Tag Archive for republican

Warning: Healthcare is the new call to arms for domestic terrorists

As the farce of Russian meddling in the United States’ election has turned to focus on the very real collusion amongst senior Democrats, the story is quickly being killed by the mainstream media.  In its place, a new hysteria is being created to distract and divide the nation.  This hysteria is extremely dangerous and focuses on the lie that President Trump’s healthcare plan is “killing” Americans.  This extremist narrative needs little translation.  It is a thinly veiled message to radical leftwing extremists that they are now fully justified in killing people to promote their agenda.  I do not say this lightly.  By making the claim that President Trump and the Republicans are killing people, they have provided a moral justification and call to arms that can’t be ignored by the insurgents organized under the banners of the Left.  The media propagandists are knowingly yelling “fire” in a theater.  They are creating an insurgency in this nation that will lead to many more deaths, injuries, and huge amounts of property damage.  The leadership of these domestic terrorist organizations must be legally taken down now or our nation will continue to spiral closer to an all-out civil war, which the Left desires, but no intelligent person wants. Read more

Irony of the Day: Why Leftist opinions don’t matter and how to fight back

Few people are more vocal and utterly driven by blind ideology than the adherents to leftist ideologies  By leftist I generally umbrella anyone ascribing to communist, socialist, fascist, or other “progressive” ideologies even though in a purest political science realm we could debate over the semantics.  At no point is logic or even historical precedence, respective of the validity of their political arguments, allowed to enter into their conscious understanding of the world.  Their world is a nonsensical false utopia based on long ago debunked political alchemy and universal truths cannot be entertained.  Their world is one of emotional opinion based on the manipulation of the facts and reality as it stands.  These leftist ideologies have led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people globally and are unmatched in their totalitarian brutality, yet both academia and the masses spout this vile rhetoric.  These facts are inescapable to the unbiased student of political science.  The left’s ideological war must be countered because it is poison to a free society.  As such, I want to take a moment to point out one of the most glaring, ironic, hypocrisies of the left.    Read more