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The Next Manufactured War: China and the Pacific Theater Take Center Stage

As we have exhaustively written and warned in previous articles, a new war will need to be manufactured to continue to justify the continued redistribution of billions of taxpayer dollars to the military-industrial complex financed by the big banks.  The titans of the defense industry and the loan sharks of the banking world cannot afford peace and will stop at nothing to create fear and war to ensure their wealth is secure.  The United States economy has not made a true comeback as has been touted by the media and falsified government reports and soon the bubble the Federal Reserve created will have to be deflated.  To keep the public distracted and the money flowing, a new plan to create fear, instability, and possibly war in the Pacific has now begun.

It is becoming increasingly clear that no matter what deal is or is not struck in Afghanistan respective of continued troop deployments, NATO and the US forces are going to be forced to retreat within the next 12 to 18 months.  The Taliban’s (Pakistan’s) strategic victory is all but assured now, which will make future occupation by U.S. personnel impossible.  Further, the movement toward war with Iran by way of Syria has been temporarily checked by Russia until Israel can build enough clandestine support behind the scenes to sabotage any future peace deal or unilaterally attack Iran.  As such, the military-industrial complex has turned back to its fear mongering and war propaganda to begin conditioning the public that North Korea and China are again dire threats that must be stopped at all costs and that war could break out at any moment.  Of course this hyperbole is used to justify the “need” for new advanced weapons, continued funding of obsolete, redundant, or unnecessary defense systems, and to generally control the masses.  As a nation we have witnessed this ploy over and over resulting in unnecessary wars from Vietnam to Iraq that have cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars worldwide.  The wanton destruction wrought by these industry power plays can’t be understated.  For example, as we reported in the spring of 2013, North Korea was rebranded as a strategic missile threat overnight and then only weeks later forgotten after the defense-aerospace industry scared Congress and the public into refunding their missile defense programs that have been wasting billions of tax dollars and were rightfully on the sequester chopping block.  The fact that the bankers and defense propagandists nearly started World War III didn’t matter a bit because no matter whether or not war broke out, it was you and I that would have to bleed, pay, and die for their fortunes.  This process of fear mongering and dangerous brinkmanship is a trademark defense industry ploy used to make sure you continue to write them checks for billions of dollars without question.  Without question, it is one of the most diabolical, destructive, despicable, and immoral of all lies repeatedly pushed on the citizens of nations.

Fortunately, the American people have to some degree grown war weary and have been sensitized to the lies of war propaganda.  This is good and bad.  It is good in that the simplest of lies will no longer suffice to convince the American people to once again go to war and bleed and pay for the elites to become wealthier.  However, the elites recognize this and will conduct even more aggressive and despicable acts to create the conditions for war.  For illustration, just this year in Syria, a false flag chemical weapons attack was launched against innocent civilians in an attempt to frame the Syrian regime and justify the US becoming involved in yet another war in the Middle East.  It is important to note that this attack using weapons of mass destruction was resorted to after numerous lesser attempts to “convict” the Syrian regime in the minds of the public and precipitate a war had failed.  This included launching mortar rounds into Israel and Turkey, launching air attacks into Syria directly from Israel, directly providing training and weapons to known terrorists operating in Syria, repeatedly violating Syrian airspace so that they would shoot down a NATO jet, and persistently trying to brand the radical Islamic jihadists of the revolutionary forces as a peaceful, unified, pro-US, Free Syrian Army.  All of these acts were designed to either directly or indirectly illicit a defensive response from Syria, which Washington could then spin into an act of “aggression” to justify retaliation and war.  The Syrian example is just one of many illustrating to what deranged extremes our hijacked government will go to to force the US into another unnecessary war and is a cautionary tale of things to come.

Relative to the recent wars in the Middle East, a war in the Pacific promises to be far more devastating and has the real possibility of involving nuclear weapons and electromagnetic pulses designed to wipe out all unshielded electronics.  However, “devastating” translates to windfall profits for the defense industry and their financiers on a scale not seen since World War II.  A war or even the threat of war with China would mandate trillions of new defense spending financed through loans to the US government (ironically, this new debt would probably be bought by China).  New high tech weapon systems would have to be fast tracked into service and even more draconian surveillance and cyber warfare systems would also be justified to “protect” the homeland.  The Defense Department would once again get a blank check unlike any before from Congress to pursue an entirely new portfolio of overpriced defense programs, many of which, would target the American people as much as foreign entities as the current “War on Terror” has demonstrated.

The march toward war in the Pacific will be far more costly and devastating than even the worst case scenarios for the Middle East if allowed to move forward.  Not only will the US suffer a total economic collapse, but unprecedented death and destruction if the game of brinkmanship is overplayed and China and or North Korea call our bluff.  China is not an ally of the US, but is also not any more of a threat than we decide to create.  If you want to check China, it will be best done through effective economic competition and by strengthening our freedoms and liberties at home.  Runaway defense spending will only weaken the US.  Stop giving China preferential trade status, stop creating massive debt at home, stop educating China’s military scientists, stop allowing China to steal our most sensitive secrets, stop providing China and North Korea aid, and hold the line on our sphere of influence.  At home we have to cut taxes on citizens as well as reduce the overwhelming bureaucratic weight of endless regulations and taxes on businesses.  We need to protect our workers, our products, our technology, and our industry by not undermining them with imbalanced trade deals favoring offshoring and overseas manufacturing.  We also need to secure our borders, dismantle the surveillance state, cut the size of government, wean the population from state dependencies, and become as individuals and a nation much more self-sufficient.  Cutting the Defense Budget will go a long way to neutralizing the financial influence the military-industrial complex has over US policy and would strengthen, not weaken the security of the US.  All of these actions will go far toward reigning in massive and unnecessary spending and debt.  The media must also be returned to its watchdog status of the government and be purged of its recently assumed role as the public relations arm of the political parties.  No American interest is served by a biased media.  Failure to provide honest, unbiased, and factual news to the American people will lead to further deceit, loss of liberties, degradation of our quality of life, and potentially devastating wars.

Once again we are here warning the public of what is transpiring behind the scenes and are the first to bring it to you.  The best way to battle this latest escalation toward war is to become informed, know the facts, and make sure others are educated as well.  Neither the media nor the government can lie to you if you independently have sought out and found the truth.  Take this truth to the internet, the airwaves, the cable news programs, your local clubs…anywhere you can find an audience.  By exposing the lies and replacing them with knowledge and facts you can collectively disrupt and stop the plans of the defense and banking industries and their puppets within the government.  Those of you who serve the government; especially in the military, have an obligation to the American people and the Constitution to also speak out, to refuse to become an active participant, and to stop these unconstitutional and thus illegal and immoral actions.  Only through action can we overcome these true threats to the US, the gravest of which, have originated internally.

By Guiles Hendrik 

December 11, 2013

All rights reserved.

Overcoming the Greatest Prepper Weakness: The Individual versus the Community and a Plan for the Future

One of the greatest assets to preppers is that they are self-reliant and able to independently operate.  However, it is also their greatest vulnerability.  No matter how tough, how well-trained, how well armed, or how well prepared an individual is, there is only so much one person can do.  Numbers matter.  As an individual, you must eventually sleep and can’t stand guard indefinitely.  You can only be at one place at one time.  A second set of hands on nearly any labor intensive task is better than one.  If sick or injured it is very difficult or impossible to provide prolonged self-aid or surgery.  If directly confronted by an organized and numerically superior force, the odds are decidedly against the individual.  You can only accurately fire one weapon, at one target, at one time.  Further, your best odds of survival if attacked by superior numbers would be to try and escape, but even then it is pretty easy for a larger number of pursuers to head you off and corner even the craftiest of evaders.  As such, for any realistic, long term survival plan, one must build a prepared community.  A community is the foundational bedrock of a society and a nation.  The community is where the individual can truly make a difference and build a better life.  Today’s article is my appeal to you to take action to improve your life, to create new and better communities, and to take back our nation.  I will provide each of you with the template to not just resist, but triumph.  Each one of us has the ability to change the status quo in the present day and no longer be at the mercy of the state, which at one time, represented us as citizens.  Make no mistake, survival is a long term struggle against both nature and tyranny that comes with sacrifice, but we can overcome the odds best through collective action.

Man is neither designed nor equipped to be a solitary animal.  Individually we are weak and vulnerable and would have long ago become easy prey and gone extinct if it wasn’t for banning together.  Since the earliest prehistoric times, man has grouped together in bands and tribes to survive.  Modern man is no exception as we live today more interconnected than ever.  This interdependency has allowed us to specialize, to survive, and to even have leisure.  Man was designed with neither the long claws and fangs of apex predators nor the acute hearing and swift speed of prey.  We don’t come with fur to protect us from temperature extremes and have long since lost our immunities to many parasites commonly found in food and water.  Man’s greatest asset, his mind, combined with strength in numbers has demonstrated that he can overcome nearly any extreme and challenge.  This maxim is as crucial for survival today as it was ten thousand years ago when small bands of Ice Age hunters and gathers grouped together to fend off ferocious predators and take down massive game.

Communities and villages sprang to existence out of the mutual need for security and distribution of labor.  Someone always needed to tend to the fire and be on the watch for predators so that others could safely sleep.  While some hunted the others cooked and farmed.  In modern times, these families became bands, then tribes, and then nations.  As nations grew, man’s greatest threat ceased to be lions and tigers, but his fellow man.  Nation state violence led to the need to collectively organize in even greater numbers or risk being numerically overwhelmed by a neighboring nation.  Internally, the rise of nations led to the rise of brutal tyrants and the further need organize the masses in resistance in order to escape slavery and death at the hands of the king’s mercenaries.

Today, the modern prepper faces all of these challenges.  At the most local level, the prepper must find a way to accomplish the daily tasks of a subsistence existence.  The chores of simply acquiring and preparing food and water, staying warm or cool, maintaining shelter, and creating or fixing the means to accomplish the former are enough to rapidly overwhelm anyone.  However, the prepper must also provide for his common security against potentially large bands of hostile people and what appears to be an increasingly hostile government.  Individually, or at least as a family, it is certainly possible to scratch out a subsistence level of existence as long as you are never confronted by a hostile group.  However, it is simply not realistic to believe that one could independently sustain for the long term when faced with hungry bands of violent, armed, thugs or a hostile, state sponsored tyranny.

As previously stated, I don’t care how prepared you “think” you are; if you are trying to subsist with just a handful of people, an organized group of basically trained thugs with a proclivity for violence will quickly overwhelm you and certainly seize whatever preps you have stored.  This is not a situation of maybe, but an absolute.  The preppers that fail to learn and internalize this are living in a fantasy world.  Preppers that ardently stick to their small groups in remote and isolated areas only delay the inevitable.  This paradigm may be best illustrated by how law enforcement represents a small percentage of the population, but effectively controls the masses by being able to quickly mass and achieve local (tactical) numerical superiority against any resistance.  Individually, there have been literally millions of people arrested that were tough, prepared, and well-armed, but I can’t think of any in recent memory that have successfully fought off a determined attempt at seizure by the police.  Sadly, government has never proven capable of leaving individuals alone and hungry mobs have never shown the proclivity to take the moral high road and starve when the option to loot for food existed.  Eventually, preppers that failed to organize BEFORE a collapse or crisis and build communities will each be independently identified, targeted, and wiped out by thugs or hostile government forces.

The solution to this is not a new one.  It is as old as mankind.  Like minded individuals will once again need to band together to collectively survive.  This is and will be an essential, critical, FACT that preppers must accept.  Preppers need not build communes or cede their independence, but do need to build communities.  These communities need to be aware, prepared, and organized in a manner that they are effectively self-sustaining and self-governing.  It is equally essential to also build the population numbers in a concentrated manner that will change the voting demographic so that elected representatives will not only properly represent, but be of the same mindset of their constituents.  We have seen some of these successes in Montana and Idaho, but are failing to coalesce in an organized manner nationwide.  Only by achieving, at minimum, at first, tactical numerical superiority in targeted regions will free, independent, liberty minded individuals be able to live a life of freedom with liberty in something more than their imagination.

Communities built around self-sustainment are by their very nature resilient to natural disasters, grid failures, and crime.  By locally producing food, water, and power a community can almost completely eliminate the major vulnerabilities of today’s societies.  The society is healthier, happier, and more connected.  By once again localizing industry, the community can build, fabricate, or repair nearly anything and have a vibrant localized economy.  Further, by having a large pool of like-minded citizens, the community can fend off both political and physical attacks.  One threat can be defeated through the ballot box and the other through tactical numerical “superiority.”  To illustrate this point, 100 groups of eight preppers could disperse across the 50 states (two groups to a state).  These small groups have zero political influence or protection and could be rounded up and wiped out in a single night by either hostile thugs or government forces operating in groups so small local law enforcement could field them.  However, if you combined these groups in one area, you would have the local tactical strength of upwards of 800 people.  This is a sufficient number to not just swing, but control elections in smaller districts, install a like-minded sheriff and deputies, and present a unified defense requiring at least a battalion of military regulars to engage with any chance of success.  Imagine getting back to a time and place where instead of fearing police, the local police actually acted to “defend” the locals and keep the peace with the full weight of the people and the law behind it.  Imagine a place where you could walk down the street and not be filmed, photographed, tracked, and fined for violating one of a seemingly infinite number of overbearing regulations.  Now consider the literally millions of like-minded “preppers” that exist in the cities, towns, and the rural expanses of America.  If the media is to be believed, tens of millions of these people are already organized under the nebulous title “Tea Party.”  By concentrating these numbers we not only make being prepared and living free mainstream, but the lifestyle sells itself.  Don’t waste your strength and try to fight the numbers in states like California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York.  Let those states wallow in their own filth, debt, and ever increasing taxes.  Instead, take charge and opt out of them.  Stop paying into those defunct systems and move away.  Concentrate in places where we can control the elections, the schools, the local law enforcement, and ultimately empower our way of life.  To use the cliché, “if we build it, people will come” is justified.  As we set ourselves apart and demonstrate a workable better life, more and more people will turn away from their current unsustainable, rat race existences and seek something better for themselves and their families.  People want this and are thirsty for leadership, but to date, few have stepped up.  If we lead, the masses will follow.

The model outlined above is feasible, suitable, and something that could be quickly accomplished in the near term.  Much debate surrounds the “optimum” prepper retreat location, but it is unnecessary because few states truly fit the bill.  Further, most of the debate is academic because true survival will not come from hiding and hoping tyranny will overlook you.  Instead, we must recognize “prepping” is not just an action but a way of life that must be protected and nurtured.  To truly survive, we must come to terms with reality and engage in an effective course of action with a chance of long term success.  We must change the debate and public perception of preppers.  We need to show the public we are absolutely no threat, peaceful, and reframe ourselves as a persecuted minority requiring protection, much like the Amish or Mennonites.  To effect this we must concentrate our numbers in specific localities.  The best prepper locations to concentrate at first will be areas of low population density, but ample natural resources.  Further, it is only reasonable to first target locations within states that predominately tend to support freedom, liberty, and independence or in short, support a prepared lifestyle and are not burdensome with respect to taxes and regulation.  This means that an ideal state probably will not have a large, leftwing, urban center like New York City, Philadelphia, or San Francisco that disproportionately biases the elections.  That immediately rules out states such as California, Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York.  You would also want to avoid locations with staggering debt or other lingering problems that would be materially detrimental to building new communities.  Out west, states such as Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming offer the best options to concentrate.  Idaho has long been recognized as an ideal redoubt and is already demonstrating that this model works.  Not only have local and state leaders been elected, but representatives at the federal level have been elected and are now insulating Idaho from many of the problems facing the rest of the nation.  In fact, businesses are also moving to Idaho.  Gun and ammunition manufacturers in particular have found Idaho a great place to set up business.

In the east, West Virginia may well be on its way to becoming the prepper redoubt of choice.  West Virginia’s topography is well suited to the defense and has a very low population density.  There are entire areas of West Virginia that have zero electronic emissions.  The federal government has also recognized West Virginia’s suitability for surviving an apocalypse and has built various “hollow mountains” throughout the state.  Unlike many other potential redoubts, West Virginia is a realistic location to bug out to from most areas along the East Coast and is not prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or large earthquakes.  It is also well protected from potential nuclear blasts and is not seen as a high value target for terrorists.  Further, West Virginia really doesn’t have any major metropolitan areas that will spill millions of refugees into the surrounding hinterlands.  The climate is very suitable for growing a variety of crops and the state is rich in natural resources that range from salt and coal to timber and natural gas.  West Virginia tends to not be heavy on regulation and the people are generally conservative minded and live already as semi-preppers.  West Virginia also has the potential to be a leader in alternate energy.  It has endless ridgelines for wind and solar power as well as many streams and rivers suitable for various scale hydroelectric systems.  West Virginia is an outdoorsman’s paradise, yet is still located close enough to eastern population centers that it will have increasing influence.  Given the low population density and the affordability of homes and property in West Virginia, it would be relatively easy for preppers in the mid-Atlantic to relocate and take up residence in a few targeted counties such as Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral, and Grant counties in the eastern panhandle.  By concentrating in these counties and gaining a strong percentage of the voting block, like minded preppers could essentially establish a food hold in the heart of the mid-Atlantic and establish their own model community.  Note that it is not necessary to even gain a voting “majority” in these counties because the influence of a well-organized and active electorate will be more than sufficient to sway, skew, and control any local election.  Further, voter turnout; especially at the local level and during primaries, tends to be extremely low so it would be possible to not only oust incumbents on tickets, but stack the local and state governments with our candidates.  From those initial gains, we could fundamentally change how local and then state governments operate in the near term and demonstrate a better way of living to the nation.  Ultimately, we will fundamentally change the thinking nationwide and to this end, achieve our goals of independence, liberty, and sustainable living.

I challenge each of you today to disseminate this message as widely as possible, to as many people as possible.  Sow the seeds of liberty and freedom again in people’s minds.  Let them know that they don’t have to accept the status quo and can change their situation now.  There are no longer empty frontiers to escape to and waiting till the SHTF will be too late.  We must pick our ground wisely now so that we can stand our ground later.  By doing something as simple as moving your state of residence (even if that doesn’t mean you physically move) so that you can (and must) vote in Idaho or West Virginia, we absolutely can improve our lives and the lives of others.  Follow my lead and begin the process of stacking the deck in these two states where as little as a hundred votes can control the officials elected at the local and state level.  Idaho and West Virginia are not the end, but the beginning.  From these two localities we can expand our communities to the surrounding regions and states, but we have to begin somewhere and we have to begin now.


By Guiles Hendrik

November 3, 2013

All rights reserved.

Sgt G’s Story Time: SHTF Marksmanship, Pt. 1

America fell apart after the October 2013 Debt Ceiling/Obamacare fiasco.  The politicos ‘running’ the country agreed-to-disagree and inevitably kicked off the national default.  The pain of endless magical government money disappearing had no ripple effect, it was more like all the dominoes falling down at the same time.  Thousands of honorably disabled military veterans, some just home from Afghanistan, took the hit straight to the gut when the VA ran out of money.  Many of these vets depended on these hard earned monthly checks from the VA to keep up with bills and keep themselves and family fed.  Poverty quickly moved their way.  Thousands of vets using the GI Bill to pay for college also got the ‘sorry but…’ letter from the VA as they too became victims of their government’s inability to do anything efficiently, responsibly, and honestly.  Welfare recipients were not exempt from the economic crash.  Honest blue collar workers down on their luck and barely making ends meet lost the financial aid, they knew nothing more than to take it on the chin and keep pressing on.  The equivalent of career politicians in the welfare receipt world suffered the most from the demise of welfare.  These individuals, able bodied masters of ripping off state and federal governments, depended on welfare for every aspect of their lives.  Food stamps, free medical coverage, etc., they had it all but lied to get it.  Ms. Karma struck with a vengeance as they would soon become very hungry able bodied individuals with no free rides to keep them alive.

Our imaginary friend Kenny was around for all this drama.  He was smarter than the average bear and relatively prepared for a short term nationwide crash.  Days spent on YouTube guided his emergency preparedness buys like food and water storage, ammunition and firearms, and barter items.  Unfortunately, he was never able to buy common sense and sound judgment, especially when it came to using his ‘Prepper/SHTF’ toys.  Kenny saw the news coverage of big city riots where hungry maddened people took to the streets in a Rodney King-esque fashion.  He understood their looting of grocery stores as they were not OK with starving.  Eventually the looting grew to include murder and rape on a grand scale.  The bloody snowball was going wild and rolling out of big cities into not so big cities.  Martial law by way of the military became the norm but fell apart when troops could not be paid and decided to head home to care for their families.  Organized banditry was the new threat to be fought and Kenny was part of fighting the good fight.  Refugee camps sprang up along the US-101 north of LA (aka: Hell-A) as the thuggery got worse in the city.  The better organized gangs occasionally raided these camps a la Viking with typical raping, pillaging, and burning.  Although a citizens defense force was forming to keep the criminals at bay, Kenny preferred to play the lone-wolf card.  Bad idea.

So there goes our dumb friend Kenny into the beautiful rolling hills of southern California in search of ‘bad guys’.  Along the way he befriends a fellow lone-wolfette, Ms. Stone of the ‘Green Hill Rangers’.  Stone eventually dropped out of the operation due to unseen ‘blisters’ on her feet, “I just know they are there” she said. Her exodus had nothing to do with his creepy stares and insistence on walking behind her while they hiked uphill.  As a parting gift, Stone gave our idiot hero Kenny a scoped SR-25 rifle, magazine inserted and ready to rock and roll.  Now he would really ‘bring it’ to the marauding scum that prowled what he called the “Central Southern Highlands.” The next morning Kenny rolled out of his 13 pound modular sleeping system and got ready for breakfast.  From his half-ton Alice pack he produced a bag of powdered eggs, some pancake mix, a bottle of maple syrup, a cigar, a cast iron skillet, and a propane stove.  This guy traveled in style.  His stove didn’t work so he fired up some twigs and branches to get his breakfast cooked, bad idea.  Hours later he got back to work and found what he was looking for, one platoon sized unit of motorized thugs stretching their legs just off the US-101.  From behind absolutely no cover and concealment, Kenny flipped the SR-25 to fire and pulled the trigger on his nearest target.  He heard a quick ‘pfffft‘ sound and saw no effects on target.  He thought, “Ms. Stone said nothing of an internal silencer?”.  He sat up for a second shot at his 500 m target and was annoyed at the wind pushing dust into his side and rustling leaves.  ‘Pfft‘ again, then the lack of recoil woke him up. He removed the magazine and saw a white pellet near the top.  He cried, “DAMN YOU GREEN HILL AIRSOFTERS!”  His loud objection drew the attention and incoming fire from his would be targets.  Kenny had one good thing going for him, a Colt 6920 Carbine.  The 5.56mm firearm was nearly stretched to its limits at 500 m but more than capable of accurately engaging his targets.  Kenny chambered a green tip round, set his rear sight elevation to 5, and began engaging his targets.  He had no idea that his centered rear windage was allowing the wind to move his rounds almost one foot to the left of his targets.  Three magazines worth of zero hits later and Kenny was toast.  The thugs had common sense and bounded towards him at a steady pace.  He was eventually suppressed by their fire and one well aimed AK did him in.

Slowly, Kenny’s soul drifted up from his cooling lifeless body.  He noted the following:

“Why was I carrying so much unnecessary gear?”

“Why don’t my clothes match the terrain?”

“Why did I shoot from an unconcealed/uncovered position?”

“Why did that cute girl give me an airsoft gun?!”

“Why did I miss?”


Kenny’s last drifting soul question is what we will cover in our next post.  One reason why Kenny missed was due to his lack of a wind call.  An accurate wind call is one of the factors that separate hits from misses.  Our dearest Kenny would have had a fighting chance if he applied the fundamentals of marksmanship.  Don’t be fooled by anyone that tells you wind can’t be beat.  If a platoon of Marine recruits can punch holes in a man sized target at 500 meters against wind, so can you!  Put yourself in Kenny’s shoes.  What you have done about your surprise SR-25 airsoft rifle?  Best comment gets a t-shirt courtesy of Guiles Hendrick.


Sgt. G, LMS Contributor

All Rights Reserved

How Good are our Analysts? Homeland Security Issues Facing the Next Administration.

We have said from the beginning that predicting the past is for amateurs and academics, but accurately predicting future events is for true professionals.  Rather than pointing out that our previous articles have been spot on and proven out by recent events we will reach back to 2007.  The following memo was written by one of analysts as a short brief for whoever became the staff for the next president back in 2008.  We believe the accuracy of the predictions are a shocking testament to our accuracy.  Not only were the effects of natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy predicted, but the housing collapse, economic recession, failing infrastructure and power grid, dysfunctional health care, and even forest fires being set by terrorists were accurately identified as problems the Obama Administration would face!

The following is an exact cut and paste without edit of the August 2007 memo:

Homeland Security Issues Facing the Next Administration


The security of the homeland will face an unprecedented list of complex challenges in the coming year.  The next President can expect to inherit numerous lingering security issues as well as new and dire threats that will require fast and adaptive solutions.  This paper identifies critical shortfalls in contingency planning regarding how overlapping effects of a crisis significantly increase the overall magnitude of the threat.  


In short, a single limited crisis incident can usually be contained and reacted to.  These type contingencies have been analyzed and prepared for in detail.  Unfortunately, this one dimensional approach only identifies point of impact operations and does not deal with the much more catastrophic results of multiple overlapping incidents that occur whether by design or chance.  These type scenarios could be deemed as “worst case” and will quickly overwhelm even the combined capabilities of regional emergency services.  Even more frightening is the fact that not only can these events happen by chance, but a multi-dimensional attack can be planned and orchestrated by terrorists utilizing low technology and minimal coordination.  


Historically speaking, a single incident of even massive magnitude such as a natural disaster, bombing, or economic crash has been recoverable.  On the contrary, recovery against multiple disasters within a short time frame has crippled nations and brought about entire geopolitical shifts.  This ripple effect can begin quietly in a realm such as economics, but when coupled with a terrorist attack and or a natural disaster, the effects are dramatically magnified.  A real time sample vignette to illustrate this ripple effect could transpire as such:


Time: Labor Day Weekend 2007


Background:  A downturn in housing has caused the economy to slide into a recession while the federal funding has already been strained to the limit by a still on-going war.  Further, money to fund infrastructure modernization and repairs has been diverted to fund the war leaving bridges, damns, and power grids dangerously ill maintained.  Record heat waves have caused droughts across the nation and set record demand for energy that has increasingly relied on gulf oil imports as a result of the war in the Middle East.


Situation:  A Category 4 hurricane strikes the still recovering Gulf Coast turning the region into a flooded disaster zone.  Further massive fires have been spreading across the dry drought stricken United States as small bands of terrorist cells initiate a low tech coordinated arson attack across the country.  


Effects:  Normal emergency response teams are paralyzed to act in the flooded hurricane effected regions as they have been over committed fighting massive forest fires that have now begun to spread into residential and urban areas.  Due to power lines being damaged by fire, wind, and water and a high energy demand for cooling, power grids have begun to shut down leaving entire regions of the country without power.  The combined effect sparks looting and riots further deteriorating the system.  Martial law is declared, but implementation becomes difficult as forces are unavailable, not networked, and unable to span the massive scale of the crisis leading to a vulnerability culminating point.


The direct attack:  Just as the nation is most vulnerable, a terrorist sleeper cell is activated to conduct an attack of mass effect.  The results are catastrophic and will require years and perhaps decades for America to recover from.


Latent effects:  General anarchy develops leading to a massive economic downturn.  Further, failure of health care facilities and standing water from flooding leads to outbreaks of disease further exasperating the already critical situation. 


The above vignette is not a doomsday prophecy, but rather a very realistic scenario that could play out in present time across the nation.  DHS and the incoming administration must prepare the department for these ripple effect contingencies.  Although much more difficult to prepare for, immediate actions must be taken to specifically address the potential for ripple attack style events like above to be initiated by terrorists seeking to asymmetrically cripple the United States.  


As we further improve the security of our homeland, our enemies continue to adapt and find new ways to strike and the foundations of the United States.  Based on this, the Department of Homeland Security must work in concert with the next administration to continue to invest in threat analysis that seeks to predict how terrorists will asymmetrically evolve and develop new and to date unseen tactics for offensive attacks.  Recommended actions for DHS include war gaming the potential impact of different ripple chains, developing disaster drill scenarios that take the ripple effect into account, and developing a hardened and redundant logistics infrastructure that is reminiscent of the Cold War era.  A premium must also be placed on unconventional creative thinking as well as the development of agile, adaptive, and networked plans that can be rapidly implemented.

August 31, 2007


No one has a crystal ball, but they myriad of events illustrated in this memo certainly have come to pass and are developing as of the writing of this post.  We will continue to provide you visionary analysis with an unprecedented record of accuracy.  We hope that our analysis will help you understand the daily events happening globally and how they will affect you.  Armed with this knowledge you will be better able to make decisions critical to the protection of your life, liberty, and wealth.

See link for more information on arson as a terrorist weapon:

By Guiles  Hendrik

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Domestic Spying and the Descent to Tyranny

New government scandals have come rapidly in the last couple months.  The scandals are very serious and a direct danger to any nation of free people with liberty.  George Orwell’s “Big Brother” police state has arrived.  The only difference today is that our government possesses even more ambitious powers than Orwell ever imagined.  Every citizen, irrespective of political affiliation must demand justice and accountability from those in power.  Every citizen must demand the permanent end to secret courts, domestic spying, financially terrorizing citizens, targeting of political opponents, partisan politics, bottomless corporate campaign donations, faux money, financial manipulation, and endless imperial wars overseas to name just a few of the more egregious problems facing the US.  Failure to hold those responsible for their actions criminally liable will mark a dark day for America where historians will note the rule of law died and tyranny breathed life.

Thanks to brave patriots that have been demonized, seized, tortured, fired, harassed, and imprisoned by the government, American citizens are now aware of some of the egregious illegal government operations ranging from “Fast and Furious” to the latest revelations about the National Security Agency (NSA) unconstitutionally spying on all Americans.  The data NSA is storing are broad and range from phone records, text messages, and conversations to emails and financial data.  The revealing of this highly classified domestic spy program contradicted the Obama Administration’s previous claims that there was no such program.  It also proved that General Clapper committed perjury when he emphatically denied under oath to Congress such a program existed when directly asked if NSA was conducting “any” type of domestic surveillance program.  The NSA domestic surveillance program is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against conducting unlawful searches and seizures.  The Bill of Rights and the Fourth Amendment are unique in that they specifically direct what the government “cannot” do and were without doubt, intended to be a legal check against just this type of power grab by the federal government.  They are the supreme guiding legal framework under which the US government must operate.  However, as all governments inevitably do, the US government began creating bodies with false powers to provide the false illusion of justification for its actions.  The creation of artificial secret “government” bodies to rubber stamp illegal government actions make these acts no more “legal” or “just” than the Nazis justifying wanton extermination of people because the “government” ordered it.  In spite of this prohibition, the government still broke the law, ignored our Constitution, lied about the programs, and continues to operate the illegal programs.

Perhaps even scarier, the same gang of government thugs in power has been openly conducting state terrorism against its own citizens via its political officers at the Internal Revenue Service, Justice Department, and Environmental Protection Agency.  What caused the government to target and terrorize its own citizens one may ask?  The answer is clear; peaceful and law abiding citizens were targeted for nothing more than having a differing political ideology than the leftist thugs now in power.  No longer will the naïve position of “I don’t have anything to hide so I am not worried” suffice to keep one safe from this growing government threat to a free people.  In spite of the government’s growing list of transgressions and crimes against its own citizens, no one has been held accountable even after months of scandals.  In fact, it appears the culprits have been rewarded.  The day has arrived in the United States when the government has effectively become a separate entity acting for the interests of a small number of elites and beyond the rule of law.

We no longer have a government of the people and for the people, but a government for the elites and of the elites acting to enslave and use its subjects for its benefit at their expense.  In short, the government has lost its legitimacy to govern.  This government is no longer made up of the citizens that granted it (not vice-versa) the power to govern and is certainly not answering to the demands of the public.  Rather, the government is now, an alien group of political radicals and their zombie appointees effectively executing an internal overthrow of this once free republic.  There are only two ways to obtain wealth.  One is to create it and the other is to steal it by force.  Government is decidedly party to the latter category making it the US Government the largest, most powerful organized crime cartel in the history of man.  As such, an illegitimate government is nothing more than an organized crime racket used to extort wealth by force from its victims…also known as citizens.  These corrupt leaders, elected and appointed, must be completely removed from office, tried, and held responsible for what amounts to treason and violations of our Constitution and civil rights.  Until these tyrants and their political henchmen are run out and the rule of law is equally applied and re-instituted from the highest office down to the most common citizen, tyranny will rule.

At the most basic level, government can be defined as an organization that has a monopoly of force over a specific area and its respective population.  In the best of cases, this organization theoretically would represent the will of the people and operate to protect their freedom, liberty, and collective security.  The idea of a “good” government may only exist in theory, but the United States initially set out to achieve just this unprecedented balance between the governed and the governors through a system of checks and balances designed to weaken and restrain the government while vesting the real power in responsible citizens.  However, over the last two hundred plus years, this system has evolved through court rulings, legislation, and policies.  This evolution was heavily influenced by nefarious designs, subterfuge, and lobbying interests, which perverted the original Republic’s architecture.  The result has been the establishment of what amounts to a police state that is no longer accountable to the citizens it was designed to serve.  Further, this parallel government arose when the interests of political parties, banks, and corporations began merging and superseding the interests of the nation.  This faux representative body then began to create, staff, and empower organizations with no actual legal authority to provide legitimacy to the government’s self-serving actions.  The now nullified system of checks and balances has been so perverted that any notion that the government is somehow restrained in its power and still serves the will of the people has been utterly destroyed.

As such, when the government no longer is comprised of the governed people, no longer operates for the good of the citizens, no longer is answerable to the rule of law, and no longer provides effective governance, it is a burden and illegitimate.  The government of the US is now almost indistinguishable from the decadent last years of Rome before it fell under the overt rule of dictators.  Today, just as it was in Rome, our government is run by elites that maintain power though dynastic succession.  The handpicked successors pretend to provide a “choice” to the voters while maintaining power within a handful of families.  To illustrate this, just last week, the Hillary for President Campaign began kicking into high gear as talk of another Bush run for president also began to circulate.  Family names like Clinton, Bush, Rockefeller, and Kennedy are repetitively recycled in the political circles just as surely as kings and emperors retained familial control of power.  Although billion dollar faux elections are held, the winners and losers are hand-picked by the elite establishment and in practice offer no difference in policies.  Parties only serve to distract the uniformed voter, which falsely believes that by voting “D” or “R” really makes a difference when in practice the policies of both parties are nearly indistinguishable.

Again, just as in Rome, our government allows an impotent senate to exist only to maintain the illusion of representation and to provide legitimacy to its illegal acts.  Congress has record low approval ratings and is totally impotent to solve any of the major problems facing the US.  This too echoes of the last years of the Roman Republic when their Senate was also totally inept, corrupt, and serving the interests of elites behind the scenes instead of the people.  Congress as the representative arm of government (the legislative branch) has totally failed to check the power of the Executive as it was designed in the Constitution.  Congress not only fails to counterbalance the actions of the Executive, but has sold out to party interests and acts blindly in their interests jointly with the Executive.  For example, Democrats, including then Senator Obama, which once rightly criticized then President George Bush for using the “Patriot Act” to garner greater surveillance powers have been completely mute when it comes to denouncing the far greater abuses committed in this regard by President Obama.  This illustrates how party loyalties have obliterated the system of checks and balances.  Today, laws are enacted by Congress not to protect, help, and promote the freedoms and liberty of the people, but to control them, tax them, and restrict their liberty and freedom while enriching the elite.

Finally, in Rome, perpetual wars were fought for elite interests while the games were held to distract the people from the broken system exacting an ever greater toll to pay for their mismanagement and excesses.  Today wars are not fought for national defense, but are imperial expeditions designed to handsomely profit the captains of the military-industrial complex.  What national interests were served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria?  The US lied to the public to enter these wars, failed to win any of these wars, and spread death, destruction, and further instability throughout the world, but Lockheed Martin, Boeing, KBR, Halliburton, Booz Allen Hamilton, and other similar firms handsomely profited from the blank checks written by Congress.  Perhaps the failing petro-dollar was propped up for a short time longer, but Americans on Main Street realized no long term benefit as the price of gasoline skyrocketed nearly fourfold.  In the end, America’s wars only created more Islamic extremists, “terrorists,” and other assorted enemies that have been used to justify even more war.  What Americans got through these wars were tens of thousands of dead and wounded, un-repayable debt, higher taxes, a devalued dollar, destruction of civil liberties and privacy, and the animosity of the world. Not to worry though because ESPN, MTV, and the rest of the media (including the falsely labeled “news” networks) are doing a great job of pumping round the clock mindless entertainment to effectively distract, deceive, manipulate, and lie to the masses.

The enemies of this illegitimate power have always been the educated free thinkers that dare to speak out and call the emperor naked.  These righteous patriots are vilified as the most heinous of criminals by the state even though their high treason was merely telling the truth and exposing the government for the criminal enterprise it is.  The government hates nothing more than being exposed because it undermines their power.  The banks, media monopolies, mega corporations, and politicians are now connected as one entity and using their power to collectively serve their like interests at the expense of the citizens and are determined to maintain their grip on power.  However a tipping point is approaching.  Although possessing seemingly endless power and resources the government has reached a high water mark where it can no longer continue the lies.  Its policies have failed and it can no longer maintain the illusion of good governance.  Literally the foundations of this country are cracked and the system is collapsing.  People are waking up to this fact and recognizing who is responsible.  This growing patriotic movement has been inoculated against the old tricks of control such as race baiting, games, propaganda, fear mongering, and intimidation.  The elites know this and are afraid.  They know that it is not necessary for more than 10% of the population to become aware to sway the masses and this key threshold is about to be reached.  Historically, at this point, in a desperate bid to hold on to power, governments have nearly always turned to more draconian and brutal tactics.  This has always polarized the population and led to even greater and more rapid disintegration and even civil war and revolution.  As such, heed this article as a warning of things to come.

As our nation moves forward do not expect to see reform, accountability, and justice.  Expect to see more brutality, intimidation, chaos, violence, and thinly veiled attempts to divide the public along lines of race, religion, class, and gender in order to maintain control.  Things will deteriorate further, but in this is the silver lining.  As things get worse, more and more people will wake up, organize, resist, and ultimately take back our nation.  Further, as things get worse there will be less money available to fund the financial needs of the government leviathan and its imperial interests.  The day is not lost and has only begun.  However, we sit at a critical juncture in history.  The path of inaction and apathy leads to tyranny and slavery for generations.  It is up to every freeman to dispense with fear and apathy and take action.  Take care of yourself, your family, and your like-minded neighbors.  Prepare for hard times.  At the ballot box refuse to vote for any Democrat or Republican and instead run your own local independent candidates.  Educate and organize your family and friends beginning at the local level.  Stage non-violent protests, marches, and demonstrations.  Demand the attention of the media and highlight every government indiscretion, illegal act, lie, and abuse.  Train your mind, body, and soul to a level that your presence alone demands respect and your moral character is beyond reproach.  Do not give your enemies ammunition to attack you, but expect it and prepare for it.  These are but a few things one can do to turn the tide on the usurpers within our county.  In time this will lay the foundation for victory, but this war cannot be one if the battle is not joined.  Today is the day to begin taking back your liberty and freedom!


By Guiles Hendrik

Do You Know Your Fourth Amendment Rights? Part I

Daily we hear of new encroachments upon our civil liberties.  The Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable search and seizure, is under particular assault.  From unconstitutional electronic surveillance of your emails and phone calls by the National Security Administration to illegal stop and frisks on the streets of New York, the 4th Amendment appears to be all but destroyed.  However, few people actually understand what their rights are and are not under the 4th Amendment.  This amendment will help provide you the essential practical knowledge and understanding of your rights and how to exercise them.

To understand how your civil liberties are being eroded, taken, and illegally violated, one must understand what the legal casework and Constitutional basis for those rights.  Further, whether you agree or not with the current legal understanding of the right, you must understand how the courts currently interpret it.  This series provides you the information on how the “courts” currently interpret the law and not how it theoretically should or should not be interpreted.  Also, the 4th Amendment only protects an individual from violations by members of the government or the “state.”  The 4th Amendment doesn’t extend to protecting an individual from being searched or seized by another private person.

The 4th Amendment states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath of affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things seized. 

To begin, the 4th Amendment was designed to protect the people from the government and explicitly limited the powers of what the government can do.  This amendment in the Bill of Rights was added as a result of the hard lessons learned suffering under unrestrained British searches and seizures of the colonists’ homes, belongings, and persons before and during the American Revolutionary War.  The founding fathers realized correctly that if limits were not placed on the government, the very essence of privacy would be so eroded as to reduce all sense of true liberty and freedom.  For this reason, the 4th Amendment is one of the most important the Bill of Rights conveys upon Americans.

The first clause of the 4th Amendment requires that ALL searches and seizure to be “reasonable” is perhaps most often misunderstood.  The legal bar guiding all 4th Amendment action is that searches and seizures must be “reasonable” from the viewpoint of a “law enforcement officer.”  The difference between the standard for reasonableness of a person and a trained law enforcement officer is often the cause of much public misunderstanding of the right.  For example, many believe you must be under arrest to be detained, searched, and handcuffed.  This is not true.  An officer can temporarily detain, cuff, and “frisk” a suspect for weapons without an actual arrest in order to develop probable cause.  Note that probable cause is NOT a primary requirement for an initial limited search and seizure, only reasonable suspicion is required.  Specifically, to temporarily detain a person, an act known as a “Terry Stop,” only requires an officer to have reasonable suspicion crime is afoot and the person is involved.  This is different than a voluntary encounter where the person has the ability to simply leave since a suspect is NOT free to go during a Terry Stop.  Further, if the suspect tries to resist or flee, the officer is empowered to use whatever reasonable force is necessary to “seize” the suspect up to and including deadly force.  Traffic stops are prime examples of Terry Stops.  The suspect is not free to leave and the officer can use reasonable force to stop and if necessary arrest the suspect.  However, this is still limited.  If an officer is unable to further develop evidence to support “probable cause,” the officer must release the suspect.

To go further and “frisk” a person during a Terry Stop requires that the officer reasonably believes the suspect is “presently armed and dangerous.”  This is considered an 4th Amendment search by the courts so it is limited in its scope.  The search allows for a limited, but thorough pat down, specifically, for weapons.  Should the search go beyond that, the officer has most likely violated your rights.  Examples would include extensively and repeatedly searching one area, “manipulating” items with the fingers, and removing clothing (not including large bulky coats and similar outerwear).  However, weapons can be concealed and can be very small.  This gives officers cause to make a fairly detailed search of a suspect.  Furthermore, if contraband is found during the search, it is admissible in court.  For example, during a frisk, if the officer finds something that he “immediately recognizes” to be drugs, he can seize the drugs, place the suspect under arrest, and then conduct a full and detailed “search incident to arrest.”  It is also worth noting that the courts have repeatedly affirmed that a suspect has no right to lie.  If an officer asks whether you have a weapon on not, one would be best off to admit it up front or say nothing.  For example, if an officer asks you specifically if you have a gun on your person and you lie, you could potentially be arrested even if you have a permit.

Terry frisks can extend to the immediate area the suspect is in and any items he or she has control over such as a briefcase, backpack, or purse.  In the case of traffic stops, this could include the passenger cabin of a vehicle and any passengers if there is a reasonable suspicion that the suspect is presently armed and dangerous.

So how do you protect your privacy and leverage your 4th Amendment protections to the best of your ability?  First, understand that officers can arrest you as soon as they have probably cause, which can be a fairly low bar if articulated properly.  What this means for you is that you will not win the war of words with an officer on the street and certainly not win if you resist.  Understand the law is overwhelming stacked in the favor of law enforcement officers and intentionally so for better or worse.  If the arrest is improper, it will be through the courts that you will be able to air your grievances and seek remedy.

The next fundamental to understand is that if an officer asks permission to search, it is probably because they do not yet have the evidence to allow them to search.  As such, politely say no.  Most often, the request to search is done to develop both reasonable suspicion and probable cause as the officer is not limited by the 4th Amendment when conducting “consensual” searches.  If you do give permission, you can at any time ask the officer to cease, just make sure you stay close enough to your belongings that you can articulate your intention if necessary.   If the officer goes ahead and searches anyhow, he either already had enough cause or it was an illegal search.  Either way, it will be ultimately for the courts to decide.

Outside of an arrest where you will be searched thoroughly, only items and areas readily accessible to the suspect can be searched during a Terry Stop.  Respective of vehicles, this means that a locked glove box, locked container, and the trunk are off limits unless the officer finds enough evidence to warrant an arrest.  If an arrest is made the vehicle will be impounded and inventoried, which in practice turns into a full detailed search of the entire vehicle.  For SUVs, the area in the back of the vehicle is also off limits to being searched.  However, the area must be covered up as any contraband in “plain view” is fair game.  One would be wise to keep their insurance and registration information separate from any items that might be stored in a “locked” glove box since to retrieve them one must “unlock” the glove box making it open to a search.  Respective of your person, one should password protect and encrypt any electronic media to include cell phones and laptops.  If you carry a briefcase, make sure it can be locked.  For ladies, placing a locked box in your purse for valuables is a viable option as well.  What this does is removes the officer’s ability to articulate that he needed to search that area for weapons to ensure “officer safety.”  If it is locked and then placed out of reach, it is not a threat and is not searchable beyond a cursory external inspection short of actual probable cause for arrest or you give consent.

Now that you understand the basic practical application of the first clause of the 4th Amendment, you are better able to stand up for your rights and recognize when a violation has occurred.  Further, you should now be able to intuitively see why New York City’s “Stop and Frisk” policy violated your rights since it was “unreasonable” to stop a random person on the street that was neither suspected of being involved in a crime nor presently armed AND dangerous.  Taking this further, one should heavily question the constitutionality of TSA searches of passengers for airline flights, which are now being expanded to all public transit.  This doesn’t mean that all searches would be unconstitutional, just unreasonable ones where no reasonable suspicion someone is presently armed and dangerous exists.  If challenged in court, the searches will not be likely to withstand strict constitutional scrutiny and should be struck down.  However, in the meantime, the TSA justifies the searches through a complex and perverse web of legal interpretations and stalling by our elected leaders to put an end to the vile practice.  TSA defenses for the searches have ranged from a person doesn’t have a right to travel and so voluntarily flies and must consent to a search to an extremely dangerous interpretation that suggests anyone at any time could “reasonably” be a terrorist with the intent to attack so everyone must be searched.  The latter interpretation is patently chilling to the basic tenets the 4th Amendment was established to protect and would utterly destroy the notion of “reasonableness” that has been the legal bar when courts have decided on whether or not a search and seizure violated one’s rights.

In Part II on the 4th Amendment, the second clause will be examined and discuss how to protect your privacy at home.  If you don’t understand “curtilage,” you definitely need to read the upcoming article.

By Guiles Hendrik

Additional reading:

It’s happening. Momentum builds as world drops the US Dollar as its reserve currency

For years economists have warned of the time when international trade will begin decoupling from the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  As the theory goes, the United States will face financial and economic collapse if the position of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is undermined.  In short, the U.S. can finance its massive debt because it can print its own money and nations will buy its debt.  However, if the dollar was no longer the standard world currency for trade, the U.S. could not endlessly print money and sell its debt.  The result would leave the U.S. with a choice between being unable to service payments on its debt or continue to print money and hyper inflate its currency to valueless.  Both scenarios lead to financial and economic collapse.  The U.S. would cease to exist as we know it if the theories prove true.


Until recently, these currency naysayers were slandered as alarmists or conspiracy theorists.  However, their predictions have begun coming to pass at an accelerating rate.  Already, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations have formed a financial block that seeks to reduce and then remove the dollar as the standard currency for trade.  Many other countries have bought into this transition to include key energy trading partners of the Gulf Cooperation Council such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates.  Further, the world’s second and third largest economies (China and Japan respectively) have already dumped the dollar and began directly trading in their respective domestic currencies.  Specifically, in December of 2011 China and Japan agreed to direct currency trading in an effort to explicitly limit the role of the dollar [].


As this trend away from the dollar has accelerated, even traditional “Western” allies have begun to buckle to the pressures of economic reality as the dollar continues its decline.  The latest of these appears to be Australia, which just last week announced its intention to convert billions of dollars in trade with China to their own domestic currencies.  In effect, now that China, Japan, and Australia are eliminating trade in the dollar, which sets the stage for effectively closing the dollar out of Asia.


Also this week, in support of the momentum away from the dollar, Brazilian Minister of Finance Guido Mantega (L) and Chinese Minister of Finance Lou Jiwei signed a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Brazil and Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China on Bilateral Cooperation in Macroeconomic, Fiscal and Financial Policies at the 5th BRICS Summit in Durban, March 26, 2013.  The deal eliminates the dollar in about $100 billion in direct trade between the countries over the next three years and marks another milestone in the shift in international trade away from the U.S. dollar.  Alarmingly, China has now replaced the U.S. as Brazil’s main trading partner with over $75 billion in annual business.  Next up at the BRICS summit in Durban will be discussions to establish an international development bank to serve as a counter-balance to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.  All of this ultimately combines to decouple world markets from the dollar, which will undermine the U.S. strategically.


The fact is the world is dropping the dollar.  The dollar has been all but destroyed by the policies of the Federal Reserve and massive U.S. deficit spending and debt.  Regardless of what the likes of Tim Geithner or Ben Bernanke tell the American public, the rest of the world sees the US and European economies as terminally ill.  The pace of decoupling will continue to accelerate as more and more trade is conducted without the dollar.  This creates a catastrophic downward spiral of self-perpetuating collapse.  As the dollar is weakened, more countries will stop using it, and as they stop using it, the dollar will become weaker.  This trend then becomes a self-fulfilling currency disaster for the U.S.


The dire predictions of the “alarmists” are coming to pass.  It still is not known if this decoupling will lead to the dollar’s disaster, but the fact that the move from the dollar was accurately predicted lends credit to the forecasters’ conclusions.  Inflation has already affected every American at the grocery store and gas pump.  A shopping cart of groceries now costs nearly $500 and a gallon of gas $4.  Americans are at their breaking point.  Sadly, this is just the beginning.  It will get much worse as the value of the dollar continues to plummet and the cost of basic goods and services skyrocket.  As Americans suffer and elitist bankers cash in on record profits, anger may finally boil over into the streets as it has across Europe.  Any objective observer can see jobs are gone and not coming back and it’s only the elites that are getting richer while the remaining members of the middle class are bled dry with ever increasing taxes, costs, and premiums.


One does not need a crystal ball to see how this is likely to end and it isn’t pretty.  Even if suddenly Congress and the President decided to act decisively, the U.S. economy and financial system is by many accounts too far gone to be salvaged without a complete collapse and restructuring.  This means that greater pain for nearly all Americans waits in the near future.  By pain, picture pensions robbed, savings accounts pilfered, entitlements cut, spending eliminated, services non-existent, infrastructure crumbling, and even higher unemployment…and this is the best case!


By Guiles Hendrik


Additional resources:

Failure in Afghanistan Slowly Creeps into National Dialogue

With little fanfare, media hype, or public outcry the inevitable conclusion that the War in Afghanistan is a failure has begun to take root in the public as well as political psyche.  Slowly but surely the media has quietly, but definitely begun to write the closing chapters on one of the greatest American foreign policy disasters since Vietnam.  Perhaps this quiet acquiescence is the result of media bias and its gross protectionist agenda for President Obama or perhaps this is simply the last whimpers of a nation overcome and war weary.

On March 19th, Afghanistan’s presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi adequately described the state of the NATO-led military operation in the country as “aimless and unwise.”  He specifically said, “The people of Afghanistan ask NATO to define the purpose and aim of the so-called war on terror… (They) consider this war as aimless and unwise to continue.”  Both the American war fighters and the Afghans have known this fact for years.  It now appears that only our senior policy makers are left believing their own propaganda as they tenaciously try to divert criticism from their own failed strategies and policies just long enough to retire or blame someone else.  It is worth noting that pundits will still correlate the daily “defeat” of the Taliban on the battlefield with victory in Afghanistan.  These grossly false conclusions should serve to fully discredit whoever was dumb enough to make the statement.  Just as in Vietnam for the U.S. and in Afghanistan for the Soviets, simple defeat of the insurgent on the battlefield is not enough to win the war.  Over the years we have written profusely about this reality to include directly indicting the failure of then General Petraeus’ counterinsurgency strategy.  Specifically, we identified the failure of the strategy to remove sanctuary and or secure the border, which even a basic knowledge of insurgent warfare shows is the absolute key essential to winning a cross-border, state supported insurgency such as we are fighting in Afghanistan.

Only in hindsight will the true magnitude of the United States’ defeat in Afghanistan be realized.  What can be assured is that by the oldest historical metric of victory in warfare, the force that holds the ground at the end of the day has won, the U.S. has lost.  There is no doubt that the Taliban is in firm control of not just some, but more of Afghanistan than before the U.S. invasion.  In fact, the Taliban have even extended control throughout regions that the “Northern Alliance” formerly controlled and the pseudo-experts like David Kilcullen deemed “immune.”  This includes expanding across the border into Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.  Further, Pakistan has continued to allow sanctuary and provide covert support to the Taliban unabated by drone strikes and bolstered by U.S. foreign aid, which all but assures the imminent overthrow of Karzai’s puppet regime in Kabul.

As NATO shutters its operations and begins its long overdue pullout the costs are immense and are only now beginning to be counted.  Thousands of dead and wounded, incalculable numbers of broken families, trillions of dollars in un-repayable debt, economic devastation, obliteration of national prestige, and the massive growth and spread of radical Islamism are just the highlights.  Our performance in Afghanistan has been so dismal, one could make a legitimate argument that if the U.S. had done absolutely nothing after 9/11 as compared to over a decade of warfare, the U.S. would be in a better strategic position today.  The trillions of dollars dedicated to our high tech military supremacy simply was not enough to overcome even the lowest level of military threats and is due almost exclusively to the intellectual dereliction of our policy makers and poor leadership.

If this has taught us nothing else, it should serve as a stark warning against future intervention in places like Mali, Somalia, Libya, and Syria and most certainly, a full blown war with Iran or North Korea.  Further, it serves as a reminder of how futile spending money on equipment and weapons is if there isn’t the leadership capable of designing and implementing effective strategic policy.  If the U.S. fails to heed these warnings, the U.S. will find itself embroiled in another strategic disaster before the end of 2013.  Eerily similar to the lead-up to the Soviet defeat and withdrawal from Afghanistan, the U.S. finds itself bankrupt and dangerously strategically overextended on the eve of its retreat from Afghanistan in 2014.  If the U.S. falls victim in its weakened state to another war and policy disaster, it could spell at minimum, the economic collapse of the U.S.

See the below articles for further references to the U.S. failure in Afghanistan:,3


By Guiles Hendrik

Head of CDC Says It’s Time to Sound the Alarm on Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs

Last Minute Survival continues to track and follow the emerging threat of anti-biotic resistant strains of bacteria.  For months now we have been monitoring this development, but it wasn’t until recently that the major media outlets have begun running the story.  Just as LMS warned in previous articles, the danger of superbugs reaching the point of becoming untreatable will soon become a reality according to the Centers for Disease.

Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a news conference: “It’s not often that our scientists come to me and say we have a very serious problem and we need to sound an alarm. But that’s exactly what we are doing today. Our strongest antibiotics don’t work, and patients are left with potentially untreatable infections.”   The statement is indeed ominous given the authority of the source.  Even worse, resistant bacteria “can spread the genes that destroy our last antibiotics to other bacteria, such as E. coli, and make E. coli resistant to antibiotics also,”  according to Frieden.

Based on the facts provided by the CDC, you must begin to sound the alarm bells.  The CDC’s director could not have been more frank in his statements about the dangers of resistant bacteria.  In effect, these resistant “superbugs” will soon turn once easily treatable conditions such as a sinus infection, abscessed tooth, urinary tract infection, or bronchitis into an untreatable and often fatal condition.  Many venereal diseases such as gonorrhea have already achieved near resistant status and now have the potential to become “incurable.”  Further, resistant strains of diseases such as Tuberculosis have the potential to become global menaces and wipe out literally millions of people and make living in urban, densely populated centers suicide.  This evolution in diseases has already begun to affect and kill Americans.  Soon, within our lifetimes, it will grow in seriousness to the degree that quarantine will again be necessary, mass transit will need to screen for illnesses and not terrorists, and simple infections will once again rob millions of life.

LMS analysts have spoken to various health care providers and assess the current risk as moderate within the United States.  However, if one deals regularly with individuals on “skid row” such as homeless, immigrants, or works in hospitals, the potential to acquire a resistant strain of a superbug dramatically increases.  Further, if you travel outside of the United States and have close contact with individuals in developing nations experiencing high rates of resistant bacterial diseases such as Tuberculosis, you should speak with a doctor and to take appropriate steps to protect yourself.  As the threat from resistant diseases increase, one can protect themselves by practicing good hygiene to include vigorous and regular hand washing, safe sex, and a general avoidance of high risk groups.  To provide your family the best long term protection, it may be necessary to eventually move out of any densely populated areas; especially those areas with large immigrant populations.  Note, it is not the intent of this article to spread xenophobic rhetoric, but to inform.  In respect to this, the primary breeding ground for resistant bacteria is outside of the United States.  Therefore, one of the primary vectors of these diseases entering the United States is by person to person contact and transfer.

By Guiles Hendrik

Assessing the Success of the War on Terror Part II: Return on Investment and Perpetual War

Part II of our series continues to evaluate the success of the War on Terror.  It is our thesis that not only has American policy and strategy failed to defeat terrorist threats to the United States from radical Islam, but it has in fact exasperated them.  Today, Al Qaeda and terrorism have become the new boogie men, replacing the Communist menace of the Cold War.  This manufactured threat has now taken on a persona of its own and has been used to justify endless war across the world.  Ultimately, it will be America’s downfall as the evidence is clear the US is losing the strategic war.

To illustrate this slide, consider the following.  On September 10, 2001, few Americans had ever heard the name Osama bin Laden (UBL) or were aware of the organization that came to be known as Al Qaeda (AQ).  Today, UBL and AQ are household names.  At the turn of the century, AQ consisted of perhaps a couple hundred fighters at most and was not broadly operational.  Today, AQ has branched into a franchise like organization recruiting operatives from Detroit, Michigan to Jakarta, Indonesia and numbering in the thousands.  In 2003, Al Qaeda didn’t exist in Iraq, but today it operates with near impunity in cities such as Mosul where it has established facilities for training and arming terrorists ready to conduct jihad in Syria and the greater Middle East.  In Afghanistan, the Taliban, which was once at least partially hostile to AQ, has fully integrated its operations with AQ extremists.  Further, the Taliban has spread beyond its original Kandahar region all throughout Afghanistan.  This includes regions previously controlled by the “Northern Alliance” and considered “immune” from the Taliban according to snake oil hacks like David Kilcullen and has now even spread over the borders into Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.  Other areas to include the Philippines, Indonesia, the Balkans, the Caucuses, and Western Europe have all seen steady growth of Islamic extremism.  Considering the above, one need not dig deeper than the blatantly obvious to realize that the War on Terror has not been won and in fact, has gone horribly wrong for the US.

Operationally, AQ has shown that it is not only resilient, but growing.  The fact that AQ is still operationally capable of killing an American Ambassador over a decade into this war is not only massively embarrassing for the US, but it proves US  senior leadership and strategy have been a failure.  Simply tracking the number and location of drone strikes one can quickly conclude that not only has the theater of AQ’s operations expanded from Afghanistan to one of global influence, but that AQ’s numbers are growing faster than the United States can target and kill its leaders.  Just as discussed in Part I of this series, limited targeted assassinations and strikes have been tried over and over throughout military history and have never yielded decisive gains.  Worse, the US appears to be living in ignorance of reality.  The progressive agenda during the most recent presidential campaign wanted to proclaim Obama defeated AQ and led US leaders to a naïve sense of security as a result of whitewashing the actual threat respective of the spread of AQ.  These ideological blinders led to the death of four Americans including an ambassador in Libya at the hands of AQ affiliated fighters on no less than September 11th when America should have been at its maximum state of readiness.  Associated with this fallout is the spread of Islamic extremism, terrorism, and insurgency now throughout the northern half of Africa.  This event was accurately predicted by our analysts and has now come to fruition as the weapons looted from Gadhafi’s arsenals have fallen squarely in the hands of extremists and AQ affiliated groups.  This includes more than 20,000 advanced man portable surface-to-air missiles, which we continue to predict will soon be used against a commercial airliner.

If Libya wasn’t a big enough disaster, the US has now begun to dig itself into an even broader war in Mali and other African countries from Nigeria to Somalia.  This has already cost innocent American lives in Algeria after Islamic terrorists attacked an oil facility in retaliation for America’s support to the French in Mali.  Nonetheless, the press does not hold President Obama, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, or any other senior policy maker accountable for the blood on their hands.  If American policy makers think Algeria was an isolated incident, they are ignorant and in denial of reality.  Americans appear quick to forget how well our operations in Somalia turned out and are again conducting the same type of operations clandestinely over a region thousands of times larger.  There simply is no need to involve the US in these local fights.  The blowback will be severe and certainly far outweigh any benefit except for the very few elites getting oil and mineral rights to the newly acquired lands wrought from disturbingly imperialistic motives.

Looking at AQ’s spread is not sufficient to capture the bigger strategic picture.  Not only has AQ, with the help of the US (most recently in Libya and Syria), globally expanded, but it has accomplished what even Pan-Arabism and Nasserism could not.  The “Arab Spring,” has taken down one former pro-American regime after another.  The dictators like Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak that have acted as America’s brutal puppets for decades are being toppled by Islamic extremists now routinely.  In the vacuum, the Muslim Brotherhood is consolidating power and moving the Middle East and North Africa firmly toward a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam and obliterating any vestige of a secular government.  This cataclysmic reordering of the geopolitical balance of the Middle East and North Africa is far from over as history is being made before our eyes.  We predict that with covert support from the US, Qatar, Turkey, and other nations, Syria will be the next regime to fall.  This is being done for the shortsighted goals of checking Iran’s regional dominance, but will lead to one of America’s greatest policy disasters in the region.  In effect, this will allow extremists to encircle the relatively friendly nation of Jordan and the US ally of Israel.  The monarchy in Jordan will then be threatened and could be toppled and reset the Middle Eastern stage to 1973 on the eve of Yom Kippur.  If Jordan falls, a final sweep of the region for extremists will be within reach.  In fact, it is then entirely likely UBL’s originally long term goal of toppling the Saudi regime will be realized.  This would allow Sunni extremists to form an unprecedented block of power throughout the Middle East and all but eliminate US influence in the region.

In conclusion of Part II of this series, we looked at how AQ has spread from a little known entity of a few individuals to a worldwide franchise.  Only through America’s disastrous self-defeating policies has this been possible.  Now, more than a decade into a war being fought against rebels that at best are third rate, the purportedly most powerful military in the world has been checked and strategically defeated.  The US is broke just as UBL intended and Washington is being forced to make painful cuts to domestic programs that may very well lead to massive social unrest.  In the end, the Islamists hold the ground from Asia to Africa as the US is forced to pull its forces back as the debts of tax dollars vainly wasted over the last decade come due.  As such, AQ still holds the battlefield as America retreats.  Based on this and using one of the oldest measures of victory in warfare, the Islamists have won and the US has been defeated thus far in the war of East versus West.

Part III will conclude this series and discuss the return on the investment of trillions of dollars in defense and security spending.  Most disturbingly, it will look at how the “terrorist” threat is now being used to declare American soil a battleground, justify the creation of a police state, and declare citizens threats and order their assassinations in secret all while bankrupting our nation.


By: Guiles Hendrik

US Diplomatic Core Massacred in Libya

Massive Libyan Mob Sacks US Diplomatic Posts in Libya

Headlines today have carried graphic footage and accounts of the chaos in Libya resulting in the death of the US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and at least three other Americans.  Piecing together what transpired is still in the initial stages, but a review of the known evidence is telling.

First, two of the Americans killed were highly trained members of the Diplomatic Security Service and an unknown number wounded.  Although details of whether they were Security Protective Specialists (SPS) or Special Agents remains unknown, these security officers typically have over a decade of law enforcement and military expertise with elite special forces units and combat experience.  Their deaths show beyond any doubt that the retaking of the compound was intense, high level combat against a well-armed and coordinated enemy.  The firefight included enemy use of heavy weapons such as rocket-propelled-grenades (RPGs), machine guns, improvised explosive devices, and potentially even mortars and raged for hours.  These are not weapons of a mob, but of a well armed military or terrorist faction.  Only a large, well-organized group enjoying at least partial support from the local government in major urban centers of Libya could have accomplished this.

Next, the fact that both the US diplomatic enclaves were attacked in a near simultaneous fashion by large  groups (in the hundreds) that sent the local security fleeing and the Americans at the mercy of the mob screams of a coordinated attack plan.  American embassies are hardened to resist these type attacks, but it is clear that the defenses were breached and not designed for the threat level required for a country like Libya.  Nonetheless, only through prior intelligence, surveillance, and heavy weapons would this still have been possible to this degree as security enhancements had been added.  Small arms simply are not sufficient overwhelm the defenses of a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Motives for these attacks have been primarily linked to a video allegedly portraying the Prophet Muhammad in a negative light; however, a more likely motive is available.  Al Qaeda’s leader, Ayman al Zawahiri in a video released to his Al Qaeda affiliates on September 11, 2012 urged revenge attacks against Americans for the drone killing of Abu al-Libi.  Abu al-Libi, as his name suggests, was a Libyan and leader of Al Qaeda cells.  Many of his fellow jihadist fighters were active participants in the violent overthrow and murder of the former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.  Further, members of Ansar al Sharia, a known Libyan political organization that has been widely considered the Libyan arm of Al Qaeda, was witnessed at the scene of the massacres.  Note that Ansar al Sharia is an organization that Gaddafi tried to suppress before the U.S began providing its members support to overthrow Gaddafi.  Ambassador Stevens was a vocal supporter of this action to arm known former and current jihadists.

Collectively looking at the picture, it is clear White House statements suggesting this was a small, uncoordinated, non-representive cadre of thugs are simply untrue.  Further, it appears that jumping to blame a video made in a free country that protects free speech is grossly reactionary and premature.  In fact, it appear now that the immediate use of this explanation may be done for political reasons to spin attention from the fact that a very real Al Qaeda threat has been created in Libya by a deliberate, yet ill-conceived plan by the White House.

From a security perspective, it is clear the U.S. Embassy in Libya was not prepared and significantly underestimated the threat.  From a manpower perspective, it is the host nation’s responsiblity to protect foreign diplomats, but common sense should dictate a robust security staff for any high-threat country like Libya.  More “shooters” would likely have repulsed the attack and saved the Ambassador and other Americans.  Further, accepting the risk of using a temporary building rather than a purpose-built embassy that incorporated the latest security and defensive measures in a high-threat nation was a critical failure.  Warnings about the poor state of security readiness have been raised for years and were not implemented in a timely fashion.  The decision to stay in a soft compound approaches reckless and stupid since the country threat was known to be high.  Not only is it still not stable and internecine post-revolution violence continues, but a bomb was planted in front of the US Consulate in June that detonated wounding a local guard.

On the intelligence front, the CIA and Department of State threat intelligence organizations failed to effectively warn of this impending storm.  This is the second massive failure in as many weeks.  The previous weekend a US Consulate Peshawar motorcade was obliterated in a vehicle borne suicide bombing attack in Pakistan resulting in the wounding of two outstanding and highly experienced American security specialists.

All of this points to the single responsible person, the ambassador.  The ambassador is charged with the ultimate care and safety of all United States citizens in his country and as such, this disaster is a direct result of his leadership and guidance.  Much like a ship’s captain going down with the ship, Ambassador Stevens went down with his ship.  Sadly, Ambassador Stevens appears to have been a dedicated, well-liked, and highly educated diplomat, but failed to recognize the difference between the ground truth and ideological concepts.  For this, he and at least three other Americans unnecessarily paid the ultimate price.


In West Virginia man working out charged with terrorism by Keystone Cops!

Clearly this looks like a terrorist meeting to WV police.

In what can only be described as a massive overreaction, a West Virginia man, William Everett Alemar, was arrested and charged with terrorism.  His crime?  Working out while wearing his military kit (kit being the gear one would typically have to carry on a mission).  Apparently,  West Virginia’s law enforcement is completely ignorant of the fact that literally thousands of Americans every day work out and train in the military kit.  Even NROTC students from universities in Washington, D.C. can be seen early in the mornings running in their camouflage field uniforms with packs, vests, and yes…even rubber rifles past the White House.  This is not confined to D.C., but Arlington and many other suburban Virginia localities also can witness this physical training ritual our troops and contractors, especially our Reserve and National Guard forces, perform daily to stay ready to defend our nation.

Risking a Keystone Cops stereotype based on some background knowledge of the area, it is safe to say that Martinsburg’s finest are not your crack law enforcement outfit. [Disclaimer, the people of WV are awesome and it is truly a wonderful state.  Further, there is a vast professional difference between the highly trained and respected WV State Troopers and Martinsburg PD.  We expect the people of WV are as outraged as we are about this case.]  This much should be obvious.  Supporting this assessment is the fact that Mr. Alemar was training with a fake plastic rifle with a bright red plastic tip, empty magazines with no live ammo, and doing nothing but running in public.  The cops then trumped-up the charges saying he was “close to a school” and added an obscure charge for wearing a bullet proof vest with plates.  This is the whole point of training with your kit on!  You need to train with the extra weight so you can physically adjust to the stresses of the weight, primarily added by the ballistic plates.

Most importantly, Mr. Alemar didn’t commit a crime, but is sitting in a jail cell.  His “egregious” offense was startling some people.  Unless the government has included toy guns in a secret version of the Brady Bill or prohibited wearing camouflage, we are at a loss for how this equates to terrorism.  West Virginia allows open carry and concealed carry of real firearms and has no law about prohibiting the purchase, ownership, or wear of body armor most likely issued by the U.S. government.  Perhaps he would have not raised alarms if he had run in RealTree camouflage vice his military issued desert pattern uniform.  God help the next soldier that goes to pick up his child from school in his camouflage uniform after work.  Martinsburg PD probably would have shot him.  Still though, even after questioning, common sense refused to prevail.  The cops then charged him with the nebulous catch-all charge of “terrorism.”  Considering his actions were limited to running with camouflage, it is mind-boggling to try and put this young man in the category of someone that straps a bomb to their chest or flies an airplane full of innocent people into a building!

In a normal world where common sense of the totality of the obvious prevails, a simple, “hey, what are you doing” by the responding officer would have sufficed to deal with the situation.  After all, what threat is a guy weighed down by 40 pounds of gear carrying a toy gun and no ammo to anyone?  Well, that isn’t what happened.  The cops took him down at gunpoint.  Even that might be excusable, but then they actually arrested him and swore out and executed search warrants on his residence finding nothing but a handgun, which in the United States is still completely legal to own.  The only part of this we can give some credit to WV…and we are stretching…is the fact that they at least got warrants and that the are clearly not okay with military in the streets.  However, the grounds were so bogus, the magistrate should have never granted them so we are still dealing with a sum negative.  We can only imagine the officers sworn statement to the magistrate…”yepper, we got ourselves one of dem real live Osamas right down yonder.”

The charging of Mr. Alemar as a terrorist is further proof how far this nation has gone past sensible security measures and demonstrates the level of incompetency of at least some law enforcement.  More disturbing is the manner in which “terrorism” is being applied.  Now, a man that has violated no laws aside from shocking the senses can be arrested, detained, and have his house turned upside down.  The only act of terrorism apparent here is state sponsored.  Please pass this article on to everyone you know and ask that they do the same so that Mr. Alemar’s unconstitutional detention is exposed.  He will certainly need good legal counsel.

War with Iran will not achieve decisive results.

This article is one of a multi-part series on the immense folly of what appears to be an imminent war now with Iran.  This article discusses the feasibility of a successful strike to stop Iran’s nuclear development.  Naturally, if a nation is going to be led into another war, the public deserves in advance a vigorous debate on what it will take to accomplish the aims of the war.  In previous exclusive articles, the Israeli offensive attack plan for Iran was exposed. In upcoming articles, the threat Iran actually presents will be debunked, the likely costs of an Iran War will be tallied, and alternative options to war will be presented. 

Over a decade of continuous global wars should have shown Americans that there are no clean, quick, bloodless wars.  American invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan have led to hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, trillions of dollars in debt, a virtual police state domestically, and anything but decisive and favorable ends to those wars.  Yet, once again the United States sits on the edge of plunging head first into the dangerous waters of an even bigger war.  War propaganda and poorly informed, but well spun rhetoric from the media, AIPAC lobbyists, and bought politicians would lead the public to believe a single strike or short lived military campaign against Iran would lead to a swift end of its alleged nuclear aspirations.  Before American citizens and their shrinking capital are committed to another utterly disastrous war, the public deserves a fair accounting of the true situation from a military perspective on whether or not a military strike will achieve a decisive and favorable end for the United States.

To gain this understanding, it is essential to dismiss the rhetoric that a quick and bloodless campaign could achieve decisive results.  Decisive results would require the military to achieve a permanent end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which most likely involves a concurrent regime change.  This article will demonstrate that neither a decisive end to Iran’s nuclear capabilities nor a change in regime is even remotely likely or possible without a massive, long term, costly, and bloody war.  The fact that decisive short term effects are neither possible nor expected should forewarn the reader that the military options respective of effecting U.S. strategic goals toward Iran are simply not viable.  Short of an imminent threat to the United States homeland by a nuclear armed Iran, where a total war would both be necessary and justifiable, war will not solve this problem for America.  As such, alternative, non-military options toward Iran must be sought.

Contemporary military history is an apt starting point for this analysis.  American military disasters in both Iraq and Afghanistan simply do not justify any belief that the U.S. will be able to achieve decisive ends in Iran via a short surgical strike.  For comparison, consider Iran’s neighbors Iraq and Afghanistan, which were far less militarily capable or technologically sophisticated when invaded.  These two relatively weak countries have tied down the U.S. military for over a decade.  To date, neither war has achieved decisive strategic ends favorable for the United States.  Based on the significant expenditure of time, money, material, and lives spent to prosecute wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for a gain of nothing and loss of much, one must estimate that any future war with Iran would end up costing at least as much and likely significantly more than Iraq and Afghanistan.  Even worse, the strategic planners and senior policy makers that left the U.S. military drifting aimlessly without real leadership or a winning strategy from the very outset are still occupying the halls of the Pentagon and government.   Combined, it is difficult to conceive of a scenario short of a nuclear strike that would not lead to an even greater indecisive and costly war for the U.S.  To be specific, neither regime change nor a permanent end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be achieved by a limited surgical strike.  Iran is too big, too populous, too distributed, and too determined for a single limited strike to be effective.

Delving further into the viability of a military strategy respective of Iran, the timeline and details of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq provide even clearer evidence a strike won’t work or at least a more realistic view of the investment a war with Iran will require.  The situation in Iraq is particularly telling.  It began over two decades ago with Operations Desert Shield and Storm (The Gulf War), which were a massive coalition offensive using conventional military force numbers established for a war with the Soviet Union and a worldwide coalition.  To put this in perspective, this war was begun before most of your young military recruits today were even alive!  This war of limited objectives still required a massive military buildup, long term bombing campaigns, and then a massive land attack to achieve Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait.  However, the Iraq war required another decade of lower level military operations enforcing embargoes and no fly zones that tied down immense military resources and then another full blown war to verifiably disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and remove Saddam Hussein.  Even now, after more than 20 years, the U.S. is still embroiled in an Iraq; a country that is not permissive for Americans to walk without fear of murder on the streets, acts contrary to U.S. interests, and still may likely split into independent nations with Kurdistan being the most likely candidate to break away first.  Iraq is not an anomaly as our tenuous and deteriorating situation in Afghanistan after a decade of war per the latest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) assessed.  Those that believe the hollow cheers from the Obama administration that Afghans have taken the lead and things are improving in Afghanistan should take a moment to speak with returning ground soldiers or intelligence analysts.  The all know the game is over and the U.S. is leaving the country in defeat just as the Soviets did over two decades earlier.  Still skeptical believers might also consider reading a recent GAO study on the condition of Afghanistan’s military and police forces to operate on their own.  According to the GAO study, barely 10% of Afghanistan’s military and police forces are capable of operations.  Of these, they still require advisors and support.  When the U.S. leaves, they will not be able to rely on the other 90% of units not capable of operation.  Also, consider that the Taliban have been operating just fine against the U.S. and NATO forces without advisors or support for over a ten years and are actually gaining, not losing ground.  It does not take Napoleon to see how this conflict will end after the U.S. retreat.  The Afghan forces are simply incapable of defeating the Taliban on their own and the nation will break back down into the civil war that was ongoing at the time of the U.S. invasion once America completes its retreat.  Now again, consider that Iran is a much larger, more populous, and much more technologically sophisticated country than either Iraq or Afghanistan.  One would have to be ignorant of reality to thing a short lived attack on Iran would work.

Iraq and Afghanistan also should have taught policy makers and military planners a thing or two about how a population could be expected to react to being attacked or invaded.  Iran’s population that maintains pro-western leanings is not insignificant and concentrated in the urban centers of Iran.  Iran and the United States pre-1979 had good relations and many Iranians have over the generations moved to the U.S. and become fine citizens serving in the military, intelligence, and commercial realms with distinction.  However, no matter how “noble” our excuse for war this time will be, just as in Iraq and Afghanistan, the population will turn decidedly against the U.S. and rally around the current regime should any attack take place.  To plan or believe differently is to totally disregard the most basic of human natures.  Further, even Iran’s pro-Western population also happen to overwhelmingly support Iran’s nuclear ambitions making any U.S. plans for winning popular Iranian support for an attack near zero.  To the east in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the U.S. has also witnessed a steadily growing anti-American sentiment that has coalesced around a still vigorous Taliban centered resistance.  This coupled with the sustained combat casualties, increasing Taliban control of regions, and growing calls for the withdrawal of the occupiers throughout the country should make it clear Americans are persona non grata in the region and will leave in defeat.  If a policy goal of the U.S. is to replace the current Iranian regime, an attack alone would be significantly counterproductive and actually bolster the Iranian regime.  It is important to note the case for regime change in Iran is fundamentally different than the support provided to Libyan rebels after a full scale civil war had already broke out with sides pro-regime and anti-regime.  Nonetheless, one need not debate the questionable benefits of supporting a rebel force, be it in Libya or Syria, comprised of Islamic extremists that have committed numerous atrocities and are still fighting amongst themselves with tons of extremely dangerous weapons left unaccounted for and now fueling insurgencies, terrorist actions, and conflicts from Nigeria to Turkey.  This should illustrate that even in the “best” of cases; things don’t ever work out as planned with regime change.  On this note, one should also consider how one could possibly secure all of Iran’s military weaponry without an occupation force.  Imagine the effect of the proliferation of millions of weapons ranging from surface-to-air missile to chemical weapons on the region and world for decades to come.

The historical evidence is convincing enough that the U.S. will again fall into the trap of an indecisive quagmire if it initiates a war with Iran, but is alone not enough to close the case.  Going beyond dismissing the rhetoric of the viability of a swift strike on Iran being feasible based on past experience, one should consider today’s specific military implications and hurdles.  To begin, statements from those in the know, leaders of military and intelligence communities, think a military option against Iran is in short, a bad idea.  These statements from both American and Israeli leaders regarding how bad the idea of war with Iran is range from “not feasible” to “stupid.”  These leaders include former U.S. Secretaries of Defense, Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, senior Israeli politicians, and even the former head of Mossad.  They all say an attack is a bad idea and should be avoided.

In defense of the “surprise surgical strike” option, mislead and ill-informed people often point out how successful the surprise Israeli strikes on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear facility and Syria’s allegedly nuclear facility were and suggest this could be duplicated.  The problem with this logic is that these operations are not even remotely comparable in scope, complexity, difficulty, and risk.  For starters, Iran has an unknown number of nuclear related facilities spread across the entire country to ensure continuity of operations even after an expected attack.  These sites range from major gas/oil fields and remote mountain facilities, to downtown Tehran.  This means that any attack will cause significant collateral damage to both civilians and world petroleum production.  An attack would also result in a major environmental disaster.  Radioactive clouds of debris (fallout) would spread throughout the Persian Gulf region if sites like the nuclear fueled and operational reactor at Bushehr are hit.  For those that doubt this, look at the elaborate precautions the Department of Energy has taken to fortify and defend U.S. nuclear facilities.  This is necessary because very bad things happen when you bomb a fueled nuclear reactor…like meltdowns.  Next, most of these sites are hardened facilities buried underneath mountains and are ringed by layers of air defense systems. Finally, any credible attack will obliterate Iran’s infrastructure.  There is no doubt the damage and chaos this will cause will extend beyond Iran’s borders.  One can expect it to include disruption to regional power generation, disruption of oil and gas deliveries necessary for industry in India and China, global economic failures, massive regional ethnic unrest and upheaval, millions of refugees, empowerment of even more extreme Sunni regimes taking power throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and massive proliferation of former state controlled weapon systems throughout the region and world.

Beyond the nuclear related facilities, Iranian deterrence and defense capabilities have evolved greatly over a decade of watching and learning from American follies and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Most visible is Iran’s mines that could be used to choke off the Straits of Hormuz.  Supporting any mining operation is a large number of anti-ship missiles, fast attack boats, and naval attack aircraft.  Much of this Iran has taken great effort to clandestinely emplace.  Of course the U.S. military could mitigate and or destroy most of these capabilities, but it would require a massive sustained operation to first destroy Iran’s air defense systems and command and control nodes.  This could take many months and will cost billions of dollars to speak nothing of the global economic fallout from a disruption in oil supplies…even if short term.  Some will no doubt argue that our F-22 Raptors and Stealth bombers, to include drones, could penetrate Iran’s air defenses and successfully attack many of Iran’s nuclear sites.  This is true, but is reckless in the fact it completely disregards Iran’s ability to counterattack, which would still be fully intact.  Until Iran’s counter attack capabilities are neutralized, the ability to overcome its defensive systems is a moot point.  This is especially true if the U.S. Navy is expected to quickly clear the Straits of Hormuz of mines and open it to oil shipments without significant naval losses.  Any ship in the Straits or the Persian Gulf is within range of Iranian anti-ship missiles, which can be volley fired and overwhelm ship anti-missile defenses.  It is hard to imagine the American public agreeing that a strike on Iran would be worth the loss of an aircraft carrier, but the risk is very real.  Even if America used highly secretive and technical electronic warfare capabilities to neutralize or destroy Iranian electronic hardware in its air defense and missile systems, it is doubtful that they would be effective enough across all spectrums to not leave exploiting gaps.  It will also require wide spread destruction of Iran’s electrical grid creating a massive humanitarian crisis.

Iran also maintains a large land army capable of attacking Americans and American interests in the region either directly or by surface to surface missiles.  These missiles would no doubt inflict serious casualties on military installations in the region and could carry chemical or biological weapons as retaliation if Iran was hit by Israeli tactical nuclear weapons.  Iran’s largest missiles are capable of reaching as far as Europe and anywhere in the Middle East so it is doubtful our missile defense systems, even as advanced as they have become, would stop every missile over this large area before it hit its target.  Domestically, Iran has invested heavily in training and equipping what amounts to a very dispersed standing civilian guerilla army with a decentralized command structure to augment its active duty military forces in the event of invasion.  These forces have been provided a host of nasty weapons that would inflict unsustainable casualties on American ground forces should an attack become an occupation of any Iranian soil.  These weapons include a range of anti-armor weapons proven against Israel in the 2006 War in Lebanon that are capable of destroying American armor vehicles to include the vaunted MRAP trucks deployed to protect against roadside bombs and even main battle tanks.  Specifically, these include modified rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) using tandem warheads and bombs designed to produce an explosively formed penetrators (EFPs), which cuts through armor like a hot knife through butter.

Iran also has the ability to massively increase its support to insurgent groups around the world to attack American interests.  There is little the U.S. could do to stop this short of an occupation so the costs of this Iranian retaliation option must be calculated.  Insurgent groups in Afghanistan will probably be the first to benefit from this.  Iran’s 5th column, Hezbollah, is also prepared to cause havoc.  In the event of an attack, Hezbollah is likely to bombard Israel with an array of rockets and carrying out terrorist style attacks against Americans and American interests globally.  This would effectively open an entirely new front to the “War on Terror” with an organization that is much more capable and sophisticated than Al Qaeda, but to date, has only focused its attacks on Israel.  The notable exception to this was when the U.S. attempted to militarily occupy Lebanon and take sides in an ugly civil war.  The results of this American folly resulted in the Marine Barracks and the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon being bombed by Hezbollah linked militants and the U.S. forces retreating out of the country.

The above are just some of the known military capabilities Iran possesses, which it is likely to deploy in the event of an attack.  However, Iran may have a number of other devastating secret weapons.  One valid offensive capability Iran has demonstrated is the ability to launch a satellite into orbit.  Given this ability, Iran also has the ability to detonate a weapon in orbit in close enough proximity to critical U.S. satellites that it could effectively destroy them with a debris field.  Depending on the extent of these anti-satellite operations, Iran could inflict serious damage on not just the U.S., but global tele-communications, positioning, and reconnaissance capabilities.  Iran also may have developed an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon.  A strong EMP has the ability to destroy electronics by inducing a current that essentially burns out the micro chips and their miniature circuitry.  Such a weapon would be impervious to our missile defenses and most likely disable many of them if used.  Even worse, it would be capable of destroying much of the computerized oil pumping and distribution infrastructure in the region.  This would cause an immediate global economic collapse, fuel shortages, and massive unrest abroad and domestically. Much more remote, but still possible would be for Iran to deploy and detonate an EMP over North America.  If Iran was able to successfully accomplish this, life as we know it in America would cease and we would be thrown back into a literal dark age.  Disturbingly, this possibility is actually feasible and within Iranian capabilities and has been briefed to Congressional members, policy makers, and the military.

Discussion of Israel on this matter has been intentionally minimal since it is critical to divest U.S. interests from Israeli interests.  No matter how much propaganda is generated to the contrary, Israeli and American interests do not align in a mutually beneficial way.  Those that believe they have a biblical obligation to start wars and die for Israel are welcome to renounce American citizenship, move to Israel, and join the Israel Defense Forces, which are hurting for quality recruits from even their own people, but please, please, leave the rest of us out of it.  However, before embarking on a crusade, one should consider that the majority of Israeli Jews do not want a war with Iran and rightfully consider it bad for their country.  Coming back to the issue at hand, the U.S. can’t hope to ignore the situation either.  It is bad for the U.S to attack Iran, but even worse if Israel attacks Iran without coordinating with the U.S.  Hoping to avert a war by pawning it off to Israel will not work.  Israel will act and it will pull America into the war without an overt and radical policy shift to prevent both Iran and Israel from attacking each other.  The notion that any initial attack by Israel would be a clearly attributable air attack that would provide the United States with the “option” to become involved is just not realistic.  Any Israeli strategy that didn’t attempt to achieve U.S. entrance into the conflict as a primary goal is not consistent with Israeli doctrine, capabilities, or national strategy.  Short of a plan reliant on U.S. entry, Israel would be pressed to use nuclear weapons against Iran if its initial attack did not achieve decisive effects, which in and of itself would be a global disaster.  For this reason alone, the U.S. should act quickly and decisively to prevent either Iran or Israel from entering into war.

It is important to note the political effects of an attack as well.  Whether or not Iran actually was seeking a nuclear weapon before any attack, and the releasable intelligence right now is clear that Iran is not, the case for a nuclear weapon after an attack as a defensive capability would be easily justified from an Iranian perspective.  This incidentally would achieve the opposite of desired U.S. goals.  Iran, like Iraq, would almost certainly close down its known nuclear operations to inspections making any further information regarding Iranian nuclear developments even more rare and unreliable.  Further, Iran would likely withdraw from international treaties on nuclear weapons.  To then attempt to force inspections and disclosure would, like in Iraq, involve further, sustained, and ultimately costly military operations over a massive area.  Politically, Iran has not missed the fact that U.S. policy toward adversarial nations with a nuclear weapon such as North Korea and Pakistan is decidedly less hostile than against nations without a weapon such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.  Iran has also correctly identified that the American public’s appetite, military capability, and money for another decade long conflict of occupation and massive financial debt is simply not existent.  The U.S. military is in a period of fiscal debt crisis and budget cutbacks.  It is simply not capable of projecting the necessary force for any sustained period of time across what amounts to North and Central Africa, the entire Middle East, South West Asia, and the Pacific to include South Korea.  Whether or not the U.S. decides to call Iran’s bluff will not change the ground truth inside the U.S. military that cutbacks to personnel coupled with current heavy overseas demands and an unfinished reset of the forces leaves the U.S. dangerously overextended.  It also will not change the fact that a war could add another trillion dollars or more to the U.S. deficit, which is just not affordable.

Finally, an attack prior to clear cut evidence made available for public review that overwhelming proves Iran is developing a nuclear “weapon” with the “intent” and “ability” to “effectively” use it “offensively” against the “U.S.” would become a lightning rod for further domestic and international condemnation and resistance to any war.  The abuse of the public trust in the run-up to the Iraq War has not been repaired.  Through propaganda, hyped fear mongering, special interest lobbying, and false intelligence, claims of a continued Iraqi pursuit of weapons of mass destruction with the intent to pass them to terrorist organizations were used to justify a war against Iraq that would have never been justified on the grounds of regime change alone.  The cost in dead, wounded, and dollars was too steep and shouldered by too few to follow this course again.  The case being built against Iran has an all too familiar ring of a classic case of the boy that cried wolf.  Thus, the case for war must be absolute and never again should the American public believe the government when it tells the public that you have to “trust” us because the evidence is “classified.”  No, the U.S. government must present its full case to the public for analysis and debate before another war is begun.

Now, if anyone is still thinking that an attack on Iran is going to be easy, short, or bloodless, they are officially ignorant of the facts.  Further, if one thinks a war with Iran will achieve the desired objectives, they probably also own ocean front real estate in Arizona or are being heavily subsidized by AIPAC and like lobbies.  Only through a long term, sustained, and costly full scale war of attrition or a nuclear strike can the U.S. achieve the stated goals of regime change and destruction of Iranian nuclear capability development.  In conclusion, allowing America to be led blindly into a war with Iran will prove to be the capstone foreign policy disaster of American history and may well be the event historians point to as what led to the collapse of our Republic.

Veterans Administration Acting as Backdoor to Seize Firearms

VA Establishes Back Door to Disarm Veterans


In a “Quick reference Guide for Clinicians” obtained by LMS, the Veterans Administration guide instructs clinicians to question veterans on whether or not they have access to firearms.  It then goes further and instructs clinician to restrict the patient’s access to those firearms using the police if necessary.  In fairness to the VA, the guide is for potentially suicidal vets; however, the knowledge that gun confiscation may be a part of the treatment plan will scare off vets in need of and seeking help for a range of issues such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  Further, in the event a clinician orders the veteran restricted from access to firearms (whether justifiably or note), this diagnosis will likely plague the veteran and bar any future purchase or possession of firearms.  Once diagnosed, the veteran has few to no resources to undo the damage to their gun rights even if the suicidal tendencies were a temporary, treatable, or curable condition.

Even more chilling is how this practice can be expanded to other issues such as depression or other common symptoms of PTSD that often occur in many returning veterans, but typically subside on their own quickly.  For many of those veterans in transition, the military urges and sometimes mandates psychological screening and treatment.  Any positive diagnosis or even temporary treatment to include routine counseling could be used to justify a psychologically unstable or incompetent verdict being rendered against the veteran.  Under state and federal firearms laws this could again, bar future purchase or possession of a firearm.  Based on studies and threat warnings released by the Department of Homeland Security that have vilified gun owning veterans as terrorists and potential right-wing extremists, it is not a leap to suggest that the current Administration seeks to quietly disarm its returning veterans using this backdoor tactic of forcing treatment and then using the “documented” mental or psychological treatment to permanently disarm them.  Not only would that remove probably the most capable armed segment in this society that this Administration has called potential “terrorists,” but could be done with government paid “experts” in very short order.

Our veterans deserve the very best in care, but what they do not deserve is to be stripped of their constitutional rights for their service.  Veterans dealing with PTSD, which could at times include suicidal thoughts, neither want nor need to be labeled and blacklisted.  They need to be treated and treated in a manner where they are free from legal recriminations that have ranged from biased custody judgements, denial of security clearances, and now even the very rights the fought to preserve!  Please write your local VFW, Foreign Legion, and Congressional representatives and demand this policy be modified to ensure veterans are not banned from possessing firearms and that there is a clear and simple process to reverse cases already processed.