Archive for Liberty and Freedom

Irony of the Day: Why Leftist opinions don’t matter and how to fight back

Few people are more vocal and utterly driven by blind ideology than the adherents to leftist ideologies  By leftist I generally umbrella anyone ascribing to communist, socialist, fascist, or other “progressive” ideologies even though in a purest political science realm we could debate over the semantics.  At no point is logic or even historical precedence, respective of the validity of their political arguments, allowed to enter into their conscious understanding of the world.  Their world is a nonsensical false utopia based on long ago debunked political alchemy and universal truths cannot be entertained.  Their world is one of emotional opinion based on the manipulation of the facts and reality as it stands.  These leftist ideologies have led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people globally and are unmatched in their totalitarian brutality, yet both academia and the masses spout this vile rhetoric.  These facts are inescapable to the unbiased student of political science.  The left’s ideological war must be countered because it is poison to a free society.  As such, I want to take a moment to point out one of the most glaring, ironic, hypocrisies of the left.    Read more

Who benefits when the world attacks Yemen? Al Qaeda and the Elite.

Who benefits when the world attacks Yemen?  This is a question that policies makers should have asked before allowing the president to start another foreign war.  In fact, it was asked and the answer was Al Qaeda.  Being that Al Qaeda would be the ultimate winner, one must wonder what kind of treason allowed this war to proceed.  In spite of this knowledge, the United States still backed an Arab coalition in a completely unjustified offensive war against Yemen.  The purported purpose was to bring back the ousted president, but anyone with half a brain would immediately know this was preposterous.  Yemenis are not going to ever accept a president that used a foreign militaries to kill its citizens to regain power.  Thus, knowing that the US was aware that by weakening the Houthi rebels they would by default strengthen Al Qaeda and still not achieve their stated goal, one must look deeper to reveal very disturbing consistencies in US Foreign Policy.

To recap, since the ouster of Yemen’s president widely seen as a US puppet, Saudi Arabia has overtly and the US clandestinely bombed Yemen.  The Houthis still retain power and the population is even more aligned against the ousted president than before the war against Yemen was unleashed.  Further, AQ broke into a prison and released 300 terrorist prisoners.  Al Qaeda has also made significant territorial gains and seized military bases containing weapons stockpiles.  In the meantime, a humanitarian disaster has ensued with thousands of civilians being killed in the bombing raids and fighting while many Yemenis are starving to death.  This operation by any bar has been a total failure and is becoming a humanitarian disaster.  However, no one in the media or Congress is calling out President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient, for starting an unconstitutional war, losing it, and killing thousands of innocent people all while aiding our enemy.  Why? Read more

The Baltimore Riots, the Racism Scapegoat, and the Hypocrisy of the Left

Today, May Day, is fitting timing for the below article.  Communist agitators have long used this day to protest, burn, and riot.  What I discuss below in regards to the Baltimore riots is overtly an issue of how race is being politically manipulated in the USA.  However, the deeper, more “fundamental change” that is occurring as a result of racial politics that dangerously parallel the classic Marxist strategies used to overthrow nations.

Baltimore is still at a slow boil as the other cities around the nation brace for civil disorder after the death of a man taken into police custody in Baltimore.  The official investigation is still on-going and no conclusive evidence for exactly how or why the man was killed has been released.  However, in spite of the fact we don’t know what happened, Baltimore was allowed to be sacked by rioters whipped up into a frenzy by the American Left over charges of racism.  Personally, I am sick of the distortions, hypocrisy, and outright lies being used to manipulate and tear apart our nation.  Today, I am frankly discussing the topic and political abuse of the term “racism” so drop your biases, open your eyes, and engage your brains.  As a nation, we need to reject this garbage propaganda, lock up the elite perpetrators, and “ALL” get back to living responsible lives.  We must live lives that justify being treated with dignity and respect, not just demand it.  These are hallmarks earned not given in any civilized society.  Read more

Battlefield America: The War On The American People

In order to be prepared for and to effectively resist the coming crises, you must understand your enemy and what is happening around you.  Further, you must find common cause and unite against tyranny.  The Rutherford Institute has been successfully fighting  many of these constitutional battles in the courts on all of our behalf for some time.  This hasn’t been free and John Whitehead has dedicated a considerable amount of his own time and money to this cause.  I ask you today to support John and his organization as a true modern day American hero and buy his book.  I am confident the information will be valuable and the money you spent will be supporting our cause.  Please note that neither John nor the Rutherford Institute in any way asked me to endorse their organization and there is no need.  John has proven through action that is a man living by a higher calling and demonstrated at great personal risk he is a champion of freedom and liberty and for that he has my support.


Guiles Hendrik


Original article submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”—John Salter

We have entered into a particularly dismal chapter in the American narrative, one that shifts us from a swashbuckling tale of adventure into a bone-chilling horror story.

As I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, “we the people” have now come full circle, from being held captive by the British police state to being held captive by the American police state. In between, we have charted a course from revolutionaries fighting for our independence and a free people establishing a new nation to pioneers and explorers, braving the wilderness and expanding into new territories.

Where we went wrong, however, was in allowing ourselves to become enthralled with and then held hostage by a military empire in bondage to a corporate state (the very definition of fascism). No longer would America hold the moral high ground as a champion of freedom and human rights. Instead, in the pursuit of profit, our overlords succumbed to greed, took pleasure in inflicting pain, exported torture, and imported the machinery of war, transforming the American landscape into a battlefield, complete with military personnel, tactics and weaponry.

To our dismay, we now find ourselves scrambling for a foothold as our once rock-solid constitutional foundation crumbles beneath us. And no longer can we rely on the president, Congress, the courts, or the police to protect us from wrongdoing.

Indeed, they have come to embody all that is wrong with America. Read more

Massive Blizzard to Strike New England: What you should really fear.

If you live in New England, you are bracing for a significant snow storm.  With the snow totals and high winds forecasted the most significant effect of the weather will likely be wide spread power outages.  Respective of the power outages, the effect will not be long lasting, but you could be at risk of frozen pipes if you don’t have backup heating.  If you don’t and lose power, make sure you drain your pipes, bundle up, and add on the blankets.  No problem.  Certainly the panic buying over a couple feet of snow is not warranted and in fact, the storm looks like more of a great skiing opportunity than any end of the world event as the media has over dramatized.  However, what are worrisome are the draconian edicts being issued by states ranging from curfews and travel bans to forcing people off of the sidewalks.  The precedent being set is extremely dangerous and will be abused in the future if not challenged. Read more

LMS Civilian Response Team: Ferguson Conundrum Solved by Community Security

When police get it right.

When police get it right.

I wanted to take a moment to follow up on Last Minute Survival’s Civilian Response Team initiative.  Our initiative proved that not just in Ferguson, but that in communities around the country a well-organized community response is far better protection and security than anything the state can provide.  Not only did our teams respond to crisis areas completely ignored by government agencies, but provided real protection to businesses and residents unable to provide for their own defense.  Further, our teams were able to accomplish this without heavy handed police state tactics.  Read more

All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers


Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Why would the government want to punish people that are just trying to work hard, become more self-sufficient and take care of their families?  There are approximately 3 million preppers in the United States today, and often they appear to be singled out for punishment by bureaucratic control freaks that are horrified at the thought that there are families out there that actually want to try to become less dependent on the system.  So if you use alternative methods to heat your home, or if you are not connected to the utility grid, or if you collect rainwater on your property, or if you believe that parents should have the ultimate say when it comes to health decisions for their children, you could become a target for overzealous government enforcers.

Once upon a time, America was the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now we are being transformed into a socialist police state where control freak bureaucrats use millions of laws, rules and regulations to crack down on anyone that dares to think for themselves. Read more

Torture is coming to a police precinct near you

The reality is that where torture is condoned, depraved sociopaths run wild.

The reality is that where torture is condoned, depraved sociopaths run wild.

It is should be no question that I am a staunch supporter and advocate for liberty, freedom, and civil rights.  Why anyone would not desire a society where these fundamental pillars of a civilized existence are protected is baffling.  However, after the Senate released its report on the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques, it started a short lived firestorm of controversy over torture.  Disturbingly many of you thought the use of torture was justified.  Irrespective of your personal views, the fact is that torture, including the full spectrum of enhance interrogation techniques, is entirely illegal under both US and international law.  Both Presidents Bush and Obama have violated this law and those party to the decision to authorize the use of torture must be brought to justice.  What I am here to tell you is irrespective of whether or not you believe it was necessary, useful, or just, the condoning of this activity establishes a legal precedent for torture to be used against you right here at home.  If torture is allowed to become acceptable, you will soon find yourself on the wrong side of the religion of political correctness getting tortured until you amend your beliefs and sell out your friends and family. Read more

Update: Why are Virginia police going handing out anti-gun fliers to local businesses?

Today, your efforts combined with a grassroots effort across Northern Virginia achieved a small victory.  I want to give a special thanks to the The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) [] and the observant citizens, which identified the subversive activities and went after Alexandria County government officials regarding the use of police for the door-to-door anti-gun flier campaign.  The VCDL was issued a formal apology from the police chief and Alexandria police took down all flyers and signs posted at their police headquarters saying concealed firearms weren’t permitted and admitted they were wrong.  Read more

Gun Owners: Critical knowledge to protect yourself from gun confiscation

We Will Not Be Disarmed

We Will Not Be Disarmed

If you own a short-barreled rifle (SBR) or other controlled device such as a suppressor or have any registered firearm, this article has critical information for you.  As you should be well aware, more and more states are beginning to confiscate firearms for the smallest of infractions.  In fact, one may only need to say the wrong thing during a doctor’s visit or have you child play with a water pistol in public to trigger the police visiting your house with a warrant to confiscate your firearms.  Furthermore, if you own an SBR or Class III firearm/component, you can be inspected at any time.  To protect yourself and your firearms, every gun owner should follow the practices listed below.  Read more

Florida Outlaws Off-the-Grid Living

Think you are still free to make choices in your life?  Do you think the government will allow you to live independent of their utility monopolies?  If you think so, try opting for renewable non-grid tied power and utilize environmentally friendly composting toilets and your own self-sufficient water supply.  Today, those life choices could land you in jail if you live in South Florida.  Take the case of Robin Speronis. Read more

Why are Virginia police going door to door to “inform” businesses about open carry of firearms?

First, let me open by saying I hope all of my readers have enjoyed a nice holiday.  I am happy to be back after a working vacation in the mountains and have a ton to discuss since my last articles.  Much has transpired domestically as well as globally and I will be discussing these critical events in the coming weeks so please sign up for email alerts and check back regularly to Last Minute Survival.  You won’t want to miss the latest intelligence, reviews, and alerts we have lined up.  Finally, thank you again for your support.  The network we have built at LMS would not be possible without our highly active subscribers.

Over the last month, Alexandria County Police have been going door to door visiting businesses to “inform” them about Virginia gun laws and handing out fliers [see flier here:].  The question is why?  Did the highly affluent Virginia suburb of Washington, DC suddenly become confused and demand police spend limited time and resources to clarify state laws or did people suddenly start flagrantly violating the law en masse?  The truth is the police were targeting the area not because of illegal activity, but because of constitutionally protected legal activity.  Yes, you heard that right.  Alexandria felt that citizens legally going about their business were such an affront to the “good order” of Alexandria that they needed to go door to door to warn businesses about these people that dared to openly carry a firearm.  Read more

Sign Up to Protect Homes and Businesses in Ferguson

Citizens in Ferguson Unite to Defend Their Business

Citizens in Ferguson Unite to Defend Their Business

What really happened and who is right in the on-going social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri that began after an unarmed black man was shot by a police officer?  That is the question we all are asking, but in truth can’t know unless we were there.  Without the ability to have witnessed the events firsthand, one must let the justice system work.  However, it is clear that no matter whether or not the grand jury returns an indictment against the officer involved in the shooting, many will feel an injustice has been committed.  In fact, many have left little doubt that if an indictment, irrespective of the evidence, is not returned, there will be violence  Our job as citizens should be to protect the innocent, our families, and our neighborhoods from this violence whether it is at the hands of the mob or the police.  With your support, LMS is prepared to help those in need.  To help, please read on and contact us at, subject line “Help Ferguson.”   

Ferguson has already endured more than its share of mob violence.  If protestors want to vent their anger, they should properly focus their aggression against the police, judges, and politicians, but not local residents and businesses.  Further, when protestors target innocent bystanders for simply being “white,” they completely undermine their stated grounds for grievance (see links at bottom).  If race was truly at the root of the Brown shooting, attacking whites, or any innocent person, demonstrates a complete hypocrisy of logic and turns legitimate protestors into a mob.  Acting like a mob gives the police a legitimate justification to harshly crack down on any protests and only spurs more violence.  A well-organized protest should be smart about this and not give the police any justification for the use of harsh crowd control tactics and be cognizant of optics created by the protestors.  Wanton violence does not win the support of the public and only bolsters the state’s argument for heavy handed actions none of us want.  However, in light of the very public calls for violence if the grand jury doesn’t indict the officer as demanded by the mob, we can safely predict in that event protests will quickly descend into mob violence and rioting.

The police are preparing for this contingency and no doubt will respond in force.  Nonetheless, as we have previously reported,, the best way to protect yourself, your family, your residence, and your business was not to rely on the police.  The police have found that they can do little to protect the businesses and residents from rioting mobs and at best try to arrest the most egregious of actors.  This has left business and residents of all races in Ferguson paralyzed by the continuing violence.  In Ferguson, the only places spared by the mob were people who took up arms and organized to defend their lives and property and the wealthy able to pay for contract security.  Clearly we all can’t afford private security, so we are organizing to provide volunteer security services for citizens in need.  In anticipation of the grand jury announcement and possible violence, LMS is establishing a special response team made up of citizens unwilling to allow innocent people to become victims and our cities to burn.  We will be dedicating a page where anyone in need of help can request help or volunteer their protective services.  We are in need of able bodied citizens and organizations of good character to contact us immediately.  Those trained and legally able to carry a firearm in Missouri to include current and former law enforcement and military personnel as well as medical first responders are in great demand.

If you or a loved one has family and friends or a business in or around Ferguson and need protection, email us at, subject line “Help Ferguson” and we will attempt to match you with volunteers willing to travel to that location and stand guard.  Please post this information to social media such as chat rooms, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc. to get the word out and help the citizens of Ferguson.  For professional support, LMS also provides contract private security consultation and protective services that can be requested at, subject line “Security and Protective Services.”   


By Guiles Hendrik

November 7, 2014

No, America isn’t Communist. It’s only 70% Communist.

“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!”

Most people remember Karl Marx’s most potent points and phrases, and the mountain of corpses his disciples left behind, especially in the 20th century.

However, most forget or don’t even know the specific policies that Marx advocated.

Within his 1848 Communist Manifesto, Marx outlined a list of ten short-term demands. These, he thought, would be the precursor to the ideal stateless, classless communist society.

Ironically in today’s world, Marx’s demands look pretty much mainstream. Read more

Obama Administration is carrying out Bio-Terrorism inside the USA



A conversation with Americans that watch the news regularly would reveal they are aware and worried about terrorism and Ebola coming to the US.  Their fears are not unfounded, but profoundly biased by sensationalized coverage that has been heavily edited by those with political motives.  To illustrate this point, the threat of terrorists using a biological weapon in the US strikes fear into the heart of Americans, but outside of a small use of anthrax, this threat has never materialized.  However, what if I told you literally tens of thousands of Americans have died and millions have been sickened by a deliberate biological attack.  Wouldn’t that on-going attack generate far more fear, outrage, and a sense of urgency to act?  You would think, but it hasn’t.  In fact, as I write this post, millions of Americans have been sickened and or killed by a host of diseases that were once thought eradicated in the US.  Further, new illnesses are spreading to the US that were either non-existent in the US or extremely rare.  How could this be one should ask.  The answer is simple.  A deliberate government policy that ignores the safety and security of the American people, while undermining the nation’s sovereignty has been put in place and allowed to exist by both Republicans and Democrats vying for greater political power. Read more

What metal should preppers invest in? The answer may surprise you.

Cast Lead Bullets

Cast Lead Bullets






Disclaimer:  Let me begin by saying I am not a financial advisor or money manager or investment specialist.  This article only represents the thoughts of the author.

Many of our readers will immediately conclude gold and or silver are the metals to buy and have on hand to weather rough economic times.  In fact, I don’t disagree and recommend to our readers that they do diversify their investment portfolios to include a percentage of real gold and silver in both US and foreign coinage.  However, one metal is now poised to become extremely valuable and could prove more valuable for a prepper than gold.  That metal is lead and here is why I strongly urge my readers to hoard this metal. Read more

Lessons from Ferguson: Policing goes Paramilitary

Paramilitary Police Draw Down on Man in Ferguson, Missouri

Paramilitary Police Draw Down on Man in Ferguson, Missouri

The events leading up to the shooting death of an 18 year old man in Fergusson by a police officer are under investigation and the “facts” appear to be conflicting. What are not in doubt are the events that transpired after the shooting. Citizens genuinely concerned and outraged wanting a full and impartial investigation rose up in peaceful, legitimate protests, but so did the most criminal elements within our society. It appears that not only was the race baiting, rabble rousers such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ready to pounce and exploit this shooting, but so were many hoodlums that exploited the protests to rob, loot, and destroy. The media was right on their heels to cover the ratings generating violence and President Obama wasted no time wading into what can only be considered divisive racial politics his track record suggests he favors stoking. However, as prepared citizens, what really should concern us is at least two-fold and goes far beyond the distractive on-going racial narrative from Missouri. Read more

An Open Letter to Connecticut Law Enforcement

Connecticut has a storied history in the founding of our republic.  As a state at the forefront of the Revolutionary War, its patriots stood firm in the face of tyranny.  What they helped achieve was nothing short of miraculous in respect to the new nation with freedoms and liberties never before known to previous generations of countless subjects.  In the coming days and weeks, you as law enforcement officers will be ordered to enforce a draconian gun control law against the wishes of the very same type of men that stood against tyrants and freed our nation from monarchy.  Will you go door to door and arrest those patriots that refuse to lay down their arms in the face of unconstitutional legislative action?  I ask that you do stand down and refuse to obey those orders for the common good.

Many of these peaceful citizens will be farmers, teachers, carpenters, doctors, soldiers, sportsmen, fireman, and former law enforcement that have dedicated their professional lives to the betterment and protection of their fellow citizens.  They are the true first line of defense for their families and communities.  They are you and me.  You will be told that these “former” law abiding citizens are suddenly now dangerous felons that pose an existential threat to peace in your state.  Those that refuse to hand over their lawfully obtained and peacefully maintained firearms will be deemed outlaws and you will be tasked with stamping out this rebellion.  How will you justify your actions?  Are you “just doing your job” like the Gestapo’s foot soldiers?  Will you use maximum force for officer safety at the risk of innocent citizens being harmed or killed?  When you have to kill your fellow citizens to disarm them will it be worth it?  When your actions lead to more deaths of children and innocents will it be justified?  Will your actions truly serve good or evil?  Are you willing to risk your life for the leftist bureaucrats that care nothing for you and look with contempt at law enforcement behind closed doors as brutish, uneducated, hired guns?  Will you stand with the people of your communities or the tyrants in government?  Do you realize that this issue is far bigger than Connecticut?

Consider that until you begin to breach doors and enter the homes of peaceful citizens at gunpoint, there was no threat.   There was no bloodshed.  There was no violence in these communities emanating from these lawful gun owners.  If you enforce this unconstitutional law, it will be you that brings violence and bloodshed to the innocent.  You will surrender your title of protector of the innocent and become the very evil you claim to stand against.  You will lose all standing amongst the citizenry as legitimate.  You will become nothing more than the armed thugs of the elite and deserve your earned fate.  Ironically, you will be the very threat against which, citizens were given the right by law to be armed.

A healthy republic relies on the action of free men with unimpeachable integrity, inquisitive minds, and steadfast moral constitutions.  Your founding fathers left a clear mandate for you to resist tyranny in every form at every opportunity.  Every one of you should intuitively understand that surrendering arms is not about protection but about the total power and control of the state at the expense of a citizen’s freedom and liberty.  The power of the government is inversely proportional to the freedom of the people; the more powerful the government, the less free the people.  However, the power of a nation is directly proportional to its freedom and liberty; the more free the peopl                                                                                                                                                                                             e, the stronger the nation.  Remember that even the United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, stated as recently as last month that you should not enforce laws you feel are unconstitutional.  Further, the oath many of us took was to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  This is your moment to stand firm with your fellow citizens against tyranny and let it be known that you will not be a part of their oppression.  Do what tyrants fear most and stand up to them.  Without their brutish enforcers, the schemers have no power.  I ask each and every one of you to show true courage and utterly refuse to enforce Connecticut’s unconstitutional gun control laws.  Prove to the tyrants that the old blood of patriots is still alive and well amongst New England’s citizens and you will defend liberty and freedom today as your forefathers did in 1776.  Stand firm, stand united, but do not stand for the schemers that seek to disarm and control our nation.  Refuse to enforce this law.



Guiles Hendrik

Why Edward Snowden Threatens the US Government

Recently, there has been talk in political circles entertaining the notion of granting amnesty for Edward Snowden under the condition he doesn’t release anymore secrets respective of the activities of the National Security Administration (NSA).  However, although there is significant public support for his amnesty inside the United States and abroad, it is highly unlikely the US Government will grant Snowden amnesty.  The reason for this is not because the US is worried about further damage to our national security.  This damage was complete shortly after Mr. Snowden arrived in China and certainly by time he was debriefed by Russian intelligence officers.  Further, many of the programs and capabilities Snowden purportedly exposed were already known by foreign intelligence and had been leaked in domestic alternate media outlets.  No, it is not the fear of what foreign governments may glean from the revelations, but what the American people will learn that is driving the angst at the White House.  The bottom line is that controlling elites within the US Government are angry and want revenge for Snowden’s official exposure of some of their most valuable and potent tools to surveil, track, and control the citizens of the US.  The real damage Snowden did was to expose and weaken the secret police state that had been quietly built over decades in a dramatic fashion and for that he should be applauded as a hero irrespective of the obvious collateral security damage exposing the programs required, which was unfortunate and no doubt costly.  Nonetheless, the need to uphold an oath to the Constitution superseded any in-house whistleblower policies and procedures that are more far more appropriately designed to silence dissent and protect political careers than to ensure freedom and liberty are preserved.

The government is now on the defensive trying to cover up and hide its illegal and unconstitutional surveillance activities that up until now were effectively hidden behind the curtain of secrecy.  The President’s inside circle is undoubtable worried that if the full scope of the surveillance activities to include what the President himself has ordered and authorized ever gets out to the public, the Administration would be finished and the President could possibly be impeached.  President Obama is feeling so much pressure he was forced to address the nation over the NSA’s spying in a manner intended to be perceived as reigning in the excessive surveillance.  However, the President’s statements and actions show he has no intention whatsoever of curtailing the unconstitutional domestic surveillance.  Instead of curtailing the domestic spying apparatus, President Obama has hypocritically acted and doubled down to protect the crown jewel of his police state, which he vehemently criticized when it was in its infancy under the control of former President George W. Bush.  The White House has forced the NSA (as well as broader intelligence and defense communities) to hide programs even deeper and review the vetting of anyone associated with these programs.  It has launched witch hunts for leakers with the intent to not just find and punish anyone willing to uphold their oath to the Constitution, but instill fear in anyone contemplating outing a classified, illegal, government program.  It has also launched disinformation campaigns with the collusion of its controlled media to convince people the programs have actually been effective at thwarting domestic terrorism even though reports released from Congress state the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on these programs over the last two decades have not prevented a single attack.  Further, the White House has spared no expense pressuring politically appointed judges to throw out lawsuits.  President Obama has also used all of his political capital to collude with Congress (not just Democrats) to stifle any hint of legislation that would restrict, defund, and or stop the unwarranted, mass, domestic surveillance of the American public.  Make no mistake, if President Obama and the elites have their way, the police state will only grow more powerful.

The notion that the government must know about every detail of every citizen’s life is enemy of freedom and liberty.  This power is the holy grail of any police state and the information derived from this wide net of surveillance will be stored, analyzed, and used for near unlimited control of any population.  We have written often about the false and dangerous logic behind the oft cited statement, “If you are not doing anything wrong you don’t have anything to worry about.”  Simply taking an opposition standpoint to this government has already resulted in a number of people killed by drones and historically speaking, simply being literate was enough for the Soviet “Progressives,” also known as the Bolsheviks, to execute millions.  Logic would conclude that if the government was indeed not interested in this information for control, then the programs would have little to no value and it would happily cease these extremely expensive programs.  However, the government has doggedly pursued these programs at an immense cost and in secret violation of the law to satisfy what historically has been shown to be any government’s unquenchable desire for more power.  Only the most naïve and ignorant citizens could feel comfortable with this type of excessive, unconstitutional violation of one’s privacy.  For those supporting these programs from within the government, only through extensive manipulation of reality could one justify these programs for “good” and even then this would require a nearly blind (stupid) belief that those senior policy makers telling them that these programs are “legal” and “authorized” are genuinely, good, honest, trustworthy, and have the public’s best interests at heart.  In fact, the mere notion that a person that shuns expansive power would also be the same person that seeks political office is contradictory and the notion of an “honest” politician is plain ridiculous.  In fact next to no one would say they “trust” politicians, but yet when one is ordered to conduct an illegal government operation, these employees act as if they are robots carrying out the orders because the system “told them to do it.”  Further, although their work may seem to be legitimate on the surface and focus on what they “are told” is a real terrorist target, these programs are so compartmentalized, there is little or no way for those subordinate minions to know the full scope of how the information being collected is being used and to what end it serves.  Those of you that believe you are justified because someone with “rank” ordered you to conduct a certain act should remember the lessons of Nuremberg.  You cannot hide behind orders and you must answer to a higher law.

If you value your freedom and liberty, you must demand your privacy is respected.  You must demand the domestic spy state is permanently dismantled and defunded.  Inform your neighbors.  Organize and rally the masses to force bought politicians to act.  You must bring cases to court and doggedly sue the government for violating your Constitutional Rights.  Vote out any and every politician not aggressively acting to stop this spying regardless of party affiliation.  If that is too much for you then at least donate money to those organizations and individuals that are working to stop the police state.  These groups are numerous and growing such as Campaign for Liberty and the Rutherford Institute  Your support to organizations like these is invaluable and does have an impact.  Both of the above institutions have already forced legislative debate, bills, and successful suits against the government on behalf of your civil liberties and freedoms.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 21, 2014

All rights reserved.

Why are Armored Guard Posts in Target’s Parking Lot?

Today while shopping at Target I noticed something unusual in the parking lot.  Rising above the middle of the parking lot was a large, mobile guard post.  It had many cameras, dark tinted windows, and appeared armored.  Further, there was a police cruiser parked at its base.  Seeing this, I wondered, what could possible justify making the parking lot of Target look like a federal penitentiary.  Perhaps it was just a new “Supermax” Target?  Was there some imminent terrorist threat against Target?  Should I pack my kids up and flee now for safety?  No one in management seemed to have any comment so it must have just materialized out of thin air.

The reality is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is becoming ever more overt in its actions toward implementing a complete police state.  As the tower attests, DHS has been working overtime to militarize our local police forces.  In fact, DHS has spent billions of taxpayer dollars to provide local police with equipment designed for full scale warfare.  In short, they are using your money to build the infrastructure to totally control you and every aspect of your life.  The DHS provided equipment includes items like Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) armored vehicles, microwave and ultra low frequency emitting “crowd control” devices, high tech intelligence and surveillance equipment to include drones, and mobile guard towers.  Previously these items were only seen on overseas battlefields and used against America’s most unsavory enemies, but now in keeping with the militarization and takeover of local police, DHS has handed these items out like candy to local cops.  The unstated, but nonetheless real effect of the change in police demeanor from peace officers to storm troopers has been to imbalance the delicate Constitutional balance between the power of the State and the collective power of the people to challenge the State effectively in the event the State becomes illegitimate.

There are neither credible threats against Target to justify this militarized checkpoint nor is there any chance this waste of tax payer dollars would prevent an attack should there actually be one.  This ominous icon of a war zone is designed to desensitize the population to the fact they are monitored, spied on, recorded, and no longer free to even shop for socks without the government’s all seeing eye prying upon their every move.  This type of emerging soft tyranny must be identified, highlighted, resisted, and ultimately shut down at every single emergence.

This particular tower in Potomac Yard Shopping Center (Alexandria, Virginia) was procured by wasting taxpayer dollars and put into use by the Alexandria, Virginia Police Department.  After discussing the tower with local law enforcement the consensus seems to be that the tower was emplaced to thwart a rise in thefts during the holidays around store parking lots.  After all, who wouldn’t want better “public safety?”  However, that rationale fails the logic test.  First of all, after follow-on observation it appears the tower is an overpriced scarecrow because it wasn’t manned and perhaps the video monitoring wasn’t even active.  As such, there was no one actually present to “prevent” a crime.  At best this would only support follow-on investigation if the cameras were operational and pointed in the right direct.  Thus, an unmanned tower provides no more security than store cameras already in place.  Second, the policing is being done on commercial property with your tax dollars.  If Target parking lots are not safe, it is incumbent upon Target to bear the burden of the cost of making their premises safe and secure for shoppers and not Alexandria Police Department.  If the threat is really that high to shoppers as the government would like to scare you into believing, then where is the data to support this and why would we dare take our families out Christmas shopping?  Third, the cost of purchasing, maintaining, moving, emplacing, monitoring, and manning these towers must run into the millions of dollars.  This is an extremely high price tag for what the tower provides and approaches a complete waste of tax dollars.  Fourth, to actually make it effective for its purported purpose of preventing thefts in parking lots during the holiday season, it would have to be manned with a minimum of two officers for at least two shifts a day to cover the shopping hours.  This surveillance would effectively remove significant manpower from a police department’s normal shifts and result in a reduced ability to respond to actual calls for help and criminal activity.  Finally, one must ask whether they want this type of life.  People must use their god given mind to envision where this leads in the future.  A life where the pettiest of crimes results in a justification for a police state is abhorrent to a free society.  There is no freedom of anything when on every corner, at every moment of our lives, armed government goons are ready to swoop in and enforce the smallest of infractions with overwhelming violence.

I ask all of you to contact Target and demand these icons of our emerging police state be immediately removed from their premises or we will boycott their store.  We have already begun a local campaign and to date, Target management has only officially responded by email with a generic “sorry for the inconvenience.”  This is unacceptable and we must make our voices the loudest in the room.  Further, we need to educate the management of Target and other retail stores on what is unacceptable to us as their customers in respect to further police state actions.  By combining our efforts and getting the word out to other internet outlets, talk radio, TV, and our friends and family about these excesses we can expose these tyrannical actions and stop them.  Please take action today and use all your personal clout to impress others to action.

Target’s contact information is as follows:

Potomac Yard Shopping Center


3101 Jefferson Davis Hwy

Alexandria, VA 22305-3042

(703) 706-3840


By Guiles Hendrik

December 15, 2013

All rights reserved.