Archive for Politics

The Demise Of Dollar Hegemony: Russia Breaks Wall St’s Oil-Price Monopoly

Just as I warned earlier this week, it appears Russia is moving to debase the Petro-Dollar, which would fundamentally destroy the quality of life Americans enjoy today.

Russia has just taken significant steps that will break the present Wall Street oil price monopoly, at least for a huge part of the world oil market. The move is part of a longer-term strategy of decoupling Russia’s economy and especially its very significant export of oil, from the US dollar, today the Achilles Heel of the Russian economy.

Reposted from; Submitted by William Engdahl via New Eastern Outlook


How Secure is the State of Union Address Tonight?

How secure is the venue where nearly every head of the United States government will be tonight? That is a fair question and worth investigating considering how many enemies the US has made around the world ranging from Islamic extremists to North Koreans.  Being that the groups that threaten the security of the US are well trained, equipped, and funded, the security measures in place must go beyond dealing with a lone gunman or group of Code Pink protesters.  As such, a group of concerned citizens carried out what appears to be a very detailed reconnaissance of the security in place around Washington, DC in hopes of correcting any deficits before the address.  Disturbingly, their verdict is the security needs improvement.  Read more

Russia sets chessboard for major Middle East war and transition to global dominance with one apocalyptic move

The United States has enjoyed the preeminent position globally as well as the Middle East for the last half a century. Like all empires, the sun has risen and now may be setting on the American century.  This is due in no small part to atrocious leadership and imbecilic foreign policy controlled by ideologues and special interests.  In particular, the US has lost significant influence in the Middle East over the last decade by turning allies into enemies and sovereign nations into hostile failed states.  In the process, the US created leadership vacuums that it was unable or unwilling to fill.  In those voids reentered old actors with Russia leading the way.  With Russia now firmly retrenched in the Middle East, the US can no longer afford to continue with business as usual.  The US must reevaluate its entire foreign policy positions and design a new grand strategy recognizing Russia is no longer a spoiler, but the kingmaker in the Middle East.  Russia has set the chessboard in the Middle East to achieve global dominance in one apocalyptic move.  As such, if there is to be war or peace, analysts should be looking toward Russia. Read more

What we can learn from the Oregon militia standoff and how to implement those lessons

Ammon Bundy’s stand against the Bureau of Land Management and the Federal Government in Oregon, whether you agree with it or not, should serve as a learning point for grassroots movements and militias across the United States. Just like in the military, operations sometimes go well and sometimes go horribly wrong.  That doesn’t stop us from conducting after action reviews and learning from our mistakes.  In the case of the Oregon standoff, it is clear that they failed to adequately prepare the public relations battlespace before beginning their protest.  I say this because even at this moment, it is still not exactly clear what Bundy and his supporters are protesting.  The failure on the PR front has caused division amongst militia groups and the local population, which for his stand, are critical bases of support that he must maintain.

Anyone that has conducted irregular warfare and imbedded with locals knows how important winning over the local population is to the cause of a guerilla. Further, anyone that has done grassroots organizing for political campaigns knows how important it is to have consistent branding of a topic that resonates with the public.  Key to both is having well established local leadership that can rally the people in your specific region to your cause.  Bundy failed to brand his protest under a banner that not just the militia, but the locals, all could rally behind.  Further, he failed to seize upon a clear grievance that could be easily understood by a sympathetic public.  In this ideological war, we must be sensitive to the optics by the media, which we know, already are going to paint many of us in a negative light.  Being perceived as the oppressed underdog that has been abused by the heavy handed tactics of the government is absolutely one of the key images we want to project.  We don’t want to project the image of bullies hijacking a town for a nonsense cause.  The Boston Massacre resonated and motivated people to arms for good reason.  However, the image of an armed gang taking over a town and intimidating the public has the opposite effect and will rally the people around the government.

I try my best not to be one to just criticize and critique without offering solutions. My solutions are being put together in a book that I will publish soon called “Rules for Rebels” and outlines community organizing in rural America.  If the title sounds like a play on the infamous book, “Rules for Radicals,” you would be correct.  Taking notes from the enemy’s playbook worked for Patton against Rommel and it certainly will help you.  I hope when it is published you will all buy a copy, read it, act on it, and pass it to all of your friends.  If you are like most people, you are sitting at home pretty angry about what you see going on around you, but think you can’t do a thing.  You are wrong.  The fact you are reading this already makes you a critical part of a large network of diverse people from literally all over the world.  You are a part of a global network and I am the node that connects you.  When you read and pass on information from this website, you are in fact helping to organize, brand, and take action not as an individual, but as one of thousands speaking in a unified voice.  This unified voice with a consistent and articulate message has immense power.  Perhaps it isn’t clear on your end, but I have repeatedly seen how my articles and Last Minute Survival have literally changed the debate in the news, in academia, and inside political circles.  Now, I am going to tell you exactly how you can be extremely valuable and legitimately do something to change the situation.

At the most basic level, the network is key. Most all of you have some degree of social media presence, email, and phone numbers.  You need to consolidate those lists and organize them into issue groups that resonate with each of those groups.  Essentially, you are assigning the proper grievances to the proper groups.  You then need to educate and motivate those people to action against said grievance.  Coordinating this message through the network is important because it standardizes the message in a way that everyone is using the same talking points toward achieving a specific goal.  This allows the message to resonate with a larger audience, makes it clear to the media, and focuses the pressure on our elected leaders to take the desired actions.  As such, a great example would be Obama’s latest unconstitutional executive orders on gun control.  Trying to rally people against the action because it was “unconstitutional” and Obama has no legal authority to make such laws is simply too abstract to resonate with most Americans.  However, by breaking it down and addressing the veterans in your network and messaging them that Obama is going to disarm them by declaring them all mentally unfit because they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will resonate.  Further, anyone on Social Security should be messaged that Obama is going to disarm them and leave them helpless because he believes they are feeble minded and unable to take care of themselves.  Both messages are true statements and achieve the same purpose of rallying the people against Obama’s illegal actions, but how those messages are packaged and nuanced are everything.  This is the first major step in community organizing that you can comfortably do from home or as you go about your daily business interacting with those around you.  Even if the network you develop is only a dozen good friends, by linking back to this node, your network is now empowered by thousands in unified action.  Also, anyone that you meet with like sympathies, make sure you get their contact information and plug them into our network.  Don’t let them continue to sit at home frustrated and angry believing nothing can be done.  Collectively organized, we are the majority.  As an active majority, we have power.

So, for this week, give it a trial run. Use the above talking points about Obama’s gun grab.  Our goal should be organize as many people into this network as possible.  You don’t have to give me names…in fact, don’t.  Just message me via our email, (subject: network), with the number of people in your network that you represent.  Once your node is established, we can move to the next step of organization and action.  As you see, it is very simple, but very effective.  If you are a veteran, talk to your military buddies and get over to the VA.  If you are older and retired, take the same message to your friends about how Obama is going to disarm anyone receiving social security.  If you are in the medical field, talk to those around you about how you will be forced to report on your family, neighbors, and friends and how it will hurt your business and leave you liable for assessing the impossible to know.  If you are shooter, the message is easy…your guns will ultimately be confiscated.  You get the point.  Your job is to message these key groups toward the goal of taking collective action against Obama’s gun grab.  Either way, use the facts about this draconian action to literally scare and enrage people to action.  Once you get your node established, then real action and change are possible.  Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Best regards,

Guiles Hendrik

January 6, 2016

A Message to the Members of the US Military

Instead of exposing lies and treason within the top tiers of government, today, I am going to simply make a plea to the service members of the US armed forces and those thinking about joining. The message is simple.  If you aren’t in, don’t join.  If you are currently in the service, do what you have to do to survive, bring your troops home safely, and get out.  The missions are garbage, the wars are lies, and you are serving the special interests of the elite, not your nation.  Don’t be a fool and buy into the propaganda.  Contrary to your leadership that sold you out long ago, I actually care about your well-being and the future of this nation.  If I can wake even one person up and save them from being killed or heinously wounded in another unnecessary war, this post was worth infinitely more than the time it took to compose.

The issue of service in today’s military was directly put to me by a mother who asked whether I thought her son should enlist in the Marines. Knowing this lady and her son, I thought long and hard before answering her with a definitive, “No.”  The lady knew that I had spent many years in the military in both the enlisted and officer ranks and had served in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan so seemed taken aback by my blunt answer.  Clearly surprised, she asked what my rationale was for saying it was a bad idea.  I told her the military was bad enough while I was in the service, but the waste and abuse of the lives of our service members is now at the worst levels since Vietnam.  Our troops are simply cannon fodder for wars the US not only has engineered, but has no intention of decisively ending.  Granted, the equipment and training the military provides is better than it ever has been, but our senior leadership is the worst I have ever seen, there is no will or strategy to win, and our troops are being left for dead in places like Afghanistan for political expedience.  Further, all of our efforts, as honorable as they were, were completely in vain in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the massive dereliction in our leadership.  If our leadership and all of NATO couldn’t even handle the Taliban, what does your survivability look like in the military when the elites pick the next fight with an actual competent enemy like Russia or China?  Until the US military purges its general staff and the country elects a competent Commander-in-Chief, run for the door.

Just today in Afghanistan we lost another American serving with a special operations unit. This makes me sick to my stomach with sadness.  Dropping all of the patriotic propaganda, what did that operator give his life for?  How is the loss even remotely justifiable?  Read more

One Step Closer to Major Middle Eastern War between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Readers of Last Minute Survival are well aware that I have been correctly predicting for years the progression of events in the Middle East toward a total regional conflagration. Speaking broadly of a few key events, I predicted the rise of ISIL, the spread of the “civil war in Syria” to Iraq, and the proxy war between Saudi Arabia (Sunni) and Iran (Shia) going hot.  The execution of a prominent dissident Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia just took this conflict one notch closer to a total war, which the United States is not prepared.  The brewing war has triggered a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and it now appears averting a massive war will not be possible.  The only question is how to best mitigate the damage.

This escalation has not been fully appreciated in the US and in fact seems to have been discounted by the US Department of State, which will certainly be “surprised” when both countries begin to mobilize their militaries. Both nations are now moving toward a war footing, which has initiated a secret nuclear arms race in the Middle East.  Iran knows Saudi Arabia has a far more modern military and the backing of the United States, the Gulf Coast Countries, and possibly Israel, Turkey, and Pakistan.  Iran is also threatened by Saudi backed Sunni extremists fighting to overthrow its allies to the west in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon while being boxed in by another Saudi backed Sunni extremist group, the Taliban, to its east in Afghanistan.  Iran knows Pakistan has agreed to supply Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons.  Iran’s generals are not stupid and assess that they must obtain nuclear weapons if they have any hope of successfully defending Iran.  They are also racing to improve their anti-access and missile technologies to thwart any type of amphibious invasion from the US while effectively being able to attack Saudi Arabia’s water and oil installations from afar.  Further, as I have warned, Iran has been racing to operationally deploy advanced, Russian, S-300 air defense systems, which will effectively deny Iranian airspace to all but 5th Generation fighter/attack aircraft.

As overwhelming as the odds may seem to Iran, Saudi Arabia is justifiably terrified of a powerful Iran. What Iran lacks in high tech military hardware, it has in willpower and individual fighting capability, which will prove far more potent than anything the Saudis can muster for a war.  Those of us that have worked with the Saudi military know that the Saudi military is a paper tiger.  The Saudis are lazy and incompetent as warriors, but they have a big checkbook that keeps the US military industrial complex in business.  This keeps Washington and the Pentagon from ever effectively addressing the issue, which will become brutally apparent when a direct conflict between the nations breaks out.  In a head to head fight, Iran’s fighters are better trained, better organized, and far more motivated than even the best Saudi units.  In fact, aside from perhaps Jordan, the Arab armies are a joke.  Most are probably more likely to shoot each other (intentionally or not) before ever fielding an effective force against an enemy.  Further, although Iran has proven its ability to project forces beyond its borders successfully, and would no doubt use Iraq as a staging area for a land invasion of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia has no such force projection capability.  Without the ability to actually invade and defeat Iran, Saudi Arabia could only at best win a partial victory over Iran.  As such, Saudi Arabia must rely on buying off Washington to intervene and fight its war with American troops and treasure.  The Pentagon at least gets this, but what isn’t well understood by either the generals or the White House is that the Saudi backup plan if Washington bulks is to have a credible nuclear weapons capability that they will use if Washington won’t act.  The US is totally unprepared for and to date has no policy to even remotely address.  Read more

Gun Laws Are Common Sense According to Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Obama

Per my previous volumes on the subject of gun control, Obama and his Leftist ideologues are following the script. They continue to push an agenda for a total gun ban via incremental power grabs.  In spite of all of the evidence that shows far greater problems are facing America, Obama and his band of idiots remain steadfast in their pursuit of disarming of the American people while ignoring real security problems like skyrocketing debt, unchecked immigration, and a world war about to break loose.  Obama remains deaf and blind to the rule of law, Constitutional constraints, and the will of the people in his pursuit of tyrannical power.  As I am sure you are aware, he is just getting started and has no plans to abate his attacks on your God given rights.

I won’t waste your time reviewing each individual lie and distortion Obama stated today in his “town hall” discussion on his upcoming executive orders. However, I would like to point out a few whoppers.  First and foremost, Obama and Congress do not have the power to constrain or limit gun laws short of an amendment to the Constitution through a very specific process.  The Second Amendment of the Constitution explicitly withheld this power from the government.  In fact, it was intentionally included specifically so that Congress and the President could not “infringe” upon the right to keep and bear arms.  Second, Obama has no legal standing to make laws respective of anything.  As the head of the executive branch, he can enforce the laws enacted by Congress and no more.  His “executive actions” go far beyond enforcing current law and are clearly in the realm of creating new law.  Obama simply does not have the authority to create law via executive action and thus his dictates are unconstitutional.  Respective of the already unconstitutional no fly list, which I have been critical of since its inception, Obama again has no authority to deny someone their rights without due process.  This is very basic legal precedent that our Constitutional scholar, now President, apparently missed…no, ignored.  If someone is suspected of being a terrorist or supporting terrorism, then show the probable cause, get a warrant, and arrest them.  The notion a citizen can be secretly blacklisted and denied rights without due process for being a terrorist, but still is left on the street is far more dangerous than any mythical gunshow loophole.

Finally, I want to take an entire paragraph to address the constantly repeated propaganda line of “common sense gun laws.” The arrogance of this dictator knows no bounds.  By declaring his dictates “common sense,” the thug sitting in the White House is in effect calling the vast majority of Americans that overwhelmingly support the Second Amendment and are against further gun control idiots.  I have news for you Barry, the only people that thought gun control was “common sense” were dictators hell bent on subjugating and murdering millions of unarmed and defenseless people like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.  Based on your policy exploits in the Middle East and North Africa, many would argue you are not far behind your previous peers, yet I fear your worst is yet to come.  You may indeed sit in the White House as a puppet of the establishment, but you will not be able to escape the inevitable brand by historians as the worst president to ever hold the office.  Without any doubt, your “common sense” is wanting.

By Guiles Hendrik

January 4, 2016

Treason in our day: H.R.4269 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2015

When does an act reach the bar for high treason? If not when powerful men conspire to abolish the Constitution and your basic God given rights, then when?  I ask this question of all citizens because it is relevant in our time.  No longer do the Washington elite even try to conceal their hatred of your rights and the lust for absolute power.

While America was enjoying Christmas with family and friends, one of the most egregious pieces of legislative tyranny was introduced to Congress. This was deliberately timed to pass without attention because the framers of this conspiracy know exactly the level of treason they are trying to commit.  If we as Americans quietly accept this as mere politics, we are truly doomed to tyranny.  The legislation proposed is absolutely nothing short of the government giving itself the power to abolish the Constitution along with your rights without regard for the amendment process and rule of law.  Every sponsor of this bill should not only be recalled immediately from office, but placed in jail to await a trial on the charges of conspiracy and treason.

For reference, compare the language of the bill with the Second Amendment. Anyone with even basic intellect should immediately realize they are legally incompatible and the former is a direct attack and violation of the latter.

“To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.” H.R.4269 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2015

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Second Amendment of the United States Constitution

For those of you that read LMS on a regular basis, you know that I have clearly laid out time and again the agenda to ban and confiscate your firearms. You can read many of these articles to include my three part series (Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”) at  What you will see is that I the government is following the script I forecasted would play out almost to the letter.  This is very ominous.  Based on the language and number of sponsors of the bill, it is conclusive evidence of a Washington conspiracy to not just limit, but outright ban and confiscate firearms in the United States. Read more

Gun owners are labeled terrorists by the Attorney General: You must challenge the government’s narrative on “excessive” guns and ammunition

As the terrorist attack played out in San Bernardino, the propaganda machine spun into high gear. Even before it was finished, Islam had been exonerated and instead, you were made to believe it was caused by people with too many weapons.  Is having “too many” guns bad?  What exactly constitutes too many guns?  Is it a “stockpile” or “arsenal” and what exactly defines that?  Is it a few guns?  Is it a black rifle and a pistol?  Is it a box of .22 rounds?  You better know because your Attorney General Loretta Lynch uses this seemingly unknowable number to define a terrorist.  You heard that right.  Even if you have even just one rifle you have an “arsenal.”  Not a couple, not a few, not a dozen, not even a hundred rifles…just one gun with barely enough rounds to train with and you are a terrorist by the definition of the Attorney General of the United States.  It would be easy to dismiss this as the foolish ramblings of an imbecile, but this is deadly serious.  Lynch is not joking and knows exactly what she is saying.  Her statements are just a small part of a coordinated plot to recast legal gun owners as terrorists and then deal with them accordingly.

It was obvious from the very beginning of the shooting spree in San Bernardino that the government knew the shooters were radical Islamic terrorists and were trying to cover it up. Immediately, the White House and its media drones began deflecting attention from the radicalized Muslim terrorists to the fact they had guns.  This was not accidental.  This was pre-orchestrated plan to redirect the blame of any attack resulting from the President’s disastrous policies onto your Bill of Rights in order to demonize and destroy those freedoms.  Disagree?  Let’s look at the available evidence in the mass media.  Read more

Counterterrorism 101: How to quickly mitigate 85% of the Islamic terrorist threat in the US

In spite of the hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on defense and intelligence, our nation has once again failed to prevent an Islamic inspired terrorist attack on our soil.  Nonetheless, we are told that we must accept massive domestic spying and surveillance or we will not be safe even though these unconstitutional, Orwellian programs have never prevented a single attack.  Considering the amount of manpower, money, and technology dedicated to counterterrorism operations that still fail, one could easily conclude that rooting out Islamic extremists is just too difficult.  However, nothing could be further from the truth.  Terrorism is not a new phenomenon.  There are plenty of effective strategies to combat terrorism.  Some are more palatable than others, but agree or not, these strategies have been proven effective.  The problem is that our government not only refuses to acknowledge these viable options, but will brutally attack and smear anyone that tries to sensibly address these shortcomings of our “War on Terror” and domestic counterterrorism efforts.  Today, I am going to talk about the easiest and by far the most effective counterterrorism measure, which the government refuses to employ at our expense.  However, it is up to you whether or not you are now willing to take decisive action against the growing war with fundamentalist Islam or incur the risk and wait till it gets worse.  Either way, I promise you that decisive action, no matter how unpalatable, will ultimately be forced on you and the longer you wait, the more painful it will be for everyone.

The government would make you believe that without the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), etc. all spying on you, it is impossible to insure your security.  This is bogus logic.  There is strong evidence to support that domestic surveillance is actually counterproductive to preventing terrorism because it creates a huge amount of distracting data.  Further, if there really are terrorists all over the country ready to attack us and these programs work, then we should be intercepting them planning the attacks routinely.  Let me pose some simple questions to you and allow you to use some basic logic.  Do you ever wonder how the government knows there are terrorists all over?  If the government can know these enemies are here, then why don’t they arrest them or do something about it?  Further, if we already know so much about these extremists and their plans, why do we need to continue to spy on our own people when even the government admits the programs don’t work?  The truth is we don’t and the fearmongering is used to grab more power and control the people.  It doesn’t take a whole lot of money or technology to weed out your extremists and you certainly do not need to violate the Constitution.  However, it may require you to offend some people and not be politically correct.  It is amazing that today we will race to undermine our Constitution and destroy our civil liberties, but fight doggedly against any notion of hurting the feelings of someone that wants to kill us and destroy our civilization.  I am treading dangerously close to sounding like a suddenly well informed Donald Trump here, but we really do need to get our priorities straight.  Until we fix this, the evils of political correctness and tolerance will walk us right into a disaster as a nation.

So here it is…the grand plan for security the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on spying, surveillance, analysts, and bombs could never bring you.  To root these terrorists out Read more

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest believes Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from serving as president

It is said that if it wasn’t for double standards, Democrats wouldn’t have standards.  Case and point was demonstrated this week when White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated Donald Trump should be disqualified from serving as president because his comments about preventing Muslim immigration to the US were unconstitutional.  If Josh wasn’t a hypocrite, I would welcome this as great news.  I hate to break the news to Josh, but the Constitution doesn’t bar the government for setting standards on immigration to include racial and ethnic quotas.  However, the Constitution explicitly prohibits the government from engaging in infringements on free speech, the right to bear arms, and privacy specific to one being secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures in the first, second, and fourth amendments respectively.  These three amendments have been so heinously violated and perverted by both parties of our government, they are no longer recognizable.  Nonetheless, I agree with Josh that no one should be serving as president to violate the Constitution so let’s extend his logic to the rest of the candidates.

“The fact is what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president,” said Earnest referencing Trumps statement to ban Muslims from immigrating to the USA.  He then when on to clarify that every president must take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify.  I ask that this be equally applied to all candidates.  In fact, based on Josh’s criteria, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders should be immediately disqualified.  Further, his boss, President Obama, should be disqualified.  This trio sets the bar for unconstitutional actions, statements, and policies.  Specifically, all three should be eliminated for calling for outright gun confiscation, which even the most brainless of the left have to admit is irreconcilable with the Second Amendment.  Further, all have either voted for our ordered unconstitutional domestic surveillance of citizens without any due process, which is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.  I am also pretty sure using the Justice Department to investigate and harass journalists is also prohibited.  At this point we should also throw in assassinating US citizens without due process and invading sovereign nations without cause or authorization.  By Earnest condemning Trump’s comments, he also is treading dangerously close to the government abridging Trump’s right to freely express himself.  Trump has no authority at this point and is speaking as a free man, but Earnest is in a government position.

The Democrat candidates are not alone.  Most of the cast of characters running for the Republican nomination also have a checkered record when it comes to supporting the Constitution.  Read more

The problem isn’t Islamic Terrorism it is guns according to Emperor Obama

I wrote the following paragraph on October 19th this year as the first of a three part series explaining exactly how gun control and then confiscation would be enacted across the US.  After President Obama’s speech tonight indicting the Second Amendment as the root cause of terrorism inside the US, I thought it was a good time to reintroduce my three part series.

As we wait for the latest round of unconstitutional acts by President Obama respective of his so called new “executive orders” on gun control, which would be better described as edicts, the only question is how far the President will overstep his constitutional authority this time.  In some ways, I hope he oversteps and the backlash catches the Left by surprise and sets them back significantly in the elections.  However, the people we are dealing with are not political amateurs and are masters of spin so I would expect the long war to continue against our nation and culture.  To this end, I would expect more highly politicized false flags used to finalize the “justification” for gun control in the near future.  To those of us not in a propaganda induced coma, we will see that these false flag events exactly for what they are.  We will intuitively know they were not the result of guns; but rather, the result of a nation that has allowed itself to lose its cultural identity and moral foundations, a nation that has become addicted to violence and mind altering drugs, a nation that has been subverted from the inside.

I have to admit, I am sounding very redundant when I say “I told you so,” but only through making repetitive connections will many of the masses understand that what is going on is not random.  Random acts by their very nature cannot be accurately predicted.  However, when something such as the elite’s gun control agenda can be predicted so specifically in advance, one must at least consider the fact that this is indeed a planned and highly orchestrated effort from the top to disarm and subjugate the United States.  I am sure some of you that have just started reading my articles will be asking how exactly then will this occur.  Well, I detailed the general progression of this plot below in Parts II and III of my series on gun control.  If you are concerned about being disarmed, and you should be, then you need to read all three posts, which lay out the elitist agenda, how it will unfold, and how you can resist it.

Part II:

Part III:


Guiles Hendrik

December 6, 2015

America is fed up with Obama’s lies: America puts boots on ground in Syria as predicted by LMS

It should come as no shock to our readers that the Third Iraq War President Obama initiated has already faltered.  As predicted, the strategy (or lack thereof see: did not achieve the desired results so now the Department of Defense (DoD), no doubt testing the waters for the White House, is requesting boots on the ground.  As we warned, mission creep is a dangerous thing and would plague this operation.  What started with just a handful of “advisors,” grew into airstrikes in Iraq and then Syria, then over a thousand troops “on the ground,” and now US troop levels in Iraq will soon reach 3,000.  When this new batch of advisors fails to stop the growth of ISIL, expect Obama to retract another “promise” and have “no choice,” but to commit US combat personnel to the fight in Iraq.  Soon, just like in Vietnam, Obama will be steadily sucked into another full blown war in Iraq that the US will neither win nor be able to afford.

This introductory paragraph could have been snatched from today’s headlines detailing how President Obama walked back his repeated promises not to put American “boots on the ground” in Iraq. However, it is a verbatim cut and paste from an article I wrote just over a year ago predicting EXACTLY what is occurring.  See:  Not so ironically, you didn’t hear the radio and talk show hosts and other “enlightened” pundits detailing this foreseeable reality a year ago because they are hacks.  However, today the airwaves have been alive with people taking notice.  Savage, Hannity, Beck, Wilkow, O’Reilly, etc. all have been detailing how the President lied and how the strategy they supported to bomb ISIL has not worked.  I say better late than never to the party, but American’s need to wake up now. Read more

Part III: Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Post Confiscation Orders and the Resistance

When the government decrees you must turn in your weapons, the question is whether you will comply or resist. Consider this question carefully because the implications and consequences will not just affect you, but generations.  Make no mistake, firearms, once confiscated, will never be returned.  They will be destroyed.  The companies that make them will be put out of business, their machinery sold, and their employees put out of work.  Guns and gun related activities form a multibillion dollar American industry and our economy will immediately suffer.  Far worse though will be the right to bear arms as we currently enjoy it will not be reinstated until after our nation suffers incredible pain and hardship if we ever get it back.  Once America disarms, there will be no going back no matter whether the government turns benevolent or brutal because the ultimate means of popular resistance will have been foolishly discarded.  Fortunately, contrary to what the government propaganda would like you to believe; we actually have an enormous amount of power to successfully resist any confiscation attempt and can, if we collectively act, non-violently stop this draconian movement.  Read more

Part II of The Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Part II: The Gun Ban is Announced

Last night I spoke of how to resist encroaching gun control laws and regulation. However, I admitted that we are fighting a rigged game and that I fully expect to see a gun ban in the near future.  As this ban goes into effect, you can expect to see it follow a set pattern.  However, unlike other countries around the world to include Australia, Canada, and the U.K., the US will not follow the script, which I will discuss in “Part III: Resistance.”  In short, gun confiscation means major chaos is in the future for the US.  Unfortunately, I don’t think this is avoidable at this point so it is best to spend your time preparing.  Here is how you can expect it to play out.

The march toward total gun confiscation in the US has been a gradual one. It hasn’t been an easy fight and has been resisted the entire way by sensible Americans.  In fact, recently, the pro-gun lobby has won numerous major successes in court.  Nonetheless, today we are still standing on the edge of the gun ban cliff and looking into the abyss as a free nation.  Taking stock of the situation, we must recognize some hard facts working in favor of the elitist cabal dedicated to your total disarmament.  The ballot boxes have been stacked by illegitimate voters, the system to include judges and educators is now filled with Leftist operatives, the latest generation to come of age has been brainwashed to view all guns as evil, our population has lost its morality, and we no longer collectively view an armed populace as a necessary element of a free state.  As bad, the majority of our population is constantly is some state of drug induced mental paralysis whether by illegal drugs such as heroin and marijuana or legal drugs such as alcohol and anti-depressants.  This mass sedation makes the population far easier to manipulate, control, and ultimately convince to willingly enter oppression and slavery.  We are so close to a gun ban that if only a handful of seats change hands in the House and Senate an avalanche of new gun control legislation to include the UN’s Gun Ban Treaty will move forward.  Further, it is probable that even with a Republican controlled Congress they will still sell out their constituents and side with elitist interests by embracing gun control.  To illustrate this point, remember Mitt Romney had a far worse record of gun control than even Bill Clinton.  As such, don’t be surprised when another major “mass shooting” event is staged and used to justify the final push to ban firearms in the US irrespective of who “controls” Congress and sits in the White House.

When the order is given for Americans to disarm and turn in their weapons, it will come in phases just like it has occurred repeatedly in other countries. Read more

Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Part I:  Before the Ban

When a leading presidential contender can come out and openly suggest we should begin gun confiscation in the United States and her statements are treated as legitimate we have major problems. Instead of being run off stage as a treasonous traitor, Hillary Clinton was lauded as wonderful “progressive” for her insistence that it is time for guns to be banned in the US like in Australia.  Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton has your best interests in mind when she politicizes tragedy to push not just a gun “control” agenda, but an outright gun “ban” is insane.  Let’s be honest, her policy is all about total power and control.  Life under Hillary Clinton’s rule is a world of tyranny.  So what can we expect, how will a gun ban happen, and is there anything I can do about it?  I discuss these topics in this two part series.

It should come as no surprise to my readers that the Left has long sought to achieve a total gun ban. The communist insurrectionist forces in the US knew they couldn’t do this all at once or they would risk being exposed and run out of the country.  Instead, they camouflaged their intentions as a humanitarian movement to protect you and incrementally began banning and regulating out of existence every weapon, bullet, and means of producing, selling, or buying the former items.  Further, in a closely coordinated propaganda campaign for your mind, the Left cleverly has been bombarding American minds daily with disinformation designed to convince Americans that by disarming they would achieve a better life.  Of course you are awake and know this to be patently false.  However, it is now clear the time has come when the Left feels comfortable that you have been brainwashed enough that they can lift the veil and begin to openly discuss their true intentions.  Read more

Russian transfer of S-300 Air Defense System may force Israeli to initiate war with Iran before winter

Over two decades ago, I began warning that United States’ policies in the Middle East could set the US and world on a trajectory for a major war. Unfortunately, every major policy decision the US has made has exclusively served the interests of the global elite to the detriment of humanity. The trajectory set by these policy decisions has moved the world closer and closer to a full blown world war. More recently, I have warned that the Obama Administration was walking a dangerous foreign policy line in the Middle East that if mismanaged, could lead to horrific consequences. Today, it is become blatantly clear to all but the most ideologically blinded that Obama and his amateur staff have chosen incorrectly and created a perfect storm in the Middle East that will likely lead to a full scale regional war. The culmination of these decisions, no matter their motivation, has set the stage for a showdown between Israel and Iran that is now most likely irreversible. This showdown is what I have previously described as the worst case scenario that must be avoided at all costs. The consequences of which will be catastrophic for not just the Middle East, but the US and the rest of the world. As recently as August, news broke that could finally force Israel into unilateral action against Iran, which will pull the entire region and the US into war, collapse the already sick global economy, and usher in the New World Order.

The event I am speaking of is the Russian announcement that it will move forward with the transfer of S-300 Air Defense Systems to Iran. These sophisticated air defense systems are capable of detecting and successfully interdicting aircraft flown by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) as well as ballistic missiles, drones, and cruise missiles. The potency of this air defense system will alternate the current military balance of the region and has Israel on edge. Read more

Planned Parenthood Now Using Elementary School Students in DC as Human Shields

The latest in an ongoing stream of atrocious behavior by Planned Parenthood was exposed this week in Washington, DC. Just as new videos surfaced of Planned Parenthood executives flippantly discussing how they kill babies and sell their body parts for maximum profit, Planned Parenthood had the audacity to open its newest facility directly across the street from Two Rivers Elementary School in Washington, DC. The placement of this new facility puts children as young as three years old within meters of this murderous facility and in grave danger. The location is not an accident. Planned Parenthood knows that by being next to a school it not only has fertile hunting grounds for its next generation of victims, but that any protesters will face far more difficulty because they must operate in the vicinity of a school. Beyond the obvious moral and ethical issues posed by killing babies beside an elementary school, there are very real safety and security concerns. Not only are massive protests being rightfully held outside of the facility, but in the event of another abortion clinic bombing or shooting, the students of Two Rivers would certainly be wounded and killed.

From the beginning, this facility was done in an underhanded, reckless manner. For starters, the facility was approved quietly by the extremely leftwing DC council, which ignored the heinous revelations about their operations and the moral indignation it has justifiably ignited across the nation. In fact, there was neither prior consultation with the parents of Two Rivers Elementary and the adjacent middle school, nor was there any real debate on the location of this facility. Further, there was no discussion about security and safety of the hundreds of children that must pass by and attend classes within the immediate vicinity of this clinic and protestors. Neither the city nor Planned Parenthood has done anything to mitigate the clear dangers to these children and are legally negligent and culpable should anything happen. Read more

Last Minute Survival Analysis Confirmed: Former head of Defense Intelligence Agency confirms US leaders committed the treason of the century when US secretly created terrorist organization known as ISIS/ISIL/IS

Well, once again, I told you so (see and search term “ISIL”). It baffles me how so often people are either willfully ignorant or naively trusting of government even in face of a nearly uninterrupted history of abuses. In just one more case of government deceit and treachery, the truth has finally emerged about how the worst Islamic terrorist organization to emerge in our lifetime rose to power. The truth is the United States armed, trained, equipped, and advised ISIS/ISIL/IS terrorists to carry out the policy plans of the global elite, just as I have explicitly stated for years. This illegal action, more than any other recent revelation, should confirm once and for all that the entire “war on terrorism” has been a manufactured lie from the very beginning. The terrorism “big lie” was fabricated to serve the interests of the global elite. The terrorism boogeyman was created, nursed, and used to convince you through fear, propaganda, and false patriotism to surrender your rights and freedoms in the name of “security.” Now that the truth is out, it is time to use our legal system to root out these enemies of the state by indicting, prosecuting, and punishing every single military and political leader involved in the treason of the century against the US.

Nobody less than the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Flynn, just confirmed that the US knowingly supported Islamic terrorists to form the organization known as ISIS/ISIL/IS. Let me state this again in simple terms so there is zero misconception. The United States secretly and willfully, with full knowledge of the disastrous consequences, set up bases, provided weapons, training, and funding, and then provided intelligence and advisor support to the worst known Islamic terrorists in the world to overthrow a nation that had done nothing to the United States. These terrorists were known at the time to be actively seeking to kill all Christians, crush the West, and specifically destroy the United States. These terrorists were dedicated to killing Americans and many had already taken part in operations against US personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nonetheless, the secret program was ordered so that the ultra-wealthy oil cartels could build a gas pipeline and get richer, undermine Russia, and placate the Israeli lobby in the lead up to a war with Iran. Read more

If You Like Living in a Police State, Vote for Jeb Bush

For those not already nauseated by the constant spin surrounding the bought candidates vying to seize power as President of the United States, you may have caught Jeb Bush’s comments he made at the National Security Forum in South Carolina. Jeb Bush clarified for the world a number of key facts about who he is, what he believes, and where he stands on issues. In short, he is not compatible as the leader of a free republic and certainly should be disqualified as anything more than a traitor to freedom and liberty.

To summarize Jeb Bush’s positions, it is worth beginning with the fact he has nothing but contempt for the Fourth Amendment and the Constitution. In fact, it appears he disregards the rule of law completely and believes, like President Obama, that the presidency affords him unlimited power. He utterly dismisses civil liberties arguments respective of governmental overreach and clearly wants a bigger, more powerful police state. Specifically, he stated that NSA’s domestic spying program needs to be expanded and made more powerful. I guess intercepting and storing every single electronic transaction, statement, text, email, and phone call to name just a few areas of focus isn’t Orwellian enough for Jeb. He also stated that he couldn’t find a single example of how NSA’s spying violated the law. Clearly Jeb must be constitutionally illiterate or more likely thinks a president is not subject to the rule of law and checks and balances of our constitutional republic. Read more