Things will deteriorate further, but in this is the silver lining.  As things get worse, more and more people will wake up, organize, resist, and ultimately take back our nation.  Further, as things get worse there will be less money available to fund the financial needs of the government leviathan and its imperial interests.  The day is not lost and has only begun.  However, we sit at a critical juncture in history.  The path of inaction and apathy leads to tyranny and slavery for generations.  It is up to every freeman to dispense with fear and apathy and take action.  Take care of yourself, your family, and your like-minded neighbors.  Prepare for hard times.  At the ballot box refuse to vote for any Democrat or Republican and instead run your own local independent candidates.  Educate and organize your family and friends beginning at the local level.  Stage non-violent protests, marches, and demonstrations.  Demand the attention of the media and highlight every government indiscretion, illegal act, lie, and abuse.  Train your mind, body, and soul to a level that your presence alone demands respect and your moral character is beyond reproach.  Do not give your enemies ammunition to attack you, but expect it and prepare for it.  These are but a few things one can do to turn the tide on the usurpers within our county.  In time this will lay the foundation for victory, but this war cannot be one if the battle is not joined.  Today is the day to begin taking back your liberty and freedom!


By Guiles Hendrik

Why You Should Fear the Government When You are Not Doing or Saying “Anything Wrong”



When educating people about the dangers of broad and unchecked government surveillance, sadly, it is all too often that “educated” people will say that they are not concerned because “they have nothing to hide” or that “they aren’t saying or doing anything wrong.”  To say these people are missing the point is a dangerous understatement.  Naiveté aside, these people are parroting media programmed responses without applying the least bit of intellectual rigor to their statement.  Not only is history full of very good reasons to fear overly intrusive police states spying into your private life, but current events also provide more than enough justification to worry.  The truth is that the United States Government has been and will continue to egregiously violate law-abiding citizens’ rights and terrorize political opponents until it is checked on all fronts by a united population that demands accountability and punishment for the criminal abuses of power.

Literally tens of millions of people have been put to death in China, the Soviet Union, and Germany for doing, saying, or believing things that are perfectly legal, lawful, and peaceful.  Under Stalin, being educated was enough to have you shipped off to the gulags.  In China, the mere appearance of not adhering to the government’s political agenda earned you a bullet to the head.  In East Germany something as simple as a neighbor reacting improperly to a political speech or a child’s comment about his parents’ dinner time conversation to a teacher could earn the unsuspecting offender a night time visit from the Stasi.  Many would quickly say this is not a comparable case since the U.S. is far different than these governments.  However, more and more frequently, it appears that the U.S. Government is indeed singling out peaceful, law-abiding citizens for nothing more than their personal beliefs, religious convictions, or political ideology.  The targeted citizens are many and includes veterans, gun owners, Christians, those that do not believe in condoning abortion or homosexual activity, whistleblowers, conservatives, farmers, hunters, fisherman, coal miners, war re-enactors, small businesses, and parents that believe in home schooling.  The price these law-abiding citizens, businesses, and organizations are paying for their beliefs are becoming steeper and steeper as the government incrementally consolidates powers and eliminates any opposition.

The pattern of U.S. Government sponsored terrorizing of citizens to force political agendas is disturbing and is becoming more and more common.  Most recently, it was exposed that the Obama Administration has known since 2011 that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been systematically targeting conservative political groups and Jewish organizations for additional tax scrutiny.[i]  These people were targeted for government harassment not because of illegal activity, but because of their constitutionally protected beliefs that were contrary to those held by the ruling elite.  Instead of demanding resignations and criminal trials for the blatantly illegal actions by members of the IRS and Obama Administration, the White House has instead chose to label the actions as “inappropriate.”  “Inappropriate” is by default the White House condoning the terrorizing of citizens that hold different political or religious beliefs.  Remember, Jewish groups were also targeted by the government.  One need only remember what happened in Germany to see where this kind of unchecked activity leads.  Even businesses as innocent and innocuous as Chick-fil-A have been recently targeted for holding firm to their legal and constitutionally protected religious beliefs.  Chick-fil-A’s refusal to cave to government harassment and terrorizing threatened to put a widely loved American restaurant chain out of business for nothing more than opposing the cult of Obama’s political correctness.

If the Obama Administration is allowed to get away with these repeated criminal abuses of power, there will no longer be any legal obstacles to the ruling elite using whatever government force it wants to “force” compliance with its agenda and ideology.  No matter what political party one may currently affiliate with, you have a responsibility to hold your party to account and should demand they take action.  Failing now means that when another party comes to power, as it inevitably does, you will be the one whose political or religious beliefs are targeted.  If you fail to act now, then you can guarantee your cries for help will go unheard and you will have no one to blame, but yourself.  Those that think that “doing nothing wrong” means they will be safe are not only ignorant, but also will be some of the first victims when government oppression progresses from harassment to total control and terrorism.  Please act daily to inform your circle of friends and urge action.  Contact your elected representatives and demand they take legal action immediately.  If the politicians fail to listen and act, make sure that they know this will be the end of their political careers and make doubly sure they are not re-elected.  In fact, if the party as a whole refuses to act, make sure to vote for none of the above and find a qualified independent candidate that is willing to break the death grip the parties have on our country.

By Guiles Hendrik

Change the Debate: How to Win the Battle for Gun Rights Part I: Understanding the Fight

Ladies and gentlemen, dark days are upon us.  Not since the Civil War has the liberty and freedom of this Republic been under so great a threat.  What makes this threat so dire is that it is both internal and external.  Unlike past foreign, external threats that were overt and allowed the American people to rally around a common cause, these threats are covert and come from within.  These threats are quietly supported externally by powerful financiers and are designed to lead to America tearing herself apart from within.  These forces could be summarized as geopolitical enemies like China and ideological enemies such as globalists, the heads of big banks, and the European Union.  What they all have in common is a universal disdain for American values, freedom, and liberty, and the threat America poses to their consolidation of world power and control.  The proof is all around.  What was sacred, moral, ethical, and right only 50 years ago is now derided by the government, media, and pop culture.  Our nation is not a melting pot, but a patchwork of government fabricated special interest groups all fighting against the others resulting in gain only for the elite.  The fundamental rights of free speech, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, free press, the ability to keep and enjoy what one earns, and the ability to defend all of the above against those wanting to take it have been abolished or constrained and limited to the point of irrelevance.  Those unwilling to submit to these new pillars of correctness and  to surrender their freedom and liberty are chastised, black balled, insulted, penalized, fired from jobs,  and now even put on terrorist watch lists and arrested.  Only by going on the offensive and recalibrating the arguments can this be turned around.  We have been pushed too far and must reclaim ground.  Ladies and gentlemen, to use a football analogy, we are on the one yard line and the enemy is about to score.  There is no further room to give and we must push them back.

It’s time to change the debate just as the enemies of a free America have attempted with the “gun debate.”  If ,as they claim, we need to revisit the “meaning” of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, then we need to codify the fact that an individual has an unalienable right to self-defense of their person, property, and innocent civilians.  Further, it must be clear that this includes the right to own and carry weapons sufficient in power to offer a reasonable check against government tyranny as the central hallmark of the right.  This means that the weapons and armament possessed by the citizenry must be allowed to adapt to the technology of the day.  In 1786, a flintlock musket was the assault rifle of the day and was sufficient to counter tyranny.  Using the same bar, the population today is under armed.  We the people demand better access to true military grade assault rifles, suppressors, and anti-armor weapons and ammunition.  Further, the populace requires access to other high tech electronic warfare and communication devices to protect against spying, surveillance, and stand-off attack in order to balance against the police state that has rapidly risen over the last decade.  Remember, it is the government that should fear the people and not the reverse.  This is not extreme, but reasonable.  What IS extreme and unreasonable is the massive growth of “law enforcement” and paramilitary police organizations to the point cops are indistinguishable from front line combat soldiers and are sitting on every block.  What IS extreme and unreasonable is the Orwellian police state we have funded and built with tax dollars to place a camera on every square inch of land in America, to record every single electronic activity of every person in America without cause or warrant, and to create secret blacklists of people barred from travel and slated for detainment and or execution without due process.  What IS extreme and unreasonable is the police use of military armored vehicles that are now comparable in capability to tanks and drone aircraft used to spy and kill with impunity around the world against our civilian population.

We now face a situation where it is no longer a government of the people and for the people, but one of a government for the government and of the government, which will stop at nothing to protect the government even at the cost of those it is entrusted to protect and serve.  Those enemies of the free people, those elitist usurpers, those friends of tyrants, we know you and will call you out.  We will hound you at every step and turn your game upon your heads till all see you for your true colors.  Piers Morgan, Alan Dershowitz, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Arianna Huffington, Andrew Cuomo, Rachel Maddow, and the like behind the scenes are on notice.  We will not allow you to casually denounce us, mock our freedoms, and undermine our sovereignty.  We will see you fired from your jobs, defeated at the ballot box, discredited in academia, scorned in public.  You are the threat and the living proof why we not only need the Second Amendment in our Bill of “Rights,” but need to expand it to compensate for today’s challenges.  This is our constitutionally protected and defined right and responsibility.

Fact Checking CNN’s Lies: More proof CNN does nothing to fact check its stories

In the latest malicious “news” report intend to shock, panic, and scare people, CNN shows images of a Los Angeles gun buyback program.  The headline reads gun buyback “gets rocket launchers” off the street.  In the report, the camera zooms in on images of what the reporter claims are rocket launchers.  The problem with this entire story is that CNN gets the story and facts completely wrong and is extremely misleading.

To break down the misleading reporting and blatant factual errors, first focus on what are being called rocket launchers.  Shown in the report are the “disposed” casings of two types of “disposable” anti-tank rockets.  The larger is an AT-4, which is a lightweight, disposable, antitank weapon.  The smaller is the disposed casing of an M-72 LAW rocket of the Vietnam era.  NEITHER of the launchers is functional, contain a rocket, or pose any threat whatsoever to anyone outside of the fear and panic over “rocket launchers” on the streets of Los Angeles that CNN misleadingly is trying to generate to push a gun control agenda.  In fact, these are designed to be disposed of after use on the battle field and are not be reusable.  In training, they are collected with the trash items after a range is fired and the serial numbers are checked off confirming that they have been fired.  At that point, they are either thrown out as “dunnage” or sometimes soldiers and Marines will be allowed to take home the inert empty shell of the rocket as a novelty.  Thus, they are commonly available as relics, paperweights, and surplus novelty items.  Again, these are totally harmless and

CNN either failed to fact check its report or intentionally mislead viewers.  Specifically, the CNN reporters go on to add drama by noting that these weapons can’t be bought in gun stores insinuating that these are illegal and dangerous weapons.  They only quietly mention in the report once that these rockets actually had no rockets.  In fact, it was only after watching the report again that the passing note was caught.  The reality is that as explained above, these disposed shells are widely available as unique novelties.  A ten second search on eBay found an exact copy of the same “rocket launcher” haunting the streets of Los Angeles.  Scrolling down on the same eBay page, I also found the purported case for a Stinger surface-air-missile, but that doesn’t mean I would be buying an actual “Stinger” missile any more than the cops got real rocket launchers off of the street.

The repeated and emphasized point about these “weapons” being made in “America” not only offensive, but just plain ignorant.  The AT-4, used by the U.S. military, is a decades old Swedish weapon produced by SAAB.  The tone at which the reporters repeatedly stated these were U.S. made weapons suggests that they were insinuating U.S. arms manufacturers were somehow at fault for these terrible weapons hitting the streets of L.A.  The other, the M-72 LAW, which was not the focus of the report, has not been actively used or stocked by the U.S. military in decades and was originally produced ,I believe, at Redstone Arsenal in the U.S. during the Vietnam war, but has since ceased production and is only made in Norway.

Even worse, Lee Baca, the Los Angeles County Sheriff compares Los Angeles to a third world country and uses the term “seizure” to describe his department’s policy and mindset of the “gun buyback.”  First, L.A. has its problems, but clearly the man is purely ignorant and untraveled or is heavily embellishing his statements for political ends.  Los Angeles is certainly not representative of the “third world.”  Second, he speaks as if these guns were illegal weapons that posed an imminent and dire threat to every man, woman, and child walking the streets of Los Angeles.  In fact, even the reporters in a rare moment of hidden truth admit most of the guns turned in were non-functional antiques or relics.  I don’t know how much money L.A. residents had to cough up to “buy back” these wall hanging relics, but I am positive they did not get their money’s worth.  In fact, it appears they have been swindled in the deal by evil drug dealing grandmother that was about to go on a rampage if the good Sheriff hadn’t seized, I mean, bought back her evil weapon.  That brings up the last issue with the Sheriff.  His word use of “seizure” does not resonate well in America and nor should it.  However, it does seem appropriate for the “third world” where countless millions have been disarmed and massacred by generations of sick and deranged power hungry dictators, imperial regimes, and invaders.  It is a rare glimpse into the true intent and end-state goal this self-described “third world” dictator has in mind.  I guess the thug Baca would only be happy if the streets of L.A. were patrolled by his armed thugs that have done such a good job of keeping L.A. crime free.  Of course we all know L.A. cops would NEVER do anything illegal like mercilessly beat a man senseless in what appear to be repetitive testosterone fueled orgies of violence.

One may think this was enough to turn CNN off forever, which is arguable a good decision if you actually want to get some real news.  However, CNN doesn’t stop there.  They go on to find what can only be assumed to be a “self-described” security “expert.”  This “expert,” Aaron Cohen is as close to a douche bag as you can find in the industry and clearly has zero idea what he is talking about.  In fact, you would have to wonder if he wasn’t just paid to provide an anti-gun sound bite.  I point this out because Cohen is supposedly an “Israeli” commando that should know all about the importance of a well-armed population for self-defense as in Israel and should certainly know the difference between and AT-4 and what he incorrectly calls a rocket-propelled-grenade or RPG.  This follows the media pattern of labeling everything that fires a bullet an “assault rifle” and calling the gun an AK-47 even if it is neither.  I guess in Aaron’s world, everything is an RPG.  The “expert” Aaron Cohen ; has multiple links to his boutique executive security firm online.  As actual experts, we would STRONGLY advise anyone needing executive protection to stay far away from this man and his company because he appears rather incompetent.

In conclusion, these “rocket launchers” are just surplus novelties of the expended inert casings that pose absolutely no risk to the public.  For CNN to raise hysteria over these items is akin to yelling “fire” in a movie theater to just cause panic and those responsible must be held accountable.  False reporting to push a gun control agenda and undermine the U.S. Constitution verges on treason.  If CNN chooses to be a tabloid news outlet, we need to call out CNN, their reporters, their producers, their editors, and their “experts” as frauds.  There is simply no accuracy or truth in their reporting and it is clearly designed to “misinform” their viewers.  Shame on CNN!

A Vet Speaks Out Against the Useless Insanity of Government “Jobs” Programs

President Obama’s much publicized “you didn’t build that” comment reveals much about the misguided and ill-informed logic of our senior political leaders.  Implied in the statement is the notion that your job or business would have been impossible to obtain without direct government assistance.  As a small business owner, combat veteran, and self-made man, I tend to take a bit of offense.  I would go on to say the real point should be that it is amazing anyone is still able to build a thing in spite of the government, which from oppressive regulation and endless taxation, to not enforcing fair trading practices with foreign nations and cronyism, seems to have done everything in its power to prevent one from succeeding.

When it comes to business, nothing is better for a strong economy than developing and growing actual profitable businesses.  This profoundly obvious reality is completely foreign to the career bureaucrats that believe only through social programs and endless website links can businesses be built.  Perhaps if we just taxed you a few percentage points more and paid for thousands more government bureaucrats to teach you how to do a web search for “job seeking” we would all be better off?  Not likely, unless you consider endless and unsustainable growth paid for by the private sector a healthy economic trend.

If one actually takes the time to really look at the massive number of loosely categorized government “jobs” programs and agencies, one will find no real programs that produce jobs.  Mainly, the money being spent goes to big businesses or local and state governments that will then hand the money off again (after taking a cut) to other useless entities such as centers for helping someone look for a job that doesn’t exist.  I am particularly fond of my tax dollars going to fund ever growing armies of social workers to repeatedly attempt and fail to provide job training to felons on welfare that never had a job nor intend to since they are already collecting unemployment, Medicaid, Social Security, and various other forms of welfare and food stamps when not living in publicly funded prisons or housing.  In fact, a detailed review of government “jobs” programs reveals the only thing you will find is an endless chain of bureaucrats creating more bureaucratic positions at the taxpayers’ expense.  What is really occurring, it appears, is that you are taxed at incredibly high rates so that the government can fund an infinite number of useless, feel good programs that purportedly are there to help you.  When these don’t work, the answer is to tax you more and create even more useless and bureaucratic programs that “talk” about job creation, but never actually accomplish it.

The game is rigged people!   First, the government takes your money by force via the IRS.  If you don’t believe the money is being taken by force, try not paying your taxes and let me know how that goes.  Next, the money stolen from you is used to fund hundreds of useless bureaus, agencies, and boards that claim to “help” you find a job or build a business.  These agencies then demand mountains of paperwork and approvals that all combine to employ thousands more useless bureaucrats so that you can apply to have them give you your money back with interest in what they call a “business loan.”  Of course if you have somehow managed to acquire any real property by this point in life, the government will make you risk it as collateral so that it can minimize its risk when loaning your “your money” back.  This is big money for the government and it actually profits from loaning you your own money.  This is why when it comes to jobs programs, be it the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Small Business Bureau, the Department of Labor, or your state and local economic development boards, they all seem to want to give you loans.

The fact is, that whenever money is directly provided for economic development, it is not provided for starting a business, but rather, it is used to fund more government programs designed to sound good.  However, these programs fail to create a single non-government job.  Sometimes though, the money will be earmarked for a big utility to cover the costs of renovating its facilities all while still billing the consumer for “needed upgrades.”  Other times it is earmarked for local governments and small businesses to purchase obsolete, inefficient, or overpriced services and equipment no one would ever purchase if subjected to a true fair market.  This is the essence of crony capitalism.  The point is that none of this money is actually going to create businesses.  Say what you may about communist China, but at least when the government gets involved, it funds actual hard industry and businesses that do employ people!

Sometimes it is easiest to define what a government program does by defining what it doesn’t do.  This may be the case for the host of government “jobs” programs.  What you won’t see from a government jobs program is a single government program that will give you a grant to actually start a business.  That is unless you are a friend of the President and operate a completely fraudulent company producing nothing functional, but maintain a catchy eco-friendly name and allegedly produce “green” alternative energy products.  That may not be a totally inclusive statement though so one must also include union bailouts at the expense of taxpayers in right to work states.  That said, this is disastrous for American competitiveness and a healthy free market.  Disagree this is the case?  I urge you to go to the Department of Veterans Affairs website and see for yourself.  In plain English, in their words, on their deceptively named “VetBiz” webpage will tell you:

Grants are a form of funding for specific federal research and social programs. Contrary to popular belief, there are no Federal grants made specifically for the purpose of starting a business.”

I couldn’t have stated the absurd reality and waste of government funds more honestly and to the point.  You can read this under the grants paragraph at

If not a big enough waste, the VA also likes to add insult to injury.  Under “Education Benefits” it notes it will only pay for programs offered by government run Small Business Development Centers even if they are absurd, useless, and not at all what one may need to be competitive or gainfully employed in today’s market.  The “excellent” careers veterans can look forward to being trained for are a barber/beautician, HVAC repairman, and a truck driver.  Wow, I wonder if I can also aspire to be a janitor!  This isn’t meant to disparage anyone performing these jobs, but only to point out the degree to which the government believes veterans are capable of performing.  A more reasonable person might suggest that a computer scientist, electronics engineer, or hedge fund manager might be a more challenging and profitable career path for veterans, but apparently the government sees those that served and protected our nation as the few, the proud, the minimum wage workers.

The point ladies and gentlemen is to reiterate that the government cannot and does not produce jobs.  At best, it can only create more bureaucracy that stifles jobs and destroys a healthy economy.  In fact, government should completely remove itself from this farce that by any reasonable estimate is costing taxpayers with actual jobs billions and providing a negative net return.  No Mr. Obama, we did not build this worthless bureaucratic nightmare, you did.  Now please, “Mr. #Ineverhadarealjobinmylife,” stay out of the way and allow those with actual skills, motivation, and experience to get back to what we know best, creating real jobs!


U.S. Government Actively Supplying Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria

The US Government and mass media would like the public to believe that Syrian President Assad is a threat worth committing US forces to war.  However, it is in fact the US Government that has recklessly endangered the security and safety of millions of lives.  This will include the lives of not just Syrians, but Israelis, Europeans, and Americans.  In what may prove to be one of the greatest foreign policy disasters, the US has not only allowed known Al Qaeda terrorists to capture and take control of one of the largest Syrian chemical weapons stockpiles, but actively aided it in doing so.  Contrary to the media threats and warnings about President Assad using chemical weapons, it is in fact the US backed Al Qaeda terrorists that pose, by far, the greatest threat to US interests.

The US is directly responsible for fomenting the chaos and bloodshed in Syria by covertly backing known Al Qaeda terrorists in a bid to overthrow President Assad.  This same playbook was used in Libya resulting in the disastrous proliferation of over 20,000 manportable surface-to-air missiles that have yet to be recovered and the spread of Al Qaeda to Libya.   By “backing,” one should recognize this includes providing weapons, equipment, training, medical aid, facilities, money, intelligence, and advisors to known terrorists.  Initially, this unconventional warfare was being carried out from across the border in Turkey and Jordan, but now is being actively waged on the ground inside Syria.  As we have repeatedly warned, the conflict in Syria has always been and is still aimed at creating the conditions necessary to expand the endless wars in the Middle East to Iran.  In fact, the initial targets that the “rebels” targeted in exchange for US support were Syrian air defense installations.  The seizure and destruction of these air defense facilities laid the groundwork for opening an air corridor from Israel directly into Iran once the next phase of the US engineered conflict is entered.

Most worrisome is the fact that known Al Qaeda terrorists now have chemical and possibly biological weapons under their control as a direct result of US support.  The threat this poses to America is massive.  Those responsible for allowing this have committed the gravest of dereliction in their responsibilities and duties to protect America.  This situation nearly guarantees that at least one of the belligerents in Syria will use a weapon of mass destruction and will provide the long sought pretext for US intervention and a greater war with Iran.  No matter who the weapons are used against, the result will be spun to support the “necessity for military action.”

For perspective, consider if a citizen actively aided terrorists in acquiring chemical weapons.  That person would not only be treated as a terrorist, but likely targeted and executed in a drone strike without due process.  However, when our political leaders acting in secret for dubious special interests commit the same traitorous acts, we are told that they are heroes and their aims are in our best interests.  It is time for the public to demand answers and accountability.  Please write your elected individuals, press, and collectively organize to put an end to this treasonous policy.

Democrats continue to use Department of Veterans Affairs to deny veterans gun rights

Just as Last Minute Survival previously warned in an exclusive report, (, on how the Department of Veterans Affairs was being quietly pushed politically to deny veterans the ability to exercise their Second Amendment “RIGHT” that they so valiantly fought for, more evidence has come to light.  This week, Republican lawmakers justifiably held up “another” defense spending bill when they challenged the VA’s authority to unilaterally declare a veteran unfit to own a firearm without any due process.  Based on the information that came forth during the floor debate, it now appears that as the VA enticed combat veterans to come forward for treatment of common symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder otherwise known as PTSD as well as during routine screenings, the VA simultaneously was using any related diagnosis to unilaterally deem veterans mentally unfit to possess a firearm.

The new evidence demonstrates that the VA has continued to move forward with unconstitutional disarmament of veterans in line with Obama Administration appointee directives.  The Department of Homeland Security has been one of the biggest violators in this regard and has repeatedly released reports that deem veterans as likely terrorists.  Initially, the clinician guide LMS obtained from the VA directly instructed care providers to pass veteran’s information to the police to confiscate any weapons from veterans in the event a veteran came for help related to suicidal tendencies or even mere thoughts.  Of course PTSD and even mild depression, which is treatable and often temporary, can be more than enough for the VA to issue a finding of mentally unfit.  This is then used to disarm the veteran without any due process.  Even if the VA doesn’t take action, the stigma of mental treatment will follow the veteran and disqualify him or her for the purchase of a firearm due to non-legislatively (read: unconstitutional) enacted BATFE background check policies.  Even worse, it appears to be used against veterans during background investigations, court proceedings, and even when negotiating insurance premiums.  Further, once an opinion is rendered by a VA employee, it becomes nearly impossible for a veteran to appeal and remove this stigma even if the condition was mild and temporary, or even wrong!

This is not an accident, but a deliberate clandestine effort to disarm veterans by the government that sent them to war.  This is symptomatic of a paranoid government that fears for its own survival and no longer cares or considers the best interests of the population it is supposed to serve.  Further, the debate over even having a “judge” adjudicate disarmament is a distractor.  The real issue is why are we rubber stamping vets with combat stress and other actually very minor mental issues as incompetent in the first place!  Was it literally not just months prior that many of these veterans had actual assault weapons, grenades, tanks, jets, and artillery and were trusted with security clearances and told to go fight and protect Americans?  Why is it that as soon as veterans want to return to normal society and seek out needed treatment for mental wounds inflicted on them by our own government’s decisions they have to fear a loss of the very Constitutional Rights they fought for?   Why would a veteran have to pay out-of-pocket now to prove they are innocent to maintain a Constitutional Right?   Why is it okay that some political appointee’s “opinion” is now enough to strip our combat veterans of “rights” without any due process or protection?  Everyone knows our vets don’t have the time or money to fight these opinions in court and NOR SHOULD THEY HAVE TOO!

Shame on all of us if we allow this disgrace.  Guilty until you can afford to prove yourself innocent?  Is this the way our Constitutional “RIGHTS” were meant to be exercised?  I think not.  Please write your Congressman and Senators and demand accountability.

The Final Presidential Debate: Lies, Truth, and the Collapse of US Foreign Policy

President Obama and Mitt Romney find it amusing you believe anything they say.

At first it might be hard to decide what candidate for president to believe, but the answer in truth is easy.  NEITHER.  Both have been part of the lies and corruption too long to provide any real positive substance to the debate.  Beyond more of the same political spin on old failed policies, you will hear no new ideas, many excuses, lots of finger pointing, and most importantly, no real strategy that departs from the failings of at least the last 11+ years.

For almost four years President Obama has continued many of the Bush-era policies while adding his own flavor of failure.  Libya is just one of the most recent examples of an Obama owned foreign policy disaster as the return of four dead Americans can attest.  By arming and supporting known jihadists, he set the stage for greater bloodshed throughout Africa and the Middle East.  Even worse, Obama also quietly sold American sovereignty down the river to push an internationalist agenda.  By allowing the United Nations Security Council and not Congress to be the single authoritative body to send Americans to war and placing Americans under foreign command without objection, Obama intentionally set a new precedent in international law that further erodes American sovereignty.  Obama just recently was stating how Al Qaeda was decimated, but unfortunately for him and his propaganda machine, reality reared its ugly head all across North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.  To illustrate his colossal failure in the Middle East and beyond it is worthwhile to highlight some key events from just a couple short weeks in September.  During this very short timeframe a US diplomatic motorcade was blown to pieces in Peshawar, Pakistan wounding an American diplomat, four Americans to include an Ambassador were assassinated in Libya, numerous NATO forces were killed and wounded in Afghanistan by “friendly” troops and the Taliban, our embassies and consulates were attacked and torched in countries like Egypt and Sudan, Syria continued to deteriorate, and bomb blasts ripped through Iraq to name just SOME of the major events that affected Americans.  Moving beyond our unending wars with Islam, Japan and China moved closer to war, Russia reinforced units with elite combat troops on the border with Georgia, North Korea threatened America and South Korea with a nuclear attack, and the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant continued to release massive amounts of radiation…again, to just identify a few highlights.  On the economic front a near imminent disaster is facing Europe that will certainly collapse the global economy and take the US down with it.  Further, the US debt has spiraled past 16 Trillion and is picking up speed with no end or even cuts in sight for spending.  The true magnitude of the impending economic disaster will only be seen after the election and the temporary Band-Aids placed on the world economy to support President Obama’s re-election fall away.  No Mr. President, Al Qaeda is not on the run, we are.  No Mr. President, the world is not safer.  No Mr. President, our debt and spending have not decreased.  No Mr. President, our economy has not recovered.  No Mr. President, you do not deserve another term!

As for Romney, this is a man with no foreign policy credentials.  He is the man who somehow managed to already offend even the British before he was in the U.K. for a day.  This is a man who has already kissed the ring of Netanyahu and sworn allegiance to a foreign power in exchange for political support.  This is a man who thinks the policy era of George Bush was a success and should be brought back.  So much so, his advisors and potential appointees are all Bush-era retreads reshuffled.  To think America would allow Bush-era policy “experts” back into the White House after what we already lived through and expect anything to improve is simply beyond comprehension and must be put squarely in the court of idiocy.  In respect to Romney’s stated Middle East policy, war mongering would be an understatement.  Even though Romney is nothing more than a well-endowed draft dodger, he apparently thinks nothing of putting your sons and daughters lives in danger as he plots an even more disastrous round of wars with Syria and Iran for Israel’s security.  I guess he didn’t get the memo regarding how “well” the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq went.  Nonetheless, he seems to think he can start a war with Iran and that somehow will benefit America although I would challenge him to justify this argument in the upcoming debates.  Further, he somehow believes that by giving more tax dollars to the incredibly over funded Department of Defense and starting a war with Iran he can simultaneously balance the budget.  In one of the rare cases of Bill Clinton being right, Romney’s numbers just don’t add up.  As a purported businessman, Romney must know this flaw in his arithmetic so it is fair to conclude he is stupid or lying to the public.  Beyond the Middle East, Romney has also managed to pick a premature fight with Russia and risks restarting the Cold War.  If Romney can’t even understand the consequences of wars in the Middle East, he is woefully unprepared to take on the likes of Russia and China in strategic policy.

America, your candidates chosen for you by the elites will not return peace and prosperity as they claim.  Instead, you will get greater debt, a worse economy, unending bloody and costly wars, and further destruction of your freedom and liberties at home.  We have seen both parties’ policies and they are abject failures, ignore the rule of law, and trash the Constitution.  Neither is acceptable.  Only by ditching the two very unqualified candidates and their establishment parties en masse can America hope to avert total disaster during the next four years.  The Democrats and Republicans do not represent your best interests unless of course you are an extremely wealthy donor, financial institution, or mega corporation.  Whether you disagree or agree, you, the citizens of the United States of America, will get the government you collectively deserve come November so choose wisely.


Below are links to a few recent articles illustrating the US strategic failure in Afghanistan:

Why the Time is Right for Independent Political Parties to Rise in the United States


Greek rioters clash with government forces

We have all probably heard the common retort from the brainwashed about how you will waste your vote if you don’t vote for a Democrat or Republican candidate.  However, now more than ever, your future depends on breaking with the elite establishment politics that have destroyed our once free Republic.  Neither a vote for Romney nor a vote for Obama will result in substantive change to our government as both will ultimately lead America to both domestic and international ruin.  Yes, it is safe to say a vote for Gary Johnson or another independent candidate will not result in a victory this round, but it sends a clear message to the establishment that the time for change is here.  Either the establishment gets on board and adopts real policy change or their days of control are numbered.  No matter whether they ignore the independent “majority” voice of Americans or not, they will soon be swept from power.  This much in inevitable.

Why am I so confident?  It is because history has provided us with a very strong lineage of case studies from both contemporary and past perspectives.  To simply break down this progression of the destruction of the old political order and the emergence of the new one, a rather obvious theme is present.  That theme is the rapid decline in the relative quality of life of the people of a nation.   This has often been associated with economic decline, wars, and repeated large-scale natural disasters including disease and famine whether independently or combined.  The result of any or all of these shocks to a society appears to be a complete loss of faith with the established ruling elite and break towards new ideas, solutions, and leadership for better or worse.  Note that I state “for better or worse.”  It is true that some breaks from European monarchy and the Catholic Church may be perceived by many as costly and bloody, but ultimately worthwhile; however, more often than not we have seen this break toward radical ideologies or dictators promising a return of stability.  Since the early 20th century this has ushered in the age of communism and socialism, and most recently, the return of religious extremism.  The deaths of hundreds of millions of people resulted from these new radical governments led by the likes of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao.  Most recently, we have seen a new wave of Islamism spreading across the globe and infecting countries like Libya, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq that have led to an increasing number of deaths of innocent civilians as entire regions are being ethnically cleansed of various religious minorities such as Christians, black Africans (Libya), or foreigners.  Europe in particular has witnessed a right-wing, xenophobic resurgence as well as a rise in secessionist movements that threaten to leave Western Europe aflame.

What does this have to do with me, one may ask?  Well, if you are paying attention, you will be acutely aware of the impending financial collapse of the global economic system and the likely default of the United States barring extreme fiscal austerity measures like what are currently being implemented across Europe.  Since that is soon to come to America (think fiscal cliff), you might want to consider how that austerity is working out for Europeans.  In short, it isn’t.  Massive protests from London to Greece have left these countries in a perpetual state of riot as the living conditions and quality of life plummet across Western Europe barring for the most part Scandinavia.  Athens in particular is burning, jobless rates are unprecedented, and there is zero hope of a turnaround anywhere in sight.  As a result, we have seen a dramatic rise in extremist political parties from the left and right in Europe that previously enjoyed little to no support in their respective countries.  If you see a resemblance here to the failure of Weimar Germany and the rise of the National Socialists (Hitler), you may quickly understand why this could be a problem for us at home.

As the living conditions in the US continue to deteriorate and it becomes clear no real recovery on “Main Street” has or will take hold, the reality of the situation will hit Americans both in the pocket books and stomachs.  As this worsens, people will turn to the streets in mass protests and seek new alternatives to our failed political party system, just as in Europe.  The “fringe” and independent parties that maintained their organizational structure through the rough days will soon find out that business is booming and their numbers of supporters rapidly growing.  Parties that previously didn’t even exist will sprout up.  Both the Democrats and Republicans will find their numbers, power, and influence rapidly decreasing.  This tipping point will be the moment when Americans find themselves at a crucial crossroads of ruin or prosperity.  One path leads almost assuredly to totalitarian control, destruction of freedom and liberty, and a lifestyle of slavery.  The other path will lead to a return of America’s greatness, liberties and freedoms, a healthy economy, fiscal discipline, and improving quality of life.

Sadly, the easy path, the path that appeals to the masses, the path that proclaims to provide an ever increasing bounty for free, the path that promises everyone everything is also the path of destruction.  This path has been walked many times by foolish and lazy subjects that believed the government could and would provide them everything and it only led to their death and enslavement at the hands of Marxist and Socialist regimes.  The second path, a path of responsibility that appears rocky and difficult is a path that leads to renewed independence, a turn from greater government control, a return of civil liberties and freedoms, and ultimately peace and prosperity.  Only the few intrepid peoples have trod this path to create great nations and it is yet to be seen whether that fire of “live free or die” still exists in the heart and soul of Americans.

For those of you disillusioned by the political system, now more than ever you need to break ranks.  No longer can you save our nation by adhering to the absurd notion that a vote for the “lesser of two evils” is a legitimate political choice.  You CANNOT, as many Dr. Ron Paul supporters found out in Florida, work from within the system to change it under the current circumstances; albeit there is a time and place for this and it is productive to have people working from the inside.  Remember, the system as we know it is now on a countdown to extinction and thus, working from within is simply a massive counterproductive waste of your limited time.  For those that worked so hard on campaigns and political platforms of change this year, I am sorry your hard and honest efforts were hijacked and used by the system for their ends at your expense.  As should now be obvious, the parties only gave lip service to real policy change in an attempt to placate independent, freedom minded voters just long enough to keep them from jumping ship to the other side while enjoying their financial donations, grassroots support, and overall silence.  Learn from this hard lesson and carry it with you.

For those of you that have long since washed your hands of the Democrats and Republicans, congratulations for your time has finally arrived.  Now more than ever it is critical that like minded, freedom loving people join together to create the solid organizational infrastructure that will rise as a truly better alternative while the old elitist regime crumbles.  Now more than ever the fate of the free world relies on the immediate need for a new political movement that will structurally return and enshrine the rule of law that protects our freedoms and liberties.  People around the country are clamoring for a real alternative.  This “will” occur whether by design or by necessity as the global economy implodes for better or worse.  Whatever  political “alternative” is the best organized as the collapse quickens will be the ultimate victor; again, for better or worse.  Turn your energies and votes from the campaigns of unqualified walking political disasters such as Romney and Obama toward a new alternative political organization that seeks to end the elitist stranglehold on our nation.  I am not the one to tell you what that organization is, but I can tell you that you will find good company here.  I challenge each of you to stop complaining and take action today.  Organize, communicate, and build this organization that will first become the opposition block and then the political mainstream as we run off the corrupt politicians, their lobbyists, and erase the failed elitist order that is now threatening to destroy our way of life.

Bloomberg’s Draconian Gun Control Laws Prove Useless

Bloomberg’s Gun Control Didn’t Work Today

Another tragic mass shooting took place today near New York City’s iconic Empire State Building.  Details are still emerging, but some things seem clear.  First, a man opened fire shooting multiple people.  Second, the shooter was killed when police eventually gunned him down “after the fact.”  Finally, it appears the responding police officers may have wounded or killed as many or more people than the shooter trying to shoot him.  NYPD admits this much, but who was shot by whom is still to be determined.

Based on this information, it should be clear to gun control advocates that the draconian gun control laws in NYC are not effective at stopping crimes and cops if anything endangered you more than the shooter.  Perhaps Mayor Bloomberg should contemplate this before immediately announcing that America is at risk because they haven’t disarmed completely and followed NYC’s lead toward a police state.

NYC is one of the most surveiled locations on the face of the earth with heavily armed para-military police officers with assault rifles and full body armor on nearly every corner.  None of Bloomberg’s much touted surveillance, oppressive police presence, unconstitutional stop and frisk, or near total gun control laws prevented almost a dozen people being shot.  Even worse, the vaunted NYC is notorious at being as likely to shoot themselves or innocent by-standers as they are to actually hit a criminal.  This appears to be the case once again today.  Anyone that is familiar with firearms should be familiar with what has been dubbed the “New York Trigger.”  The is a handgun built with an incredibly heavy ten pound trigger pull designed to be issued to NYPD officers to prevent them from accidentally shooting each other or themselves.  All considered, the public should be asking why billions of their tax dollars are being spent to create these Orwellian, unconstitutional police states nationwide when they are in fact ineffective at stopping attacks.

Once again we find that the government is unable to protect innocent civilians.  Truly the only way to be free and secure is to renounce any notion that it is the “government’s” responsibility to look after you.  Instead, Americans must again take personal responsibility for their own defense locally.  Only by accepting responsibility for your own safety and security can you remain both free and safe.  Reliance on the government guarantees you will lose all freedom and gain no security.  In fact, once all power is removed from the people and concentrated in the hands of the government, you will lose all security and constantly live in fear of not only criminals, but the government itself.  Think otherwise?  You should talk to people who grew up in the Soviet Union.

In West Virginia man working out charged with terrorism by Keystone Cops!

Clearly this looks like a terrorist meeting to WV police.

In what can only be described as a massive overreaction, a West Virginia man, William Everett Alemar, was arrested and charged with terrorism.  His crime?  Working out while wearing his military kit (kit being the gear one would typically have to carry on a mission).  Apparently,  West Virginia’s law enforcement is completely ignorant of the fact that literally thousands of Americans every day work out and train in the military kit.  Even NROTC students from universities in Washington, D.C. can be seen early in the mornings running in their camouflage field uniforms with packs, vests, and yes…even rubber rifles past the White House.  This is not confined to D.C., but Arlington and many other suburban Virginia localities also can witness this physical training ritual our troops and contractors, especially our Reserve and National Guard forces, perform daily to stay ready to defend our nation.

Risking a Keystone Cops stereotype based on some background knowledge of the area, it is safe to say that Martinsburg’s finest are not your crack law enforcement outfit. [Disclaimer, the people of WV are awesome and it is truly a wonderful state.  Further, there is a vast professional difference between the highly trained and respected WV State Troopers and Martinsburg PD.  We expect the people of WV are as outraged as we are about this case.]  This much should be obvious.  Supporting this assessment is the fact that Mr. Alemar was training with a fake plastic rifle with a bright red plastic tip, empty magazines with no live ammo, and doing nothing but running in public.  The cops then trumped-up the charges saying he was “close to a school” and added an obscure charge for wearing a bullet proof vest with plates.  This is the whole point of training with your kit on!  You need to train with the extra weight so you can physically adjust to the stresses of the weight, primarily added by the ballistic plates.

Most importantly, Mr. Alemar didn’t commit a crime, but is sitting in a jail cell.  His “egregious” offense was startling some people.  Unless the government has included toy guns in a secret version of the Brady Bill or prohibited wearing camouflage, we are at a loss for how this equates to terrorism.  West Virginia allows open carry and concealed carry of real firearms and has no law about prohibiting the purchase, ownership, or wear of body armor most likely issued by the U.S. government.  Perhaps he would have not raised alarms if he had run in RealTree camouflage vice his military issued desert pattern uniform.  God help the next soldier that goes to pick up his child from school in his camouflage uniform after work.  Martinsburg PD probably would have shot him.  Still though, even after questioning, common sense refused to prevail.  The cops then charged him with the nebulous catch-all charge of “terrorism.”  Considering his actions were limited to running with camouflage, it is mind-boggling to try and put this young man in the category of someone that straps a bomb to their chest or flies an airplane full of innocent people into a building!

In a normal world where common sense of the totality of the obvious prevails, a simple, “hey, what are you doing” by the responding officer would have sufficed to deal with the situation.  After all, what threat is a guy weighed down by 40 pounds of gear carrying a toy gun and no ammo to anyone?  Well, that isn’t what happened.  The cops took him down at gunpoint.  Even that might be excusable, but then they actually arrested him and swore out and executed search warrants on his residence finding nothing but a handgun, which in the United States is still completely legal to own.  The only part of this we can give some credit to WV…and we are stretching…is the fact that they at least got warrants and that the are clearly not okay with military in the streets.  However, the grounds were so bogus, the magistrate should have never granted them so we are still dealing with a sum negative.  We can only imagine the officers sworn statement to the magistrate…”yepper, we got ourselves one of dem real live Osamas right down yonder.”

The charging of Mr. Alemar as a terrorist is further proof how far this nation has gone past sensible security measures and demonstrates the level of incompetency of at least some law enforcement.  More disturbing is the manner in which “terrorism” is being applied.  Now, a man that has violated no laws aside from shocking the senses can be arrested, detained, and have his house turned upside down.  The only act of terrorism apparent here is state sponsored.  Please pass this article on to everyone you know and ask that they do the same so that Mr. Alemar’s unconstitutional detention is exposed.  He will certainly need good legal counsel.

Raub Denied Rights: Justice Department Sends Chilling Message Regarding 1st Amendment

We are the government. We are here to help.

The case of Brandom Raub has all of the trappings of the FBI overstepping its authorities and acting impulsively.  Raub’s detainment may be the first publicized detention under the un-constitutional National Defense Authorization Act.  The NDAA allowed for the scrapping of your constitutional rights and was quickly passed by your elected officials in Congress and signed by President Obama.

On August 16th, Raub was “arrested” after government agents swarmed his residence as if he was a terrorist mastermind with blood on his hands.  His crime?  Well apparently, since he has been detained without charge, there is none.  However, government statements make it clear that Raub’s exercise of his First Amendment rights led to him being labeled with the now all encompassing term “terrorist.”  Apparently, Raub’s “crime” was posting statements on Facebook that criticized the government and its actions.  Raub is currently being held without charge and against his will for psychological evaluation.

Examining the situation admittedly from what media releases are available, there are numerous disturbing issues at hand.  First, the government conducting unwarranted domestic surveillance of the internet is not new, but still just as abrasive to American ideas of liberty and at the least challenges the present validity of Fourth Amendment protections in today’s America.

Second, Raub appears to have not engaged in any illegal “acts” and instead was swept up in an on-going federal pogrom of intimidation to eliminate all government dissent.  This sends a chilling message about the current status of Americans’ First Amendment rights and is something you would expect to see in Soviet Russia vice the U.S.

Third Raub was taken and detained against his will without charge.  Although, government agents are stating he wasn’t “arrested,” one must wonder what then was the purpose.  Is the government now allowed to send armed SWAT teams into the homes of anyone that doesn’t openly bow to government edicts and declare them insane and psychologically unfit?  This scary pattern follows previous LMS reporting on how the government is now using mental health professionals of its choosing to condemn, disarm, and lock away lawful dissidents.  LMS specifically highlighted this action against veterans suffering from PTSD and how the Veteran’s Administration secretly directed care providers to use the police to disarm them.  This is an extremely slippery slope and should be challenged immediately and broadly in court.  What we are dealing with is a subversion of due process and establishing a parallel prosecution by highly subjective opinions of government hired social workers.  Using someone’s “protected” speech and views to condemn them as a terrorist and then detaining them indefinitely without charge is truly chilling.

The idea that a government psychologist can condemn one for their views without due process is abhorrent to American liberties.  As bad, is how loosely the still undefined definition of terrorism is being secretly interpreted and used by the government.  According to the Senate Intelligence Committee, the American public would be outraged if they knew how it was actually being employed and goes far beyond anything a healthy nation should consider constitutional.  LMS has warned for over a decade how the government would use the overly broad definition of terrorism to eventually encompass anyone that challenged the legitimacy of even the most illegal of government activities.  Post 9/11, “terrorist” seemed fine to throw around because it was taken to mean Al Qaeda Islamic extremists.  Since then, this term has been perverted by the Department of Homeland Security and political leaders to the point it is being applied to gun owning veterans returning from combat or anyone that doesn’t support tax increases.

If the above doesn’t evoke nausea, you need to sit down and really consider what is going on in our great nation.  How long will it be before something you believe in, cherish, hold dear, or seek to change is deemed hostile to the government?  You may indeed be law-abiding or not speak without prior government approval, but that isn’t enough.  Whether a Republican, Democrat, Independent, it doesn’t matter.  Soon enough, if this trend is not arrested and held to legal account, you too may be rounded up in the night by the Gestapo and indefinitely detained as a terrorist.  For you Republicans, imagine how your views will be interpreted by another four years of Obama? Yes, your conservative, less taxation, anti-abortion, pro-gun beliefs will brand you a terrorist.  For you Democrats, now imagine if Romney is elected and what your world will be like.  Try to “occupy” anything, protest a new nuclear plant, or rally against another needless war in the Middle East and you too will find yourself being indefinitely detained.  Everyone must understand this is not about you “doing anything wrong.”  It is about total state control.  Americans, this is not a partisan issue.  This is an American crisis that we must muster all of our combined efforts to reject.

Finally, the local, state, and federal law enforcement that took part in this raid need to police your own ranks, uphold the rights you are sworn to protect, and speak out.  Shame on you for “just doing your job.”  You have a sworn duty and trust to protect freedoms, liberties, and uphold the Constitution not destroy them.  Sometimes that means people we may not like or agree with walk free, but the alternative is utterly repulsive.  Your allegiance is not to the department or to this government, it is to the people.  Refuse to handle these bogus investigations and illegal detainments.  You too are not immune to this trend.  You, your family, your neighbors, your friends, and your nation will all suffer from your failure to resist the continuously expanding powers of the state.  Please respect the legal framework that made this country free.

Everyone needs to do everything they can, whether as a cop, a judge, a lawyer, a voter, a news reporter, or even a student.  If you are wealthy, pay for his legal defense.  If you are a lawyer, pitch in pro bono for the legal defense.  If you are in news, make it the front page headline.  We must loudly protest this and demand Raub’s immediate freedom.  That is not enough though, Americans must bring legal suit against those that allowed this and file motions to ensure the rule of Constitutional law is upheld.  Lawmakers that don’t push to hold government agencies accountable and protect our rights must be removed from office at the ballot box and if the Democrats and Republicans don’t get on board, voters need to leave them en mass and vote for an Independent party candidate like Gary Johnson.  Virginians should also be writing Ken Cuccinelli, their state attorney general and demanding that this never be allowed to happen on the Commonwealth’s soil again.  We can not survive long as a free nation if we silently accept these acts. You must accept individual responsibility and take action now, while you still can.


Zero Hedge nails it and breaks down the bogus use of psych screening for government agendas.

A statement from Raub’s apparent legal representation:

Justice Department Complicit in Inciting Racial Violence

The Justice Department thinks there is nothing wrong with armed thugs at your voting locations as long as you vote Democrat.

The U.S. Justice Department has ruthlessly hunted down, investigated, and prosecuted its share of racially motivated terrorist organizations with at least one glaring exception.  The New Black Panthers Party is able to call for murder of innocents, place bounties on heads of its adversaries, engage in voter intimidation, and urge the violent overthrow of the U.S., but somehow has seemingly been overlooked by the Justice Department.  One must wonder what kind of violence this will produce next?  The evidence is public and overwhelming.  The government’s lack of action, only complicity toward this terrorist organization, will be damning when innocent civilians are killed.

In fact, the glaring hypocrisy in the Justice Department’s inequitable enforcement of laws is egregious.  Most notably the New Black Panthers Party called for the murder of George Zimmerman and attacks on whites at the upcoming Republican National Convention.  However the Justice Department has not opened a civil rights investigation, no terrorism charges were levied, not even a condemnation was uttered by federal law enforcement.  One must conclude from this deafening silence and total inaction by the Justice Department it is intentionally turning a blind eye to one of the most vocal domestic terrorist organization inside the U.S. and endangering the lives of innocent citizens.  This not only places innocent lives in danger, but leaves law enforcement 100% liable.

Why would the Justice Department give the New Black Panthers Party a pass?  Certainly, we should support free speech, even when it is disturbing or angering, but these words go beyond even the incitement of violence to the actual commission of organized terrorism against innocent civilians.  It is at this point the Justice Department needs to have intervened.  Nonetheless, while the Justice Department goes after state governments, sheriff’s, and political donors of the Republican Party, the New Black Panthers continue to advocate with impunity for a race war.  By doing nothing, the Justice Department by defacto condones these acts.  Further, basic logic would suggest the Justice Department has a quiet political agenda to polarize the nation in a manner that benefits the incumbent political party.  One may ask how so?  Simply put, race baiting energizes the Democratic voter base while allowing for the intimidation, harassment, and violence against others that historically vote for Republicans.  It further sends a quiet signal to African-American populations that by voting with the Democrats, they will be given special protections.

Few things could be more divisive and despicable in American society.  There is simply no way the Obama Administration can argue that it has not been complicit in further dividing America for political gain or that it has equitably sought to protect civil rights.  For U.S. citizens, of all races, these dirty and destructive politics must be exposed and denounced.  The members of the F.B.I. and Justice Department lawyers in particular will have blood on their hands if they fail to publicly act.  Shame on you if you carry a badge and do nothing.  As both a nation and as individuals, we have a responsibility to take action to excoriate, investigate, and prosecute this organization.

Readers should advocate for the prosecution of the New Black Panthers Party and demand the F.B.I and Justice Department take action.  Sadly, based on the current inaction, they must also prepare for law enforcement to do nothing and be ready for another explosive wave of racial violence in major metropolitan areas.  Law enforcement officers need to blow the whistle and step up to expose the internal political pressures to take no action.  Write your government representatives and organize to protect your civil rights.  Independent lawyers and firms should bring suit against the government if it fails to act.  Finally, the media needs to place a spotlight on the hypocrisy of this Administration and demand action.  Only by resisting this blatantly despicable inaction, can the true justice and freedom of all Americans be protected.

Armed Individuals Prove More Effective at Combating Piracy than World’s Navies

Private security aboard a commerical ship

This picture says it all about how effective armed security can be. Bring it pirates!

The notoriously dangerous pirate infested waters off the coast of Somalia have suddenly become serene.  For over a month now, pirates have not even attempted to take a vessel.  This is unprecedented in recent years and prompts one to ask what has suddenly changed.  Well, the data are in and they overwhelming show that self-defense has proven to be the most effective anti-piracy strategy.  Who would have thought?

Over the last decade, the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden have been progressively becoming more and more dangerous for mariners.  The seizure of the Maersk Alabama and its crew by pirates and their subsequent rescue by Navy Seals illustrates this situation.  To counter this, the international community insisted the answer was to deploy an international flotilla worth billions of dollars from around the world to protect vessels while simultaneously using “soft power” to improve the lives of violent pirates in hopes they would return to more tranquil occupations such as fishing.  As the years past, it was clear that the piracy continued unabated and at best, the world’s navies were a reactive force staging what often became messy rescue operations resulting in the deaths of both pirates and hostages.

Industry could not wait for government solutions and instead, did what industry does best.  They found their own solution.  To mitigate the piracy threat and the spiralling insurance costs of moving cargo through these vital shipping lanes, the shipping companies authorized armed personnel to ride escort on the ships.  The international community naturally resisted vehemently and brought up the host of hollow gun control arguments of why this would be “more dangerous” and not effective.  “Civilized” nations went so far as to suggest they would restrict ships from entering their ports if there were armed guards aboard.  Nonetheless, the necessity to move billions of dollars in cargo through those treacherous waters required an effective solution to be found.

Very soon then, ships began to hire armed security contractors and or arm and train their own crews for defense of the vessels.  The result has been an unheard of 100 percent success rate at preventing hijackings according to a statement made by Admiral Potts, the commander of the European Union’s anti-piracy force.  Governments in particular are quick to point out that they have conducted raids of pirate enclaves and have implemented programs to help transition pirates into other “occupations,” but the ground truth is indisputable.  That is, that privately armed individuals have been more effective than all the governments on earth at stopping piracy.  Stig Hansen, an expert on Somali piracy is quoted in the below linked Christian Science Monitor article and states, “The naval forces would perhaps dispute this, but I would say that private security is by far the major factor, not the warships.  Pirate commanders I have spoken to onshore tell me that it’s those armed guards they’re most afraid of. It means that they just don’t target the most valuable ships any more.”  Could he have been more direct?

For Americans there is much to be learned from the success of this counter piracy strategy.  As a nation, we are currently facing ever increasing forces determined to force the disarmament of the American people.  These forces aggressively lobby and publicize the lie that it is really the guns that make America unsafe and if we were to just give up our weapons, the government would be there to protect us.  Nothing could be further from the truth as a handful of Somali pirates demonstrated to the world’s navies.  On the domestic front, in Aurora, Colorado, an incredibly fast 90 second response time to the theater massacre was clearly not enough either and demonstrated again the insanity in believing the government can protect you.

In truth, what America needs for security is the same as what those ships required.  It isn’t a police state, or better intelligence and surveillance, or massive government firepower and raids.  It is simply the willingness to take responsibility for your own safety and security and those around you.  This goes beyond taking up arms, but the fact that you can arm is essential and a core aspect of this principle right.  You can never get safer or freer than by living in an armed society of citizens that understand this responsibility.


The Most Endangered Species: The Small Farm in America

Government Thugs Raiding Farms

The small family owned farm is disappearing at an alarming rate.  Once a cornerstone of American life, the small farm has been obliterated by big industrial agricultural operations, heavy government regulation and bureaucracy, and schemes by Argi-corporations such as Monsanto.  To say a small farm can’t compete is an understatement when the entire industry is rigged for them to lose.  This is the result of what happens when corrupt businesses, crony capitalists, and progressive Marxists join forces.

One should not forget about Stalin’s false famine that wiped out 20,000,000+ people in the Ukraine alone.  The Ukrainian famine is indicative of the affect on your food supply when leftists joining with industry gain control of your agricultural industry…they use it as a weapon against the population.  Disagree?  Today’s government is forcing corn to be used in ethanol production to satisfy a green agenda that could be better used to keep food prices down for the world.  Previous price spikes as a result of corn crop failure led to the starvation of many globally.  Further, the insistence on the use of GMO seed is generating super resistant strains of insects and diseases now requiring a return to even greater uses of more potent chemicals that combined could be lethal for your health.  Even worse, Congressional lobbying by corporations like Monsanto have effectively stopped the FDA from mandating GMO labeling, which would help small farms, break seed monopolies, and improve the health of millions that unknowingly consume theses products.  One should ask what happens when the only farms left are controlled by a few mega corporations that have a sole mission of profit?  Consider your health and the security of the food supply at risk.  Once a monopoly is established, price manipulation for maximum profit will almost assuredly be the result to speak nothing of the product quality.  What is even scarier is that one of the easiest ways to spike prices are to reduce supply.  This will equal global starvation and destabilization.  From a purely government perspective, the ability to force the population to become solely reliant on a few government controlled agricultural operations for food is in effect total control over life and what Stalin accomplished.

Fortunately, there is a significant backlash in this nation and Europe.  Europe has mandated labeling of GMO and has put funds toward insulating the small farms.  Domestically, people from across the political spectrum want healthy, organic, non-GMO food raised in a responsible manner.  They are also willing to pay more for it meaning that no matter how much Monsanto and big agri grow…or recently, not grow food…the small farms can still find a niche “IF” government reduces regulation. Today the American farmer is subject to some of the most regulation in industry, but has one of the smallest profit margins so small farmers are disproportionately affected.  Dealing with the USDA, FDA, IRS, EPA, Dept of Labor, etc. for a single family owned farm is near impossible when you don’t have the lawyers of big corporations and lobbyist firms to fight the thugs.

To resist this takeover of American agriculture, the media and public should focus on exploiting the natural rift in ideology within the Democratic party in particular.  Split away the environmental crowd from the leftists that have co-opted them into the party.  Environmentalists should quickly see that their support of big agri-business and leftist agendas will deprive them of both their ability to raise and consume healthy sustainable food as well as damage the environment through the use of chemicals and GMOs.  The environmental lobby is better suited to an independent libertarian political ideology than that of the Democrats in both practice and theory.  Further, both parties should be pressured at the local, state, and federal levels by their constituents to allow for the labeling of GMO based products.  This will go far in breaking the Monsanto monopoly.  Finally, push legislation that disarms regulatory agencies.  The FDA and USDA should not be raiding small farms with military SWAT teams.  Defang the agencies and let actual law enforcement agencies handle the policing if it is ever actually necessary.

For more information, see the below article: