Archive for Presidential Election

SOFREP’s Most Important Story Reveals How US being Tricked into WWIII

Jack Murphy, an author at SOFREP recently had the opportunity to interview Syrian President Assad.  Whether or not you like President Assad, you need to hear Andrew Wilkow’s short interview with Jack about the meeting broadcast on The Wilkow Majority radio show.  Jack may not realize it, but his observations are accurate and completely contradict Washington’s talking points.  To be specific, our government is lying to us about Syria.  If you do not get smart about the real facts on the ground that Jack discusses, you will be tricked into World War III by your propaganda masters.

As I have detailed from the beginning, the war in Syria has been engineered by global elites using terrorist proxies.  (See  These special interests are solely interested in advancing their own agendas and care not for the damage it does to others.  If successful, their strategy will result in disastrous strategic consequences for the region and the US.  Read more

Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia

I am not being dramatic when I say our Vice President just unilaterally declared war on Russia.  In diplomatic circles, the phrase “words mean things” is quite literal.  This week, none other than the second most powerful leader in the world flatly announced the US was going to attack Russia.  Make no mistake, this was not understood by the world as a warning.  This was a declaration.  Now that the “Crazy Joe” Biden has by de facto started World War Three what happens next? Read more

Thank You Russia: My Open Letter to President Putin

If no one else will say it, I will.  Thank you Russia for exposing the rampant corruption in our government and their crony relationships with those in the media and corporate world.  The truth is the truth no matter who it comes from.  America is better for it.  Exposing the rampant corruption was long overdue.  The leaking of the emails didn’t “manipulate” our political system as claimed by the guilty any more than the presentation of evidence “manipulates” the jury during a criminal trial.  However, at this point, no actual evidence has been produced that proves Russia was behind the email hacks despite the unfounded accusations by those exposed.  In truth, it matters little who is behind the hacks and I will not let that become a distracting issue.  The party responsible is a hero and friend of freedom.  We cannot let the biased and corrupt media continue to create the narratives.  This is not about how to retaliate against Russia.  Let’s make this one thing clear.  It is about how to retaliate and permanently remove every single one of those corrupt traitors of our Republic within the establishment exposed by the leaks.

All Americans should be not just alarmed, but furious about these revelations.  It is time the middle class demand their day and take to the streets in a focused manner or prepare to accept living in a dictatorial banana republic with all the pain, poverty, and suffering that goes along with it.  It is a sad day for America when those trusted to be the watchdogs of the government such as the press have not only abdicated in their mission, but completely sold out.  We must financially bankrupt the media by boycotts and lawsuits until they are all bankrupt and exiled from this nation.  Today the news media operates as the direct propaganda arm of the government and covers for its criminal actions.  It is directly involved in the cronyism and corruption that must be defined as a major criminal enterprise. Read more

Prepper Update of World Events for Week of October 10, 2016

The following summary of recent world events is decidedly negative.  This is not due to overt pessimism as much as the facts are just plain bad.  In fact, I didn’t even include events like the effects of Hurricane Mathew, the attack on our warship off the coast of Yemen, and the assassination of more police around the US.  The world is not getting any safer and indicators are all pointing to things worsening as we move into late fall and winter.  The following are major events you should be taking note of with short comments.

  • Situation in Syria: Syrian government forces backed by Iran and Russia continue to pound Aleppo and are nearing a strategic breakthrough.  All actors in Syria recognize that if Assad is able to recapture Aleppo from the Islamic extremists it will be the beginning of the end for Washington’s terrorist proxies in Syria.  As such, there is panic from Doha to Washington.  The terrorist coalition knows that it is now or never for major intervention, which may force the White House to order direct strikes against the Syrian regime, which undoubtedly will be countered by Russian retaliation.  This creates the potential for a rapid outbreak of a major regional war that could go global.  We have effectively arrived at the point I have repeatedly forecasted would occur in Syria where either Moscow or Washington accepts a massive strategic policy defeat or there is a major war…perhaps both.  This is inescapable at this point.  The best case scenario is if the US backs out by aligning with Russia to defeat ISIL and negotiate a peace deal that leaves the regime in place for now.  This is highly unlikely and if Hillary Clinton is elected, all but impossible.
    • I am forecasting that the US will continue to spread false anti-Assad and anti-Russian propaganda to drum up war sentiment in the US to prepare the public for the announcement airstrikes against Syrian military positions.  If the neo-cons within the establishment get their way the air strikes will happen, but there will be an immediate cost to US forces.  Russia will defend its positions on the ground and engage any US forces that directly threaten Russian lives and interests.  In this event, it is possible we will witness the first combat losses of US Fifth Generation Fighters, which Washington is rightfully terrified will occur.  The loss of these jets will show everyone how much superiority the US has lost against countries like China under Obama.  This will jeopardize the multi-billion dollar acquisition program that has been riddled with corruption, failures, and delays.  As such, it is far more likely Washington will lead with cruise missile and drone strikes that are easier to deny and hide if they fail to achieve their objectives, but are also much less likely to achieve decisive results.

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While World was Distracted Iran Received the S-300 Missiles that Could Lead to World War III

While the world has been distracted by the quickening of the dissent into global chaos, it was easy to miss a major even that occurred this week.  Russia delivered the first batch of S-300 missiles to Iran.  The missiles were the last component needed to make their previously delivered S-300 Air Defense System fully operational.  This may signal Russia is moving forward with a more aggressive foreign policy to counter the US military’s growing list of provocative actions.  Further, two countries did not miss this major geostrategic event.  Israel and Saudi Arabia have been carefully watching and monitoring Iran for this event, which may prove to be a red line that at least Israel is unwilling to allow Iran to cross.  If true, the clock is about to run out for Israel to take unilateral action or be at the mercy of warming US foreign policy to Iran.  This could mean the outbreak of WWIII.

Make no mistake, the introduction of a fully operational S-300 Air Defense System in Iran alters the balance of power in the Middle East and Israel and Saudi Arabia know it.  It is possible Israel has developed counter measures to the S-300, but the mere presence of the system alone would fundamentally limit Israel’s ability to attack Iran’s nuclear sites.  Whether or not Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu reached a mutually acceptable deal on the sale and delivery of the system to Iran is unknown, but my guess is Israel protested vigorously.  Both the Netanyahu and Putin know that the air defense sale will significantly strengthen and embolden Iran, which is a sworn enemy of Israel.  Further, Iran is seen as a threat by the rest of the Sunni dominated Gulf-Arab countries.  Therefore, one must ask if this could trigger and war and if so, why Russia would finalize the sale and delivery.

I have previously warned and detailed why an operational S-300 Air Defense System is a major event that could trigger a war in the Middle East that goes global.  (See:  Read more

The plan to suspend open carry at the RNC is a dangerous setup

After the assassination of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Fox News began broadcasting comments from various “conservative” commentators demanding that Ohio’s open carry law be suspended in Cleveland for the duration of the Republic Convention.  This was a very scary precedent that Fox News seemed all too happy to endorse.  Thankfully, Ohio Governor John Kasich denied the request on quite legitimate grounds.  However, I fear something more insidious is afoot.

The mere consideration that laws protecting basic Constitutional Rights should be suspended is terrifying.  Let’s consider the precedent dictatorial police union leaders are setting by calling for the suspension of open carry in Ohio.  First of all, those calling for the ban base their demand for emergency powers on the fact three police officers over a thousand miles away were killed in a nation of over 320 million people.  If the bar in our nation for the institution of martial law is the death of three officers, we will be living under military rule by August.  What happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge is horrific.  However, if anyone thinks that draconian actions and suspension of our rights will make things better, they are not just stupid, but treasonous.  Our “rights” are not granted so they can be denied when we need them the most.  That is precisely when things are dangerous and difficult.

Second, Governor Kasich does not have the power to pick and choose which laws he would like to see enforced or not.  Can you imagine an executive such as President Obama with the ability to declare a state of emergency because of three deaths?  I am sure Obama could have it arranged and would certainly love for the public to give him the authority to immediately and arbitrarily suspend whatever laws he doesn’t like.  However, I am curious why anyone would think the man that has in a large part engineered and instigated this violence will do anything to stop it if he is awarded with more power? Read more

Global Updates July 12, 2016: World Chaos is Accelerating

It has been some time since I posted.  I apologize as a lot has transpired over the last two weeks.  To make up for lost time, I am going to give you the briefing points you need to know.

  1. South China Sea dispute heats up.  For those of you worried about the potential for WWIII, we just got one step closer today when the UN committee set up to arbitrate the territorial dispute between China and the Philippines ruled in favor of the Philippines.  Right or wrong, China utterly rejected the ruling and reaffirmed its self-perceived right to continue to economically and militarily develop the region as it sees fit.  This sets the stage for China to walk away from the international community to protect its interests while many smaller Pacific nations like Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan will feel emboldened to challenge China.  My prediction is this ruling will only fuel hostilities in the region and set the region on a collision course for war.
  2. The spread of superbugs in the US that are resistant to all known antibiotic treatments continues. For a second time in less than a month, colistin resistant E. Coli has been identified in the US.  The strain in question tested positive for the gene mcr-1, which makes it resistant to colistin, a last resort antibiotic.  Per my previous articles (search antibiotic resistant on the LMS homepage), the spread of resistant bacteria is increasing in frequency and could easily hit a breakout stage in the near future.  Once the mcr-1 resistant gene jumps to other resistant infections such as highly resistant Tuberculosis now being brought into the US by the thousands via illegal immigrants and refugees, it is only a matter of time before a true pandemic sweeps across the globe again.
  3. Obama is preparing to use wartime (Global War on Terror) martial law powers to ban and seize firearms for “national security.” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has been in secret talks with President Obama and other top officials to engineer “gun control” as a national security issue.  The intent, like with nearly every other “Right” under the US Constitution is to suspend the Second Amendment or make it virtually meaningless by using unconstitutional wartime interpretations and rulings of executive powers.  Their plan, like I have detailed repeatedly over the last decade (see:, is progressing on schedule.  Obama and his Leftist goons are intentionally inciting division and violence and fully plan to use the predictable violent outcome to justify “federal government” action and emergency powers that restrict firearms for “national security.”  After the events of Dallas and President Obama’s utterly despicable statements, it is clear that this administration is prepared to act as soon as this summer if more violence can be incited across the nation.
  4. Turkey continues to use “terrorist” attacks within its border as cover for supporting terrorists in Syria that vow to kill Americans. It is critical to understand Turkey has been proven to openly conduct false flag attacks against its own citizens to support President Erdogan’s radical agenda.  Most recently, Turkey has suffered a number of major attacks blamed on both ISIL and Kurdish rebel groups, but that is questionable to say the least.  True or not, Ankara wasted no time using the attacks to justify a Turkish military invasion of Syria.  However, the Turkish military has done nothing to destroy radical Islamic groups operating in Syria.  In fact, a closer analysis clearly shows that the Turkish military has instead been used to resupply radical Islamic groups to include the Al Nusra Front and ISIL/ISIS while smashing US backed Kurdish positions.  Ankara is determined to undermine Syrian President Assad and specifically has used its military to push back Kurdish positions in key blocking positions so that it could resupply radical Islamic fighters on the verge of being routed from Aleppo by Syrian forces.  If Syrian forces retake the lost ground and are again about to liberate Aleppo, expect to see another “terrorist” attack inside Turkey that will be immediately used to justify even greater military incursions into Syria to back radical Islamic extremist groups.  As Syria and Russia continue to mop up ISIL positions and approach Raqqa, I fear this could lead to another direct engagement with Russian forces, which could quickly plunge the region into a major war.
  5. US continues to lose ground in Afghanistan. President Obama signed off on increased troop levels in Afghanistan to help combat the Taliban.  In reality, the US completely ceded most of Afghanistan to the Taliban when Obama pulled the bulk of our forces out and our footprint in Afghanistan is getting more and more untenable.  It has gotten so bad, military logisticians plan up front to lose over 20% of any supplies shipped into Afghanistan because of the Taliban.  Further, Special Forces A-Teams are thinly spread across Afghanistan in a vain attempt to train and advise Afghan forces.  This WILL FAIL because the entire concept of training and advising is at best of limited value and at worst, counterproductive, but our brilliant military strategists are too stupid and indoctrinated to recognize the facts.  If a large contingent of forces are not recommitted under competent leadership to Afghanistan, the Taliban will likely begin to capture and hold major cities by years end and begin to directly threaten Kabul on a sustained basis as early as next summer.
  6. Number of US forces continues to quietly increase in Iraq as undeclared war continues. President Obama signed off on additional troop deployments to Iraq to support on-going efforts to recapture Ramadi, Fallujah, and Mosul from ISIL.  Like I predicted (see articles:, none of Obama’s faux “strategy” would prove effective and he would again prove to be a hypocrite and put boots on the ground, which he promised not to do.  To date, none of those cities have been completely liberated.  The long overdue offensive on Mosul is again delayed and most likely also going to fail.  At best, Iraqi forces will blast their way through the city, but will find it impossible to root out ISIL elements because the inhabitants of the city “ARE” ISIL.  The Sunni population in Mosul is hostile to the government in Baghdad and isn’t going to change anytime soon unless everyone in the city is killed.  It is important to note that even at the height of the Iraq War, the US military never fully pacified Mosul and was literally fighting in the city as President Obama unilaterally declared our surrender in Iraq.  The bottom line is this deployment of troops is another vain endeavor that will fail because it is led by incompetents.  No further understanding is necessary to KNOW this ends badly for the US and Iraqis.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 12, 2016

To serve in the military today is to swear an oath to destroy America and serve the global elite

Today, I watched as Secretary of Defense Carter gave “a major announcement” that transgender people will now be allowed to openly serve in the military.  As absurd as this should appear to a rational human, this was their “big” announcement.  I admit that I thought for a second this was going to actually be something legitimate the Department of Defense (DoD) was going to unveil like how to win the wars we have been fighting for over a decade and a half.  Rather than waste your time like Secretary Carter, I am going to get right to the important point.  The military is more concerned with pushing radical political agendas and creating special socially divisive rights for the Democrat’s electoral base than fighting and winning wars.  The only way to fix this problem is to utterly abandon the institution.  Whether or not you took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, this is the time to start drawing lines.  Fortunately, this doesn’t require anything beyond quite literally doing nothing.  The “most powerful military in the world” can literally be destroyed without firing a shot.  To reign in and stop the DoD we must starve it of human and financial capital until such time that it begs for our return on our terms.  My thesis argument is that only by utterly rejecting the military establishment by not serving or funding it can we fix it.  Read more

Memorial Day Weekend Message: How to truly help veterans according to veterans

I hit my saturation point with the Memorial Day weekend lip service and memorials to those who died “fighting for our freedoms.”  We can argue about previous generations, but the US has not fought a war for “our freedoms” in my lifetime.  The nebulous “War on Terror” has certainly not been about expanding or protecting freedoms and would have been better described as a “War on American Freedoms and Liberties.”  Not a single freedom has been expanded or “protected” by this war.  However, nearly every “right” provided by the Constitution of the United States has been in one form or another attacked, eroded, or outright ignored and flagrantly violated.  As such, today I am going to briefly discuss how you can honor your veterans and how to really help them if you are so inclined.

I am a multi-tour combat veteran and I have had friends wounded and killed in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  Telling the truth, identifying the real enemies, and not parroting patriotic feel good nonsense does not diminish their personal sacrifices or honor.  In fact, I speak for many veterans when I say that we are sick of the rhetoric and would much rather hear substantive discussions about issues that matter.  For example, why after a decade and a half can’t we get decent care at a veterans’ hospital and why can’t all of NATO to include the US, not win a war against some Pashtun villagers.  The military service members I served with are appalled by the political lies and deceit and want justice for those killed and wounded, not lip service.  Stop talking about the ridiculous notion we somehow “liberated” Iraq and brought democracy to the people.  Everyone with even the most basic knowledge of foreign affairs now knows the invasion of Iraq was completely illegal.  The true culprits behind 9/11 and the Iraq War were hiding in the Saudi and US governments and in every lobbying firm and think tank in between.  We want to know why not one of these enemies and traitors respectively were held accountable.  Further, we want to know why general officers were not resigning in mass protest of an obviously flawed and unsalvageable war strategy.  If the “strategy” was so good, why hasn’t it worked?  If it is a viable strategy, then why haven’t we fired the generals that have completely failed to achieve a decisive victory?  If you want to help veterans, demand the truth and accountability while dispensing with the patriotic rhetoric.    Read more

Pure Lunacy: Europe’s Sexual Education of Refugees

I don’t know if you have noticed in the news lately, but Europe has a major problem with skyrocketing sex crimes being committed by refugees primarily from the Middle East and Africa.  If anything, this is a serious understatement.  Countries like Sweden have gone from having effectively no reported rapes to literally thousands committed almost exclusively by foreigners.  In the German city of Cologne, this was also in focus as mainly Middle Eastern refugees went on a rampage sexually assaulting women all across the city on New Year’s Eve.  However, because of Europe’s Orwellian laws forbid free speech, the citizens of countries like Germany and the U.K. are punished under “hate speech laws” if they try to speak the truth or criticize their governments that sold them out.  If this wasn’t bad enough, the mental illness of the European leftist leaders was on full display when they announced that they were going to “fix” the problem (they created) by providing cartoons of “acceptable” forms of sex to the refugees.  This is shear insanity and will undoubtedly lead to the assault and rape of thousands more innocent Europeans.  We all need to take note because US government is imposing the same suicidal policies on America and what is going on in Europe will soon be coming to the US.

First of all, contrary to what the lunatics in charge of Europe profess; Islam will not assimilate with European values and culture.  Literally, 1,000 years of experience has repeatedly proven this fact.  Europe can offer all of its hard earned money and totally sacrifice its high living standards and quality of life at the altar of political correctness and acceptance, but it won’t change the fact that Muslims are not going to assimilate.  Muslims are outbreeding European Christians and soon by vote or force, will convert Europe to Islamic standards of living.  If any of these culturally suicidal idiots thinks this should be welcomed and is a positive change, I invite them to show me any Islamic country where the same standards of living to include quality of life, infrastructure, rule of law, and civil liberties are present.  That place simply does not exist.

Second, the need to “educate” refugees about sex clearly shows the ignorance of European leaders.  It shows that the elites preaching tolerance and equality are really are the ones concealing racist stereotypes by assuming Muslims somehow don’t understand right and wrong when it comes to socially acceptable actions and sex.  In fact, Muslims have some of the strictest laws and social codes in the world when it comes to acceptable conduct of men around women.  Disagree?  Try raping a woman or grabbing her breasts in Saudi Arabia.  You will be arrested and beheaded.  In fact, you don’t even need to commit sexual assault.  Just being seen with a man’s daughter out of wedlock is enough to get beaten or perhaps stoned to death depending on the degree of “dishonor.”  Muslims are acutely aware of what are acceptable laws of conduct and social norms.  Further, Muslims have no problem with sex.  They seem to have figured how to have sex on their own just fine.  Considering Muslims are outbreeding Europeans, perhaps it is the Europeans that need the training about sex.  The bottom line is that refugees aren’t committing sexual assaults out of ignorance to laws and socio-cultural norms; they are committing them as cultural acts of conquest.

Third, knowing that the sexual rapes and assaults have nothing to do with ignorance and everything to do with a criminal mindset, it is utter nonsense to even suggest that by showing a refugee a cartoon about “acceptable” sexual practices will fix a thing.  In fact, I am willing to bet anyone that no matter how much money and time is dedicated to this insane policy, rapes and assaults will continue to rise as long as the refugees are allowed to enter Europe.  If you think this education will work, consider this.  If a 30 second brief was truly sufficient to change established behavior such as the lifelong cultural norms of the refugees as the European elites try to suggest, we could have run a PBS special across the Deep South in the 1960s and completely eliminated racism.  If as I argue, the behavior is deviant criminal activity, then we could just walk into prisons and tell rapists and murders that what they did was wrong and then release them.  In both cases, the suggestion that this “education” would work is absurd.  This madness would be laughable if it actually wasn’t being pushed in countries like Germany as an actually viable solution to the mass rapes and sexual assaults being committed by the refugees.  The gross misdiagnosis of the problem to assuage politically correct stereotypes will only lead to further embolden these criminals.

Finally, let’s assume for a moment that it was somehow culturally acceptable for these refugees to commit rapes and sexual assaults in their home countries.  How will bringing more culturally likeminded refugees to Europe improve the situation?  It is clear that Europe has already crossed the culturally tipping point where European laws, customs, and norms were so diluted they ceased to matter.  You cannot bring the Middle East and Africa to Europe and think that Europe will remain European.  If you bring there here, here will become there.  This is the lesson for Europe and the warning for America.

The rhetoric and theory associated with the wonders of multiculturalism and diversity have been proven hollow and false.  They are the poisons of the West and not its salvation.  Ironically, some of the biggest champions of the social justice movement and political correctness, such as feminists, atheists, and the gay community, will be the ones to suffer the most when it comes to facing the reality of a predominantly Muslim Europe and America.  The feminists will see what a real war on women looks like, atheists will be executed, and the gay community will be persecuted back into the closest if not outright also executed under Islamic Law.  The peddlers of this political correct ideology are selling cultural poison and are treasonous assassins of Western Civilization and their host nations.  I for one am unapologetically proud of my European ancestry and its culture and all it has contributed to defining the very essence of civilization, freedom, and prosperity.  However, I will concede one point to the elites; the real enemy isn’t Muslims.  The real enemy is the elites that peddle this intellectual garbage and the loathsome self-hating Westerners that blindly accept this insanity as good, healthy, and normal.  They are the one’s responsible and they have the blood of thousands of innocents on their hands.

What is happening in Europe is coming to the US.  The flood of Muslim refugees into the West must be stopped.  America and the West are at war with the countries from where most of these refugees are originating.  Perhaps there will be a time to take Syrian refugees, but it isn’t now any more than it was time to take in millions of German and Japanese “refugees” during the middle of World War Two.  First you defeat the enemy, not invite him into your home.  The lies of the elite and their communist foot soldiers aligned under the false banners of social justice and tolerance have to be countered.  Fail in this regard and you will first face the collapse of your economy and quality of life under socialism like Venezuela and then have to live under an Islamic tyranny like Saudi Arabia.

By Guiles Hendrik

May 19, 2016

White House Planning to Send Weapons to Libya: What could go wrong?

Our leadership at the White House, CIA, Pentagon, and State Department are unbelievably incompetent, reckless, and corrupt.  I just can’t make this up.  In another example of the absolute rampant stupidity emanating from the White House and Department of Defense, it appears US policy is now to conduct another unsanctioned military invasion of Libya ostensibly to fight ISIS.  Apparently, the US is preparing to provide weapons and training to support select Libyan forces to help them repel the radical Islamic forces Washington previously backed in Libya in 2011.  You read that correctly.  Just like in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, the US is now arming factions to fight the very same radical Islamic jihadist factions it armed and supported just five years prior.  Watching this train wreck of policy unfold, I can only sarcastically ask, “what could go wrong?”  Read more

It is time to use antitrust acts to break up the most powerful monopoly in the United States…the two-party political system

Today’s post is perhaps one of the most important pieces I have ever written.  In it I write to how we as a nation can peacefully use the elements of our tattered legal system to reclaim our government from the establishment for the people it was designed to serve.  Right now, we are at a critical crossroads politically in our nation.  One road promises to be the fast and easy route to the good life where everything is free and no one is responsible, but this road only leads to our nation’s destruction.  The other road is small, difficult to navigate, and is very rough, but ultimately leads us back to a better place and salvation as a nation.  The question is will America make the hard choices necessary for long term prosperity and freedom or will it like so many other nations collapse into tyranny, corruption, poverty, and bloodshed.  Ominously, if historical precedent is any indicator, the future of our nation is a bleak.

I want everyone to think about how detrimental the consolidation of power by the establishment into two overtly separate, but covertly unified political parties in the US has been to our freedoms and liberties.  For over two hundred years we have been witness to a perpetual erosion of rights and freedoms while the government has exponentially grown, stolen incalculable amounts of wealth from its citizens, and created an insulated political class of elites.  All this time, as the power of the US Government was being consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, the government has perpetually attacked giant corporate monopolies and broke them into smaller companies.  This was done allegedly to promote fair competition, which has been generally viewed as acceptable government regulation of business for the good of the people.  Whether oil, telecommunications, or transportation the government has for over a hundred years waded into disputes using antitrust laws to regulate the conduct and organization of corporations to promote fair competition for the benefit of the people.  Ironically, nowhere is there a greater monopoly acting deliberately to limit fair competition at the expense of the people than in our two-party political system.  If you want a peaceful solution to fix our broken, corrupt, and rigged political system, it is absolutely critical, we the people, open antitrust lawsuits against these modern day political robber barons of our most precious liberties.

Why no one has suggested using the antitrust legal route to break up the political control of the party elites is up for debate.  However, I for one am going to lobby strongly for it and ask each of you to do your part to demand suit is brought against both parties.  Not once has this bar against monopolies been equally applied to our political system where it is needed most.  By suing both the Republican and Democrat National Committees as a business monopoly operating at the expense of the people, we actually could use the force of law to break the gridlock in our political system.  Imagine if a court broke the parties into a dozen pieces like Standard Oil, struck down their gerrymandering of districts, instituted term limits, removed the ability to receive huge amounts of cash from anonymous political action committees, and abolished the parties’ self-serving election regulations.  For the first time in generations a real election, with real candidates, could be put forward by the actual citizens of the US to run for office.  There could actually be a chance to see genuine quality candidates compete for the duty to serve their fellow citizens.

For those that are skeptical this is an applicable approach and can work, let’s look at the purpose of the antitrust acts.  First, antitrust acts are specifically designed to restrict the formation of cartels and prohibit other collusive practices regarded as being in restraint of trade.  Second, they restrict the mergers and acquisitions of organizations which could substantially lessen competition. Third, they prohibit the creation of a monopoly and the abuse of monopoly power.  Considering the purpose of antitrust acts, do they relate to our current political system?  Does the political monopoly in the US not represent a cartel that uses its influence to destroy any competition and rig the system like a cartel?  Does the political monopoly not put in place rules and regulations that prevent other parties and independent candidates from challenging their status quo control of power?  Does the political monopoly not abuse its power to favor the elites?  Does the political monopoly not openly reject the will of the people in popular elections and claim the ability to appoint whomever they choose to office?  Does the political monopoly not obliterate the ability to have free and open democratic elections?  Does the political monopoly not abuse the intent of a representative government to run only establishment favorites as elected “representatives?”  Does the political monopoly not enrich its senior members just like a corporation?  Does the political monopoly not restrain free trade?  Does the political monopoly not use its control of government to establish favorable trade agreements and deals for its establishment cronies at the expense of true free trade?  Does the political monopoly not accept tons of favors and donations from lobbyists to unfairly restrict or support mergers and acquisitions designed specifically to substantially lessen competition?  Ultimately, does the political monopoly not harm the citizens of this nation?

Both the Democrat and Republican political parties are every bit of a political monopoly and are a direct detriment to not just free trade, but a free republic.  If we can wake enough people up to the fact these corrupt parties of the establishment are no different than a giant cartel and should be broken apart using antitrust acts, we may have a legal avenue to directly attack the entrenched establishment at its core.  I see no quicker way to break up the political stranglehold these two parties have over our nation than to have a court rule against them in favor of the people using the legal precedents established in our antitrust acts.  I certainly don’t see a more peaceful way.  I can promise you this; we aren’t going to fix these parties by voting and playing by their rules.  The parties have had over two hundred years to make the rules of the game work in their favor.  This election year has demonstrated the parties’ grip on power quite well to all but the most blind and ignorant amongst us.  However, the establishment missed this legal vulnerability.  Please become active and take concrete steps to create this debate and push for antitrust action against both political parties.  At this point, we must exhaust all peaceful options at our disposal to try and avert the collapse of our country into a cesspool of leftist tyranny.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 14, 2016

Now is the time to split the Democratic Party and defeat the Leftists, but prepare for violence and chaos

Forget for the moment the broken Republican Party and focus on the civil war brewing within the Democratic Party.  Pending the outcome of the primaries in Wisconsin and New York where Bernie Sanders may not just do well, but beat Hillary Clinton; the Democratic Party may be headed for a major showdown.  In particular, if Bernie wins New York, it will be interesting to see if the delegates still vote for Hillary as many have publicly declared.  What is for sure is that Hillary must soundly win New York to prevent a disastrous split for the Democrats within the party.  In the event of a popular vote win for Bernie and a delegate win for Hillary, the party may fracture into violence or even split with Bernie launching an independent bid if Hillary remains the anointed nominee.  This would be a best case scenario for Republicans.  When Sanders’ anti-establishment success is considered holistically with Donald Trump’s popularity, it should give everyone hope that the people are finally waking up and rejecting the malignant establishment destroying our nation regardless of each voter’s specific motives.  In short, the opportunity presented by Sanders’ recent victories to split the Democratic ticket cannot be wasted.  However, as you will read, the awakening of the masses also is a harbinger of the evils an establishment unwilling to cede power will bring upon our nation so be aware and prepare. Read more

A Government of the Bureaucrats for the Globalists against the People

Anyone that stayed awake through their civics class will recognize the spin on this article’s title. No more do we have a government that is made up of the people, which serves the people’s best interests. No, today we have a government made up of career bureaucrats and a dynastically perpetuated political class that live extremely well on the ever increasing percentage of income the government extorts through force in the name of taxation from the dwindling few Americans still working. Further, this government is so far removed from the people, it neither has any idea what the daily life and struggles of the average citizen look like nor cares. They only answer to the globalists and the big banks. Anyone that points this out as something undesirable and organizes others to return to a representative system where the rule of law matters is considered a threat to their power monopoly. In fact, it has gotten so bad that the Orwellian Thought Police routinely label these law abiding patriots as terrorists and the “biggest” threat to the US. Step out of line and do something “revolutionary” like discuss your Christian beliefs or how you believe our system of taxation is nothing more than theft to benefit government cronies and you will find yourself “watchlisted” and labeled a terrorist. Ladies and gentlemen, this is truly perverse logic being peddled by “our” government. “Our” government has lost its way so badly it now considers the very people it draws its power and legitimacy from its number one enemy. The thought police appear under names such as the military, NSA, FBI, TSA, Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, and the Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, nearly every government agency today has become synonymous with Orwellian acts against the people and this should scare you to action. We must turn the tide against the criminalizing of free thought, dissent, and our national sovereignty or the Republic this nation was will be lost forever. Read more

Forget the issues with where Cruz was born; Hillary Clinton will be legally ineligible to hold office or a security clearance

I have had enough of waiting for the “In”Justice Department to do its job. If we fail to maintain the rule of law equitably in this country from the top to the bottom we have neither freedom nor a republic. Abolishment of the rule of law effectively abolishes the United States of America and replaces it with a despotic banana republic. The failure to equitably enforce the law is one of the gravest dangers to any free nation. It is an absolutely essential element of any free and civilized democratic nation. The agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation must uphold their duty at all costs to the equitable enforce the rule of law even when extending it to the very highest offices in this nation. In fact, making sure our most senior leaders are held the most accountable is an indispensable requirement to the function of our nation. By this bar, Hillary Clinton will not only be ineligible to hold any public office and should already have had her ability to obtain a security clearance revoked.

A citizen doesn’t have to be a US Attorney or federal agent to understand that the United States Code with respect to criminal offenses has been repeatedly and flagrantly violated by Mrs. Clinton. Further, based on the open source information that has already been released through FOIA requests, more than enough evidence is available for even the worst agent to assemble enough probable cause to go in front of any reputable judge and get either an indictment or directly obtain warrants for Hillary’s arrest. Other than for reasons of political corruption, it is insane to entertain any reason why national security has been allowed to lapse and “ALL” of Hillary Clinton’s emails and related servers were not immediately seized by the FBI. It is unprecedented that in a matter involving national security the suspect would be allowed to dictate the timeline and piecemeal subpoenaed evidence. This alone stands as a testament to the corrupting political influences that have already affected the prosecution of the case against Hillary Clinton. Further, there is no lawful explanation why all of the emails held by the Department of State have not been immediately turned over to the FBI. If there is a shortage of manpower to investigate the potential crimes committed, I would suggest that instead of shooting old cowboys in Oregon, the FBI would be better served focusing on real criminals.

Hillary Clinton is suspected of disclosing classified information. This isn’t a small issue or oversight. Now hundreds and perhaps thousands of emails were willfully and knowingly transmitted via unsecure means to uncleared persons that contained not just Secret, but Top Secret information. All of these facts are legally pertinent for a criminal conviction and all of the evidence is already publicly available. For those of you that believe that Hillary somehow unknowingly passed this information, you are not just incredibly naïve and or stupid, you are 100 percent wrong. Those of you that have worked in the intelligence community know the measures in place to prevent spills of classified information from the high to the low side. A by name, need-to-know access list is maintained for all Top Secret – Sensitive Compartmented Information or “TS-SCI” and Special Access Programs, “SAP.” One must be individually read in to SCI and SAP intelligence, which is handled in a very special manner and is physically separated from other types of intelligence. This type of highly sensitive intelligence to include the means by which the intelligence was gathered just doesn’t get out by accident or unknowingly because the system has been designed through trial and error by generations of intelligence experts to explicitly prevent such a disclosure. Let me be very clear to those that still don’t get it. The definition of Top Secret is: “containing or being information whose unauthorized disclosure could result in exceptionally grave danger to the nation.” “Exceptionally grave danger to the nation.” Let the gravity of the damage done by Hillary Clinton’s reckless use of a private server to hide her other illegal activities sink in. Someone so reckless as to disclose information that would cause “exceptionally grave danger to the nation” is under no uncertain circumstances, absolutely and positively unfit for any office. In fact, according to 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information:

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—
(1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or
(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes; or
(3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or
(4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

The law is clear. People that have committed far less crimes such as Private Bradley Manning are serving long sentences and rotting in jail. Others like Edward Snowden are living in exile for exposing illegal and unconstitutional activities. However, Hillary has jeopardized the most sensitive and damaging of US secrets and caused untold damage to our national security and still has the hubris to run for any office. The arrogance of this woman is unprecedented. I am not sure why over a hundred whiz kid agents at the FBI can’t put two and two together and get the damn indictment or preferably the arrest warrant and hold her without bail because she is a flight risk and could possibly receive asylum in another country in exchange for sensitive information she has been privileged to. As citizens, we need to drop the political partisanship and come together against what could be construed as high treason. The media in particular needs to drive home the fact Hillary Clinton is unfit, a criminal, and has caused extremely grave damage to our national security, which by definition can’t be undone.

Unfortunately, for a host of reasons, the list of federal crimes Hillary could and should be charged with doesn’t stop there with disclosing classified information. The clear cut obstruction of justice by not just Hillary, but her cronies within the Department of State to prevent the full and immediate release of all emails should also be charged. For a judge not to have invoked at least contempt at this late stage in the game can only be seen as political corruption because any “average” citizen would have long been thrown in jail. I tend to think that as soon as the minions found themselves facing criminal charges, things like snowstorms wouldn’t stand in the way of a prompt turnover of all Clinton emails. Further, I am willing to bet that more than a few cronies would turn state’s evidence against Hillary respective of far bigger crimes. Sadly, the FBI again seems completely incapable of breaking out the code book and matching her actions with criminal acts. To help, I have compiled just some of the counts that Hillary and her cronies should be facing with respect to contempt and obstruction:

• 18 U.S. Code § 401 – Power of court
o A court of the United States shall have power to punish by fine or imprisonment, or both, at its discretion, such contempt of its authority, and none other, as—
o Misbehavior of any person in its presence or so near thereto as to obstruct the administration of justice;
o Misbehavior of any of its officers in their official transactions;
o Disobedience or resistance to its lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree, or command.

• 18 U.S. Code § 402 – Contempts constituting crimes
o Any person, corporation or association willfully disobeying any lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree, or command of any district court of the United States or any court of the District of Columbia, by doing any act or thing therein, or thereby forbidden, if the act or thing so done be of such character as to constitute also a criminal offense under any statute of the United States or under the laws of any State in which the act was committed, shall be prosecuted for such contempt as provided in section 3691 of this title and shall be punished by a fine under this title or imprisonment, or both.

• 18 U.S. Code § 1505 – Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
o Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so

• 18 U.S. Code § 1519 – Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
o Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

The charge sheet doesn’t stop with contempt and obstruction. “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer is a very well researched and document book that alone would be enough to go to a Grand Jury and get an indictment for a laundry list of bribery, money laundering, conspiracy, and campaign finance crimes. One familiar with the case law knows that the bar for conviction is not high with particular respect to some of these crimes to include conspiracy. In fact, with bribery, one only needs to be indirectly linked to the bribe and the state only needs to show the accused was “influenced” by that bribe for conviction. Certainly anyone with an unbiased and operating mind can connect the dots between the millions the Clintons received in speaking engagements and Hillary making favorable decisions while in charge of the Department of State for those donors. At minimum, there is no question probable cause exists to open and investigation and conduct a full audit of the Clinton’s finances to include their daughter Chelsea, which received enormous salaries for positions she was unqualified for and effectively did nothing. If there can be any direct or indirect linkage between the Clintons receiving anything of value and a favorable decision being made for the specific donor, the case is made. What is also important to note is that if Hillary is found guilty of any of the bribery or corruption charges, by law, she will be ineligible to hold public office. The specific laws include:

• 18 U.S. Code § 201 – Bribery of public officials and witnesses
o (2) being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
o being influenced in the performance of any official act;
o being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
o being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;
o shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

• 18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
• 18 U.S. Code § 208 – Acts affecting a personal financial interest
• 18 U.S. Code § 602 – Solicitation of political contributions

I wish I could say that is all, but someone that has so flagrantly violated so many laws is not likely to have stopped with just these violations. A historical review of the Clintons supports this assessment because they literally have been involved in one scandal after another their entire lives. Some of these include their fraudulent real estate investments related to the “Whitewater” investigation, dodging the draft, perjury, use and trafficking of illegal narcotics, solicitation of prostitution, intimidation of witnesses, sexual assault, rape, and even possibly murder. One alleged criminal incident could be written off as perhaps someone trying to frame or malign them politically, but twice is highly suspect, and three or more times is exactly what it appears. Not just Hillary, but the entire family makes up the criminal elite of our nation. The Clintons are some of the most corrupt people and hold the highest levels of public office.

The evidence is overwhelming. The law is clear. It is the duty of the FBI, the Justice Department, and our courts to not only aggressively investigate, but to prosecute to the full extent of the law these criminals. Nowhere does the law give exception to criminal action because of high office. The Justice Department exists to protect us against just this type of criminal and I expect them to do their job. If they fail to indict Hillary, Congress should cut off all funding of the Justice Department and the agents should resign in protest. Any judge involved should be impeached. At least we could cut our losses and the agents could leave with some honor. However, understand that failure to indict Hillary will be a fatal mistake for our nation. Every agent and employee from the top down at the Justice Department needs to think long and hard about what the future looks like for their kids in a country where the leadership is above the law. The US cannot stand as a free and democratic republic if the rule of law is diminished. Lawlessness and anarchy will be that future.

By Guiles Hendrik
January 30, 2016


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest believes Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from serving as president

It is said that if it wasn’t for double standards, Democrats wouldn’t have standards.  Case and point was demonstrated this week when White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated Donald Trump should be disqualified from serving as president because his comments about preventing Muslim immigration to the US were unconstitutional.  If Josh wasn’t a hypocrite, I would welcome this as great news.  I hate to break the news to Josh, but the Constitution doesn’t bar the government for setting standards on immigration to include racial and ethnic quotas.  However, the Constitution explicitly prohibits the government from engaging in infringements on free speech, the right to bear arms, and privacy specific to one being secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures in the first, second, and fourth amendments respectively.  These three amendments have been so heinously violated and perverted by both parties of our government, they are no longer recognizable.  Nonetheless, I agree with Josh that no one should be serving as president to violate the Constitution so let’s extend his logic to the rest of the candidates.

“The fact is what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president,” said Earnest referencing Trumps statement to ban Muslims from immigrating to the USA.  He then when on to clarify that every president must take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify.  I ask that this be equally applied to all candidates.  In fact, based on Josh’s criteria, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders should be immediately disqualified.  Further, his boss, President Obama, should be disqualified.  This trio sets the bar for unconstitutional actions, statements, and policies.  Specifically, all three should be eliminated for calling for outright gun confiscation, which even the most brainless of the left have to admit is irreconcilable with the Second Amendment.  Further, all have either voted for our ordered unconstitutional domestic surveillance of citizens without any due process, which is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.  I am also pretty sure using the Justice Department to investigate and harass journalists is also prohibited.  At this point we should also throw in assassinating US citizens without due process and invading sovereign nations without cause or authorization.  By Earnest condemning Trump’s comments, he also is treading dangerously close to the government abridging Trump’s right to freely express himself.  Trump has no authority at this point and is speaking as a free man, but Earnest is in a government position.

The Democrat candidates are not alone.  Most of the cast of characters running for the Republican nomination also have a checkered record when it comes to supporting the Constitution.  Read more

Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”

Part I:  Before the Ban

When a leading presidential contender can come out and openly suggest we should begin gun confiscation in the United States and her statements are treated as legitimate we have major problems. Instead of being run off stage as a treasonous traitor, Hillary Clinton was lauded as wonderful “progressive” for her insistence that it is time for guns to be banned in the US like in Australia.  Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton has your best interests in mind when she politicizes tragedy to push not just a gun “control” agenda, but an outright gun “ban” is insane.  Let’s be honest, her policy is all about total power and control.  Life under Hillary Clinton’s rule is a world of tyranny.  So what can we expect, how will a gun ban happen, and is there anything I can do about it?  I discuss these topics in this two part series.

It should come as no surprise to my readers that the Left has long sought to achieve a total gun ban. The communist insurrectionist forces in the US knew they couldn’t do this all at once or they would risk being exposed and run out of the country.  Instead, they camouflaged their intentions as a humanitarian movement to protect you and incrementally began banning and regulating out of existence every weapon, bullet, and means of producing, selling, or buying the former items.  Further, in a closely coordinated propaganda campaign for your mind, the Left cleverly has been bombarding American minds daily with disinformation designed to convince Americans that by disarming they would achieve a better life.  Of course you are awake and know this to be patently false.  However, it is now clear the time has come when the Left feels comfortable that you have been brainwashed enough that they can lift the veil and begin to openly discuss their true intentions.  Read more

If You Like Living in a Police State, Vote for Jeb Bush

For those not already nauseated by the constant spin surrounding the bought candidates vying to seize power as President of the United States, you may have caught Jeb Bush’s comments he made at the National Security Forum in South Carolina. Jeb Bush clarified for the world a number of key facts about who he is, what he believes, and where he stands on issues. In short, he is not compatible as the leader of a free republic and certainly should be disqualified as anything more than a traitor to freedom and liberty.

To summarize Jeb Bush’s positions, it is worth beginning with the fact he has nothing but contempt for the Fourth Amendment and the Constitution. In fact, it appears he disregards the rule of law completely and believes, like President Obama, that the presidency affords him unlimited power. He utterly dismisses civil liberties arguments respective of governmental overreach and clearly wants a bigger, more powerful police state. Specifically, he stated that NSA’s domestic spying program needs to be expanded and made more powerful. I guess intercepting and storing every single electronic transaction, statement, text, email, and phone call to name just a few areas of focus isn’t Orwellian enough for Jeb. He also stated that he couldn’t find a single example of how NSA’s spying violated the law. Clearly Jeb must be constitutionally illiterate or more likely thinks a president is not subject to the rule of law and checks and balances of our constitutional republic. Read more