Tag Archive for survival retreats

When the SHTF, You Can Come to My Place…Seriously

How often have you been talking with friends and they joke that if the SHTF, they are coming to your place?  Most of us quietly are saying in our heads, “you are out of your damn mind if you think you are coming to my place.”  In fact, for those that spend zero time preparing, training, or putting even the smallest amount of effort into their own survival insurance, I would agree, I have no sympathy.  However, the mere fact you are reading this right now tells me you have taken a step in the right direction and are in fact interested in insuring the continued existence of yourself and your family.  You are actively trying to take positive steps.  For those of you out there, I would suggest established preppers consider opening their door and taking you in under the right conditions.  Unlike the billionaires creating much of the havoc in our world, very few of us will ever have the funds to buy our own private island or renovated missile silo protected by a first rate mercenary army so it is best we start working together.  In today’s article, I will deviate from what I consider dated prepper logic and argue why inviting others to your bug out location is in all of our interests.    Read more