Tag Archive for how is America using ISIL as a proxy

UPDATE: How the Election is being Legally Rigged

Before the first votes were cast, I penned a unique piece on how the election could be “legally rigged” by manipulating the votes of state electors.  LMS was the only alternative news…or any source warning about this possibility.  In particular, I singled out Michigan and Pennsylvania as key states to watch and they turned out to be key swing states for Trump, just as predicted.  See: (http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2016/11/07/1325/).  Today, news is breaking, just as I had warned in the above linked to article, the Left is trying to lobby the Electoral College to ignore their pledges and vote for Hillary.  This is feasible and actually legal, but would clearly cause a crisis within the US.  See: (https://www.yahoo.com/news/millions-sign-petition-urging-electoral-college-to-elect-hillary-clinton-175038196.html).  Make no mistake, Donald Trump was legitimately elected as the next president and will be president, but that doesn’t mean the Left will not try to disrupt this in every way possible.  You can expect this push to sway the Electoral College to gain significant momentum in the coming days once the government propaganda outlets catch on that this is a viable.  The implications of this action, should it gain traction, are serious.  Read more

ISIL’s Next Move after Mosul

The political timing of the assault on Mosul was no coincidence.  It was timed to correspond with the election and to be used as a diversion if necessary.  Ready to support their political masters, the complicit government propaganda outlets, otherwise known as the American Media Establishment, were right there to announce how everything was going well and success against ISIL was right around the corner.  Of course the media failed to investigate the valid claims that the US actually let ISIL evacuate the city before the assault.  This action allowed murderous terrorists to escape to kill more innocent people so that the US can claim it effectively “liberated” Mosul.  If the media was being honest, it would have long ago made it blatantly clear the US has no intention of defeating ISIL anytime soon and the Mosul operation is a sideshow.  Further, in spite of many fighters being allowed to escape, the Mosul operation still has not been going as planned.  The battle began to bog down almost as soon as it began, which was easily predictable.  Cutting through all of the cross talk and false information is tough and has left most people at a complete loss for what is going on.  To help, here is a quick summary of what happens next with respect to ISIL.

For starters, the bulk of ISIL fighters have escaped to fight another day.  This means many thousands more people will unnecessarily die in the Middle East, Europe, and the US.  The US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and even Israel made sure this was the case because they still are desperately trying to salvage their diabolical scheme to overthrow Syrian President Assad.  They are not in the smallest way moved by the fact their actions have led to the death and displacement of millions.  Their hope is the bulk of these fighters will race to Aleppo to relieve their jihadist allies.  Some fighters undoubtedly will move quickly to try and reinforce Aleppo.  However, ISIL is out of the box and may have other plans. Read more